2019-2020年高中英语 Module 6 War and Peace 综合检测 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 6 War and Peace 综合检测 外研版选修6.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1Although the police didnt find the boys father and mother, an official said the threeyearold boy was probably _ by his parents. AtakenBbroughtCabandoned Dbrought up2In our childhood, we were often _ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.Ademanded BremindedCallow Dhoped3He _ to escape from the prison, but he couldnt find anybody to help him.Asucceeded BattemptedCadvised Doffered4(xx济南高二月考)Demand for these books is high,_ their high price.Ain spite BthoughChowever Ddespite5Like so many others _ the case, she was out to make money.Abeing involved in Binvolved inCinvolving in Dto be involved in6The book _ forty maps, _ three of Great Britain. Acontains; includeBis containing; including Cincludes; containsDcontains; including7I didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she _, she would have met my brother.Ahas eBdid e CcameDhad e8The key to the problems is to _ with a clear aim.Amake a suggestionBmake an agreementCmake a breakthroughDmake an attempt9I am in total _ with you as to the value of your plan. I think it isnt practical. Adisagreement BagreementCconsistence Dparation10I told your friend how to get to the hotel, but perhaps I _ have driven her there. Acould BmustCmight Dshould11Maybe she hasnt any time to take part in this activity. She _ writing a novel.Ais abandoned to Bis occupied inCis adapted to Dis12She soon _ French when she went to live in France.Apicked up Btook upCput up Dmade up13They climbed to the top of the tower, _ they could see what was happening in the distance.Awhich Bfrom whereCfrom which Dwhere14_, Tom rushed out of the house.ABeing surprised and afraidBTo be surprised and afraidCSurprising and afraidDSurprised and afraid15(xx淄博高二检测)Shall I begin the lecture?Im afraid we have to wait for a while. John is ing with a microphone._. I can do without the microphone.AIm sorry BExcuse meCI beg your pardon DNever mind.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)If you have a watch, dont repair it! I know it_16_.Once I had a beautiful watch. And this watch_17_perfect time. But one night it happened that I forgot to_18_it up. Next morning I went to a watchmaker as I wanted my perfect watch to_19_by the exact time. The watchmaker examined my watch and said: “The regulator (校准器) is to be pushed up_20_your watch is four minutes_21_.”I tried to stop him, tried to_22_him understand that my watch kept perfect time, but he did not listen to me and pushed the regulator.My beautiful watch began to gain time. It_23_faster and faster day by day. By the end of the second month it_24_all the clocks and watches of the town far behind.What did I have to do? To take it to another watchmaker to be regulated. I expected him to regulate the watch immediately_25_he asked me to e in a weeks time. When at last I took my watch from him it began to_26_down. And I began to be late for trains, business appointments and even missed my dinners.Now I went to_27_watchmaker. While I waited for him to repair my poor watch, he_28_it to pieces and said that he could finish this work_29_three or four days. I could do nothing but _30_. That time my watch went for half a day and then stopped.So I kept_31_my watch from one watchmaker to another for a considerable period of time.And as a result of it the cleverest man in the world could not_32_the time by my watch. The thing was getting_33_. My watch had_34_two hundred dollars originally but I paid for repairs more than two hundred. At last I decided to buy_35_watch, which I did.16A.for realityBfor truthCfor certain Dfor certainty17A.kept BtoldCobserved Dstruck18A.turn BwindCpick Dput19A.be turned Bbe takenCbe put Dbe set20A.as Bas ifCwhen Dif21A.fast BslowlyCfaster Dslow22A.get BpersuadeCmake Dexplain23A.gained BlostCwent Dwon24A.had remained Bhad leftChad stayed Dhad fallen25A.however BandCbut Dtherefore26A.go BwalkCslow Dtake27A.the third Bthe secondCthe first Dthe fourth28A.broke BtookCtore Dcut29A.after BbeforeCover Din30A.to agree BagreeCagreeing Dagreed31A.taking BbringingCcarrying Dfetching32A.recognize BtellCknow Dunderstand33A.seriously BpleasantCbadly Dserious34A.spent BtookCcost Dpaid35A.another Bthe otherCone Done more.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AYou are wele to catch the excitement of your child while fishing on film and to enter his or her picture in the yearly Kids Fishing Photo Contest!The contest is sponsored by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries(VDGIF)in celebration of National Fishing Week!The winning pictures are those that best catch the theme“kids enjoying fishing”Winners will receive different fishingrelated prizes.Winning pictures will also be posted on the VDGIF website and will be used in kinds of VDGIF publications.There is no need to be a professional photographer.Any photo will do.Contest RulesChildren in the photographs must fall into one of the following age groups when the picture is taken:15,610.Photos must not be more than 1 year old.Photos must be taken in Virginia.Children in a boat must be wearing a life jacket.Only one photo submission per child.Submit photos on photograph quality paper,no CDs accepted.Photos must not be bigger than“46”size.Please stick a piece of paper to the back of the photo which includes:name,age,address,phone number and location where the photo was taken.Photos must be postmarked on or before June 19,xx.Judging will take place in July and winners will be posted on the VDGIF website.Prizes will be sent directly to the winning children.This contest isnt open to immediate family of VDGIF employees and sponsors.Immediate family members refer to children,siblings(兄弟姐妹)or others living in the same household with a VDGIF or sponsor employee.To Enter:Send your photo,with the childs name,age,phone number and address to:xx Kids Fishing Photo ContestVirginia Department of Game and Inland FisheriesPO.Box 11104Richmond,VA 23230110436This advertisement is intended for _.Achildren who are below 11 years oldBpeople whose children like fishingCpeople who are good at taking photosDchildren whose parents like fishing37The contest is held to _.Aencourage people to take more picturesBhelp people realize the pleasure of fishingCcelebrate a national fishingrelated activityDencourage people to go fishing with kids38Which of the following photos may meet the standards of the contest?AA photo which was taken in Boston in xx.BA photo which was postmarked on July 22,xx.CA photo which was taken in Virginia on May 1,xx.DA photo in which there is a 12yearold girl.39What do we know about the prize of the contest?AThe winners will get a great deal of money.BThe winners will be allowed to travel in Virginia for free.CThe winners works will be seen on several fishing websites.DThe winners works will appear in VDGIF publications.40According to the contest rules,_.Athe result of the contest wont be known before July,xxBall Americans have the right to take part in the contestCphotos can be emailed to the sponsors of the contestDone child can take part in the contest with two photosBFarmers are being told more needs to be done to stop them injuring at work.One in five British workplace deaths happens in agriculture even though farmers are only a small part of the working population.During the year xx/11 there were 1,061 injuries in total and it is thought many more go unreported.Jim Chapman from Warwickshire had his arm torn off by farm machinery seven years age when he was 23.“You dont realize how much you rely on your second arm until its gone,”he said.He fell against a PTO shaft(传动轴),a spinning metal bar at the back of a tractor.“It catapulted(猛力掷出)me from one side of the machine to the other,”he said. “I landed on the floor,minus all my clothing.My left arm had been ripped_off.”He admits that the machinery was missing part of its proper safety guard.“But again,”he added,“it was a rushed day.There were a few machines that didnt work.Also,I was getting behind with the jobs.”Over the last 10 years,other industries that youd think of as dangerous,like building or quarrying(矿采),have lowered the number of workplace deaths and injuries.In the farming industry, though,deaths remain high with 34 deaths in xx/11.Judith Hackitt,the chair of the Health and Safety Executive(HSE)says it is“not acceptable”that the accident statistics for farming are still high.“People in farming dont have minor(较小的)injuries.When they get injured,its bad.”she said.“When I said to the National Farmers Union(NFU)that if I had sons I would not want them to work in agriculture,it really made them sit up and take notice.”Theres a whole host of reasons why farming is as dangerous as it is.It is a very rough industry.Also,its often because people are left alone.They could be young and inexperienced,or older people,who would have retired maybe five or 10 years ago in other industries.Jim wants others to learn from his experience.“Look at what youre doing before you go running in,”he said.“You could make a mistake that youll live with for the rest of your life.”41.Jim Chapman was injured in the workplace mainly because _.Ahe crossed the machineryBthe safety guard of the machinery was goneChe was standing at the back of the tractorDhe didnt notice the PTO shaft42In British farming industry _.Afarmers take up a large part of working populationBthe number of injuries is bigger than what the public knowCold machinery was not replaced in timeDbeing a farmer is the most dangerous43Judith thought _ were(was)not acceptable.Athe injuries of farmersBthe high deaths for farmingCher sons hope to work in agricultureDfarmers retiring 5 or 10 years later44The underlined phrase“ripped_off”in paragraph 2 probably means“_”Aturned off Bgot offCworn off Dtorn off45From the whole text,we can see that Jim feels_.Aregretful BangryCshocked DconfusedCPerhaps the most quarrelsome issue between fathers and sons is the question of work and how to be successful in the real world.Right from the beginning,I thought I should start at the top.I was a talented young man and I thought everyone around me should realize this.With growing pride,I did not believe that I should have to pay my dues like other people.As a result,I constantly tried to find a short cut to the big time.My father is a good example of the American dream ing to life,a selfmade man who achieved success through hard work.Focusing on the promise of college,Dad won a scholarship to Brown University.Digging into his studies while forming a group of close friends,he achieved a lot at Brown.As the years passed and children were born,Dad worked with an unchanging dream,being a respected partner of the firm and the head of the sales team.He worked hard,but was also creative,and eventually became a famous expert in raising capital when others failed.In contrast to my fathers hardearned success,I grew up as a privileged Upper East Side New Yorker who expected everything to be handed to him.I went to Brown where I majored in literary theory,and partied until the morning.After college,I headed out to Los Angeles where I fed into the dream of selling a big screenplay(剧本)Although my partying became habitual and out of control,I always thought the next big script sale would change everything.Seeing my attitude,my father told me that there were no short cuts.I never listened.Eventually,I lost my house and my marriage.Never listening to the sound advice of my father and insisting on following my own path toward selfdestruction,I ended up in a terrible place.My father,however,never gave up on me and has been remarkably supportive to me.With the faith of my family and the support of my father,I have been able to pay my dues and launch my career as a technical writer.Like my father tried to teach me,there are no short cuts.No matter how talented or fortunate you may be,success is the product of sweat in the form of hard workshowing up each day and doing your job to the best of your abilities.46At first,the author and his father disagreed about _.Athe appreciation for being helpedBthe approach to successCthe spirit of game winningDthe quality of being an expert47What do we know about the authors father from Paragraph 2?AHe studied hard but had few friends at college.BHe achieved success with the help of his parents.CHe was a top student when he was at college.DHe went to America as a foreigner and realized his dream.48The authors father can be best described as _.Akindhearted BconsiderateCimaginative Ddetermined49What can be inferred about the author from the passage?AHe bought a new house with the help of his father.BHe became a renowned expert in his field.CHe put his heart into his work after losing everything.DHe learned a lot from his father but still disagreed with him.50Which of the following proverbs can we get from the passage?AYou harvest what you sow.BAll roads lead to Rome.CHe who has health has hope.DTwo heads are better than one.DBatteries can power anything from small sensors to large systems. While scientists are finding ways to make them smaller but even more powerful, problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices themselves.University of Missouri(MU) researchers are developing a nuclear energy source that is smaller, lighter and more efficient.“To provide enough power, we need certain methods with high energy density(密度),” said Jae Kwon, assistant professor of electrical and puter engineering at MU.“The radioisotope (放射性同位素) battery can provide power density that is much higher than chemical batteries.”Kwon and his research team have been working on building a small nuclear battery, presently the size and thickness of a penny, intended to power various micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (M/NEMS)Although nuclear batteries can cause concerns, Kwon said they are safe.“People hear the word nuclearand think of something very dangerous,” he said.“However, nuclear power sources have already been safely powering a variety of devices, such as pacemakers, space satellites and underwater systems.”His new idea is not only in the batterys size, but also in its semiconductor(半导体)Kwons battery uses a liquid semiconductor rather than a solid semiconductor.“The key part of using a radioactive battery is that when you harvest the energy, part of the radiation energy can damage the lattice structure(晶格结构) of the solid semiconductor,”Kwon said.“By using a liquid semiconductor, we believe we can minimize that problem.”Together with JDavid Robertson, chemistry professor and associate director of the MU Research Reactor, Kwon is working to build and test the battery. In the future, they hope to increase the batterys power, shrink its size and try with various other materials.Kwon said that the battery could be thinner than the thickness of human hair.51Which of the following is TRUE of Jae Kwon?AHe teaches chemistry at MU.BHe developed a chemical battery.CHe is working on a nuclear energy source.DHe made a breakthrough in puter engineering.52Jae Kwon gave examples in Paragraph 4_.Ato show chemical batteries are widely appliedBto indicate nuclear batteries can be safely usedCto describe a nuclearpowered systemDto introduce various energy sources53Liquid semiconductor is used to_.Aget rid of the radioactive wasteBtest the power of nuclear batteriesCdecrease the size of unclear batteriesDreduce the damage to lattice structure54According to Jae Kwon,his nuclear battery_.Auses a solid semiconductorBwill soon replace the present onesCcould be extremely thinDhas passed the final test55The text is most probably a _.Ascience news report Bbook reviewCnewspaper ad Dscience fiction story.阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)1The“Monster of Lake Tianchi”in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin Province,northeast China,is back in the news after several recent sightings.The director of a local tourist office,Meng Fanying,said the monster,which seemed to be black in colour,was ten metres from the edge of the lake during the most recent sighting.“It jumped out of the water like a sealabout 200 people on Changbais western peak saw it,”he said.Although no one really got a clear look at the mysterious creature,Xue Junlin,a local photographer,claimed that its head looked like a horse.2In another recent sighting,a group of soldiers claim they saw an animal moving on the surface of the water.The soldiers,who were walking along the side of the lake,watched the creature swimming for about two minutes.“It was greenishblack and had a round head with 10centimetre horns,” one of the soldiers said.3A third report came from Li Xiaohe,who was visiting the lake with his family.He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water.After three or four hundred metres it dived into the water.Ten minutes later the monster appeared again and repeated the action.Li Xiaohe said that he and his family were able to see the monster clearly,because the weather was fine and the lake was calm.4There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century,although no one has seen one close up.Some photos have been taken but they are not clear because it was too far away.Many people think the monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland.They also think that there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world.Scientists,however,are sceptical.They say that the lowtemperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.5Lake Tianchi is the highest volcanic lake in the world.It is 2,189 metres high and covers an area of about ten square kilometres.In places it is more than 370 metres deep.56How many sightings of the monster does the article report?(no more than 3 words)_57Who saw the monster clearly?Why?(no more than 20 words)_58Whose description of the monster is most detailed?(no more than 3 words)_59When was the monster first sighted?(no more than 8 words)_60What is special about Lake Tianchi?(no more than 10 words)_.写作(满分30分)据以下提示,写一篇影评。片句:建国大业导演:黄建新内容简介:建国大业讲述了从1945年抗日战争结束到1949年建国前夕过程中发生的一系列故事,影片以第一届全国政协会议的筹备为主线,反映了新中国成立前夕的那段风云岁月。整个剧本结构集中在毛泽东与宋庆龄、李济深、张澜这三位后来当选为国家副主席的非中共人士的关系上,旨在再现中国共产党人与中国民主党派在漫长的革命岁月里结下的深厚情谊。评价:建国大业在角度和题材上有出新,而在领袖的塑造上,将更加人性化、生活化,充分展示出领袖的内心世界,把领袖还原成一个个普通人,值得一看。参考词汇:The Founding of a Republic建国大业_


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