2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 Period1 Vocabulary课堂达标训练 北师大版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 Period1 Vocabulary课堂达标训练 北师大版必修2.语境填词1The argument was s_ from beginning to end.2They kept walking along the s_.3The table can be f_ up when not in use.4He e_ that English is not the only foreign language that is worth studying.5He was s_ buckets.6What she has in mind is beyond _ (想象)7The idea of happiness is extremely _ (抽象的)8Draw a _ (直的) line,please.9American _ (艺术家) and writers have been looking to the East.10This is a _ (典型的) example of Roman poetry.以义思词1_ adj.:existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or practical existence2_ n:physical suffering or disfort caused by injury or disease3_ n:parative darkness and often coolness caused by sth.blocking direct light or heat,esp.of the sun4_ n: living being,esp.an animal5_ v:to cause the destruction of sth./sb.6_ n:a platform with a wall or rail built onto the outside wall of a building and reached from upstairs7_ n:letter,sign or mark used in a system of writing or printing8_ n:a kind or forgiving attitude towards sb.that you have the power to harm or right to punish9_ adj.:of small width pared with length10_ n:underground railway in a city.同义词替换1He developed the tradition of bringing_poetry_and_painting_together._2Across this painting,which_was_called Racing Horse,we can see a horse running at high speed._3Qi Baishi was among Chinas greatest painters._4He worked with wood in_his_early_age._5She also told me about how she started to draw when_she_was_young._6The girl next to me wearing_the_thick_glasses is my sister._7Mr.Chen continued to explain that there are three types of paper cuts._8“See you next week,” I said as I left Mr.Chen._9The opera that we saw was very boring._10But the_thing_that I remembered most is moving a lot._.翻译句子1他眼睛盯着那位漂亮的女孩。(fix)_2小船听任暴风雨的摆布。(mercy)_3这栋建筑是1823年所建。(date)_4他们虽为双胞胎,但性格却截然不同。(character)_5你去非洲的目的何在呢?(purpose)_.单项填空1After the earthquake,the house lay_.Ain ruin Bin ruinsCin ruined Don ruin2I havent received his letter for months.Frankly speaking,I am_ worried about him.Aa kind of BslightCsort of Da type of3The_,I think,he drew from his simple experiment is not scientific.Aconclusion BchargeCpromise Drelation4He thought of a new idea and wanted to _ it _.Atry;out Btry;onCtry;for Dtry;to5Newspapers usually provide information_.Adetail BdetailedCon detail Din detail6Im sorry I stepped on your toe;it was an accident.It wasnt!You did it _.Afor purpose Bwith purposeCto the purpose Don purpose7My shoes are not dry.In other words,they are still _.Adamp BgoodCnarrow Dharm8Tom sat in the classroom with his eyes _ on the flowers outside the window.Afixing BfixedClooking Dlooked9The earliest money in China can _ thousands of years ago.Adate back to Bbe dated back toCdate to Dbe dated from10She is a kind girl and she often shows mercy _ the poor.Aon BatCto Dwithout.阅读理解Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1530.He was working on a special painting for a church at that time,but the church painting was not going well.An Italian businessman asked Da Vinci to paint a picture of the businessmans second wife.This is the woman whom can be seen in the Mona Lisa.All in all,the Mona Lisa is a very good example of Da Vincis work.Da Vinci used darkness and light in a clever way in the painting.Da Vinci loved science and maths.Right away a person can see that there is a lot of geometry in the Mona Lisa.The face of the Mona Lisa is made of many circles and round shapes like balls.Even her smile can be seen as a small part of a large circle.The woman in the painting is sitting on a balcony,and mountains can be seen behind her.Da Vinci loved to study rocks and mountains,so these can be seen over and in his other paintings.The woman is sitting with her knees to the side.Her head is turned to look out of the painting.Her hands are held together in front of her.This way of sitting is now used by many artists when they are painting a picture of a man or a woman today.1Who painted the Mona Lisa?AA businessman.BLeonardo da Vinci.CHis second wife.DThe businessmans wife.2The woman in the painting is _.Aan Italian businesswomanBthe second wife of a businessmanCLeonardo da Vincis wifeDa woman from the church3Where is the woman in the painting?AOn a balcony. BOn a knee.COn a mountain. DOn a rock.4What can a person see in the painting?AA lot of geometry.BMountains.CClever use of light and darkness.DAll of the above.Unit 6DesignPeriod 1Vocabulary.1.shallow2.shore3.folded4.emphasized5sweating6.imagination7.abstract8.straight9artists10.typical.1.imagination2.pain3.shade4.creature5.ruin6.balcony7.character8.mercy9.narrow10.subway.1bining poetry with painting2named3.one of4.during his early youth5at a very young age6with the thick glasses on7went on8.waved goodbye to9.terribly10.what.1.He fixed his eyes on the beautiful girl.2The boat was at the mercy of the storm.3This building dates back to/dates from 1823.4They are twins but have quite different characters.5For what purpose did you go to Africa?.1.Blie in ruins表示变成一堆废墟。故选B项。2C句意为:我好几个月没收到他的来信了,坦白地说,我有点担心他。sort ofkind ofslightly有点;稍微地,符合句意。a kind/type of一种;一类;slight为形容词,意为“轻微的,稍微的”。3A句意为:我认为他从他那简单的试验中得出的结论不科学。本题变相考查了固定搭配draw a conclusion。4A此处意思应为“试验一个新设想”。try out试验;测试;try on试穿;try for谋求,争取,故选A项。5Dprovide information in detail提供详细信息。B项应放在information之前,故选D项。6Don purpose故意地。7A句意为:我的鞋子还不干,换句话说,它们还是湿的。damp潮湿的,符合句意。8B考查with的复合结构。句意为:汤姆坐在教室里,眼睛盯着窗外的花。因fix与his eyes之间为动宾关系,故用fixed。fix ones eyes on注视,凝视。9A句意为:中国最早的货币可以追溯到几千年前。date back todate from追溯到,无被动语态。10Cshow mercy to对表示怜悯。.1.B此题四个答案中,C项和D项是蒙娜丽莎画中人物的原身;A项为要求达芬奇作画之人;只有B项是创作画的作者。2B由本文第一段可知画中人物为一意大利商人的妻子。3A第四段第一句告诉我们,当时这位妇女所处的地方是on a balcony,即坐在阳台上。4D根据第二段的“Da Vinci used darkness and light in a clever way in the painting.”和第三段的“.there is a lot of geometry in the Mona Lisa.”以及第四段的“.and mountains can be seen behind her.”可知应选D项。


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