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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit4FindingyourwayReading2课时练无答案新版牛津版【自主学习】 一、听磁带,朗读、模仿并背诵今天所学的单词、对话15分钟;二、复习四会单词、重要句型后,默写下列短语并用红笔批改订正。1 在南大门前面_2 每年_3 许多游客 _4 来这里看他们_5 在熊猫馆北面_6 走进他们_7 向左转_8 到处跳_9 向右转_10 像张开的扇子_11 各种各样的动物_12 听见鸟儿唱歌_13使他哭_14 吃草_15跑得快_16 带把伞_【基础训练】一、根据句意及提示完成单词1. Giraffes have long _(脖子). 2. Shenyang is in the _(东北)of China.3. Swimming alone in the river is _(危险的).4. I cant _(记住) all the words today.5. Can you draw a _(直的) line?6. In autumn, we can see _(树叶) everywhere in the ground.7. Dont _(过) the street now. 8. There is a path between the _(hill).9. The monkey is really _(fun).10. The room is q_ big. There are hundreds of people in it.11. How do you like the _(旅行) to the USA?12. The boy is very clever and e_ likes him.13. Which is the _(国王)of the forest?14. I often hear our neighbour _(sing) in the room二、句型转换1. They are climbing the hills. (划线提问)_ _ they _?2. Their long necks help them eat the leaves.(划线提问)_ _ them eat the leaves?3.Walk straight on. (否定)_ walk straight on.4.The trees are behind the shop. (同义句)The shop is _ _ _ the trees.5. The man in a blue coat runs out of the building.(划线提问)_ _ runs out of the building?6. The birds in the zoo are very quiet.(划线提问)_ _ the birds in the zoo?7. I am going to the park by bus.(划线提问)_ _ you going to the park?三、根据汉语完成句子1、每年,很多游客来看他们。_2、在熊猫馆的北面,你将找到狮子。_3、记住,他们很危险。不要走近他们。_4、在这你可以看到各种各样的动物。旅途愉快!_5、我喜欢听鸟儿唱歌。_【能力提高】一、完形填空The telephone rings and Sue answers it. “ 1 I speak to Mrs Potts, please?” a man asks.“Im afraid youve got the wrong 2 ,” Sue says.“Im sorry,” the man says.A few minutes later the telephone rings 3 . Sue 4 it. It is the same man. He makes a mistake (犯错)again. Three minutes 5 the telephone rings once more, but she 6 answer it this time. It rings and rings. Her mother hears the 7 . “Why 8 you answer the phone, Sue?” she calls.“Oh, all right,” Sue says. “Im sure its that man again.” But she is 9 . It is her father and he is very 10 . Sue keeps him waiting.( )1. A. ShallB. DoC. MustD. May( )2. A. number B. telephoneC. personD. place( )3. A. more B. againC. back D. soon( )4. A. gets B. makesC. answersD. gives( )5. A. agoB. beforeC. laterD. past( )6. A. goes to B. would like C. cant D. doesnt( )7. A. sound B. voice C. noiseD. telephone( )8. A. doB. dontC. canD. cant( )9. A. rightB. correctC. wrong D. foolish( )10. A. happyB. hungryC. angryD. tired 二、任务型阅读All around the world,people drink teaBut tea does not mean the same thing to everyoneIn China,for example,tea is always served(招待)when people get togetherThe Chinese drinkit at any time of day at homes or in teahouseThey prefer their tea plain,with nothing else in itTea is also important in JapanThe Japanese have a special way of serving tea called a tea ceremonyIt is very old and full of meaningEverything must be done in a special way in the ceremonyThere is even a special room for it in Japanese homesAnother teadrinking country is EnglandIn England,the late afternoon is tea time”Almost everyone has a cup of tea thenThe English usually make tea in tea-port and drink it with cream and sugarThey also eat cakes,cookies and little sandwiches at teatimeDifferent people have different ways of drinking teaDifferent ways of drinking _1_ around the worldChinaPeople always drink tea when they get _2_.People drink tea at any time at home or in a _3_.People prefer tea_4_ anything in it.JapanPeople have a tea_5_, which has a long history and _6_a lot.People do everything in a_7_ way in it.EnglandPeople drink tea at_8_.People usually put some cream and_9_ into tea.People also drink it_10_ some cookies and sandwiches.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._【家长反馈】 是否复习后独立完成 (是、否) 是否完成课前预习(是、否) 作业完成时间 _(分钟) 家长签字 _


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