2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4 Carnival 易混短语辨、练、析讲解 外研版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4 Carnival 易混短语辨、练、析讲解 外研版必修5.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4 Carnival 易混短语辨、练、析讲解 外研版必修5.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4 Carnival 易混短语辨、练、析讲解 外研版必修5一、 e to an end; e to grief; e to hand; e to life; e to light1. The quiet girl has _ since she worked as a salesgirl.2. As far as I know, his duties here have _ .3. It is reported that some new information has _ about the accident.4. I think that hell _ with that motorbike of his.5. Fathers letter was mailed from Hong Kong last week and _ yesterday afternoon.Key: 1. e to life 2. e to an end 3. e to light 4. e to grief 5. came to hand【简析】 e to an end表示“结束”、“终止”(如2); e to grief表示“失败”、“遭受不幸”、“出事”(如4);e to hand表示“收到”、“得到”(如5);e to life表示“振作起来”、“活跃起来”(如1);e to light表示“出现”、“为众人所知”(如3)。二、 consist of; consist in1. In my opinion, the beauty of the plan _ its simplicity.2. All electronic puters _ five units although they are of different kinds.3. True patriotism (爱国精神) _ putting the interests of ones country above everything, including ones own life.4. Look!This soup _ tomatoes, meat and peas.Key: 1. consists in 2. consist of 3. consists in 4. consists of【简析】 consist of 表示“由组成”,是短语动词,其中of是介词,后面接名词(如2和4); consist in表示“存在于”、“主要是”、“主要在于”,是短语动词,其中in是介词,后面接名词或V-ing形式(如1和3)。三、 dress up; dress down1. We are supposed to _ as movie characters for the party. What a novel idea!2. The office boy was summoned into the presence of the manager and _ for his insolence (无礼).Key: 1. dress up 2. dressed down 【简析】 dress up表示“穿上盛装”、“打扮得漂漂亮亮”,是短语动词,后面多与介词短语连用(如1);dress down表示“申斥”、“责备”,是短语动词(如2)

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