2019-2020年七年级英语What time do you go to school教案2 新课标 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语What time do you go to school教案2 新课标 人教版Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)Structures :When questions; What time is it? Adverbs of frequencyTarget language:What time do you usually get up? I get up at six oclock.When does Alicia take a shower? She takes a shower at five oclock. What time is it? Its eleven oclock.Vocabulary :get up, run, eat breakfast, go to school, eat dinner, do homework, go to bed, shower, oclock, morning, afternoon, evening, usually, pen palLearning strategies :Role-playing; ReflectingSECTION AGoals To learn about When questions; What time is it? Adverbs of frequency To talk about routines To ask about timesProceduresWarming up by learning to use frequency adverbsWhen we want to say how often something happens, it is mon to use frequency adverbs. It is possible to use them when referring to the past, present or future: We often went camping when we were children. I usually go to the gym at lunchtime. I will always love you. The following list shows the most mon adverbs of frequency, with the one that refers to things that happen most often at the top, and least often at the bottom: Always, Usually, Frequently, Often, Sometimes, Occasionally, Rarely, Seldom, Hardly ever, Never I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. (=every night) I usually have toast for breakfast. (=happens most days) I frequently watch the news before dinner. (=its mon) I often go to the park with my dog. (=many times)I sometimes see him down at the shops. (=at particular occasions but not all the time) I occasionally visit the capital. (=not happening often or regularly) I rarely smoke cigars. (=it is not mon) I seldom have a chance to go to the theatre. (=almost never) I hardly ever travel abroad. (=almost never) I never work on the weekend. (=not at any time or not on any occasion)Warming up by discussing Good morning! Today we are going to learn Unit11 What time do you go to school? Please look at the picture and answer my question. T: Whats this? Wen Li, can you name it?Wen Li: Yes. Its a calendar.T: Very good. What do you often do every day? Now to learn more about the things you do, please find out more with your partners about the activities.For example:Run Sleep Eat Play the guitarWash face Play the trumpet Drink Models:A: What do you do every day? B: I run.B: What do you do on every day? A: I wash my face.1a Looking and matching Open your book on page 65.Lets look at 1a. Each thought bubble shows something people do. Now please look at the picture carefully and describe it. get up eat breakfast go to school take a shower runT: Good. Please look at the picture again and match all the activities. If you finish it first, write the answer on the board.Now lets check the answers on the blackboard together.Answers;1. go to school a 2. get up d 3. run b 4. eat breakfast e 5. take a shower c1b Listening and matching Look at the picture.T: Whats this?Ss: Its a clock.T: Yes. Look at these clocks. What time is it? 8 oclock 9 oclock 7 oclock 6 oclock 5 oclockT: Good. What time does Rick usually do these things? get up, eat breakfast, go to school, take a shower, run. Now lets listen to the conversation. An interviewer is talking about what Rick usually does with Rick. First listen to the tape carefully and find what time he usually does. TapescriptInterviewer. What time do you usually get up, Rick?Rick: Um, I usually get up at five oclock.Interviewer: Five oclock. Wow! And what time do you run?Rick:Um. At 6 oclock.Interviewer: Hmm. And breakfast?Rick: 7 oclock.Interviewer: What time do you usually shower?Rick: Uh, 8 oclock.Interviewer: What time do you usually go to school?Rick: I usually go to school at nine oclock.Next listen again and draw a line from the clock time to the correct picture. Then listen to the tape the third time and check the answers.Answers:getting up=5:00; going running=6:00; eating breakfast=7:00; taking a shower=8:00; going to school=9:00Read the tapescript to darken the questions and underline the expressions.1c Doing pairworkListen to the conversation again and read after the tape. You must pay attention to the pronunciation.Now practice this interview in pairs. One student is Rick. The other is the interviewer. Ask and answer questions about Ricks day.A: What time do you usually get up, Rick?B: I usually get up at five oclock. A: What time do you usually go to school, Rick?B: I usually go to school, at nine oclock.A: What time do you usually run, Rick?B: I usually run at six oclock.A: What time do you usually eat breakfast, Rick?B: I usually eat breakfast at seven oclock.A: What time do you usually take a shower, Rick?B: I usually take a shower at eight oclock.2a Listening and writing Look at the picture. The people lined up. Can you guess what they are going to do and who they are.Yes. They are Ricks family. They are going to take a shower.But they have a big family. They must line up. Now Rick is talking about it. Lets listen and fill in the blanks.two one twoRick has_ brothers and _sisters. Ricks family has _shower.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the numbers you hear on the tape.TapescriptInterviewer: You have a big family, dont you, Rick?Rick: Yes, I have two brothers and two sisters.Interviewer: Wow! How many showers do you have?Rick: We only have one shower.Interviewer. Is that difficult?Rick: No,because we have a shower schedule. My brother Bob takes a shower first,at five oclock.Interviewer. Wow! Thats early!Rick: Yeah. Then my sister Mary takes a shower at six oclock. Next my brother Jerry takes a shower at seven oclock. I take a shower at eight oclock, my sister Alicia at nine oclock.Answers:(1)two (2) two (3)one Read the tapescript to darken the questions and underline the expressions.2b Listening and matchingDo you want to know their shower schedule? Lets look at it together.TimeName5:00BobMaryJerryRickAliciaBut they are not pleted. Listen again and fill in the time each family member takes a shower.Answers:TimeName5:00Bob6:00Mary7:00Jerry8:00Rick9:00Alicia2c Doing pairworkPractice asking and answering questions about the schedule in pairs. You can ask and answer questions like these.A: What time does Alicia take a shower? B: She takes a shower at 9:00.A: What time does Bob take a shower? B: He takes a shower at 5:00.A: What time does Rick take a shower? B: He takes a shower at 8:00.A: What time does Jerry take a shower? B: She takes a shower at 7:00.A: What time does Mary take a shower? B: She takes a shower at 6:00.3a Reading and matchingBefore reading this passage, and cut/ the sentences into parts. Lets talk about the difference between am and pm by using 0-24 for times. eg. 21:00 is nine pm. 9:00 is nine am.Now lets read through the passage and guess whats the mans job is. Scott works/ very long hours. He usually gets up/ at 17:00. He brushes his teeth/ and has a shower. Then he eats his breakfast. What a funny time /to eat breakfast! After breakfast/ he plays his guitar, then/ he goes to work. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus/ to a hotel. The bus usually takes him to work/ at 19:15. He works/ all night. People love to listen to him! He gets home/ at 7:00/ and he watches morning TV. He goes to bed/ at 8:30. Can you think/ what him job is? T: Who can get the answer?S1: Hes a guitarist in a hotel.T: Good. Read the passage again and match the pictures with the correct clocks.Answers: 2, 1, 4, 33b Doing pairworkWork in pairs to talk about the time in 3a.17:00 19:15 7:00 8:30Then present them to the class.A: What time is it? B: Its five pm.A: What time is it? B: Its seven-fifteen pm.A: What time is it? B: Its seven oclock.A: What time is it? B: Its eight-thirty.4 Doing a gameLets ask the classmates when they usually go to bed. Then line up from the earliest to the latest bedtime.A: What time do you usually go to bed?B: I usually go to bed at eight oclock.C: I usually go to bed at eleven-thirty oclock.D: Closing down by asking and answeringA: What time do you usually go to bed? B: I usually go to bed at 10:00.A: What time do you usually get up? B: I usually get up at 6:30.A: What time do you usually eat breakfast? B: I usually eat breakfast at 7:00.A: What time do you usually run? B: I usually run at 8:00.A: What time do you usually go to school? B: I usually go to school at 7:30.SECTION BGoals To ask about and say clock times To revise numbers 1-30ProceduresWarming up by asking and answering Good morning, class. Look at the picture. Lets talk about the activity when you do. Please work in pairs. A: What time do you usually get up? B: I usually get up at 6:30.A: What time do you usually run? B: I usually run at 7:00.A: What time do you usually eat breakfast? B: I usually eat breakfast at 7:30.A: What time do you usually take a shower? B: I usually take a shower at 8:00.A: What time do you usually go to school? B: I usually go to school at 8:30.1a Matching Turn to page 68. Lets look at the pictures. in the morning in the afternoon in the evening do homework eat breakfast eat dinnergo to bedNow lets match each time of day with each of the activities. Write the number of each activity after one of the times of day.Answers: in the morning: 3 in the afternoon: 1 in the evening: 2, 41b Doing pairworkLook at the activities listed in 1a. Ask your partner questions about when people do these things. Use questions and answers like this.A: When do people usually eat dinner? B: People usually eat dinner in the evening.After you have practiced for several minutes, please work with another pair of students to check each others work. A: When do people usually eat breakfast? B: People usually eat breakfast in the morning.A: When do people usually go to bed? B: People usually go to bed in the evening.A: When do people usually do homework? B: People usually do homework in the afternoon.2a Listening and circling T: Look at the picture. What is happening in it?Ss: Tom is being interviewed.T: Do you want to know Toms activities? Lets listen to their conversations. First look at the ten activities. Read after me, please. run, do my homework, get up, take a shower, eat dinner, go to school, eat breakfast, go to bed, eat lunch go home Good. But not all of the ten activities on the list are mentioned on the tape. Please listen to the tape and circle the activities you hear mentioned on the tape.TapescriptInterviewer: Thanks for the interview, Tom. We want to know about your day.Tom: OKInterviewer: When do you get up?Tom: When do I get up? Hmm. Usually around 5 oclock. Then I run around 6.Interviewer: You run at 6 in the morning?Tom: Uh-huh.Interviewer. And what time do you eat breakfast?Tom: Break-fan? Usually around 7. And then I usually go to school around 8 oclock.Interviewer: Wow! And you go home at?Tom: Four-fifteen in the afternoon.Interviewer: And what do you do in the evening?Tom: I do my homework around five-thirty. And I eat dinner at seven fifteen. And I go to bed at nine oclock.Interviewer: Thats early! But then you get up early.Tom: Uh huh.Answers: run, do my homework, get up, take a shower, eat dinner, go to school, eat breakfast, go to bed eat lunch, go home 2b Listening and writingListen to the recording again. This time please write down the time each activity happens. For example, He get up at 5:00. The first answer is 5:00. First you only listen. Then listen and write in the clock times you hear on the recording.Answers:1. get up 5:00 4. go to school 8:00 7. eat dinner 7:152. run 6:00 5. go home 4:15 8. go to bed 9:003. eat breakfast 7:00 6. do homework 5:30Read the tapescript to darken the Adverbs of frequency and underline the expressions.2c Doing pairworkWork in pairs to ask and answer questions about Tom.A: When does Tom usually get up? B: He usually gets up at 5:00.A: When does Tom usually run? B: He usually runs up at 6:00.A: When does Tom usually eat breakfast? B: He usually eats breakfast at 7:00.A: When does Tom usually go to school? B: He usually goes to school at8:00.A: When does Tom usually go home? B: He usually goes home at 4:15.A: When does Tom usually do homework? B: He usually does homework at 5:30.A: When does Tom usually eat dinner? B: He usually eats dinner at 7:15.A: When does Tom usually go to bed? B: He usually goes to bed at 9:00.3a Reading and writing Here is a letter from Jane to Mona. Please read it loud and divide/ it into parts.Dear Mona,Thanks/ for your letter. Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually get up/ at around six-fifteen. I do my homework/ at six-thirty, and then/ I eat breakfast/ at around seven-thirty. At around eight oclock, I go to school. School starts / at nine oclock. Please write/ and tell me/ about your morning.Love,Jane Now please read the letter again. This time wrote down the name of each activity on the blank line after the times listed at the top. You should plete the activity individually.Answers:1.1.6:15 gets up 2. 7:30 eats breakfast 3. 8:00 goes to school3b Filling in the blanks Tom is telling Jiang Min about his morning. Can you help him to finish the letter? First lets read the unfinished letter. Say blank at each blank line.Dear Jiang MinDo you want to know about my morning? Well, get up at 5:00. At I , then I at .I at .Please write soon.Best wishesTom Now you will fill in the blank lines, using information from activity 2b. You can use Janes letter as a model. You should work individually. Then read your letter to the rest of the class.Answers:Dear Jiang MinDo you want to know about my morning? Well, get up at 5:00. At6:00 I run, then I eat breakfast at 7:00I go to school at 8:00 . Please write soon.Best wishesTom 4 Doing pairworkImagine you are a famous movie star. First fill in the timetable with the things you usually do.SaturdaySunday8:00 am run8:00 eat breakfast9:00 eat breakfast9:30 take a shower10:00 am practice singing12:00 eat lunch18:00 eat dinner16:00 practice singing22:00 go to bed22:00 go to bedThen share the information with your partner.I am a Chinese singer. I usually run at 8:00 am on Saturday. I often eat breakfast at 9:00. Then I practice singing at 10:00 because I love music and my fans love my songs very much. I like eating dinner at 18:00. I usually go to bed at 22:00. I am too busy to visit my family. On Sunday, I eat breakfast at 8:00. At 9:30 I take a shower. I usually eat lunch at 12:00. I often practice singing at 16:00 on Sunday. I go to bed at 22:00.Closing down by asking and answering A: When does Tom usually get up? B: He usually gets up at 5:00.A: When does Tom usually run? B: He usually runs up at 6:00.A: When does Tom usually eat breakfast? B: He usually eats breakfast at 7:00.A: When does Tom usually go to school? B: He usually goes to school at8:00.A: When does Tom usually go home? B: He usually goes home at 4:15.A: When does Tom usually do homework? B: He usually does homework at 5:30.A: When does Tom usually eat dinner? B: He usually eats dinner at 7:15.A: When does Tom usually go to bed? B: He usually goes to bed at 9:00.SELF CHECKGoals To revise the vocabulary To revise the target language in this unitProceduresWarming up asking and answeringPlease ask and answer with your partner about your timetable.A: What time do you usually go to bed? B: I usually go to bed at 10:00.A: What time do you usually get up? B: I usually get up at 6:30.A: What time do you usually eat breakfast? B: I usually eat breakfast at 7:00.A: What time do you usually run? B: I usually run at 8:00.A: What time do you usually go to school? B: I usually go to school at 7:30.1 Reading and checkingRead the words and letters.time morning breakfast get up go to bed homework clock afternoon lunch run watch TV evening dinner eat usually oclock thirty fifteen take a shower go to schoolAnd tick the words and letters you know. (Be sure the students can pronounce the letters and words correctly.)2 WritingPlease write five more new words in your vocab-builder.3 Making a survey Look at chart, please. Write questions for your survey on the chart.Weekend surveyMa Li Zhang Hong Song JiWang KunWhat time do you get up?What time do you run?What time do you eat breakfast?What time do you do homework?What time do you go to school?What time do you take a shower?What time do you go to bed?4 AskingWalk around and ask your classmates the questions. Then write the answers on your survey chart.Weekend surveyMa Li Zhang Hong Song JiWang KunWhat time do you get up?6:006:307:006:30What time do you run?8:008:008:008:00What time do you eat breakfast?7:006:307:006:30What time do you do homework?8:007:308:308:00What time do you go to school?7:307:206:507:40What time do you take a shower?6:307:007:307:00What time do you go to bed?22:3021:3022:0021:00Part 2: Teaching Resources (第二部分:教学资源)I. Background readings Value of TimeTo realize the value of one year: Ask a student who has failed a final exam.To realize the value of one month: Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature (不满月的) baby.To realize the value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.To realize the value of one hour: Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.To realize the value of one minute: Ask the person who has missed the train, bus or plane.To realize the value of one second: Ask a person who has survived an accident.To realize the value of one millisecond: Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have. You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special.II. Word studies1. timen. 1. 时间 all the years, months, weeks, days, hours, and minutes: We can save time if we go this way. 如果我们走这条路,就可节省时间。 How time flies! 光阴似箭。2. 一段时间;时期 length of time; period: We waited a long time. 我们等了很久。3. 时刻;时候 the hour of the day: What time is it? Its six oclock. 几点了?六点了。4. 特定时刻 a particular point or moment of time At that time I was living in London. 那时我住在伦敦。 5. 次;回 a certain moment or occasion: Ive been to Beijing three times. 我去过北京三次。 2. go to school上学 meet regularly for teaching and learning: The children go to school six days a week. 孩子们每周上学六天。You go to school at seven in the morning. 你每天早晨七时上学。 3. get up起床;使起床;起来 rise from ones bed; cause to be out of bed: Its time to get up, children! 孩子们,该起床了!起床;起立;打扮;鼓起(勇气) rise stand wake 4. shower n. 1. 淋浴 a bath by scattering fine drops of water over the body: Do you prefer

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