2019年高中英语 语篇提能24 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019年高中英语 语篇提能24 新人教版必修2.完形填空It was early September. Maybe 1:00 am. I had been downtown with some friends, and they were going off elsewhere. I was _1_ money, and had to be up early the next morning, so I _2_ home. I made my way to Bathurst station, and took the No. 7 Bus. I chose my _3_ seat on a bus. On the back row was another fellow. Other than us, the bus was _4_.The bus left the _5_ shortly after I got on, and began the journey. I noticed the driver looked _6_ when I got on the bus, but didnt think twice about it. _7_, the names of the streets we _8_, recited over the inter (内部通话设备), werent as dull as I was used to. Every stop was cheerfully _9_. Every name was cheerfully sung.I wondered aloud, “Did he just _10_ the name of that stop?” My fellow traveler replied, “Yeah.”“Ive _11_ heard that before.”“Oh, it _12_ all the time. Not just this driver, all of them. The weather is warm and all the windows are open, so the drivers get all the fresh air they could want. Itd be _13_ for a bus driver not to sing the name of the stops.”With that, the bus stopped, and the nameless _14_ stepped off into the night.The bus driver kept up his _15_. Each stop had its own melody (旋律), and it was a delight to hear the _16_ “Briar Hill” , he sang, and I stepped off the bus, leaving the driver alone. He probably _17_ his performance, to himself.On my walk home, I _18_ the traveler I had met was _19_. The bus driver didnt need a reason to sing, and he didnt have a reason not to sing. “_20_ do I,” I thought to myself. I began to hum (哼) in the night, occasionally bursting into song.1A. fond of B. in need of C. rich in D. out of2A. reached B. headed C. missed D. remained3A. afforded B. matched C. concerned D. preferred4A. full B. quiet C. empty D. noisy5A. station B. road C. crowd D. route6A. interested B. cheerful C. natural D. careful7A. Besides B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. However8A. passed B. had C. treated D. built9A. pointed B. heard C. named D. set10A. sing B. recite C. understand D. read11A. ever B. once C. often D. never12A. changes B. happens C. forms D. grows13A. easy B. good C. odd D. clear14A. driver B. passerby C. traveler D. consumer15A. position B. work C. courage D. performance16A. dullness B. variety C. scene D. news17A. stopped B. noticed C. continued D. followed18A. realized B. imagined C. hoped D. admitted19A. clever B. bad C. strange D. right20A. So B. Either C. Neither D. Both答案与解析语篇解读本文为记叙文。天下之大,无奇不有。一位公共汽车司机竟然把站名用唱歌的形式报给乘客。1D由下文可知,此处表示“我”身上没钱了,out of切题。2B朋友们去了其他的地方,“我”身上没钱了,早晨还得早起,所以“我”决定回家。head home“回家”。3D“我”在公共汽车上选择了自己喜欢的(preferred)座位。4C除了“我们”,车上是空的(empty)。由下文可知车上只有两名乘客。5A“我”上车不久汽车就离开了车站(station)。6B“我”上车时注意到司机看上去很高兴(cheerful)。由后面的“Every name was cheerfully sung.”可以得出答案。7D此处表示转折,故用however。8Apass在此表示“路过,经过”。9Cname the stop报站名,name作“报”解。10A由“Every name was cheerfully sung.”可知此处应填sing。11D“我”以前从来没有(never)听过。12B由后面的“Not just this driver, all of them.”可知,这种情况一直都在发生(happen)。13C公共汽车司机不唱才怪(odd)呢。14C由第18空所在句中的the traveler可知答案。15D由第17空后的performance可知答案。16B每一个站名都有自己的旋律,能听到多样化的站名播报是一件令人高兴的事。variety多样性,符合语境。17C他应该还会继续(continue)自己的表演。18Arealize意为“意识到”,符合语境。19D在回家的路上,“我”意识到那位旅客是对的(right)。那位司机不需要唱的理由,也没有理由不去唱。20C“我”心里想,“我”也不需要(唱的理由)。“neither助动词另一主语”表示前面所述的否定情况也适用于后者。.短文改错All parents wish their children, especially junior high students, can go to top university and have a bright future. So they always expects their children to make fully use of their time to study. They dont allow them watch TV, play the puter games or go out to play with their friends. Some students just plained that their parents are only concerned about their grades and not their other needs.In my opinion, how our parents are doing is out of nothing but love. The most important thing, I think, is that they should learn to municate with our parents, tell them that well never let them down and will work harder earn trust and respect from them.答案All parents wish their children, especially high students, go to top university and have a bright future. So they always their children to make use of their time to study. They dont allow them watch TV, play the puter games or go out to play with their friends. Some students just that their parents are only concerned about their grades not their other needs.In my opinion, our parents are doing is out of nothing but love. The most important thing, I think, is that should learn to municate with our parents, tell them that well never let them down and will work harder earn trust and respect from them.

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