2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 4 Life in the future Unit 3 Language in use教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 4 Life in the future Unit 3 Language in use教案 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 4 Life in the future Unit 3 Language in use教案 外研版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 4 Life in the future Unit 3 Language in use教案 外研版一、教学内容分析本堂课是练习课加复习课,训练本模块知识要点。二、学生情况分析学生对于听力环节力不从心,要加强听前指导三、教学目标1能灵活运用一般将来时will的各种句式。四、教学重点和难点1一般将来时will 的陈述句,否定句,一般疑问句及回答五、教学策略讲练结合,学生总结规则六、教学手段TAPE七、教学过程Step1.PresentationUse a picture of robots. Teach the words and let the students talk about what the robots can do for us?Step2.ListeningPlay the tape twice and check the true sentences.(wb.9)Choose some individuals to say the answers.Step3.Look at the picture and write questions about the future1. Ask the students to write the questions , correct with a partner.2. Collect the answers from the whole class.Step5.Work in pairs, ask and answer the questions.1. Read through the example with the class.2. Ask the students to work in pairs. Step6.Put the words and phrases into the correct columns.1. Read through the words2. Ask the students to tabulate the words with the stress.3. Ask the students check the answers.Step6.Around the world(1) Learn the material together(2) Ask: what will your life be like in the future with the help of robots?(3) Share the different answers.Step7.Module taskDesign your dream school (Unit 3 Activity 5,6&7),write a short passage about it.Step8.Homework1. Finish off homework book exercises.2. Recite the words in this module.3. Preview next module

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