2019-2020年高考英语总复习 题组层级快练(十)外研版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语总复习 题组层级快练(十)外研版必修2.完形填空China is considering a reform plan on its College Entrance Examination, under which two separate test modes technical and _1_ will be introduced into the examination. Such reforms are badly needed, as the demand for highly-skilled professionals _2_ sharply in the context of the countrys economic restructuring.The test for technical mode will mainly _3_ the technical skills of those students who plan to bee _4_ and mechanical workers while the academic mode attracts those students who prepare to _5_ an academic career.Calls for reform of the current gaokao regime, under which students are admitted based _6_ upon their academic performance instead of practical skills, have been _7_ high in China in recent years._8_, the existing system has some merits, as it provides _9_ fair opportunities for all students, especially those from the poor areas, to change their _10_ through receiving higher education. But it has also been _11_ for having churned out (粗制滥造) college graduates with little practical skills, something that prevented them from _12_ decent jobs.Last year, China had 6.99 million college _13_ and only 77.4 percent of them have found a job, according to official _14_._15_, the fact that many college graduates cannot find a proper job does not _16_ mean China has too many talents. In many sectors, enterprises cannot _17_ the technicians and skilled workers they need.According to a xx sample survey of _18_ professionals in 40 cities conducted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, technicians and highly skilled workers account for _19_ 4 percent of the labor force, _20_ with an average 35 percent in developed countries.1. A. economic B. technicalC. historic D. academic2. A. rises B. fallsC. changes D. turns3. A. act on B. focus onC. reflect on D. operate on4. A. teachers B. officialsC. engineers D. writers5. A. create B. dislikeC. know D. pursue6. A. largely B. slightlyC. fully D. wholly7. A. standing B. keepingC. running D. flying8. A. Admittedly B. SupposedlyC. Excitedly D. Repeatedly9. A. pletely B. naturallyC. relatively D. reasonably10. A. past B. origin C. appearance D. fate11. A. criticized B. mented C. enjoyed D. regarded12. A. doing B. creating C. landing D. liking13. A. students B. graduates C. technicians D. employees14. A. data B. guess C. media D. instruction15. A. Besides B. Therefore C. Anyway D. However16. A. possibly B. importantly C. necessarily D. generally17. A. find B. raise C. accept D. support18. A. gifted B. retired C. devoted D. skilled19. A. less than B. more than C. rather than D. other than20. A. connected B. associated C. pared D. dealt答案与解析【文章大意】 众所周知,高考给不发达地区的孩子提供了改变命运的机会,但是它也存在一些弊端,目前国家正考虑对此进行改革。1. 答案 D解析 考查形容词。由下文中的the academic mode可知此处应用academic。2. 答案 A解析 考查动词。由语境Such reforms are badly needed可推知对高技术人才的需求急剧增加。3. 答案 B解析 考查动词短语。此处表示技术性模式的考试主要致力于考查那些学生的技能。focus on“致力于;使聚焦于”符合语境。act on“根据(建议、信息等)行事”;reflect on”思索”;operate on“动手术”。4. 答案 C解析 考查名词以及生活常识。工程师属于技术性人才,故选C项。其余几项teachers, officials, writers不属于技术性人才范畴。5. 答案 D解析 考查动词。pursue“追求;致力于”符合语境。既然选择“学术型模式”,说明他们想追求的是学术方面的职业。6. 答案 A解析 考查副词。此处谈论的是高考的现状,目前高考录取主要依赖考生的学业成绩,因此用largely。其他选项中的副词不符合语境。7. 答案 C解析 考查动词。由首句中的China is considering a reform plan on its College Entrance Examination,可知要求改革高考的呼声一直很高。run“持续”。8. 答案 A解析 考查副词。此处admittedly意为“诚然;无可否认”。由下文中的fair opportunities for all students,可知现存的体制的公正性得到了认可。9. 答案 C解析 考查副词。从下文语气的转折可知此处指“公平”是相对的,既然要改革,说明有不足之处。10. 答案 D解析 考查名词。高考可以改变学生的命运(fate),但不可能改变学生的过去(past);出身(origin)和外表(appearance)。11. 答案 A解析 考查动词。结合上下文可知,上文提到目前高考的优点,接下来用But转折,又谈到了高考的弊端,因此用criticized。12. 答案 C解析 考查动词。land“成功得到;捞到(尤指许多人想得到的工作)”。此处表示缺少实用技能阻止学生找到体面的工作。13. 答案 B解析 考查名词。由下文中的77.4 percent of them have found a job可知此处指毕业生。14. 答案 A解析 考查名词。由上文所说的77.4 percent可知此处指的是数据,故data“数据;资料”符合语境。15. 答案 D解析 考查逻辑关系。上文提到毕业生找不到工作,下文又说找不到工作并不意味着人才太多,上下文之间是转折关系,因此用However。16. 答案 C解析 考查副词。由上下文语境可知,毕业生找不到工作,未必意味着人才太多。not necessarily“不一定;未必”。possibly“可能地”;importantly“重要地”;generally“一般地”。17. 答案 A解析 考查动词。此处表示在很多行业,企业找不到他们所需的技术人员和技术熟练的工人,这与上文“找不到工作并不意味着人才太多”相吻合。18. 答案 D解析 考查形容词。由下文中的technicians and highly skilled workers可知此处选D项。gifted“天才的”;retired“退休的”;devoted“忠诚的”。19. 答案 A解析 考查语境选词。全文谈到高考改革,说明技术性人才缺少,因此用less than“少于”与之照应。more than“多于”;rather than“而不是”;other than“除之外”。20. 答案 C解析 考查动词。由上下文提供的数据可知,此处是在把中国的技术人员比例与发达国家的进行对比。.阅读理解Amazing Kids Magazine is very excited to bring you the first contest of xx a fiction writing contest. Pick out your favorite story you have written and submit it by March 31st. This contest is not just about winning or losing the most important thing is your participation! By participating, your stories will be reviewed for possible publication, so you can share your story with everyone. Show your talent to everyone by submitting a fictional story to us.The contest is open to all the kids from 6 to 17 years old. The age groups have been divided for judging as follows: 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, and 15-17.Rules and Regulations: Submissions must be emailed with “Amazing Kids! Fiction Contest” as the subject. Submissions must be an original fictional story with 1,500 words at most. It must be kid-friendly with no violence, inappropriate language, or adult themes. The stories should have an well-developed storyline with interesting characters. A title that presents the general storyline should be included. Submissions should be double-spaced with the authors name, real age (even if the story was written at a younger age) and city/state. They should be in a Word or PDF document titled with the title of your story and your first name. If you are submitting a story written when you were younger, your story will be judged in your current age group. Every person is allowed to submit at most 3 entries. Submit all entries to: editor amazing-kids. org.Prizes:The top winners in each category will receive a $ 25 Amazon Gift Card. The winners will be announced in the magazines website on May 1st.Put on your thinking cap and create the most interesting stories ever. We look forward to reading your entries!1. You would like to take part in the contest probably because _.A. you are sure to win itB. you have been invited by itC. you can show your different interestsD. it offers a chance to publish your story2. If you are just ten years old, your story will be judged in the age group of _.A. 6-8 B. 9-11C. 12-14 D. 15-173. Which of the followings is TRUE according to the rules of the contest?A. Your story should be written by yourself.B. You should submit a story without a title.C. You can submit only one story every time.D. You can choose any topic.4. How can you learn if you are one of the winners of the contest?A. By making a telephone.B. By writing an e-mail.C. By visiting the judges.D. By visiting the magazines website.5. Who are most likely to be interested in the text?A. The teachers. B. The parents.C. The children. D. The judges.答案与解析【文章大意】 本文是应用文。文章介绍了Amazing Kids Magazine举行的写作比赛的时间、参赛者的身份、参赛的规则、截稿时间和设奖情况等。1. 答案 D解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的your stories will be reviewed for possible publication可知,如果参加这次竞赛,那么参赛者所写的故事就有出版的机会。2. 答案 B解析 细节理解题。文章第二段给出了几个年龄组,根据题干中涉及的年龄可知B项为正确答案。3. 答案 A解析 细节理解题。根据规则中的Submissions must be an original fictional story with 1,500 words at most可知,参赛的作品必须是原创的。4. 答案 D解析 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中的The winners will be announced in the magazines website on May 1st可知,获胜者名单将在杂志的网站上宣布,故选D项。5. 答案 C解析 推理判断题。根据第二段The contest is open to all the kids from 6 to 17 years old. The age groups haye been divided for judging as follows: 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, and 15-17,特别是其中的年龄分组情况可以推知,孩子们对本文更感兴趣。Losing weight is the No. 1 resolution in xx. Given that 69 percent of Americans over the age of 19 are either overweight or obese, that shouldnt be a shocker. What may e as a surprise, though, is that red meat beef, pork and lamb may be a key reason for making us fat.Eating less meat, especially the more expensive grades of beef, will fatten your wallet. The most recent available government data set the average cost of a pound of ground beef(牛肉馅)at $3.88, roast beef at $4.88, and steak at $6.33. If you want to luxury, the top of the line sirloin (牛里脊肉) will set you back $6.80 a pound. Meanwhile, ham, excluding canned and luneheon slices, costs only $2.80 a pound, and a whole chicken, $1.52 a pound. Even boneless chicken breasts are only $3.45 a pound, still less than ground beef.Eating pasta or beans at least once a week instead of meat would increase your dollars further. For example, if a family of four replaced a meatless spaghetti dinner ($1.29 a pound) for roast beef ($7.32 for one and a half pounds), they would save around $6. Thats an annual savings of $312.When it es to global warming, not all meat is created equal. The ruminants(反刍动物) Americans eat, mainly cows, cause the biggest threat to the climate, according to an article in this months edition of the journal Nature Climate Change.The good news is that Americans have been eating less meat, including beef, over the last decade. Annual US beef consumption dropped from its high point of 97 pounds per person in xx to 81 pounds in 2011, according to US Department of Agriculture data. But that is still more than consumers in every other country besides Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.1. The second paragraph is developed mainly by _.A. listing detailed causesB. following the order of spaceC. making parisonsD. giving explanations2. A pound of beef steak is more expensive than a pound of boneless chicken breasts by _.A. $2.80 B. $2.88C. $1.52 D. $3.873. From the passage, we can know that _.A. the American have been eating more beef nowB. the American eat more beef than the Brazilian nowC. the Argentinean eat less beef than the AmericanD. eating pasta or beans is healthier than eating beef4. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. the cows do more damage to the climate than the horsesB. the cows are the only reason for causing global warmingC. the Americans cause more threat to the climate by agricultureD. the Americans are eating more vegetables than red meat now答案与解析【文章大意】 本文作者指出想要减肥,就要少吃牛、羊和猪肉,同时少吃牛、羊和猪肉对于节省家庭开支和减缓气候变暖也有一定的帮助。1. 答案 C解析 篇章结构题。根据第二段中的内容可知,首句点明了本段的主题,而其后的内容列出了不同肉的价格并进行比较,说明少吃牛、羊和猪肉能够省钱。故C项正确。2. 答案 B解析 数字计算题。根据第二段中的steak at $6.33和Even boneless chicken breasts are only $3.45 a pound可知,6.33-3.45=2.88美元。故选B项。3. 答案 D解析 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句What may e as a surprise, though, is that red meat beef, pork and lamb may be a key reason for making us fat.及第三段内容可知,吃牛、羊和猪肉可能是让我们变胖的一个关键原因,可推知吃意大利面食或豆类食品比吃牛肉更健康。故选D项。4. 答案 A解析 推理判断题。根据第四段中的The ruminants Americans eat, mainly cows, cause the biggest threat to the climate可推出A项正确。B、C和D三项文章中并未提及。.语法填空Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing abilities._1_ (pare) with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes _2_(little) time. It can help us to develop the habit of thinking in English. _3_ we persist in this practice, gradually well learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we certainly run up against many difficulties. In the first place, it often happens _4_ we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. _5_(second), there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. _6_ it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly.As far as I am concerned, my _7_(suggest) is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something _8_(beat) us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is _9_ great use to keep a diary in English for _10_ development of our writing skills.答案与解析【文章大意】 本文作者就如何提高英语写作能力给我们提出了建议,即写日记。1. pared 考查固定搭配。pared with “与相比”。2. less 考查比较级。由and前的shorter可知,此处填little的比较级形式less。3. If 考查连词。此处是if引导的条件状语从句。4. that 考查固定搭配。It often happens that .“通常情况下”。其中,it作形式主语,that引导真正的主语从句。 5. Secondly 考查副词。根据前面的 In the first place可知,此处填secondly“第二”。6. And 考查连接词。and连接两个并列句。7. suggestion 考查名词。形容词性物主代词后需要名词形式。8. beats 考查动词时态。something作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。9. of 考查固定搭配。be of great use 相当于be useful。10. the 考查冠词。the development of the writing skills特指“写作技巧的发展”。

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