2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Welcome to the unit特色教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Welcome to the unit特色教案 牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Wele to the unit特色教案 牛津版一、年级:七年级二、教学内容:7A Unit 2 My day三、课型:ic strip and wele to the unit四、教学目标:1、知识目标:1) 本课时的四会单词2) 词组 : wake up , get up , go to sleep , have lunch , eat supper , have lessons 3) 句型 : Is it time for breakfast?I get up at 6:30 .2、能力目标:1)学会谈论日常安排和活动。2)学会回答有关日常生活的问题。五、教学重难点:1、重点:能够对自己一天的活动安排进行简单描述。2、难点:What are you going to do today, Eddie? ( 埃迪,你今天打算做什么事?) 第二部分 教学流程 Part One ic strip Step 1. T: Hello, everyone! Look at the clock. What time is it now?T: Its 8:00 oclock. Its time to have our class.T: Do you remember our friend Eddie? Does he go to school?What does he do every day?T: If you want to know, turn to Page 22, please read the dialogue in ic strip and try to find out what kind of a dog Eddie is. T: Is Eddie a hard-working dog or a lazy dog? S: He is a lazy dogStep 2.T: Read the dialogue in ic strip after the tape.T: Lets talk about each picture in ic strip.1 What does Hobo say to Eddie?2 Who wakes up Eddie every day?3 What does Eddie ask?4 What is Eddie going to do? 5 What does Hobo think of some dogs?Step 3.T: Now, please read and act the dialogue in ic strip in pairs.Step 4.T: There is an article about Eddies day. Lets help Hobo plete it.Hi, everyone! I am going to tell you something about my muster Eddie. Eddie never _ _ early. So I _ him _every day. After breakfast, he wants to _ _ _ , then he has _. Look! Its 12:30 p.m. Its time _ lunch,But he is still sleeping. And I am sure, he _ _ go to sleep again after lunch. He just doesnt know how to _ _.Part Two Millies day Step 5.T:Eddie is very lazy, he does only two things in a day. Sleeping and eating are his favourite activities. What about you? What do you do in a day?S: Its _ in the morning.Its time to _. Its _ at noon.Its time to _. Its _ in the afternoon.Its time to _. Its _ in the evening.Its time to _.Step 6.T: Here are some photos of Tom. Please ask and answer in pairs about his daily activities. S:What time is it?/ Whats the time?What does he do at ? Step 7.T: Tom is a hardworking student, Millie also wants to be a hardworking student. Please read her diary on Page 23 carefully. Step 8.T: Lets Ask and answer in pairs about Millies day. What does Millie do at 6:30 a.m.? What time does Millie get up?Step 9.T: OK, Lets plete a passage about Millies day. Millie _ at 6:30 a.m. She eats breakfast at 7:00 a.m. Then she goes to school. At 8:00 a.m. she _. After that , she _ at 8:25 a.m. She _ at 11:50a.m. At 1:30 p.m. she has lessons again. At 4:00 p.m. she does after-school activities. She goes home at 5:00 p.m. She _ at 5:30 p.m. She eats supper at 6:30 p.m. At 7:00 p.m. she _. At 9:30 p.m. she _.Part Three Practice Step 10. 1.Talk about your activities in a day in groups of four, and fill in the form on P23.2. Give a talk about your activities in a day.Part Four Homework 1. 背诵“卡通漫画”中的对话。2. 根据句意填入所缺单词1) The boy is looking the new car. Whats he to do?2) Father is asleep. Dont him up.3) Its time play volleyball. Lets go .4) _breakfast, you must wash your hands.5) Some boys just dont know how to fun.参考答案2. 1) at; going 2) wake 3) to 4) before 5) have第三部分 说明 本节课是第二单元的第一课时,主要目的是通过介绍 Eddie 与 Millie 的日常活动导入本单元的主要内容, 激发学生的兴趣。 本课教学容量并不大,关键是在大量口头操练的基础上让学生熟悉并掌握一些日常活动的基本词汇。如果学生基础较好,可以适当再对书本内容进行扩展。

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