2019年高中英语 Module 2 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修4.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 2 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修4.语境填词1He _ (打开) the light on.2A breeze _ (吹) over the garden.3How did she _ (反应) to the news?4It may take a long time to find a _ (解答) to the problem.5I am not in the _ (心情) to argue.6Dont blow your _ (喇叭) in the centre of the city.同义词辨析1用worth或worthy填空(1)The football match between Germany and Spain is well _ watching.(2)The new film is _ to be seen.(3)The new film is _ of being seen.2用centre或middle填空(1)Theres beautiful park in the _ of the city.(2)They should close the train _,because it is illegal.(3)The man in the _ is his father.完成句子1In face of danger,you should _(保持冷静/镇静)2At last the car _(停下来)3The noise of the machine _(使我发疯)4Before you leave,please _(切断,关上)the power.5I have _(为你预订了一个房间)at the hotel.单项填空1The rude drivers talking really drove me_.Ato mad Bto being madCmad Dmadly2It is a good idea to take a taxi in order to _ the plane to Shanghai.Agrab BdrawCcatch Dhold3Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?_.AIts your opinion BI dont mindCIts all up to you DThats your decision4The doctor thought_would be good for you to have a holiday.Athis Bthat Cone Dit5Although_my opinion,the old professor didnt e up with his own.Aagainst Bon Cfor Din6I often feel_whenever the weekends e,and Im always trying to find more time to do some outings with my family.Arelaxed BrelaxingCrefreshed Drefreshing7My father seemed to be in no_to look at my school report.Amood BemotionCattitude Dfeeling8I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her._.It was her fault.ANo way BNot possibleCNo chance DNot at all9_ cold and hunger for ages,the old man was in bad health.AHaving been suffered fromBSuffered fromCSuffering fromDHaving suffered from10How did the boss_your suggestion that we should get more rest?Well,he told me that it was out of the question.Areact with Breact toCact as Dact against.完形填空From Monday till Friday most people are busy _1_ or studying,_2_ in the evenings and on weekends they _3_ enjoy_4_.Some watch TV or go to movies;others engage in sports.It_5_individual(个人的) interests._6_many different ways to spend our spare time.Almost everyone has some kind of hobby.It may be anything_7_collecting stamps _8_model airplanes.Some hobbies are very expensive,but others_9_anything at all.Some collections are worth a lot of money;others are_10_only to _11_.I know a man who has a coin _12_ worth seven thousand dollars.A short time ago,he bought a rare fiftycent piece worth 250 dollars!He was very happy about that and thought the price was _13_.On the other hand,my younger brother collects match boxes.He has almost 600 of them but I _14_ if they are worth any money.However,to my brother they are extremely _15_._16_ makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.Thats _17_ a hobby means,I guess.It is something we like to do in our spare time simply _18_ of it.The _19_ in dollars is not important but the pleasure it _20_ us is important.1A.with workingBworkingCat workingDwith work2A.butBhoweverCwhenDand3A.likeBconsiderCare thought toDare free to4A.itBsportsCthemselvesDlives5A.depends onBis ofCdecidesDdepends6A.Everyone hasBThere hasCThere areDPeople invent7A.for exampleBsuch asCfromDlike8A.to makingBand makeCto makeDbesides making9A.are notBare not worthyCdont costDarent cost10A.importantBexpensiveCgoodDvaluable11A.their ownBtheir ownersCthemselvesDyoung people12A.whichBcollectingCcollectedDcollection13A.expensiveBlowCcheapDreasonable14A.am sureBdoubtCthinkDbelieve15A.valuableBexpensiveCimportantDcheap16A.ItBWhatCNothingDEverything17A.howBwhatCwhy Dcalled18A.to enjoyBfor pleasureCfor the funDto please ourselves19A.valueBmoneyCexpensesDcost20A.that givesBgivesCgivingDis givenThere is/was no room for.没有的地方1The town is old and the streets are narrow,so theres no room for bus lanes.城市很古老,街道很窄,所以没有留给汽车车道的地方。2Tom put the magazines on the little table,so there was no room for the television.汤姆把杂志放在小桌子上,所以就没有地方放电视了。 Period ThreeIntegrating Skills.1.switched2.blew3.react4.solution5mood6.horn.1.(1)worth(2)worthy(3)worthy(1)worth后接名词或动名词构成be worthn./v.ing短语。(2)worthy后接to be done或of being done。2(1)centre(2)centre(3)middle(1)centre指“任何物体的中心”,也指“活动(事物)的中心”。(2)middle指“空间、时间或过程中与两端间等距离的部分”,也指“中等程度”。.1.keep cool/calm2.came to a stop3.drove me mad4.switch off5.reserved a room for you.1.Cdrive sb.adj.,为固定搭配,意为“迫使某人(生气、发疯)”。2Ccatch the plane赶上飞机。3CIts (all) up to you由你来决定。4D句意为:医生认为去度假对你有好处。it在从句中作形式主语,真正的主语是to have a holiday。this,that,one都不可用作形式主语。5Aagainst ones opinion反对某人的见解;介词on不与opinion搭配;for ones opinion同意某人的见解;in ones opinion在某人看来。句意为:虽然反对我的见解,但老教授却没有提出自己的见解。由句意可知选A项。6Arelaxed放松的,轻松的;relaxing令人放松的,轻松的;refreshed充满活力的;refreshing提神的,消除疲劳的。根据句意知A项正确。7Amood心情,心境,be in no mood to do sth.没有心情做某事,符合句意。emotion(冲动的)情感,激情;attitude态度;feeling情绪,感情。8Ano way没门,不可能;无not possible表达方式;no chance没有机会;not at all没关系。由句子的语境知选A项。9D主语the old man与suffer from之间是主动关系,所以排除A、B两项。C项表示与主语状态并存。由句意知从句在前,主句状态发生在后,故D项为正确答案。10B句意为:你提议我们应该得到更多的休息,老板对此反应如何?哎,他告诉我那是不可能的。react to对作出反应,符合句意。react with与发生(化学)反应;act as担任,充当;act against违反。.1.Bbe busy doing sth.忙于做某事。2A由busy与enjoy可知前后两句为转折关系。3D由上半句提到很多人从星期一到星期五都在忙于工作或学习以及前后两句为转折关系,所以后半句表达的意思应为:在晚上和周末他们就可以随意(be free to)娱乐。4Cenjoy oneself玩得愉快。5Adepend on依靠,取决于。6C从后文many different ways为复数,可知用there are。7C联系句意,指人们的爱好可以从收集邮票到做飞机模型等。8Afrom.to.结构中to为介词,故to后只能用making。9C前文提到“Some hobbies are very expensive,”but为转折关系,故此处应用dont cost。10D有些爱好只对主人自己有价值。11B见上题解析。12D“我”认识一个收藏钱币的朋友。13Dreasonable合情合理的。14B句意为:我弟弟收藏了差不多有600个火柴盒,但是我怀疑他的这些收藏是否有价值。15A对“我”而言不一定有价值,然而对弟弟非常有价值。16C“我”弟弟以收集火柴盒为最大乐趣。17B该题中缺少表语以及引导表语从句的先行词,what具有双重功能。18C每个人的爱好都是为了娱乐。19A美元的价值并不重要,但收集它可以给我们带来乐趣。20Bit gives us用来修饰the pleasure。

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