2019-2020年七年级英语下册《Unit 2 My favourite subject is science》教学设计 鲁教版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit 2 My favourite subject is science教学设计 鲁教版一、单元教学目标1) 学习表示星期的名词,并理解星期与日期的区别。2) 掌握学校科目的相关词汇及部分周几的表达方式。3) 学习询问和谈论别人或自己喜好的学科并给出理由。4)What,Who和Why引导的特殊疑问句的构成和使用。5) 谈论一周的课程安排,学会合理地安排自己的作息时间。二、单元知识结构重点词汇:favorite, subject, P.E. science, music, math, Chinese, geography, history, why, because, Monday, Friday, Saturday 重点句型: Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is science. Whats your favorite day? Its Monday. Why do you like P.E.? Because its fun. Hows your day? Its OK.三、单元教学重点1) 学习询问和谈论别人或自己喜好的学科并给出理由。2)What,Who和Why引导的特殊疑问句的构成和使用。四、单元教学难点学习询问和谈论别人或自己喜好的学科并给出理由。五、学生情况分析此部分的学习内容贴近学生的学习生活,谈论的话题是喜欢的学科。通过互相询问和谈论彼此所喜欢的学科,可以增进同学之间的了解和友情并培养学生热爱学习、热爱科学的思想和良好的学习、生活习惯。六、课时划分Section A (1a-2d) 用1课时Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 用1课时Section B (1a-2c) 用1课时Section B (3a-Self Check) 用1课时 课题名称Unit 2 My favorite subject is science. 主备人李静周次第一周备课时间3.10组长签字教学目标1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌下列词汇:favorite, subject, P.E. science, music, math, Chinese, geography, history, why, because, Monday, Friday, Saturday 2) 能掌握以下句型: Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is science. Whats your favorite day? Its Monday. Why do you like P.E.? Because its fun. Hows your day? Its OK.3) 能就所喜欢的科目这一话题进行问答交流,正确表达自己的情感。4)能听懂有关所喜欢的科目相关话题的听力材料,并获得相关信息教学重点1) 掌握学校科目的相关词汇及部分周几的表达方式。2) 学习询问和谈论别人或自己喜好的学科并给出理由。3)What,Who和Why引导的特殊疑问句的构成和使用教学难点1) 学习询问和谈论别人或自己喜好的学科并给出理由。2)What,Who和Why引导的特殊疑问句的构成和使用。教学方法及教具小组合作,录音机课时数4第一课时环节教学内容二次备课教学随记教学过程. Warming-up and revision 1. Greeting the Ss. Check the homework. 2. Lets review the months we learned. (Ss recite the months together. January, February, March, AprilDecember) T: What month do you like? S1: February. S2: March 3. Lets review the school activities we learned. S1: basketball game, volleyball game, soccer game, tennis game, school trip, art festival S2: School Day, Sports Day, English Day, book sale, English test, party T: What activities do you like? S1: I like basketball game, volleyball game, soccer game and English Day. S2: I like tennis game, school trip, art festival and English Day. . Presentation1. T: OK. S1 and S2 both like English Day. I think they must like English very much. Do you like English? Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. T: What subject do you like best? Or we can say Whats your favorite subject?. (Write the two sentences on the Bb.) Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is English. Ss read after the teacher and try to remember the conversation. 2. What other subjects do you like? Now lets learn other subjects. (Show the picture of Chinese book) Teach Ss Chinese, then teach Ss other subjects by showing pictures on the screen. (P.E., art, science, math, geography, history)3. Ss read all the subjects and try to remember them.4. Work on 1a. Look at the picture in 1a, match the words with the pictures. Then check the answers. . Listening1. Two students are talking about their favorite subjects. Listen to the recording and circle the subjects you hear in 1a.(Play the tape for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recording again, Ss listen and circle the words in 1a.) 2. Ss listen and circle the words in 1a. Then check the answers. . Pair work 1. T: Lets practice the conversation with your partner. (Ss practice the conversation.) S1: Whats your favorite subject? S2: My favorite subject is science. 2: Now make your conversations with the subjects in 1a. S1: Whats your favorite subject?S2: My favorite subject is (Exchange roles. S2 ask S1 about the favorite subjects). Presentation 1. Present the sentence structure:2. Let Ss read after the teacher, and try to remember them.3. Ask and answer with your partner about the reasons they like ball games. . Listening 1. T: Look at the picture in 2a. Two students are talking about their favorite subjects. First, read the sentences by yourself. Then listen and put the conversation in order. Ss read the four sentences, then listen to the recording and put them in order. 2. Check the answers with the class. 3. Were learned some adjectives. Such as interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing Do you still remember? Lets review the words together. (List all the adjectives: interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing) Then have a conversation with the Ss. 4. Now listen to the recording again. Match the subjects you hear with the descriptions. Ss listen and match. Then play the recording for the Ss to check the answers. . Pair work 1. T: What do you think of the subjects above? Make your own conversations using the words (fun, interesting, relaxing, difficult) in 2b. For example: . Role-play 1. Present the new words: Monday, Friday and Saturday by show some calendars on screen. Let Ss read the new words after teacher. 2. Let Ss read the conversation and fill in the chart.NameFavorite Day Favorite subjectWhyFrankBobBecause the next day is Saturday. 3. Ss read the conversation and plete the chart. Then check the answers with the Ss. 4. Let Ss practice the conversation in pairs. Then try to act out the conversation in front of the class. 5. 评价:(让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价,在小组内评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。)Homework: 1. Review the new words and expressions in this period.2. Make a survey of the favorite subjects your classmate and the reasons.说明:教学过程包括预习内容与指导、展示交流、点拨升华、作业反馈等内容。板书设计Section A (1a-2d)1. P.E., art, science, math, geography, history2. Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is science. 3. Why do you like Because4. 2b: P.E. interesting, music relaxing5. Read and fill in the chart. 反思与重建第二课时Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)环节教学内容二次备课教学随记教学过程. Warming- up and revision1. Greet the Ss as usual. Check the homework.2. Review the subjects and the days we learned. Review the descriptions. 3. Ask and answer with your partner about the favorite subjects and the reasons. . Grammar Focus. 1.翻译背诵表格里的句子。2. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 你最喜欢的科目是什么?_ your_ subject? 我最喜欢的科目是科学。 My _ _ is _. 他最喜欢的科目是什么? Whats _ _ _? 他最喜欢的科目是语文。 His _ _ is _. 她最喜欢的科目是什么? _ _ favorite _? 她最喜欢的科目是美术。 _ _ subject is _. 为什么鲍勃喜欢历史? _ _ Bob like _? 因为很有趣。 _ its _. 为什么鲍勃和弗兰克喜欢体育? _ _ Frank and Bob _ P.E.?. Practice 1. T: Lets do more exercises to practice the sentence structures. Lets work on 3b. Write questions for the answers. 指导:要确定空格处是何特殊疑问词,仍只能是根据答语的意思来确定。首先,看答语是表示原因、人物还是表示科目(事物),从而确定用特殊疑问词why, who, what构成的特殊疑问句。其次,注意特殊疑问句的构成,Who/what/Why + 一般疑问句。2. Ss read the conversations and write their questions.3. Let some pairs read out their questions to check their answers. 4. Ss practice the conversations with their partners. . Survey 1. Next, lets do a survey about your classmates about his or her favorite subject, reasons and teachers. Let me tell you how to do it.First, interview three classmates about his or her favorite subject, reasons and teachers.Second, fill in the chart below. At last, make a report about your classmates. 2. Lets make a model. Which group would like to have a try? Fill in the chart. NameFavorite subjectReasonTeacherJingjingmusicIts funMs. XieXiao MeiartIts interestingMs. WuDa weiP.E. Its relaxingMr. Hu Make a report: My classmate Jinings favorite subject is music. She likes it because its fun. Her music teacher is Ms. Xie. Xiao Meis favorite subject is art. She likes it because its interesting. Her art teacher is Ms. Wu. Da Weis favorite subject is P.E. He likes it because its relaxing. His P.E. teacher is Mr. Hu. 3. Ss work in groups and make the survey. 4. Let some Ss report the result of their survey.说明:教学过程包括预习内容与指导、展示交流、点拨升华、作业反馈等内容。板书设计Section A Grammar Focus-3c1. days: Monday, Friday, Saturday subjects: Chinese, math, English, geography, history, science, art, music, P.E. descriptions: fun, interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing 2. I think Chinese is interesting. I think math is 3. 3a: Why, Who, What, Who, Why反思与重建课时数1第三课时 Section B 1a-2c 环节教学内容二次备课教学随记教学过程. Warming-up and revision . Presentation1. Present other days in a week. Show some pictures of calendar. Teach Ss Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. Ss read after the teacher and remember the days in a week. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Sunday) 2. Present the using of on + 星期几, . Listening 1. T: David is talking about his classes and schedule. Listen to the recording and check () the words you hear in 1a. Listening 1. Read through the schedule. T: Look at the schedule below. This is Davids schedule. December 25th is Monday, December 26th is Tuesday T: What classes does David have on Monday? S1: He has science, English, Chinese, P.E., geography and art. T: Then what activity does David have on Saturday? S1: He has a soccer game. T: What activity does David have on Sunday? S1: Its Bills birthday party. T: OK. Read through the schedule and find out what classes David have from Monday to Friday. 2. Now listen to the tape and circle the classes David talks about on this schedule. (Play the recording for the Ss to listen and circle the classes David talks about. Then play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.) Teach Ss Chinese, then teach Ss other subjects by showing pictures on the screen. (P.E., art, science, math, geography, history)3. Ss read all the subjects and try to remember them.4. Work on 1a. Look at the picture in 1a, match the words with the pictures. Then check the answers. . Listening1. Two students are talking about their favorite subjects. Listen to the recording and circle the subjects you hear in 1a.2. Ss listen and circle the words in 1a. Then check the answers. . Pair workT: Lets practice the conversation with your partner. (Ss practice the conversation.). Presentation 1. Present the sentence structure: Why do you like BecauseT: Whats your favorite subject, S1? S1: My favorite subject is P.E. T: Why do you like P.E.? S1: (Help S1 answer) Because its fun. Write the sentence structure: Why do you like Because on the blackboard.2. Let Ss read after the teacher, and try to remember them.3. Ask and answer with your partner about the reasons they like ball games. e.g. S1: Why do you like soccer? S2: Because its boring. Why do you like basketball? S1: Because its interesting. Why do you like volleyball? S2: Because its fun.说明:教学过程包括预习内容与指导、展示交流、点拨升华、作业反馈等内容。板书设计Section B 1a-2c1. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Sunday 2. on + 星期几 When is your music class? Its on Thursday. 3. free, busy, cool boring, difficult, easy, interesting, fun 4. You: I think music is relaxing. Art is easy. P.E. is fun. English is interesting. Chinese is fun. Math is difficult. Your partner: In Xiao Fangs opinion, music is relaxing. Art is easy. P.E. is fun. English is interesting. Chinese is fun. Math is difficult. 5. Whats Yu Meis favorite subject?6. 2c: math, science, history, P.E. have lunch, Chinese, art 反思与重建第四课时Section B 3a-Self Check 环节教学内容二次备课教学随记. Warming- up and revision 1. Greet the Ss as usual. Then check the homework. 2. What do you think of your school subjects? Tell your classmates about them. You can say it like this: In my opinion, Chinese is interesting. Math is useful. English is difficult but useful. P.E. is fun. Music is relaxing Ss report their opinions in the group. Then let some Ss talk about it to the class. 3. Review some phrases or sentences: 在星期五 _ 在九点钟 _ 上科学课 _ 上历史课_ 从到 _ 在那之后 _ 上一节美术课_ 两个小时长 _ 我的课在3:30结束。_ 老师说数学很有用。_Check the answers with the class. 4. Retell Yu Meis letter. Show Yu Meis schedule on the screen. Let Ss try to retell the letter. FridayTimeSubject/ActivitiesTimeSubjects/Activities8:00 to 8:50math12:00 to 1:00have lunch9:00 to 9:50science1:00 to 1:50Chinese10:00 to 10:50history2:00 to 2:50art11:00 to 11:50P.E. Ss try to retell the letter. T gives them some help if they need. . Reading 指导:应根据邮件的内容及格式来确定顺序,可知开头为有Hi, Mei Ling的片段;结尾为有Dale署名的片段。. Writing 1. T: Linda is your new friend. She wants to meet you on Friday. But you are really busy on Friday. Write an e-mail to tell her about your Friday. If you dont have any idea, you may review the e-mail in 3a or the letter in 2b. 指导:写作时应注意电子邮件的格式,应有开头的称呼,及结尾的署名。写作时可能用到的句型有: Thanks for your e-mail. 谢谢你的邮件。 Its Friday today. Im really busy./Im really busy on Friday 今天是星期五。我很忙。 I have classes in the morning and in the afternoon. 上午我有节课,下午节课。 At , I have . Then at , I have . Next, 在点,我上。然后在点。接下来。 .class is from to . 课从到。 After that, I have for 之后,我上课时间。 is my favorite subject. 是我最喜欢的科目 I like/dont like it because its . 我喜欢/不喜欢它,因为它是。 I think its 我想它是的。. Self Check 1 1. T: Lets review all the school subjects we learned. Who wants to have a try? S1: Chinese, math, English, history, geography, science, music, P.E. art T: Very good! Who want to have a try again? (S2: S3: S4: ) 板书设计Section B 3a-Self Check 1. In my opinion, Chinese is interesting. Math is useful. English is difficult but useful. P.E. is fun. Music is relaxing2. 指导:应根据邮件的内容及格式来确定顺序,反思与重建第二单元质量检测单元质量检测李静单元质量检测时间:xx.3.23单元质量检测试题简要分析:一听力内容围绕Unit2谈论喜欢的科目、老师、理由论述,活动展开二单选对于本单元基本的语法结构、口语表达再进行巩固。三完形填空主要考查词语搭配、近义词辨析、句型结构、习惯用法等,也有对逻辑推理和事理推断的能力的考查。如果学生运用的知识太单一,综合运用知识能力差,就很难选出最恰当的答案。四阅读理解本单元的阅读理解主要对于初中生科目的的话题进一步延伸拓展。阅读理解考查学生的词汇量和阅读理解能力。它要求学生能够读懂原文,关注其中的细节东西和隐含的条件,再根据选择题的提问,结合一些日常生活常识选择出 恰当的答案。这就要求学生要多背单词、短语,拓展自己的知识面。 五根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。除了考查学生单词的拼写外,主要是考查学生根据句子意思进行判断、理解、灵活运用词语的能力。 六用所给词的适当形式填空其考查内容主要有:1)学校科目的相关词汇及部分周几的表达方式。2)询问和谈论别人或自己喜好的学科并给出理由。3)What,Who和Why引导的特殊疑问句的构成和使用等。七句型转换 主要对科目和原因进行提问,复习含有be动词,实伊动词句子的一般疑问句及其回答,让学生对英语句子的结构有更清晰的了解。八汉译英,每空一词。 主要考查学生对句型的掌握情况,主要形式是给出汉语,空出单词。九书面表达主要考查学生的审题能力和语言组织能力,主要目的是加强对学生们写的要求,是对英语知识和能力的综合检查附:单元质量检测试题 第 二 单元质量检测分析一、基本状况:(平均分、及格率和高分率以及试卷每个板块乃至每道题的得失分率)二、存在问题及原因分析:三、补救措施:四、质量检测小结

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