2019-2020年七年级上册 Module8 Unit3 Language in use教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级上册 Module8 Unit3 Language in use教案 外研版教学目标:一、知识目标 1、掌握并运用本模块所学词汇2、能在交流中运用句型:I like / dont like . She likes/doesnt3、语法功能:1)总结、归纳一般现在时态动词第三人称单数形式。2)掌握频度副词 always, usually, often, never的使用及其在句子中的位置。3)能够正确区分人称代词和形容词性物主代词二、能力目标:Learn to express different habbits.三、情感态度目标:培养学生听说读写的能力,同时引导学生乐于交友,乐于与他人合作,培养健康向上的品格。教学步骤:Step I Warming up(Activity 1) 6:1、 Listen to an English song .2、 Discuss the differences between Chinese US/UK birthdays in groups.设计意图: 本模块的学习任务与选择生日礼物有关,因此通过听这首脍炙人口的歌曲,能激发学生的学习兴趣;通过分组讨论中国与英美国家过生日时的区别,可以培养学生的文化差异意识。.Step II PresentationTask 1 Listen and write.1、 Work in pairs and ask questions.(Activity 1)T: Do you often play basketball after class? S1: Yes, I do. T: S1 often plays basketball after class.(板书)T: Do you often go swimming in summer? S2: No, I dont.T: S2 doesnt often play basketball after class.(板书)Ss practise like me in pairs.2、小组练习完之后,找三名同学把练习中的句子用第三人称单数的形式写下来。注意有些物主代词的变化。例如:I often do my homework in the evening. Li Lei often does homework in the evening.设计意图: 通过做这样的对话练习,不仅锻炼了学生的听和写得能力,又可以让每个学生都能体会并运用一般现在时态动词第三人称单数形式。Task 2 Practice adverbs of frequency:Show four sentences of “Language practice”:1) I always listen to music. 2) She usually wears silk shirts.3) We often make a cake for his birthday. 4) He never plays puter games.Let ss make some sentences with always, usually, often, never.通过看例句,让学生仿写句子,再全班展示。引导学生归纳、总结频度副词的用法,老师补充。教师可以说:“We usually put an adverb of frequency before a verb except when it is the verb “to be”. For example, Mrs Wang always es to work by car. Zhao Yue is often late for class.”设计意图: 通过此活动既能锻炼学生造句的能力,又能提高他们归纳、总结的能力,同时为完成活动2做好了铺垫。Finish Activity2. (小组核对答案)Task 3 Write and speak (Activity3,4)教师出示人称代词的卡片,让学生抢答相应的物主代词。如:I-my he-his.在学生训练熟了之后,让学生看一些有关人称代词和物主代词的例句,引导学生总结其用法。例如:I like my students. You like your English teacher very much. They finish their homework on time.学生独立完成Activity3,4,老师提问个别同学,组内核对答案。设计意图:利用卡片教学,容易引起学生的兴趣,为下面的练习做好铺垫。Task 4 Write words that go with.( Activity5)Ask the students to list words they know which could go under the column headings given.FoodClothesBirthdaysThings to docakesice creamhamburgerschocolates T-shirts Silk shirts Pair of jiansshirtsPresentsCardsCakespartiesgo to the cinemago to a football matchhave a partyhave breakfast小组填完表格后,再用food, clothes, birthday, things to do四栏中的四组单词串成一句话。例如:My parents like buying a box of chocolates and T-shirts as my birthday presents or sometimes we have a birthday party at home.设计意图: 设计这一活动有利于总结与检查本模块所学的词汇,同时还能扩大学生的词汇量。Task 5 Moudle task: Choosing a birthday presentThink of someone in you family. Write a description of him / her.For example: My_ likes _. He / She never _, and he / she doesnt like _. He / She likes _ and he / she usually _. He / She never_.学生独立完成,然后以小组为单位核对检查。在学生写的过程中教师巡视注意学生出现的问题给予及时纠正,然后全班展示。设计意图:帮助学生进一步巩固并运用本模块的语法知识,充分发挥学生的语言运用能力,学会用英语介绍不同的习惯,同时培养学生的写作能力。Step 4 Summary :What have we learned today?Step 5 Homework: Finish the workbook.


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