2019年高中英语 Module 6 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修3.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 6 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修3.语境填词1Its very cold today;the temperature has dropped to the _ (结冰的) point.2What a _ (荒唐的) suggestion!To go to a so far place on foot!3Long ago,_ (巨大的) animals lived on the earth.4We now have the _ (完全的) proof of his guilt.5Many beautiful fish are fast _ (消失) because of the severe pollution.6There was only a _ (狭窄的) street in their village.翻译句子1足球比赛快要结束了。(e to an end)_2多么冷的天气啊!(freezing)_3他的家乡是一个迷人的地方。(fascinating)_4他们被迫结束了他们的计划。(bring.to an end)_5近年来这个镇发生了巨大的变化。(enormous)_.选词填空1.She didnt speak a word to me _ back home.2He talked a lot at the meeting,but it didnt _ to me.3The premier _ China now.4The bottle _ fresh flowers.5Your plan is not realistic.I dont agree _.6We wont allow a few troublemakers to _ from our enjoyment of the occasion.单项填空1The young man _ between John and Mary is the editor of the campus newspaper.Asitting BsitCsat Dbeing sat2The puter centre,_ last year,is very popular among the students in this school.Aopen BopeningCopened Dhaving opened3Its the most _ thing I have ever heard in my life.I cant help laughing.Aridiculous BdangerousCimportant Dpoisonous4Whenever you are short of money,just e to me._ADo you really mean it?BI cant believe it.CThats something.DWhats up?5Hu Jintao,President of China was _ America last year.Aon a visit Bon a visit toCon visit to Dvisiting to6Its high time for us to bring _ end _ the discussion and make a decision now.Athe;/ Ban;toCan;/ Da;to7Put on more clothes;its _ cold outside now.Afreezing BfreezinglyCfrozen Dfrozenly8No matter how I tried to read it,I just couldnt make _ of this sentence.Ameaning BthoughtCsense Didea9As a child,Jack studied in a village school,_is named after his grandfather.Awhich Bwhere Cwhat Dthat10Im calling to enquire about the position_in yesterdays China Daily.Aadvertised Bto be advertisedCadvertising Dhaving advertised.完形填空“Dr.Carr!Is it you?Is it really you?” I turned and saw a smiling young man calling me.It was Gibby.Twelve years ago when he _1_ my class to begin the fifth grade,he was a shy,overweight little boy who always kept _2_.As a new student he had a_3_ time during the first few months.I often _4_ that when the boys began to choose _5_ for a game,little Gibby would usually be _6_,standing aside lonely.Many times I went out on the playground and _7_ the boys.Whenever I chose my team,I would _8_ Gibbys name.My team might not have been the best,_9_ we were obviously the happiest and the most hardworking,especially Gibby.Every time he would try much harder than anyone else._10_,he gained confidence (信心) and _11_ to smile and talk more.Now,after those _12_,here the little Gibby stood in front of me like a tower.He said he was a manager of a puter pany.And a big smile _13_ on his face as he continued,“But,Dr.Carr,do you know the thing that I _14_ most about you?” I _15_ my head.“Well,” he said,as he _16_ me with deep blue eyes,“Whenever you got a(n) _17_ to choose teams on the playground,you never left me alone.That let me know I had _18_ too.”I was _19_ deeply.What I did twelve years ago made him find his selfconfidence,but what he said today makes me know that I can make a difference.From him I know how to _20_ better in the future.1A.passedBenteredCvisitedDtaught2A.seriousBcalmCsilentDproud3A.happyBgreatCdifficultDlucky4A.worriedBnoticedChopedDguessed5A.teamsBprogramsCwinnersDprizes6A.chosenBweledCrefusedDleft7A.encouragedBcorrectedCjoinedDtrained8A.callBforgetCpronounceDspell9A.butBorCsinceDunless10A.HardlyBGraduallyCPersonallyDCertainly11A.wantedBmanagedCbeganDdecided12A.daysBtimesCmomentsDyears13A.lookedBexistedChappenedDappeared14A.hateBpreferCrememberDdream15A.shookBraisedCloweredDturned16A.laughed atBstared atClooked intoDglanced at17A.chanceBexcuseCinterestDreason18A.soresBabilityCfriendsDmanners19A.embarrassedBsadCconfidentDmoved20A.liveBpracticeCteachDact.be doing.when.正在做(某事)就在这时1I was walking along the street when I heard my name called.我正沿着大街走,就在这时我听到有人叫我的名字。2I am doing my homework when the light goes out.我正在做作业,就在这时灯灭了。Period ThreeIntegrating Skills.1.freezing2.ridiculous3.enormous4.absolute 5disappearing6.narrow.1.The football match is ing to an end.2What freezing weather!3His hometown is a fascinating place.4They were forced to bring their plan to an end.5Enormous changes have taken place in the town in recent years.1.all the way2.make sense3.is on a visit to4.is full of5.at all6.take away.1.Athe young man和sit之间为主谓关系,所以用v.ing形式作定语表主动。2Copen和the puter centre之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作定语表被动。3A句意为:这是我一生中所听说过的最可笑的事情。我实在是忍不住笑了起来。ridiculous荒谬的,可笑的,符合题意。dangerous危险的;important重要的;poisonous有毒的。4A句意为:不管你什么时候缺钱,来找我好了。此话当真?Do you really mean it?意为“此话当真?”,符合语境。I cant believe it.难以置信;Thats something.太好了,太棒了;Whats up?怎么啦?5Bbe on a visit to.去访问。6Bbring an end to结束;终止。7Afreezing cold冰冷的。8C句意为:不管我多么用功读,我还是弄不懂这个句子的意思。make sense of为固定短语,意为“懂得;理解”。9A句意为:孩提时代,杰克在一所乡村学校学习,该学校是以他祖父的名字命名的。非限制性定语从句中缺少主语,which在非限制性定语从句中作主语,指代a village school。where在定语从句中作地点状语,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,故排除B、D两项;what不能引导定语从句,因此排除C项。10A句意为:我打电话来咨询一下有关昨天在中国日报上刊登广告(招聘)的职位。advertised是过去分词短语作后置定语,被修饰词position与advertise是被动关系。.1.B由下文“to begin the fifth grade”可知Gibby是一位新来的学生。2C由空前“he was a shy,overweight little boy”可知Gibby是一个腼腆的学生,又因为刚刚步入新的班级,他应该是整天很沉默,不怎么说话。3C由下文Gibby经常被排除在学生圈外可知,刚刚步入新班级的这段时间对Gibby来说是很困难的。4B由下文我陪着学生玩并组织自己的小组可知,我注意到了Gibby被排除在学生圈外的事情。5A由下文“Whenever I chose my team.”可知此处是指学生在游戏中组织自己的小组。6D由空后“standing aside lonely”可知Gibby经常被剩下站在一边,没有小组愿意要他。7C由下文我自己组织队伍可知我也加入学生的活动中去。而不是去说服学生接受Gibby,也不是纠正他们的错误。8A由下文“Every time he would try much harder than anyone else.”可知我在操场上组织自己的小组活动时,选中了Gibby。9A结合语境,我的小组也许不是最好的,但显然是最高兴的、最用功的,特别是Gibby。前后表示的意思是转折关系。10B每次我组织小组时都叫上Gibby,在这过程中Gibby逐渐地发生了变化。11CGibby逐渐地有了信心,由原来的沉默寡言变得开始微笑,开始说话了。12D由上文“Twelve years ago when he.”可知我刚刚回忆的是12年前的事情,因此此处应该表示“12年后的今天”。13D由下文可知Gibby很感谢我,因此在这里他面露笑容地问我。14C因为我让Gibby找到了自信,变得能说能笑,因此Gibby对我记忆最深刻的事情应该在于此。所以他应该问:您知道我记住您最深的是什么吗?15A由下文的Gibby的讲述可知此处我摇了摇头。16BGibby很感谢我,因此他和我说话时用眼睛注视着我。17A由上文我组织小组每次都叫上Gibby可知,现在Gibby说的是“每一次您有机会在操场上组织小组时”。18B我所做的让Gibby觉得他也有能力,于是变得自信起来。19D我听到Gibby的话很感动。20C我知道以后怎么更好地教学生。

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