2019-2020年七年级英语Unit2 My Day Period First教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语Unit2 My Day Period First教案 牛津版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年七年级英语Unit2 My Day Period First教案 牛津版Task: 1. To talk about routines and activities2. To respond to questions about daily lifeDifficulties: To talk about daily lifeTeaching Tools : a recorderTeaching Procedures:教学环节Step One Mind Practise Step Two New Words & phrasesStep Three PracticeStep Four Homework教后感教师活动及教学意图Ask some questions1.When do you get up ?2.When do you eat breakfast ?3.When do you go to school?4.When do you wake up ?5.When do you go to bed?T use the pictures and activities to show the new words and phrases wake up wake me up Its time for breakfast.=Its time to have breakfast. after breakfast go to sleep want to do sth. have lunch have fun= have a good time do morning exercises do after-school activities have lessons watch TVRead the dialoguesAsk the students to act it outDo some exercises1. 该上床睡觉了。2. 妈妈,明天早晨请把我叫醒。3. 有些人就是不知道如何找乐子。4. Millie 7点钟吃晚饭,然后写作业。5. Millie 和同学们在下午四点开展一些课外活动。Talk about Millies activities当P2425学生活动Answer the questionsListen and read the new words and phrases.Read the dialogues fluentlyAct out the dialoguesTranslate1. Its time to go to bed.2. Mum, wake me up tomorrow morning.3. Some people just dont know how to have fun.4. Millie has supper at 7 p.m. and then does her homework.5. Millie and her classmates do afterschool activities at 4 p.m.Talk about your deskmates activitiesDo homework carefully

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