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2019-2020年高考英语北师大版一轮复习课时作业:语言朋友(69)One October morning, the sky was clear and the sun was shining.Bethany Hamilton decided to go _1_ with some friends in Hawaii.As one of the best teenage surfers in the world, the 13yearold American girl was planning to bee a_2_surfer.Cheerfully, she was lying on her surfboard, waiting for the next big wave.Suddenly, a big shark_3_her left arm and shook her backwards and forwards.Bethany held onto her board and the shark eventually swam away but it took her_4_ away with it._5_ , it attacked only once.It happened so fast that she didnt even_6_ .As Bethany started to swim back to the beach with one arm, her friends thought she was joking.But to her horror, they saw the_7_and rushed to help.Having lost almost half the blood, Bethanys_8_ was a miracle(奇迹), according to doctors.But she wanted to do _9_ just survive.“It never crossed my mind that I might never get on a surfboard again,” she recalled later, “I wondered whether I would actually be _10_to do it or not.But before I _11_ hospital, I had decided that I was going to surf.”With the support of her family, Bethany was_12_to get back on her board only one month after the attack.Her dad fixed a handle on her surfboard to help her paddle(划水) through and into waves.When she returned to surfing at a pletion in Hawaii, Bethany was_13_ in dangerous waves that broke her surfboard.As a result, she gave away her remaining boards and quit.She tried using an artificial arm, but it turned out to be_14_while surfing.After _15_in Thailand in the xx earthquake and helping homeless survivors who had lost everything,Bethany_16_her decisions to give up the sport she loved and_17_to try professional surfing again.Less than a year after the accident, she won first place in a surfing petition in Hawaii.And all her struggles and efforts_18_ when she won in a world championship years later.She also received several_19_ , including a special award for courage at the MTV Teen Choice Awards in xx and the Woman of the Year award from King Fahd of Saudi Arabia in xx.Her _20_, true story gained wider attention with the release(发行) of the film “Soul Surfer”解题导语:本文讲述了一心想成为职业冲浪运动员的贝瑟尼在被鲨鱼咬掉一只胳膊以后继续为自己的梦想而努力,最后取得了成功的故事。1A.swimming BboatingCsailing Dsurfing解析:根据第二段内容可知她决定和朋友去冲浪。故选D。答案:D2.A.professional BfreeCdream Dspecial解析:根据下文的“to try professional surfing again”可知她想成为职业的冲浪运动员。答案:A3A.touched BstruckCbit Dtook解析:根据下文她失去了一半的血可知选bit。句意:突然一只鲨鱼咬住了她的左胳膊,并咬着她前后摆动。答案:C4A.arm BsurfboardCfriend Dhand解析:根据下文她失去了一条胳膊可知选A。答案:A5A.Strangely BEspeciallyCSurprisingly DFortunately解析:句意:幸运地是鲨鱼只攻击了她一次。答案:D6A.think BfightCscream Descape解析:根据下文她的朋友们并不知情可知她没有发出尖叫。句意:这次袭击是如此突然以至于她都没有来得及尖叫。答案:C7A.shark BbloodCattack Dscene解析:根据常识及下文的“blood”可知选B。答案:B8A.survival BcourageCaccident Dinjury解析:句意:她的幸存是一个奇迹。答案:A9A.rather than Bmore thanCbetter than Dother than解析:句意:但她想要做的不仅是幸存下来,而是要继续追寻她的梦想。答案:B10A.suitable BluckyCstrong Dable解析:be able to do sth.“能够做某事”。句意:我从来就没有想过我不能再次踏上冲浪板了,我想知道我是否可以再次做这样的事情。答案:D11A.arrived BcameCleft Dentered解析:句意:在出院之前我就决定继续学习冲浪。其他选项不符合语境。答案:C12A.caught BnoticedClost Ddriven解析:句意:在家人的帮助下,人们发现她在被鲨鱼攻击之后仅仅一个月就又一次踏上了冲浪板。notice“注意到”。答案:B13A.hoped BmanagedCagreed Doffered解析:此处指人们都希望危险的海浪能够折断她的冲浪板,这样她就不会再有从事这项运动的想法了。答案:A14A.helpful BuselessCwonderful Dmeaningless解析:句意:她尝试着使用人造胳膊,但结果证明这也是没有用的,无法让她继续冲浪。答案:B15A.training BsettlingCtraveling Dvolunteering解析:根据下文“helping homeless survivors who had lost everything”可知她去当志愿者了。答案:D16A.reconsidered BrememberedCrecognized Drecalled解析:根据下文她获得冲浪奖可知,她又一次重新考虑放弃自己所喜欢的运动的决定了,并决定再一次尝试成为职业的冲浪运动员。答案:A17A.refused BstartedCdecided Dcontinued解析:参见第16题解析。答案:C18A.paid out Bpaid forCpaid in Dpaid off解析:句意:当多年以后她赢得世界冠军的时候,她的努力得到了回报。pay off“得到回报”。答案:D19A.gifts BhonorsCrewards Dpraises解析:句意:后来她又多次获得荣誉,包括获得xx年MTV Teen Choice Awards特别奖。答案:B20A.exciting BdangerousCinspiring Dadventurous解析:句意:她鼓舞人心的、真实的故事引起了人们的注意。inspiring“鼓舞人心的”。答案:C七选五People say going to college will change your life and that everyone should have the chance to challenge themselves with a college experience.But my parents never had that opportunity._21_All during high school I wondered if I would go to college and if I would have what my parents never had.I would think about my future, about college and what I wanted to do when I grew up.But then there were thoughts of not going, of believing what others said about college and thinking I had no chance to go.As I reached the end of senior year, I knew I needed to make a decision._22_ I felt somewhat sad.One day I was having a conversation with my volleyball coach.We talked all the time, but that day college was the topic._23_ However, what she told me was encouraging.Thoughts flew through my mind about what I wanted to bee and what colleges I might be interested in.She mentioned things I had no idea about, like scholarships and financial aid that could help you pay for college.All this information inspired me to continue.She told me about her college experience and all the fun times shed had._24_This conversation changed me._25_ If I hadnt talked with her,I wouldnt know where I would be today.I now want to make something of myself.I want to bee somebody that I wasnt before.I want to go to college.AShe knew my family could not easily afford my college expenses.BThey didnt have the money or family to help or motivate them.CIt made me feel fortable with myself and helped me believe in myself.DShe made the decision that she should continue her education.EShe told me not to miss out on it because I would regret it.FBoth my parents are very grateful to her for the advice she gave.GI didnt have money and knew my parents didnt either. 答案:2125 BGAEC


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