2019年高中英语 Unit3 第四学时 Grammar同步检测(含解析)新人教版必修2.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit3 第四学时 Grammar同步检测(含解析)新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019年高中英语 Unit3 第四学时 Grammar同步检测(含解析)新人教版必修2.doc_第3页
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2019年高中英语 Unit3 第四学时 Grammar同步检测(含解析)新人教版必修2一、请在下列句子中填入适当的动词形式1All the preparations for the task _(plete),and were ready to start.答案:have been pleted2Great changed have taken place in our province many tall buildings _(set)up.答案:have been set3Every possible means _(try)to save the wounded soldier up to now.答案:has been tried4The new dictionaries are very useful.They sell well and _(sell)out already.答案:have been sold5When we got there,the house _ (pull)down.答案:had been pulled6Before they could understand it,some of the trees _(cut)down.答案:have been cut7The book is said _(translate)into several foreign languages last year.答案:to have been translated8When and where to build the factory _(not decide)yet.答案:hasnt been decided9The police found that the house had been broken into and a lot of things _(steal)答案:had been stolen10Tom was very unhappy for not _(invite)to the party.答案:having been invited二、将下列句子翻译成英语1电脑已被广泛应用于学校。_答案:puters have been widely used in schools.2数据已经下载并储存在我的电脑中了。_答案:The data has already been downloaded and stored in my puter.3机器人足球队员已被设计得像人一样行动。_答案:The android football players have been programmed to act like humans.4这对老夫妇已经结婚30多年了。_答案:The old couple has been married for over 30 years.5我想知道这个工作是否已经被完成。_答案:Id like to know if this work has been finished.三、语法填空AGreat changes 1._(take place) in my hometown in the past decades.The public facilities 2._(greatly,improve). The roads 3._(widen) and more bridges 4._(build)More attention 5._(give) to the environment protection,so many trees and flowers 6._(plant) in the city.The water in the rivers and lakes as well as the air 7._(bee) clean again.As many people say,it seems that we are now living in a “big park”Of course,life of us 8._(get) better and better.答案:1.have taken place2.have been greatly improved3have been widened4.have been built5.has been given6have been planted7.has bee8.is gettingBFishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.Though the stories told by seamen have often 1._(laugh) at,it is now known that many of these “monsters” which have at times 2._(sight) are simply strange fish.Occasionally,unusual creatures 3._(wash) to the shore,but they are rarely caught out at sea.Some time ago,however,a peculiar fish which was over thirteen feet long 4._(catch) near Madagascar.It had a head like a horse,big blue eyes,shining silver skin,and a bright red tail.The fish,which 5._(send) to a museum where it is being examined by a scientist,6._(call) an oarfish.Such creatures have rarely 7._(see) alive by man 8._they live at a 9._(deep) of six hundred feet.答案:1.been laughed 2.been sighted3.are washed4was caught5.has been sent6.is called7been seen8.as/because9.depth


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