2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3 知识点讲解 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3 知识点讲解 外研版必修1【词条1】distance【点拨】distance 为名词,意为间距,距离。如:The whole distance was much longer than they had expected.Whats the distance between Beijing and Shanghai?【上层楼】1. distance作名词常用于以下短语:in the distance在远处,在远方。如:On a sunny day we can see the mountain in the distance.at / from a distance离开一定的距离,在稍远处。如:You will find the painting more beautiful if you stand at a distance. keep sb. at a distance与某人保持一定的距离;对某人冷淡。如:Im very kind to him, but he always keeps me at a distance.2. distant adj.远的;疏远的,远亲的。如:The station is four miles distant from our school.【词条2】abandoned【点拨】abandoned为形容词,意为被抛弃的,被遗弃的。如:An abandoned car was found beside the lake.【上层楼】1. abandon v.(不顾责任、义务等)离弃,抛弃;(不得已而)舍弃,放弃。如:The baby was abandoned by its mother.They had to abandon their lands and went to another city.2. abandon作动词常用于abandon sth. (to sb. / sth.)。如:He gave the order to abandon the ship.3. abandon和give up用法辨析:都可意为放弃,但用法有区别:abandon为正式用语。强调彻底放弃。如:The plan was abandoned because we couldnt afford it. give up为非正式用语。使用较广泛。可指放弃做某事,也可指由于某种原因舍弃某人。如:You shouldnt give up until the last moment.【词条3】product【点拨】product为名词,意为产品,制品。如:dairy products 奶制品meat products 肉制品【上层楼】1. product还可意为的产物或结果。如:The child is the product of a broken family.2. production也是名词,指生产或产量。如:This kind of bike has gone out of production.这种自行车已经停产了。We have to prevent the production from falling.我们必须防止产量下滑。3. produce v.生产,制造。如:This factory produces high-quality clothes.50 percent of the countrys wheat is produced there.【词条4】frighten【点拨】frighten为动词,意为使吃惊,惊吓。如:His appearing in the dark room frightened me.She doesnt frighten easily.【上层楼】1. frighten常用于frighten sb. / sth. into (doing) sth.把吓得做某事或frighten sb. / sth away 把吓走。如:I was frightened into giving him 200 yuan.The terrible sound frightened the birds away.2. frighten有两个形容词形式:frightened感到害怕的,受惊吓的,主语一般为人;frightening令人害怕的,可怕的,主语一般为物。如:The boy was too frightened to go home after breaking the window.Its frightening to see the big animal for the first time. 经典短语透视【短语1】refer to【点拨】refer to意为描述;涉及;指的是。如:This passage refers to the accident which happened last year.What do these numbers refer to?【上层楼】1. refer to也可用于refer to . as .,意为称为。如:He was referred to as the best student in the class.2. 请在下列各句中体会refer to的各种意思:You may refer to your notes, if you need. (参考,查阅)Her mother never referred to the accident again. (提及,谈到)California is referred to as the the Golden State. (将称为)【短语2】get on【点拨】get on 一般指登上(火车、汽车、飞机),骑上(自行车、马等)等。如:The bus came and we got on.All the passengers are supposed to get on the flight 20 minutes before the leaving time.【上层楼】1. get on还可意为与某人和睦相处或(某事的)进展。如:He has learned how to get on with his classmates.How is your experiment getting on? 2. 请在下列各句中体会其他get短语的意思:Theres a meeting this afternoon, so I wont be able to get away until seven.(离开)I couldnt get down what he had said because he spoke too fast.(写下,记下)When will you get down to doing your homework? (开始做某事)When will the train get in? (到达)【短语3】not.anymore【点拨】not . any more意为不再。如:Ever since then, such accident hasnt happened any more.【上层楼】not . any more, no more和not . any longer, no longer用法辨析:not . any more和no more意思相同,强调次数上的不再,即表示动作不再重复出现;可以和表示瞬间动作的动词连用。如:The man went out of the room at 11: 00 a.m. and was not seen any more. not . any longer和no longer意义相同,也意为不再,但其强调的是时间上的不再,即表示动作不再延续;经常和延续性动词连用。如:Will you give this message to Mr. White, please?Sorry, I cant. He doesnt work here any longer.This couple no longer lives here.【短语4】be short for【点拨】be short for意为是的缩写,是的简称。如:Nowadays PC is short for personal puters.【上层楼】与short有关的其他常用短语有:in short简言之,总之。如:In short, it is clear that the wild animals need more protection.be short of缺乏。如:Most of us experienced the days when we were short of money. in the short term在短期内。如:The effect wont be known in the short term. 热点语法聚焦动词-ed形式作定语 动词-ed形式是非谓语动词之一。它在句中起形容词或副词的作用,一般表示完成或被动的动作,在句中可以担任表语、定语、宾语补足语和状语。本期我们着重介绍一下动词-ed形式作定语的情况。1. 有些动词的-ed形式往往失去了其动词的性质,转化为形容词,在句子中充当定语成分。如:Looking at his broken leg, the boy felt sad. A tired man came near from the distance.2. 动词-ed形式作定语时一般位于所修饰的名词之前,但有时为了强调动作,也可将它放在所修饰的词之后。如:I found a pair of broken glasses on the ground.Your newly bought skirt is really beautiful.I have got a radio made in Germany.3. -ed形式的形容词和动词的过去分词在意义和用法上都有区别。动词-ed形式作形容词修饰名词时多表示事物的特色、性质,而过去分词修饰名词时则反映动作的结果。如:Dont walk on the frozen lake in winter. Its dangerous. We cant enter the locked room as none of us has the key.


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