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2019-2020年高考英语北师大版一轮复习课时作业:语言朋友(81)Life is to be enjoyed.Theres no point in giving up something you enjoy unless you get something back thats even better.When people eat more healthfully, exercise, quit smoking, and manage stress better, they find that they feel so much better that it reconstructs the reason for making these changes from fear of dying to joy of living.The latest studies show that when you exercise and eat right: YOUR BRAIN receives more blood flow and oxygen, so you bee smarter, think more clearly, have more energy, and need less sleep.Two studies showed that just walking for three hours per week for only three months caused so many new neurons (神经细胞) to grow that it actually increased the size of peoples brains!YOUR FACE receives more blood flow, so your_skin_glows more and wrinkles less.You look younger and more attractive.In contrast, an unhealthy diet, chronic emotional stress and smoking reduce blood flow to your face so you age more quickly.Smoking accelerates aging because nicotine causes your arteries (动脉) to narrow down, which decreases blood flow to your face and makes it wrinkle earlier.This is why smokers look years older than they really are.YOUR GENES change.In May, a study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showing that changing your lifestyle changes your genes.YOUR TELOMERES (染色体端粒) get longer.Telomeres are the ends of our chromosomes (染色体) that control how long we live.As telomeres bee shorter, then cells age more quickly, thus shortening your life.Besides, one of the most interesting findings in the study was that the mothers awareness of stress was more important than what was really occurring in their lives.The researchers gave the women a questionnaire and asked them to rate on a threepoint scale how stressed they felt each day, and how out of control their lives felt to them.The women who were aware that they were under heavy stress had significantly shortened and damaged telomeres pared with those who felt more relaxed.On the contrary, some of the women who felt relaxed despite raising a disabled child had more normalappearing telomeres.In other words, if you feel stressed, you are stressed; if you feel fine, you are fine.解题导语:最新研究表明,多锻炼和保持健康的饮食对人体益处多多。1Which of the following are good for lengthening ones life, according to the passage?eat healthy fooddrink plenty of watertake exercise get up earlygo to sleep early release ones stressABCD解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“When people eat more healthfully, exercise, quit smoking, and manage stress better, they find that they feel so much better”可知选A。答案:A2The underlined words “your skin glows” in Paragraph 3 are closest in meaning to_Ayour skin bees white as there is plenty of sunshineByour skin bees smooth as there is much blood in itCyour skin looks pink as you are healthyDyour skin bees soft as you exercise enough解析:词义猜测题。根据下一句“You look younger and more attractive.”可推出你的皮肤看起来粉红说明你是健康的,故选C。答案:C3In the authors opinion, when you exercise and eat right, you will experience some changes EXCEPT_.Abrains being clevererBfaces having fewer wrinklesCarteries turning narrowerDgenes being changed解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“Smoking accelerates aging because nicotine causes your arteries (动脉) to narrow down”可知选C。答案:C4From the last but one paragraph we learn that_Amothers will have more damaged telomeres if they raise a disabled childBmothers dont know how to handle stress effectivelyCsome women were asked to fill out a questionnaire about educating childrenDmothers positive attitudes are the key to managing their stress解析:细节理解题。根据“On the contrary, some of the women who felt relaxed despite raising a disabled child had more normalappearing telomeres.”可知选D。答案:D5The best title for the passage would be_AEat Better,Live BetterBFeel Better,Live LongerCLess Stress,Fewer DiseasesDSmoke More,Age Sooner解析:主旨归纳题。文章指出,多锻炼、吃得健康、不抽烟、合理减压,即让自己感觉好起来,有助于长寿,故选B。答案:B语法填空Chinese English teacher may e across many questions raised by students.Sometimes they 6._ (puzzle) by such questions, “Have you got any skills in reading prehension?”Actually, many of the teachers cant give students 7._ efficient way to deal with reading.Anyway, they often simply say, “Read more and practise more, 8._ youll get more experience in reading prehension.” Frankly, these teachers good 9._ (suggest) are only helpful to arouse students interest in reading 10._ not helpful to deal with the questions in the examinations of reading prehension.11._ (person), I think the skill for reading prehension should be based 12._ the knowledge of English writing.Since the English passages are written under some rules or principles, the science of reading and understanding may have a close 13._ (relate) with writing.Reading prehension cant be independent 14._ the knowledge of writing.So to do better in reading prehension, we should learn the knowledge of writing, study how questions 15._ (design) and the relationship between questions and the reading materials.解题导语:本文主要探讨了英语阅读技巧方面的话题。6解析:此处缺少谓语动词,又由后面的by可知应用被动语态。答案:are puzzled7解析:“一个有效的方法”,efficient以元音音素开头,故用an。答案:an8解析:这是一个祈使句,前后是顺承关系。答案:and9解析:此处应用名词作主语,由these可知用复数。答案:suggestions10解析:根据前后语境得知为转折关系。答案:but11解析:此处应用副词修饰整个句子,意为“就我个人而言;我觉得”。答案:Personally12解析:固定搭配。be based on.意为“以为基础”。答案:on13解析:句子缺少宾语,故用其名词形式。答案:relationship14解析:be independent from.“与相独立”。答案:from15解析:此处缺少谓语,questions与design是动宾关系,故用被动语态。答案:are designed


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