2019-2020年七年级英语Unit2 Looking Different教案 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语Unit2 Looking Different教案 仁爱版I. 教学目标技能目标Describe somebodys appearance with “with” structure Special questions with “whose” and “or” questionsLearn pronouns: mine, his, her, ours, yours, theirsThe pronunciation of letter “I” as /ai/ and /i/语言目标功能句式 Talk about possessionsWhose dress is this?Its my dress/mine.Whose apples are these?They are their apples/theirs. 词汇四会词汇tall, or, young, man, men, woman, truck, cat, tiger, think, TV, set, puter, doctor, nurse, dear, tomorrow, whose, mine, its, dad, mother, get, new, father, bike, hers, their, toy, our, jacket, either, then, food, ball, coat, find, help, can, cant, him, police认读词汇ours, yours, theirs短语go shopping.语法Alternative question, its answer and intonationIs this/that a (n) n or a (n)?It isAre these/thoseor?They areSpecial question with “whose”Whose + n.(pl) + is/are + this(that)/these(those)?Noun possessive pronounsmine, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirsII. 教材分析Section A 1a 和1b 主要学习和掌握怎样用 with 结构来描述某人的两个外部特征;2 学习选择疑问句的句式,并通过听磁带来学习它的语调;3 进行小组活动,达到复习、巩固选择疑问句的目的。 Section B 本内容可以重新整合。先进行名词性物主代词的学习,然后再导入1a和1b;1a和1b 通过听、读、写,让学生掌握怎样向别人提建议及推测某物属于谁的方法;2 通过听录音,学习名词所有格;3 通过听、说、看,复习巩固含有“whose”的问句及名词性物主代词的应用;4 是通过与同伴的交谈,让学生达到掌握“whose”问句和名词性物主代词及名词所有格的方法。 Section C 是对“whose”问句和名词性物主代词及名词所有格的进一步复习巩固。1a和1b 让学生了解名词所有格及形容性物主代词和名词性物主代词的不同用法,是通过听、说、看及做练习来完成;2 是独立学习,让学生仿照例子造句,并总结出:名词性物主代词=形容性物主代词+名词;3a和3b是做进一步的练习,3a 是在做问与答练习的同时复习询问某人特征的方法,3b 可以留成家庭作业,让学生自己独立完成。 Section D 1 是学习和掌握元音字母“I”在开、闭音节的发音规则:/ai/ /i/;2 阅读理解的文章,掌握其主要信息进行填空,并完成表格;3a和3b是对本话题语法重点和一些表达法的总结复习;4 是听录音进行图文搭配的练习;5 是活动步骤,展开班级活动,通过回答问题完成对人物和物品的描述,达到应用本课所学知识的目的。III. 分课时教案 Section ATarget languagea. Words and expressionstall, or, young, man, men, woman, truck, cat, tiger, think, TV, set, puter, doctor, nurse b. Key sentences Sb. is . with . Is this a/an or a/an ? Are these or ? Ability goalsGrasp alternative question and its intonation.Enable students to describe someones appearance using with structure. Teaching aidsTape recorder, slides or pictures Teaching procedures and waysStep I New function (1a, 1b)First the teacher show several pictures of people with different features on the screen to the class. Begin to teach the new words (The teacher point at the pictures.)T: He is tall She is short. Is he tall or short? He is tall. Is she tall or short? She is short. This is a man. That is a woman. Is he young or old? He is young. Is she young or old? She is old.Let the class practice after the teacher, again and again.Then the teacher points at the picture of the tall man again and says,T: He is tall. He has a round face. We can change two sentences into one sentence. That is: He is tall with a round face.Then write it on the blackboard.Let students practice the pattern until they speak it out fluently.Then ask them to finish 1b.Note:1. Man is singular. Its plural is men.2. Tall is the opposite of short.3. Young is the opposite of old.4. Is he tall or short? The sentence is an alternative question.Step II Listening and learning (2)Play the tape of 1a and 2 for the class.Then ask students to pay attention to the intonation. Mark the sentences in 2 with pencils and read after the tape.Help students summarize the intonation of alternative questions: First rising and then falling. The answers require falling intonation. Step III Group work (3)First learn the words: cat, tiger, think, TV, set, puter, using slides or picturesThen let students finish 3 alone.Then get the class to practice the dialogue in groups.At last, choose several groups to act it out.Step IV HomeworkWrite 1b and 3 in the exercise books and translate them into Chinese. Section BTarget languagea. Words and expressionsdear, go shopping, tomorrow, whose, mine, its, dad, mother, get, new, father, bike, hers,their, theirs, yours, toy, our, oursb. Key sentences Lets go shopping tomorrow. It looks very nice. Whose dress is this? Whose bananas are these?Ability goalsLearn the special question with whose.Learn pronouns: mine, his, hers, theirs, ours, yoursTeaching aidsTape recorder and objects Teaching procedures and ways Step I RevisionCheck the homework.Let the class read 2 of Section A together. Make sure they can read in proper intonation. Step II New function (1a, 1b)Learn the possessive pronouns: whose, mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirsFirst the teacher picks up his/her book.T: Whose book is this? It is my book. It is mine.Write mine, whose on the blackboard. And point at a students book.T: Whose book is that? It is his/her book. It is his/hers.Write his, hers on the blackboard, too.In the same way, teach yours, theirs, ours.Let the class read after the teacher.Summarize that: nominal possessive pronoun (名词性物主代词)= adjectival possessive pronoun(形容词性物主代词)+ n.Open the books. Play the tape of 1a for the class, and ask them to read after it aloud.Then finish 1b according to 1a. Check the answers. Note:1. get her a new one buy a new dress for her2. New is the opposite of old.3. father dad, mother=mom “Father” and “mother” are usually used in written language, and “dad” and “mom” are used in spoken language.4. look + adj. 看起来怎么样 e.g. You look beautiful. The book looks good. Step III Listening (2)Play the tape of 2 for the class. Ss listen and check the right answer. Help Ss learn how to grasp the key information while listening. Get them read the statement, choices as well as the picture to get the listening point before they listen. Tell Ss that: to talk about a mixture of colors, we use “and”. e.g. black and whiteStep IV Consolidation (3)This step provides practice with possessives and whose question.Have Ss listen to the tape of 3 and read after it. T: Now underline possessives in each group of sentences. Ss are supposed to underline:his bike, his; her cat, hers; its bananas, its; our shoes, ours; your toys, yours; their apples, theirs Then explain the use of whose questions. The structure is:Whose + n. (single) + is + this/that? Its Whose + n. (plural) + are + these/those? Theyre Then let Ss practice the patterns for a few minutes. Step V Pair work (4)This step provides practice with possessives. Ask Ss to discuss with their partner and fill in the blanks. Check the answers.Then let them practice the dialogues in pairs. Section CTarget languagea. Words and expressions jacket, either, then, food, ball, coat, find, help, can, cantb. Key sentences Whose is this? I think its I cant + v. .Ability goalsGrasp the special question with whose.More practice about nominal possessive pronoun and adjectival possessive pronoun.Teaching aidsTape recorder and pictures or cardsTeaching procedures and waysStep I New function (1a, 1b)Listen to 1a. Students follow the tape. Pick out the key sentence patterns:Whose is this?I think its Then get the class to finish 1b according to 1a.Get a student to say out his/her answers. Check the answers. The teacher explains the use of either in Chinese.Note:1. Difference between too and eitherToo is used in the affirmative sentences, and at the end of the sentence. Either is used at the end of the negative sentences.2. Food is uncountable noun. Finally, ask the class to read 1b together.Step II Practice (2)Work alone. Let students make sentences after the example and have a summary by themselves:1. Adjective possessive pronoun + noun = nominal possessive pronoun For example: my bag = mine2. possessive case = noun + s(Write them on the blackboard.)Step III Practice (3a, 3b)Let Ss read and match the questions and answers in 3a. Check the answers.Then let them practice the questions and answers in pairs. Change the roles. Note:Can and cant are modal verbs. They are followed by the original form of verbs.Then let Ss work in pairs and practice making conversations with the target language (3b). Step IV HomeworkWrite 3a and 3b in the exercise books. Section DTarget languagea. Words him, policeb. Vowels I”: /ai/ and /i/Ability goalsGrasp the pronunciation rules of the letter “I”Review the grammar and useful expressions in this topic.Enable students to read simple articles, catch the main idea and the key information.Teaching aidsTape recorder Teaching procedures and waysStep I Pronunciation (1)Play the tape of 1. Let the class follow it.After reading, help them summarize the pronunciation rules of the letter I.Step II Reading (2) T: Look at the picture in activity 2. A man is missing. Read the passage about him and fill in the form below. First read for the main idea. Then read the form and scan for information from the passage. After Ss have finished, check the answers by asking questions:T: Where is he from?S: He is from .T: How old is he?S: He is .T: What does he look like?S: He .T: Whats the police phone number?S: Its .Step III Listening (4)Play the tape. Let students write down the owners of these things after listening to the tape.Play the tape again and check the answers.Check the answers like this:T: Whose pencils are these?S: They are T: Whose eraser is that?S: Its Step IV Grammar and expressions review (3a, 3b)Ask the students to review the whole topic by themselves. Then discuss in groups. Each group find out the grammar focus and useful expressions which they think are important.After that, let them pare their results with 3a and 3b. At last, let Ss plete the following form:Adjectival possessivepronounsmyyourNominal possessive pronounstheirsStep V Project (5)T: Now draw a picture of your best friend and color it. After thatT: Work in groups and talk about your best friends clothes and looks, such as: This is my best friend. His name is He is very tall. He has a round face and small eyes. His shirt is blue and his pants are white. He looks so cool!Then select some pictures and put them on the Bb. Get Ss to find the owners of the pictures by asking the questions given.Step VI HomeworkShow Ss a picture of a child let them write an English “child lost” notice. Exercises:A. 用代词填空1. This is not _ bag. _ is blue. (my)2. The dog is very big. _ feet are big, too. (it)3. We have a very nice school, _ school is big. (we)4. _ is in Class 4, but I dont know _ name. (he) 5. These books arent ours, _ are _. (they)B. 改写句子1. Tom is old. He has white hair. (同意句)Tom is old _ _ _.2. She is in Class 1. (用 in Class 2 改为选择疑问句) _ _ in Class 1 _ in Class 2?3. Those shoes are mine. (划线提问)_ _ _ _ ?4. They have TV sets. (用 putes 改为选择疑问句)_ they _ TV sets _ puters?5. That is her bag. (同意句)_ bag _ _ .Key: A: 1. my, mine 2. Its 3. our 4. He, his 5. they, theirsB: 1. with white hair 2. Is, she, or 3. Whose shoes are those? / Whose are those shoes? 4. Do, have, or 5. That, is, hers教学资源库重难点解析1. Who is that boy? 那个男孩是谁?who是疑问代词,在这里引起的句子是特殊疑问句。它只能用以指人,主要用于询问那个人的姓名、身份和职务;而疑问代词what既可用以指人,又可以指物;指人时,时询问那个人的职业(即干哪一行的),试比较:1) Who is he ? 他是谁? He is Mr. Bill. 他是比尔先生。 2) What is he ? 他是做什么的? He is a writer. 他是一位作家。 特殊疑问句有两种结构1)与陈述句次词序相同。如:Who is here? What is on the desk? 2) 疑问词 + 一般疑问句。如:What is that? Which do you want?2. Is he American? 他是美国人吗?课本里常出现以下表示“某国人”的名词:American (美国人), Australian (澳大利亚人), Egyptian (埃及人), Russian (俄罗斯人), Englishman (英国男人), Frenchman (法国男人), German (德国人), Japanese (日本人), Chinese (中国人), Indian (印度人), Englishwoman (英国女人), Frenchwoman (法国女人), Canadian (加拿大人)。为了不记错它们的复数,可用下面两句口诀来记它们。中日不变英法变,其余“s”加后边。说明:1)“中国人”、“日本人”单复数为同一种形式。如:Chinese,Japanese2)“英国人”、“法国人”单数变复数需把man变成men。如:Englishmen,Englishwomen;Frenchmen;Frenchwomen3) 其余名词均需在其后加”s”构成复数。如:Americans,Australians,Egyptians,Canadians,Russians,Germans, Indians.3. Guess again. 再猜一猜。这是一个祈使句。祈使句用来表示请求、命令等。它的主语是you ( 听话人),通常不说出。祈使句肯定结构中的谓语动词一律用动词原形;祈使句的否定结构一律在肯定结构前加do not (dont)。如:e in! Be quick! Dont move! Dont be late!4. I have a round face, a big nose, a small mouth and small eyes. 我长了一张圆脸、大鼻子、小嘴巴、小眼睛。句中and是个连词,它连接相等的结构:两个名词、两个动词、两个介词短语、两个句子等。如:Tom and his brother are here. (两个名词)The children dance and sing. (两个动词)Look in the kitchen and in the bedroom. (两个短语)I study English and my brother studies French. (两个句子)注意:当and连接两个以上的相等结构时,通常放在最后两个相等结构之间,前面所并列的结构之间用逗号隔开。如:Mary likes apples, pears, oranges and bananas.5. My sister and I look different. 我和我妹妹长得不像。句中look是表示感官的连系动词,意为:“看起来”;如:The children look very healthy.这类词还有taste (尝起来), smell (闻起来), feel (摸起来,感觉到), sound (听起来)等等。它们通常用形容词作表语。另外,look常用作动词、名词。如:Please look at the blackboard. (v.)Who can look after the little girl? (v.)We have different looks. (n.)6. What does she look like? 她长得什么样?这个句子用来询问人的长相。回答这个问题时,要注意两种结构:1) be + adj. 2) have (has) + n. 如:He is tall. He has brown hair.7. These are my favorite clothes. 这些是我最喜欢的衣服。Clothes通指身上的各种服装,包括上衣、裤子、内衣等;是复数名词,不能直接与数词连用;后面要接复数动词。如:She often wears beautiful clothes. 8. Is he tall or short? 他的个子是高还是矮?这是一个选择疑问句。它提供两种(有时两种以上)情况问对方选择哪一种。这种问句要求对方用完整句子回答。其结构是:一般疑问句+or+一般疑问句(后一问句常用省略结构,省去意义上与前句相同的部分)。朗读时前一问句用升调,后一问句用降调。如:Do you want tea or milk?Are you an Englishman or an American?9. My dress is too short. 我的连衣裙太短了。1) too在句中修饰short,意思是“太”。如:Thats too bad.2) too 还用于肯定句的句末,并和前面的句子用逗号隔开。它的意思是“也”如:He has a round face, and I have a round face, too.3) Dress作可数名词时指一件女服、连衣裙;作不可数名词时,指某种特殊服装,尤 指在社交场合穿的衣服。如:My sister is wearing a red dress. She had to wear evening dress to go to the pany party.4) 而另一个常见的、用来指女裙的skirt,则指(女式)短裙。10. My jacket is blue and white. This one is blue. 我的夹克是蓝白相间的。这件是蓝色的。句中one用作代词代替上文中出现的名词,但它代替的并非该事物本身,而是上文中所出现的该类事物中的一个。One 既可以代替事物,也可以代替人。如: I have a new watch. Do you have one?11. I think it is Li Mings. 我想它是李明的。句中的it 常常用来1)指人:代替上文提到或心目中想知道的那个人;如:Who is knocking the door? Its me. 2) 指物:代替上文出现的指示代词this, that或名词。如:Whats this? Its a pen. Where is my pen? Its on your desk. 3) 指时间、距离、天气和温度。如:Whats the time? Its seven oclock. Its two kilometers to the school from my home. Its a fine Sunday morning. It is very warm in the room. 4) 作引导词用时,是形式主语,代替真正主语动词不定式;如:Its not easy to learn English well.

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