2019年高三英语一轮复习辅导与测试 第1部分 Unit 3 A healthy life课时训练 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019年高三英语一轮复习辅导与测试 第1部分 Unit 3 A healthy life课时训练 新人教版选修6.doc_第1页
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2019年高三英语一轮复习辅导与测试 第1部分 Unit 3 A healthy life课时训练 新人教版选修6.阅读理解AANYONE who has been to the seaside will tell you just how amazing it isthe sunny days,blue waves and people relaxing on the beach.But thats what the ocean is like from the shore.If you dive(下潜)a few hundred meters deep into the water,you will find a totally different worlddark, cold and almost lifeless.This is what an oceanaut(潜航员)has to deal with,like those aboard Jiaolong,Chinas deep sea research submersible(潜水器)So far,China has only two oceanauts,and they took Jiaolong to a record depth of 7,062 meters in the Pacific Oceans Mariana Trench last year.Since July of this year,the National Deep Sea Center has been looking to recruit six more oceanauts.The recruitment process has attracted lots of attention.What kind of person is the ideal selection(理想人选)?“The strict requirements are parable to those for astronauts,” Liu Baohua,the centers Party chief,told Xinhua News Agency.According to Liu,there are many criteria(选择标准)that oceanauts must meet.Men must be between age 22 and 35,while women must be between 22 and 30.Also,men must be between 1.65 and 1.76 meters tall while women must be between 1.6 and 1.7 meters because there is not much room inside the submersible.Not being seasick and having a degree in shipbuilding,engineering or electrical science are also requirements.Candidates(候选人)also undergo a number of interviews,physical tests and psychological screenings(心理素质选拔)In one of the tests,candidates work together to arrange a rope(绳子)into the shape of a square while blindfolded.Instead of how fast candidates plete the task,the examiners focus more on how they behave throughout the processespecially how they municate with others.Do they share their opinions?Do they criticize others or are they willing to shoulder responsibility(承担责任)?Candidates are also asked to spend one hour alone in a small,dark room to test if they are able to deal with claustrophobia(幽闭恐惧症)That can be a great challenge on Jiaolong,as its inner space is only 4.8 cubic meters.The list of six winners will be released later this November.But making it to the list is not the end of the path to being an oceanaut.Theyll have to train for at least two years.“It will take time and hard work to get from trainee to oceanaut,” Liu said.1The purpose of the first paragraph is to_.Amake us wonder about the dark side of the deep seaBwarn us the sea is not what it appears to beCtell us that there remains a lot for us to explore under the seaDintroduce the working environment of oceanauts2The underlined word “recruit” in Paragraph 3 probably means_.Aselect and train people for a certain purposeBfind suitable people and get them to join an organizationCask people to apply for(申请)a certain positionDmake public the requirements of a certain job3We can infer from the article that_.Aoceanauts have to finish tasks blindfolded quickly because of the darkness under the seaBoceanauts often have to work alone in submersiblesCboth the selection and training of oceanauts are strictDonce chosen,the candidates will work on Jiaolong to get firsthand experienceB“Is this Mrs.Smith?” An unidentified male voice was on the phone.I cautiously responded.Was this the phone call I had been dreading since March?For a moment,I thought I was going to be sick.Then the loveliest words I had ever heard came through the receiver,“Smith,your wife is on the phone.”At 5:20 am.,on April 18,my heart leapt to my throat.I had not heard my husbands voice since February 16.The news channel I was addicted to had not reported anything from his brigade(旅)in a week.Immediately,what seemed to be a thousand questions flew through my head.“Where are you?How are you?Have you been able to shower?Are you eating?Do you miss me?Why has it taken you so long to call?”Intellectually speaking,I knew why he had not called.Jay was in a war zone.How dare he be concentrating on his wife instead of his job!The army operates on a needtoknow basis,so I quickly decided that we would,too.As long as he was in the desert,Jay did not need to know that termites(白蚁)had been discovered in our house,or that I had two flat tires in the last month or that the refrigerator broke.He did not need to know that his pay had been incorrect for four months or that I had been scared out of my mind.For twenty glorious minutes I listened to his stories of Baghdad.He tried to protect my feelings,too,and his tales were not horrific war stories but amazing adventures that he had or sights he had seen.We laughed at stories of Udays Palace with lions and wealth galore.Any_awkwardness_that_I_had_feared_dissolved.I_was_overwhelmed_with_pride;_I_was_so_lucky,and_my_husband_was_so_brave.Military spouses(配偶)share their lives with fascinating,dedicated individuals.So listening to Jays firsthand account of the war was truly precious.The phone line cut out before we were able to say how much we missed each other.I held the phone in my hand for several moments,hoping to hear his voice again.The familiar pain of missing him returned.I waited two months for that wonderful phone call.Now,the waiting starts again.4In the first paragraph,Mrs.Smith felt frightened about the phone call because_.Ashe received a phone call from an unfamiliar maleBshe hadnt received the phone call from her husband for a long timeCit was her husbands phone call from the war zoneDshe feared that she would hear some bad news about her husband5It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that_.AMr.Smith wasnt concerned about the life of his wifeBsoldiers didnt have to obey the armys rulesCMrs.Smith was a great and selfless military wifeDMrs.Smith plained about her hard life6What did Mrs.Smith and Jay talk about on the telephone?AHorrific war stories.BThe amazing adventures of Jay in Baghdad.CThe dangers Jay experienced in the war zone.DHow much they missed each other.7The underlined sentences suggest that_.Ashe felt proud of her husbandBshe felt painful again for missing her husbandCshe felt her husband was very luckyDher awkwardness disappeared8In this passage the author intends to show us_.Athe husbands braveryBthe military wifes love and concern for her husbandCthe strict discipline of the armyDthe cruelty of war in Baghdad.七选五补缺题How to Manage MoneyKnowing where money goes can be a tough challenge.But having a plan and doing a budget arent difficult.They help get finances checked._1_1The budget plannerA budget planner is a valuable tool to manage money._2_Once the period has been decided,all the numbers or entries written down are for the same time period.Meanwhile the actual ine and expenses should be written down.Once these two factors are realistically worked out,result is taken by subtracting the total expenses from the total ine,which is a straightforward formula.2Spending money wiselyThe budget can show areas where changes in spending can be effected.One suggestion in sorting out expenses is to group into two,essentials and nonessentials._3_If theres leftover money,money should be spent wisely.This is where debt management es into play,that is,to get debt under control.Some options where the “extra” money can be used are increasing in credit card repayments or loan,or organizing a deduction for an investment account or separate savings.3_4_For families who have children,parents should teach them the basics of money.Here are some tips to help kids:Encourage them to save regularly and as much as possible._5_Set up a savings account with a passbook to help them keep track of transactions(买卖)in terms of deposit,withdrawal and interest they earn.Make savings fun by letting the kids choose their own realistic goals.Change being inevitable,its advisable to revisit budget and goals regularly in order to reflect changes,perhaps twice a year,or when necessary.ATeaching children about moneyBHere are money management tips to track wisely where money goes.CIt can help you manage money well.DIt can be weekly,fortnightly or monthly guide.ESpending can be reduced in the nonessentials.FSet an example by managing money well.GWe should handle these two groups wisely.短文改错Its said that in 300 AD,there was a kind old man name Saint Nicholas.He was always ready to help the poor and often gave them to presents.Today,Father Christmas are an imaginary figure,but nearly all young children believe in them.They think he is happy old man with a long white beard and a red robe.In the night of December 24 every year,Father Christmas es up the chimney of the fireplace to put presents by the childrens beds or fill their stockings.So while children go to bed that night,they hang up their stockings,and on Christmas morning they woke to find them full of presents.Of course,its really their parents who fill the stocking.详解答案课时训练(二十八).阅读理解A【语篇解读】“蛟龙号”成功下潜至7062米,刷新“入海”新记录。“驭龙者”是如何选出来的,本文介绍了选择标准。1选D细节理解题。第一段向人们介绍了海洋工作的环境。2选B词义猜测题。由语境中可知此词意为“吸收新成员,招聘”,故选B项。3选C推理判断题。由选择的标准和最后一段文字可知C项正确。B【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,记叙了远在战场的士兵史密斯和他的妻子在电话里互相安慰的过程。但是他们还没来得及说出对彼此的思念,电话就切断了。4选D推理判断题。由后文的描述可知,史密斯在战场服役,那里战火不断,妻子十分挂念他的安危,因此她生怕电话里传来丈夫不幸受伤或者阵亡的消息。故选D项。5选C推理判断题。第四段主要说,史密斯太太在家中也遇到了很多的麻烦,但是她并不想告诉自己的丈夫。由此可以看出,史密斯太太是一位伟大的、无私的军嫂。6选B细节理解题。根据第五段的第二句话中的“his tales were not horrific war stories but amazing adventures that he had or sights he had seen”可知答案为B项。7选A句意理解题。画线部分说的是史密斯太太不再担心丈夫的安危并为自己丈夫的勇敢感到自豪,故答案为A项。8选B主旨大意题。文章从头至尾都体现了一位军人妻子对丈夫的牵挂和爱,这也是文章着力刻画的人物特征。.七选五补缺题【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要向读者介绍了管理金钱的一些方法。1选B从文章篇章结构分析,本空应选择一个主旨句,概括说明下文几个要点的内容,故选B。2选D第二段主要是讲“The budget planner”,第一句话的主语是A budget planner,D项中的It刚好指代A budget planner,同时下一句话中的the period也是关键词,故空中应涉及时间,所以D项正确。干扰项是C项,只照顾了主语一致,而没有考虑与下句的衔接。3选E本段说的是对剩余金钱的处理,所以结合上下文和选项可知应选E。4选A空处位于小标题的位置,为下面一部分的主旨,A项符合题意。5选F从本部分的结构可以看出,这里是教孩子一种理财的方法,同时是一个祈使句,故选F。.短文改错Its said that in 300 AD,there was a kind old man Saint Nicholas.He was always ready to help the poor and often gave them presents.Today,Father Christmas an imaginary figure,but nearly all young children believe in .They think he is happy old man with a long white beard and a red robe. the night of December 24 every year,Father Christmas es the chimney of the fireplace to put presents by the childrens beds or fill their stockings.So children go to bed that night,they hang up their stockings,and on Christmas morning they to find them full of presents.Of course,its really their parents who fill the .

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