2019年高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 1 Women of achievement课时作业 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019年高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 1 Women of achievement课时作业 新人教版必修4. 阅读理解A (原创)BEIJING, June 20(Xinhua)Over 60 million students and teachers at Chinas 80, 000 middle schools experienced a special class delivered by Chinas first teacher in space from more than 300 kilometers above the Earths surface. “Hello, everyone. I am Wang Yaping. I will host the lecture today. ”Female astronaut Wang Yaping, one of the three crew members of Shenzhou-spacecraft, greeted about 330 students at a Beijing high school, through a live video feed system. The students on her class included children from migrant workers families, of ethnic minorities and from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. In this space class, Wang carried out some physics experiments about motion(运动)and surface tension(张力)of water in a micro-gravity environment(微重力环境), which can help students better understand weight, mass and Newtons Laws. The most amazing one is“a water ball”, Wang Yaping makes a water film(水膜)with a water bag and a metal ring. She explained to students that the surface tension of water enlarges in space because of zero gravity. Then she made a second water film turn into a water ball. “I have been very excited since I learned I could e to this class, ”said Luo Jiangyuan, in his first year of high school. “When I learned about those laws of weightless condition at classes before, the teacher couldnt show the experiment for us, so I needed to imagine what would happen. But, at todays class, I am able to see what really happens. It is too exciting, ”he said. Wang is the second Chinese female astronaut after Liu Yang. It was also the second video class delivered from above the Earths surface, with the US astronaut Barbara Morgans 25-minute class being the first in xx. As some scientists believed, the lesson is aimed at making space science more popular. Space activities can also help the youth build up the spirit of seeking science and facing challenges. 【文章大意】2013年6月20日, 中国女航天员王亚平成功实施了太空授课, 中国成为继美国之后第二个太空授课的国家。1. The best title for the passage would be. A. Chinas First Teacher in SpaceWang YapingB. Shenzhou-Astronaut Gives LectureC. Chinese Astronaut Gives the First Space LectureD. An Important Physical Experiment in Space【解析】选C。主旨大意题。文章第一段就点明全篇主题: 中国八万所中学的六千多万师生经历了一堂特别的课, 这节课是由中国首位太空女老师王亚平从距离地球表面300多千米的太空主讲的。文章还描述这次太空授课的全过程及其意义。因此C项(中国宇航员进行首次太空授课)符合题意。A项作为标题太片面。B、D偏离文章主题内容。2. The experiment“a water ball”is used to show. A. surface tension of water in weightless conditionB. Newtons second law of motionC. how to know weight due to zero gravityD. mass of water in a micro-gravity environment【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知: 王亚平是用水珠来演示失重状态下水表面张力的, 故选A。3. The underlined word“It”in Paragraph 4 probably refers to. A. my imaginationB. the experiment showingC. a water ball in spaceD. weightless condition【解析】选B。词义猜测题。根据文章第四段中一名高一学生Luo Jiangyuan的话(以前在课堂学习失重现象时老师不能为我们做实验, 我全靠想象, 但在今天的课堂却见证了实际发生了什么, 这次实验的展示太令人兴奋了), 故选B。4. Who have held the video class from above the Earths surface so far? A. Liu Yang and Wang YapingB. Barbara Morgan and Wang YapingC. Barbara Morgan and Liu YangD. Barbara Morgan, Liu Yang and Wang Yaping【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据文章第五段内容可知, 在王亚平这次太空授课之前, 美国宇航员BarbaraMorgan于xx年已经进行人类首次太空授课。故选B。BFrom the outer of New York to the heart of Singapore, nature is everywhere youre not looking in some of Earths most crowded big cities. Outdoor adventure is often just a few stops on the trainor a short drive-away from the annoying crowds. Here are a few favorites to get you going: Mount Hollywood Trail(林间小道, 乡间小路), Los AngelesIts not a skyscraper or a Ferris wheel, and theres no expensive restaurant up top. But if you want an absolutely unforgettable, no-admission-charged, 360-degree view of the entire Los Angeles region, its yours. All you have to do is to walk a little. One of the preferred exercise routes, the Mount Hollywood Trail, is easily accessed from the parking lot of the famous Griffith Observatory; you see what you get at the end of this steep 1. 5-mile trail, which winds its way through the Griffith Park winds up to the mountains 1, 640-foot peak. Bronx River, New YorkIt may not be on your Top 10 list of things to do when you finally get to the Big Apple, but exploring the almost-secret river that flows through one of New Yorks most mysterious boroughs(自治市)is an unforgettable experience. The Bronx River Alliance, a non-profit group that has worked tirelessly to bring the much-abused river back to life, operates cycling and canoeing trips along the river, from the rugged Hunts Point section down near the harbor on up through the borough. Southern Islands, SingaporeBelieve it or not, tightly packed Singapore does have plenty of open space left. There are actual trails right in the middle of everything, if you know where to look. But to really get away from it all, the Southern Islands, a small group of little green dots just off the city states southern shoreline, are just the thing. Lee Valley, LondonThis East London river valley changed last summer, when anyone near a television got an eyeful of Olympic Park, built directly in the middle of the valley. Inside the park, beautifully landscaped sections quickly became a favorite relaxation spot for games goers. At present, youll find miles of walking paths worth exploring. Start at the Waltham Cross train and follow the signposted walking route southbound, guiding you past important historic industrial areas, through interesting city neighborhoods, past the western side of Olympic Park and on to the Thames. 【文章大意】文章主要讲解了在世界上即使最拥挤的城市也可以找到大自然的存在, 本文主要介绍了四处值得参观和做户外运动的地方。5. If someone wants to enjoy an unforgettable experience for free, he can go to. A. Mount Hollywood Trail and Bronx RiverB. Mount Hollywood Trail and Southern IslandsC. Lee Valley and Southern IslandsD. Bronx River and Lee Valley【解析】选A。细节理解题。从文章第二段中的“But if you want an absolutely unforgettable, no-admission-charged, 360-degree view of the entire Los Angeles region”以及第三段中的“is an unforgettable experience. The Bronx River Alliance, a non-profit group”可知Mount Hollywood Trail和Bronx River是免费的, 故选A。6. The writer of the passage wants to. A. inform the readers that nature exists in crowded big citiesB. appeal to more people to outdoor adventureC. remend several historical spots to readersD. present various approach to outdoor adventure【解析】选A。写作意图题。根据文章第一段中的“Outdoor adventure is often just a few stops on the trainor a short drive-away from the annoying crowds. ”只需几站路或是开一会儿车就可以远离这些烦人的拥挤人群, 可知作者告诉大家在拥挤的城市也可以找到自然。7. We know from the passage. A. its difficult to find a proper trail in packed SingaporeB. the Thames is not far away from the East London river valleyC. The Bronx River Alliance has succeeded in running the riverD. you may have trouble reaching the Mount Hollywood Trail【解析】选B。推理判断题。从文章最后一段的第一句中可知, 东伦敦河峡谷去年夏天改变了, 人们可以在电视机前对奥林匹克公园一饱眼福, 它直接就建在峡谷的中央。再结合最后一句中的“past the western side of Olympic Park and on to the Thames(经过奥林匹克公园的西侧再向前就是泰晤士河)”可知“泰晤士河与东伦敦河峡谷相距不远”, 故选B。. 阅读第二节根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(xx郑州模拟)1Men lie; women lie. Husbands lie, friends lie, wives lie, and believe it or not, your mother might lie. A recent study showed that 91% of all people lie on a regular basis, and people tell at least 13 major lies a week. Dr. Robert G. Newby, a professor of sociology, believes that men are more likely to tell lies than women. “Men are more concerned about how they present themselves in public, the impression they make on people and things like that, ”he says. “Men are always trying to impress people in the work and want to make sure that their presentation of self is one that makes them look good. 2. ”Women, on the other hand, Dr. Newby believes, are more private people and their relationship tends to be more interpersonal, as opposed to having to put on a public face. Women are more vulnerable(易受伤害的)and they are not as likely to try to pull the wool over someones eyes as men. Psychotherapist Vesta Callender also agrees that men and women do lie differently. “3. They plan better, ”Callender notes. “They create a history around the lie, and they try to project into the future what might happen if the lie is detected. With a woman, a lie has a beginning, a middle and an end. ”Callender believes that men tend to lie for the moment or to get out of a situation. 4. Dr. Elmore stresses that while it is true that most people lie from time to time, one should be truthful. “5. Everything that is true does not need to be said, but everything said needs to be true. ”he says. A. Be truthful at any cost. B. Men also lie to each other. C. Everyone lies from time to time. D. Women are much more careful in their lies. E. Men think less about how the lie can be detected. F. He lies about almost everything, even when he doesnt have to. G. Men are more likely to step outside of their relationships than women. 答案: 15. CGDEA

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