2019年高中英语 Unit 5 Part Ⅲ Grammar and Useful Structures双基限时练 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 5 Part Grammar and Useful Structures双基限时练 新人教版必修4.单词拼写1None of the living things can live without _ (阳光)答案sunlight2This cinema doesnt allow _ (提前) booking.答案advance3What _ (牌子) of detergent do you use?答案brand4I bought this book as a _ (纪念品) of my visit to New York.答案souvenir5The first living _ (动物) sent into space was a dog named Laika.答案creature6Most members of the mittee were in favour of the suggestion, and only a _ (少数) were against it.答案minority7The Senators _ (承认) that he had lied to Congress shocked many Americans.答案admission8There are all kinds of plants and animals that live in the _ (丛林), because the temperature is high and there is plenty of rain.答案jungle.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1A large number of students are sent to America for the purpose of studying _ (advance) science and technology.答案与解析advancedadvanced“高级的;先进的”。句意:许多学生被派到美国去学习先进的科学技术。2In October, the price of the _ (admit) to Mount Tai has risen by 50 yuan.答案与解析admission句意:10月份泰山门票涨了50元。3 Hi, Linda. What do you think of Jacks performance at the sports meeting? Not bad. You know,he came very close to _ (get) the first place in the 100metre race.答案与解析getting答句句意:他差点在百米赛跑中取得第一名。句中came是动词,close是副词,与介词to连用,因此to之后的动词应用动名词。4To our great excitement,our class have e _ life since the new teacher came.答案与解析toe to life为“活跃起来;有活力”。5I really believe what he said because I not only heard it, _ saw it.答案与解析but“不是而是”。6My mother always made us wear our good _ (cloth) for visiting our relatives.答案与解析clothes句意:母亲总让我们穿上好衣服去走亲戚。clothes泛指各种服装。7British Airways, for example, takes bookings from exactly 350 days _ advance.答案与解析in句意:例如英国航空公司需要提前350天进行登记。in advance意为提前。8When it es to _ (solve) math problems, Im pletely at sea.答案与解析solving句意:当一谈到解数学题时,我就一片茫然。When it es to doing意为当谈到做时,此处主句为现在时,when从句也用现在时。.根据课文内容,完成语法填空The trip to Futuroscope was _1_(excite) and I learned a lot there. I took a deep journey into space, to the end of the solar system and was _2_(pull) into a black hole. Then I experienced surviving an airplane crash in the jungle in Brazil. After that, I dived to the bottom of the ocean _3_(see) strange blind creatures that have never seen sunlight. I then joined in a car racing and skied down from the mountain. I ended my travels by _4_(meet) face to face with a terrible TRex dinosaur _5_ survived the experience. I did all this in one day at Futuroscope, _6_(open) to public in 1987 in France. There visitors can get close to parts of the world they have never experienced, going to the bottom of the ocean, flying through the jungle or _7_(visit) the edges of the solar system with the science and technologybased 3D cinemas. While _8_(go) the brand new experience, I learnt more about space travel, the undersea world and much more._9_ is easy to buy the tickets at the parks and they are also available online. When you e to Futuroscope, be sure _10_(wear) your fortable sneakers because you have to do a lot of walking.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._答案1.exciting2.pulled3.to see4.meeting5.and6opened7.visiting8.going9.It10.to wear.完形填空John Janson was honoured at the Lifesaver Awards last night for carrying out first aid on his neighbour after a knife _1_.John was one of the ten _2_ people who had saved the life of _3_.John had been studying in his room when he heard _4_. When he and his father rushed outside,they _5_ that Anne Slade, a mother of three, had been stabbed _6_ with a knife by her exboyfriend. The man ran from the _7_ and left Ms Slade lying in her front garden _8_ very heavily. Her hands had almost been cut from her body.It was Johns quick _9_ and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slades life. He immediately asked a number of _10_ people for bandages, but when nobody could put their hands on any, his father got some towels and _11_ from their house. John used these to dress the most severe _12_ to Ms Slades hands. He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds _13_ the police and ambulance arrived.“Im _14_ of what I did but I was just doing what I had been _15_”, John said.John had taken part in the Young Lifesaver Scheme at his high school. When _16_ John, Mr Alan Southerton, Director of the Young Lifesaver Scheme said, “There is no doubt that Johns quick thinking and the first aid _17_ that he had learnt at school saved Ms Slades life. It shows that a simple knowledge of first aid can make a real _18_.”John and the nine other Life Savers also attended a _19_ reception yesterday hosted by the Prime Minister before _20_ their awards last night.1A. show B. attackC. fight D. defend2A. brave B. courageousC. strong D. clever3A. any other B. anotherC. the other D. others4A. quarreling B. arguingC. shouting D. screaming5A. realized B. believedC. thought D. discovered6A. repeatedly B. rudelyC. frequently D. gradually7A. home B. placeC. scene D. garden8A. shaking B. strugglingC. bleeding D. crying9A. action B. operationC. experience D. request10A. several B. nearbyC. familiar D. curious11A. water B. tapeC. instrument D. luggage12A. damages B. painsC. injuries D. cuts13A. after B. whenC. while D. until14A. proud B. fondC. sure D. tired15A. expected B. taughtC. encouraged D. educate16A. praising B. sitting withC. talking with D. congratulating17A. skills B. instructionsC. treatments D. methods18A. discovery B. contributionC. difference D. choice19A. recent B. publicC. private D. special20A. giving B. rememberingC. announcing D. receiving答案与解析1B从下文可以知道,是Ms Slade的exboyfriend刺伤她的,因此说是一个knife attack。attack“攻击;袭击”。show“表演”; fight“打斗”; defend“保护”,均不符合文中场景。2A因为这十个人救了另一个人的命,因此他们都是勇敢的人。brave“勇敢”,着重于在不知道危险、艰辛、困境的前提下表现出来的勇敢;courageous也为“勇敢”,但其着重于在清楚地了解可能面临的痛苦、危险的前提下,能够克服自己内心的恐惧与不安,勇敢地去面对。这里根据John的年纪和救人的场面推测用brave较好。3B因为被救的人是Anne Slade,因此用another最佳。another“另一个”。any other“任何其他人”; the other“对方”; others“别的一些人”。4D他们听到的是Anne Slade被刺时的尖叫声。从下文可以知道,当John Janson与其父亲从屋内冲出来的时候,Anne Slade已经被刺,故排除A,B两项;shout强调大声地叫,而没有恐惧的意味。5D三个孩子的母亲,Anne Slade,已被其前男友刺了好几刀是他们跑出来后所看到的情景。其他三项都不能表达是他们看到的场景,故排除。6A从下文“Her hands had almost been cut from her body”可以知道,Anne Slade被刺无数刀,因此repeatedly说明当时被刺的状况最贴切。rudely“粗暴地”; frequently“经常地”; gradually“逐渐地”不符合Anne被刺的情况。7Cthe scene在这里指现场。她的前男友从刺杀现场逃走。联系left Ms Slade lying in her front garden排除其他选项。8CAnne Slade身上多处被刺,因此流血严重。联系下一段John Janson赶紧为她止血,可以排除其他选项。9A从下文“John立刻向周围的人要绷带”可知,他立刻做出反应。quick action意思是“反应灵敏”。operation“手术”; experience“经验;经历”; request“要求”一般都不会用quick来修饰。10B他向在现场的人们要东西,因此用nearby。a number of本身就表达“数量”,而several与其数量上矛盾。11B从下文“He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds”可以断定,他们用带子把towels捆扎在伤口处。tape“带子”。instrument“设备”; luggage“行李”,都不能用来包扎伤口。12C因为是指刀刺的伤口,因此injuries最合适。cuts一般指“(刀、剑等造成的)伤口、切口”,因此不合适。13DJohn通过给伤口施压来止血,一直到警察与救护车来到。其他连词从时间的先后排除。14A自己的行为救了别人,得到了奖励,当然是感到骄傲。be fond of“喜欢”; be sure of“确信”; be tired of“厌烦”,都不符合John此时的心情。15B从下文“John had taken part in the Young Lifesaver Scheme at his high school”可以得此答案。educate“教育”,通常很正式,特别强调导致天生能力的发展。16DJohn得了这个奖,这个项目的主席祝贺他并讲了下面这番话。praise“赞扬”,talk with“与谈话”与下面的Director的话不符。17A从空后的that he learnt可知Mr. Alan Southerton指的是John在学校学到的急救技能。instruction“教育;说明”,treatment“处理;治疗”,method“方法”。18C懂不懂a simple knowledge of first aid其结果是不一样的,因此C项为最佳答案。contribution的意思是“成就、贡献”,而空前的a simple knowledge of first aid还不足以做出成就。19D这是由the Prime Minister主办的,在颁奖前的reception,因此说special。其他选项依据空后的内容可以排除。20D因为这些人要受到奖励,因此用receive their awards。A项需用被动形式,故排除;announce通常不与awards搭配。.七选五There was a park near my home . But I didnt go there very often. Many people said there was nothing special. One afternoon I went into the park and found it was really small. I walked quickly because there wasnt much to see. I walked for some time and found myself standing in front of two paths. _1_ I found that the two paths were different from each other.The left one was wide and clean. There were lots of flowers on both sides of the path. Though the flowers werent very beautiful, they made me feel good. I decided to take this path. But wait! I looked at the right one. The path didnt look nice. _2_ Grass grew everywhere. For a long time I couldnt make up my mind._3_ It wasnt nice , but I didnt want to give up. At last, I came to the end of the path. Ah! There was a small garden there. It was beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. _4_Many people told me that there was nothing much to see in the park. Now Id like to tell them that if they had followed the right way, they would have felt differently. But when I told them about what I had seen in the park, they just smiled at me without saying a word. I knew they didnt believe me. They couldnt even remember that path because it was so small._5_ Dont be afraid to choose a different path. You may get a big surprise!A. There is nothing that I want to see.B. It looked like it had not been cleaned for months.C. After a while a strange feeling made me follow the dirty path.D. “ Which way should I go?” I asked myself. I looked at one way, then the other.E. I told them what happened.F. My trip to the park that day made me understand something about life.G. There were trees, flowers and chairs. I thought it was the nicest part of the park.答案1.D2.B3.C4.G5.F.短文改错Bill worked in big office, and he usually went to the barbers during working hours to have his hair cut. This against the rules: office workers had to have his hair cut in their own time. While Bill was at the barbers on one day, the manager of the office entered in to have his own hair cut. Bill saw him and managed to hide his face. But the manager sat besides him, and soon recognized him. “Hello, Bill,” said the manager, “I know you are having your haircut.” “Yes, sir, I do,” said Bill. “You see, sir, it grow in office time. “Not all of it, ”said the manager at once. “Some grows in your own time.” “Yes, sir, thats quite true,” answered Bill polite, “but Im not having it all cut off.”答案Bill worked in big office, and he usually went to the barbers during working hours to have his hair cut. This against the rules: office workers had to have hair cut in their own time. While Bill was at the barbers one day, the manager of the office 或in to have his own hair cut. Bill saw him and to hide his face. But the manager sat him, and soon recognized him. “Hello, Bill,” said the manager, “I know you are having your haircut.” “Yes, sir, I ,” said Bill. “You see, sir, it in office time.” “Not all of it, ”said the manager at once. “Some grows in your own time.” “Yes, sir, thats quite true,” answered Bill , “but Im not having it all cut off.”


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