2019年高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Section Ⅰ双基限时练 外研版必修2.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Section 双基限时练 外研版必修2.单词拼写1Were so poor that we _ (极少地) eat in the restaurant.答案rarely2They live in a _ (富裕的) suburb of Chicago.答案wealthy3He was badly _ (受伤) in the accident.答案injured4. She is still absent. Im _ (担心) about her health.答案anxious5. This heavy traffic is _ (正常的) for this time of the day.答案normal6. John was made _ (队长) of the team and must decide who was to play first.答案captain7The little girl is in pain because she has a _ (疼痛的) cut in a finger.答案painful8. He is so fat that the doctor asked him to be on a_ (节食)答案diet.完成句子1. Every day he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (为了保持健康进行体育锻炼)答案takes exercise in order to keep fit2. We are _ _ _ (急于见到) the actor.答案anxious/eager to see3. I cant _ _ _ (想起一切事情) at once.答案think of everything4. When it started to rain, they were _ _ (正在朝走) the city.答案heading for5. _ _ (一定) that the door is locked when you leave.答案Make sure6. We often have classes _ _ _ _ (灯开着)答案with the light(s) on7. I _ _ (宁愿) work in the countryside.答案would rather8. He _ _ _ (痴迷于) cars and horseracing.答案is crazy about9. The boy is _ _ _ (年龄足以) join the army.答案 old enough to10. He is _ _ _ (有点儿) a fool.答案a bit of.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1_ time went by, a large part of my classmates could finish all the English exercises in class.答案与解析Asas“随着”。2The reason _ he gave for being late was _ he overslept this morning. 答案Which; that3. _ their son away to college, the couple got more room in the house.答案与解析With这是一个由“with名词副词”构成的复合结构,在句中作原因状语。句意:因为儿子上大学去了,这对夫妻家中的空间就增加了不少。4. Many thanks to you _ your help. My life was saved in time because _ what you had done.答案与解析for; of分析句子结构,首先应注意第一句中的“many thanks to sb. for sth.”为习惯用语,意为“因某事而感谢某人”。其次第二句中空格后出现了what you have done这一结构,应放在介词后作宾语,由此可得出答案。5. He tries his best to avoid _ (make) fun of in public, because thats too embarrassing.答案与解析being madeavoid后常接名词或动名词作宾语,不能接不定式作宾语。make fun of“取笑”,用被动语态,表示“避免被别人取笑”。6. _ he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience.答案与解析Although/Thoughalthough/though在此引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然;尽管”。7Paul doesnt have to be made _ (learn). He always works hard.答案与解析to learnmake用于被动语态时,作主补的不定式必须带不定式符号to。make sb. do(sth.)“让某人做某事”。8John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _ (finish), he gladly accepted it.答案与解析finished句意:约翰接到了宴会请帖,因为工作完成了,他高兴地接受了邀请。with复合结构在此作原因状语, his work与finish是动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾补。9_ (see) that she was going off to sleep, I asked if shed like that little doll on her bed.答案与解析Seeing现在分词短语seeing .作时间状语, see与句子主语是主谓关系。10_ is reported in newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.答案与解析Asas在此引导非限制性定语从句,作“正如”解,先行词为整个主句。.单项填空1. Why ask me to take that early bus? Because that bus _ the 9:30 train at Boston.A. joins toB. joins upC. unites with D. connects with答案与解析Dconnect with“连接”。句意:为什么让我坐早班车?因为那辆汽车在波士顿与9:30的火车相连接。join to“把接起来”; join up“参军”; unite with“联合”,均可排除。2. Why not join us? I cant. _ I would rather not. Im not well enough.A. At last B. At onceC. At least D. At most答案与解析Cat least“至少”。句意:为什么不加入我们?我不能,至少我不愿意,因为我还没有恢复健康。at last“最后;终于”; at once“立刻;立即”; at most“最多;至多”,均不符合句意。3Many people have e to realize that they should go on _ balanced diet and make _ room in their day for exercise.A. a; / B. the; aC. the; the D. /; a答案与解析Ago on a diet“节食”,为固定短语; make room for在此引申为“抽时间;抽空”,为固定短语。4In a secondhand bookshop, Billy came across a book which he thought was a _ edition.A. rare B. scarceC. seldom D. hardly答案与解析A句意:比利在一个二手书店偶然看到一本书,他视此书为珍本。rare“珍贵的”,符合句意。scarce“不足的”; seldom是副词,意为“很少”; hardly是副词,意为“几乎不”。5Mr White may be at home, but youd better call and _.A. be certain B. be sureC. make sure D. make sure of答案与解析C句意:怀特先生可能在家,但你最好打电话确认一下。make sure“弄清楚;查明”。make sure of后要接宾语。.完形填空When Lawrence got home, his wife told him that a student had telephoned during the afternoon, “His name is Bob Cole,” she said, “He was in _1_ of your classes a few years _2_. He _3_ to talk to you and I asked him to e to the _4_ this evening.”The young man came a short while later. Lawrence _5_ Bob Cole very well and he was glad to see him.“What are you doing now?” he asked, “Are you _6_ as a salesman?”“No,” Bob answered. “I didnt _7_ want to be a salesman and I want to thank you for _8_ me decide what I should do.”“Thank me?” Lawrence said, “I dont understand. You never spoke to me _9_ it.”“I didnt have to,” Bob said, “but you did help me.”“But how?”“I used to think,” Bob answered, “that it didnt _10_ what I did at the university, I just wanted to _11_ school and go to work. But then I _12_ six months in your class and everything _13_. You made chemistry so interesting, so I decided to go on studying science _14_ I am now preparing to be a doctor.”“Im glad you _15_ me that, Bob.” Lawrence said. “We all like to know when weve been able to help someone.”“Why, Mr. Henderson,” Bob said in a loud _16_ “Im not the only one who was helped by you. Do you remember Howard Nicholas?”“Of course, he was in my_17_ last year,” Lawrence answered.“Well, hes teaching chemistry now and I know he decided to be a _18_ when he was in your class.”Lawrence was so _19_ to hear all this, he didnt know _20_ to say.1. A. each B. one C. any D. only2. A. ago B. before C. later D. then3. A. liked B. wentC. asked D. wanted4. A. home B. house C. family D. room5. A. forgot B. foundC. taught D. remembered6. A. working B. studyingC. still D. waiting7. A. never B. reallyC. surely D. almost8. A. asking B. lettingC. hoping D. helping9. A. with B. about C. on D. at10. A. wrong B. meanC. like D. matter11. A. go to B. be inC. finish D. begin12. A. took B. spent C. paid D. cost13. A. changed B. endedC. started D. worked14. A. but B. or C. however D. and15. A. know B. tell C. believe D. ask16. A. noise B. sound C. cry D. voice17. A. office B. classC. village D. grade18. A. teacher B. doctorC. worker D. policeman19. A. angry B. sadC. pleased D. surprised20. A. what B. how C. who D. when答案与解析1B强调“一”用one。2A句中用了过去时态。B项时态不对;D项和前面的名词不搭配;C项不符合题意。3DA、B、C三项不符合题意。4BLawrence的妻子只是在陈述一个事实。A、C两项均带有感情色彩,D项与句子意思不符。5D从文章中可以看出Lawrence与Cole较熟,仍然记得。6Awork as.为固定搭配,表示身份。7B根据上下文,never,almost,surely不符合题意,只有B项最适合。8D主观上,Lawrence没有要求他的学生做什么,是无形中帮助了他们。9Babout意为“关于”。10D句意:我在大学里做什么关系不大。11Cgo to school意为“上学”,be in school意为“在校”,只有finish school能够表示“完成学业”。12Bspend time in(doing)sth. 为固定短语。13A在没听Lawrence的课之前,这个学生决定完成学业就工作,而听了Lawrence的课之后,他的观点发生了变化,这就改变了一切。14D前后两句表示并列关系,所以用and。15B根据上下文可知tell最符合题意。16Din a loud voice意为“大声地”;noise意为“噪音”;sound泛指“自然界的一切声音”;cry意为“哭叫”;只有D符合题意。17B由文中第一段第一句可知选B。18A这个学生后来成为教师,主要是受Lawrence的影响。19C前面提到“Im glad you.”。20Asay后要接宾语。.短文改错Dear Mary,I am Senior 3 student. Im going to take part in this summers college entrance examination. In preparation for it, I am studying very hard. As a result, I often feel exhausting both physically and mentally. Therefore, my parents still put a lot of pressure to me. I know they have great expectations for me, but I feel the pressure is too heavy for me not to cope with. I attempted to municating with them, but failed.Now I quite upset about it. How can my parents understand us?I really dont know how to do. Could you please give me some advices?Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua答案Dear Mary,I am Senior 3 student. Im going to take part in this summers college entrance examination. In preparation for it, I am studying very hard. As a result, I often feel both physically and mentally. , my parents still put a lot of pressure me. I know they have great expectations for me, but I feel the pressure is too heavy for me to cope with. I attempted to with them, but failed.Now I quite upset about it. How can my parents understand ?I really dont know to do. Could you please give me some ?Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua

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