2019-2020年高考模拟(三)英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高考模拟(三)英语试题 含答案第一部分 听力(本次考试不提供)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AToast (土司), perfume and washing powder are the smells most likely to hit you when you walk through the door of your home, according to a new study.Researchers have identified(确认) the whiffs which they claim make a house a home, with washing powder making up 34 percent. Freshly made toast accounts for another 22 percent, while perfume makes up 17 percent. Other smells which will typically hit you as you step through front doors around Britain include last nights dinner (10 percent), flowers (12 percent), coffee (5 percent) and pets.Seven percent of Britonsaround 1.5 millionclaim that a unique smell is what makes their house a home, above the furniture or decoration. Half admit the smell of home makes them feel safe and warm, while it leaves one in 10 feeling worried or upset. A third of people have tried to recreate a certain smell to make them feel more at home. A further third have put off buying a property because of how it smells and three quarters believe you can find out a great deal about a person from the smell of their home. Four in 10 people have avoided visiting someone because of the smell of their home.The study also found that one in five people love the smell of their home so much they want to bottle it and take it with them. Three in 10 wish they could have smells of their own home while on holiday. A further two in 5 would like to smell their living room while out shopping as the smell of home makes a third feel relaxed and stress-free.Professor Tim Jacob, an expert in the psychology of smell, said, “Smells make a house a home because of the positive associations being home has. Your home is filled with the things you loveyour children, partner, perfume, petsso when you smell them, you instantly feel better and at ease. People respond(反应) well to familiar smells. Those which are alien(陌生的) make us feel on edge until weve identified the source and assessed that its not harmful.21. According to the passage, all the following make up the smell of a home EXCEPT _. A. toastB. perfumeC. coffeeD. partner22. The underlined word “whiffs” is closest to “_” in meaning. A. scenesB. smellsC. emotionsD. senses23. Paragraph 3 mainly tells us that _. A. people are influenced greatly by smellsB. smells shape ones personality C. smells influence ones purchase D. smells make ones house unique24. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Professor Tim is convinced that smells of home are connected with the beloved. B. All the Britons dont admit that the smell of home makes them at ease. C. Freshly-made toast makes up the largest percent of home smells. D. We dont feel safe unless we confirm the origin of some unfamiliar smells.B No one else knew about the extra club in Zach Nashs golf bag. It belonged to a friend, and Zach forgot it was there as he played his way to victory in a junior tournament(锦标赛)this summer in Wisconsin, US.The 14-year-old accepted his medal, celebrated with grandparents who had e from a long way to watch. But when he stopped by his country club to share the news, a professional player noticed something wrong. “Count your clubs,” he told the teenager.Fifteenone more than allowed. Zachs eyes filled with tears.If Zach had just won a basketball championship or a soccer game and someone had discovered a violation after the win, it would not have mattered. It is nothing unusual for a soccer player to dive to the turf to draw fouls(假摔以使对方犯规).Golf is different. In a win-at-all-costs world, the game holds itself to a higher standard. Golf isnt a game where referees watch closely. In golf tournaments, dozens of petitors are spread across acres of land, so officials cannot hope to see each shot. petitors call penalties(处罚)on themselves. “It was a sport for gentlemen, and gentlemen did not care about winning. They care about doing the right thing,” said Robert Simon, a golf coach at Hamilton College in New York.Honesty became a medal of honor. When one of the games early stars, Bobby Jones, was praised for calling a penalty on himself at the 1925 US Open, he replied: “You might as well praise a man for not robbing a bank.”So even the error had no effect on Zachs final scorehe has never used the extra club. The teenager packed up his medal and dropped it in the mail. “But this was golf, and rules are rules. I just knew what I had to do,” he said. Then came another tournament. Before teeing off(开球), Zach counted his clubsfour times.25. What can we infer from the text? A. A friend put an extra club in Zachs bag secretly. B. Breaking the rules has bee acceptable in some sports. C. Zachs grandparents discouraged him from calling a penalty. D. Zach regretted sharing the news with the professional player. 26. According to Robert, golf is different from other sports in that _.A. honor es before victory B. players are superior to coachesC. referees have to watch each shot D. players usually do whatever it takes to win27. What can be learned from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 7? A. One should be praised for not robbing a bank.B. Bobby looked down upon those criminals.C. Little did Bobby care about the penalty.D. Observing rules demands no praise.28. Why did Zach count his clubs four times before the following tournament?A. He felt stressful. B. He was forgetful.C. He remembered the lesson. D. He lacked self-confidence. CSome years ago, three brothers left the farm to work in the city. They were all hired by the same pany and on the same pay. Three years later, Jim was being paid $500 a month, Frank was receiving $1000, but George was making $1500. Their father was confused and decided to visit the employer. After listening to the father, the employer said, “I will let the boys explain for themselves.” Jim was called to the office and was told, “Jim, I learn the Far East Importers has just brought in a large transport plane loaded with Japanese import goods. Will you please go over to the airport and get a cargo inventory(运货清单)?” Three minutes later, Jim returned to the office. “The cargo was one thousand bolts(卷) of Japanese silk,” Jim reported. “I got the information over the telephone from a member of the crew.” When Jim left, Frank, the $1000 a month brother, was called in. An hour later, Frank was back in the office with a list showing that the plane carried 1000 bolts of Japanese silk, 500 transistor radios(晶体管收音机), and 1000 hand painted bamboo plates. George, the $1500 a month brother, was given the same instructions. Working hours were over when he finally returned. “The transport plane carried one thousand bolts of Japanese silk,” he began. “It was on sale at sixty dollars a bolt, so I took a two-day choice on the whole lot. I have telegrammed a designer in New York offering the silk at seventy-five dollars a bolt. I expect to have the order tomorrow. I also found five hundred transistor radios, which I sold over the telephone at a profit of $2.30 each. There were a thousand bamboo plates, but they were of poor quality, so I didnt try to do anything with them.” When George left the office, the employer smiled. “You see,” he said, “the future is full of promise for one who shows initiative.”29. The best title of this passage is _.A. The story of three brothersB. The importance of doing market researchC. A business dealD. A clever employer30. According to George, how much money did he expect to get for his pany?A. $1,150B. $61,150C. $16,150D. $76,15031. According to the passage, which of the following best explains the meaning of the underlined word “initiative”?A. Doing a lot of extra work without plainingB. Having patience in difficult situations without giving in C. Having the sense of marketing and economics D. Making decisions and take action actively without being told to DIts a little understood, but surprisingly mon condition which women from all walks of life are suffering fromAskers Syndrome. The main symptom of Askers Syndrome is that youre unable to ask for what you want. I took notice of Askers Syndrome during a recent visit from my mother and mother-in-law. Both of them are unable to express something as simple as what they would like for dinner. For example, asking my mum which frozen meal she would like goes something like this: Me: Which dinner do you want? Her: You choose. Me: No. You choose, youre the one whos going to eat it. Her: Whichever one you dont want. Me: Mum! Her: Just open the fridge and the first one you pull out will do. Similarly, when I asked my mother-in-law to select which meals shed like me to order from the home-delivery she would like and she said, “Ill just have whichever one is left over.” This goes way beyond politeness. After pushing both of them at length to state a preferenceand failingit would seem that they are actually incapable of voicing what they want. And its not just older women who have a “this is good enough for me” attitude. A friend who works in marketing told me about a focus group she ran with thirty-something women. They were only able to express their preferences through their children or partner. Rather than saying what they liked, they would answer “My son would like this,” or “My husband would enjoy that.” Askers Syndrome can strike young. At five years old my daughter Violet is showing the early stages of Askers Syndrome. Shes learned that women dont ask, but rather drop hints. Shell say, “Mummy I saw yoghurt in the fridge,” rather than, “Can I have a yoghurt please?” or “Remember last Sunday afternoon we went to the park?” rather than “Can we go to the park?” Its widely documented that women are less likely than men to ask for pay rises and promotions. Instead they work hard without plaints, hoping that somebody else will decide they are worthy and give them an award. No doubt, many women develop Askers Syndrome as a defensive measure because theyve been labeled as pushy or rude for simply asking for what they want. But in the long term, preventing our ability to express our desires doesnt serve us well. Its time to cure ourselves and our girls of Askers Syndrome. For women in our culture, asking is a skill that we need to learn and practice. And if we all do it, then women asking will bee the standard of proper behavior rather than the exception.32. According to the example of the two mothers, the author wants to indicate that_. A. older women care more about their childrens opinion B. older women are afraid that their choices are out of date C. older women are too pushy to voice what they want D. older women are suffering from Askers Syndrome 33. The underlined phrase “drop hint” probably means “_” according to the passage. A. express oneself indirectly B. leave a message C. ask for advice D. tell a white lie34. Which of the following statements is true according to the text? A. The author persuaded her two mothers to express their preference. B. Older women suffer more from Askers Syndrome than young ones. C. Many women feel it impolite to ask for what they want. D. Women get promoted as long as they work hard.35. What does the author mainly intend to tell us? A. All good things e to those who wait. B. Ask for what you want if you deserve it. C. Its bad manners to express your idea directly. D. However old you are, women should be confident. 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 As youre busy with your studies, the weeks during the Spring Festival can be a time when training and healthy eating plans go out of the window. But you can continue running and avoid weight gain during the holiday season. 36 . Pick a RaceHaving a race on your calendar(日历)is motivation to keep running during the holiday. 37 Check our active or Running in the City for events near you. Dont Skip Breakfast If youre going to a holiday party in the evening, dont make the mistake of skipping breakfast. You may think youre saving calories for later. 38 . Bring Your Own Healthy Dish Chances are that most of the dishes at holiday gatherings are going to be high in taste and calories. Bring your own healthy appetizer to the party. The host will appreciate it, and you know there will be at least one wise choice on the buffet table. 39 If youre heading to an evening event, eat regular meals and snacks every few hours up until party time. You wont arrive at the party ready to attack appetizer. Make sure you include fiber at each meal because it keeps you full longer. Plan Your RunsIts easy to say that youll keep running regularly during the holiday season, but sticking to it requires a strategy(策略). Schedule your runs like appointments, so you make them the first thing during a busy week. 40 . A. Treat yourself. B. Eat small meals. C. Try some or all of these strategies. D. In fact, it may lead to overeating later in the day. E. Buy yourself a gift of some new running shoes and clothes. F. If you have runs scheduled, you are more likely to get them done. G. Once you choose one that is in a few weeks, set a plan and stick to it.第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满45分) 第一节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分;满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A water bearer(搬运工) had two large pots. One of the pots had a crack(裂缝) in it while the other pot was _41_. It always _42_ a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the masters house, but the cracked pot was only half full. For two years, this went on _43_, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots of water to his masters house.Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its work. But the _44_ cracked pot was ashamed of its own _45_, and miserable that it was able to finish only half of what it had been made to do. It spoke to the water bearer one day near the _46_, “ I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you.”“ Why?” asked the bearer. “ What are you ashamed of?”“ I have been able to deliver only half my load because of this crack in _47_. Because of my flaw, you have to do all of this work, but you dont get full _48_ from your efforts,” the pot said.The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot and said, “ As we return to the masters house, I want you to _49_ the beautiful flowers along the path.”As they went up the hill, the old cracked pot saw the sun _50_ the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this _51_ it a bit. But at the end, it still felt bad because it had leaked half its load, and _52_, the pot apologized to the bearer for its failure.The bearer said to the pot, “ Did you find that there were flowers only on your side of the path, _53_ not on the other pots side? Thats because I have always known about your crack, and I _54_ it. I planted flower seeds _55_ your side of the path and _56_ we walk back from the stream, youve _57_ them every day. For two years, I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my masters tables. _58_ you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty in his house.”Each of us has our own unique flaws. We are all cracked pots. But if we allow it, the Lord will use our flaws to grace his house. In Gods great _59_, nothing goes to waste. Dont be afraid of your flaws. Know them, and you can be the _60_ of beauty, too. Always remember that in our weakness, we can find our strength. 41. A. good B. perfect C. broken D. plete 42. A. delivered B. contained C. filled D. loaded 43. A. smoothly B. daily C. similarly D. along 44. A. sad B. confident C. troublesome D. poor 45. A. shape B. ability C. imperfection D. poverty 46. A. the way B. the house C. the path D. the stream 47. A. my side B. the bottom C. the outside D. your load 48. A. worth B. use C. job D. water 49. A. plant B. notice C. watch D. pick 50. A. warming B. burning C. touching D. shadowing 51. A. relaxed B. interested C. encouraged D. cheered 52. A. then only B. right now C. so again D. at once 53. A. but B. as C. though D. so 54. A. made up to B. took advantage of C. took care of D. became aware of 55. A. by B. on C. up D. around 56. A. then B. during C. since D. while 57. A. watered B. seen C. shone D. helped 58. A. With B. For C. Without D. As 59. A. garden B. bible C. profit D. economy 60. A. resource B. cause C. finder D. owner第II卷 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(只填1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式.In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear 61 spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with 62 (confident) and without hesitation. 63 ,we must be able to read the language , and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.There is no easy way to success 64 language learning. 65 good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only 66 (memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and 67 meanings, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. 68 we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. “Learn through use” is a good piece of advice for those 69 are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and 70 (write) the language whenever we can.第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。 2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Jack was an excellent student at schoolWhat he did, he was always the best ones in his classHe can get full marks every time even he didnt listen to the teacherSome people found it surprised that he was always ready to help the others with a smileHe helped his classmates with his homework; he helped the teachers answer the difficult questions risen by the students; he was good at ball games In the whole, he was a perfect boyEverybody liked himHe lived a peacefully life until one day when he fell ill and found a gray hair on his head第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假如你是李华,你的英国笔友John来信说,他的同桌经常打断他,向他请教问题,他担心会影响自己的学习。请你用英语写一封回信。内容包括:1.给别人讲题也会提升自己;2.人人都有长处和不足,可以互相学习;3.帮助别人学习可以使他们树立自信,从而促进友谊。注意:1.词数100左右 2.包括所有要点,内容可适当发挥。xx年东北三省四市教研联合体高考模拟题(三)答案阅读答案:2124 DBAC 25-28BADC 2931 ACD 32-35DACB 36-40 CGDBF完型填空 41-45BABDC 46-50DABBA 51-55DCABB 56-60DACDB语法填空答案:61.it 62.confidence 63.Thirdly 64.in 65.A 66. to memorize 67. their 68. If69. who 70. writing改错:1.What 改为Whatever/No matter what 2. ones改为one 3.can改为could 4.在even后面加if 5.surprised 改为surprising 6.去掉the 7. his 改为their 8. risen 改为raised 9. In 改为On 10. peacefully改为peaceful

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