2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit5 The power of nature对点练习 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit5 The power of nature对点练习 新人教版选修6.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit5 The power of nature对点练习 新人教版选修6 .单词拼写1Guests _(惊慌) and screamed when the bomb exploded.2The boy has the _(潜能) to bee a pianist,but unluckily,it has never been developed because of poverty.3With petition being severer and severer,nowadays,students are not _ (保证) jobs when they graduate from college.4The fear of all kinds of examinations can be a source of deep _(焦虑) to many students.5She looks young,but _(实际上) shes 50 years old.6When the train began to move quickly,Helen excitedly_(挥手)at her friends on the platform.7My time is_(珍贵的);I can only give you a few minutes.8When he came out of the water,he was_(颤抖)with cold.答案:1.panicked2.potential3.guaranteed4.anxiety5actually6.waved7.precious8.trembling.短语填空make ones way,burn to the ground,be anxious about,be suitable for,vary from.to.1With all the houses _,they had no place to live in.2The weather has _ fine _ terrible this month.3The snow being so thick,how did you _ to the top of the hill?4This kind of soil _ not _ growing peanuts.5Members _ a meeting which extended into the weekend.答案:1.burnt to the ground2.varied from;to3make your way4.is;suitable for5.were anxious about.完成句子1Mike and I picked up our things and_(挥手告别)Mrs Martin.2Small business owners_(惶恐不安)over whether they will survive.3Buying a train ticket two days ahead of time will usually_(保证你有个好座位)4It is reported that there are plenty of graduates_(渴求工作)5Just like spoken language,body language_.就像口语,身势语因不同的文化而变化。6The party will be held in the garden,_.如果天气允许,聚会将会在花园里举行。答案:1.waved goodbye to2are in a panic3guarantee you a good seat4anxious for work5varies from culture to culture6weather permitting.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1一听到北京发生了洪水,政府迅速指派(appoint)军队赶往(make ones way)灾区(the disaster area)。_2当地人和军队一起保证(guarantee)要挽救每一个生命。_3很多人处于惊恐之中(in a panic)。_4更多的受害者被发现时已失去知觉(unconscious),甚至死亡。_5全国人民也为他们感到担忧(anxious),并共同努力来帮助他们。_(二)加入适当过渡词,联句成篇_答案:(一)1.On hearing the news that the terrible floods hit Beijing,the government immediately appointed the army to make their way to the disaster area.2The local people together with the army guaranteed to save everyones life.3Many were in a panic.4More and more victims were found unconscious or dead.5People across the whole country were anxious about them and made their efforts to help them.(二)参考范文:On hearing the news that the terrible floods hit Beijing,the government immediately appointed the army to make their way to the disaster area.The local people together with the army guaranteed to save everyones life.Many were in a panic,while more and more victims were found unconscious or dead.Meanwhile,people across the whole country were anxious about them and made their efforts to help them.

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