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2019-2020年高考英语信息匹配类、阅读理解四月自练(2)阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。America is growing older. Fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the United States were 65 or older. Today, 10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65. The aging of the population will affect American society in many ways education, medicine, and business. Quietly, the aging of America has made us a very different society one in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages.A persons age no longer tells you anything about his/ her social position, marriage or health. Theres no longer a particular year in which one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family. The social clock that kept us on time and told us when to go to school, get a job, or stop working isnt as strong as it used to be. It doesnt surprise us to hear of a 29-year-old university president or a 35-year-old grandmother, or a 70-year-old man who has bee a father for the first time. Public ideas are changing.Many people say, “I am much younger than my mother or my father was at my age.” No one says “Act your age” any more. Weve stopped looking with surprise at older people who act in youthful ways.1. It can be learned from the text that the aging of the population in America _.A. has made people feel younger B. has changed peoples social positionC. has changed peoples understanding of age D. has slowed down the countrys social development2. The underlined word “one” refers to _.A. a society B. America C. a place D. population3. “Act your age” means people should _.A. be active when they are old B. do the right thing at the right ageC. show respect to their parents young or old D. take more physical exercises suitable to their age4. If a 25-year-old man bees general manager of a big firm, the writer of the text would most probably consider it _.A. normal B. wonderfulC. unbelievable D. unreasonable【参考答案及解析】1. C 主旨题。根据第一、二段的最后一句及第三段可判断。2. A 细节题。one是a society的同位语且后面跟了一个定语从句,可以通过分析句子结构得出正确答案。3. B 细节题。全文最后一句话给出了提示。4. A 推理题。可仔细阅读第二段中倒数第二句话。阅读理解。Everyone knows about straight-A students. We see them frequently in TV situation edies and in movies likeRevenge(复仇) of the Nerds. They get high grades, all right, but only by being dull laborers, their noses always stuck in a book. They are not good at social munication and look clumsy when it es to sports. How, then, do we account for Domenica Roman or Paul Melendres? Roman is on the tennis team at Fairmont Senior High School. She also sings in the choral group, serves on the student council(学生会) and is a member of the mathematics society. For two years she has maintained As in every subject. Melendres, now a freshman at the University of New Mexico, was student-body president at Valley High School in Albuquerque. He played soccer and basketball well, exhibited at the science fair, and meanwhile worked as a reporter on a local television station. Being a speech giver at the graduation ceremony, he achieved straight As in his regular classes, plus bonus points for As in two college-level courses. How do super-achievers like Roman and Melendres do it? Brains arent the only answer. Top grades dont always go to the brightest students, declares Herbert Walberg, professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, who has conducted major studies of super-achieving students. Knowing how to make the most of your innate(天赋的) abilities counts for more. Much more. In fact, Walberg says, students with high I.Q.s sometimes dont do as well as classmates with lower I.Q.s. For them, learning es too easily and they never find out how to get down. Hard work isnt the whole story, either. Its not how long you sit there with the books open, said one of the many A students we interviewed. Its what you do while youre sitting. Indeed, some of these students actually put in fewer hours of homework time than their lower-scoring classmates. The kids at the top of the class get there by mastering a few basic techniques that others can readily learn. The “nerds” can probably be _.dull bookworms lacking sports and social skillssuccessful top students popular with their peersstudents with certain learning difficultiesborn leaders crazy about social activitiesWhat can we conclude from the first paragraph?Most TV programs and films are about straight-A students.People have unfavorable impression of straight-A students.Everyone knows about straight-A students from TV or films.Straight-A students are well admired by people in the society.Some students bee super-achievers mainly because _.they are born cleverer than othersthey worker longer hours on studythey make full use of their abilitiesthey know the short cut to successWhat will be talked about after the last paragraph?The interviews with more students.The role I.Q. plays in learning well.The techniques to be better learners.The achievements top students make.What can we infer from the passage?Students neednt work hard on study any more.The brightest students can never get top grades.Top students certainly achieve all-around developments. Students with average I.Q.s can bee super-achievers.【参考答案】15 A B C C D【广东省xx届高三考前冲刺卷(七)】 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。首先,请阅读下列关于院系的介绍:Department AIn this department the teachers dont intend to bring up a musician.They teach the students how to appreciate all types of music,especially for the students who want to be a listener,not a player of the drum.This is their first choice.Department BThis department has risen to fame by some great violin players born here.The students here have several fortable places to practice their violins.Meanwhile the students have a chance to practice other instruments,such as the piano and the drum.Department CThis department is home to the guitar players.If the students havent played the guitar and hope to learn from the beginning,this is likely to be their favorite place.Of course,they are also able to learn country music,jazz and so on.Department DIn this department you can learn jazz,opera and classical music,but jazz is the best and the most famous.It has experienced jazz teachers and they have won a lot of national contests.At the same time you can improve your skills in playing the guitar and the piano.Department EAs is known,the piano is more versatile than any other instrument.In this department only the students who have learned the piano for at least five years can be admitted.The teachers in this department are good at teaching advanced learners.After the hard practice,the students will have a chance to enjoy all kinds of music.Department FIn this department the teachers do well in teaching instruments,especially the drum.This department has excellent drums and every student has a chance to practice everyday.All the teachers are very patient and experienced.Whats more,the students can learn rock,classical music and jazz.请阅读以下五位音乐学习者的信息,然后匹配适合他们的院系。46Greg was born in a workers family.His grandfather was a musician,so he wants to learn to play the drum and at the same time he wishes to study classical music. ()47Robert started to play the violin when he was five.His favorite style of music is country music.His wish is to learn both of them further and bee a violinist in the future. ()48James is fond of music,but his wish is to be a puter expert.He especially loves the sound of the drum and he also likes rock. ()49Though Harry is only fourteen years old,he has been learning to play the piano for nearly ten years.Harry says the best instrument is the piano.He expects to be a pianist in the future.In his spare time he likes to listen to the opera. ()50Kevin likes jazz very much.He wants to make a living by it in the future.His favorite instrument is the guitar and he also wants to get his skill of playing the guitar better. ()【参考答案】-46F47.B48.A49.E50.D【广东省xx届高三考前冲刺卷(三)】 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。首先,请阅读下面英文书籍的信息:AGallop!A Summation Picture Book(Hardcover)by Seder Price:$12.95Theres never before been a book like “Gallop” employing a patented new technology called Scanimation.Each page is a wonder that brings animals,along with one shining star,to life with art that literally moves.Every child who opens the book will be amazed,and so will every parent.BGoodnight Moon(Board Books)by Brown,Margaret Price:$8.99In this classic of modern childrens literature,beloved by generations of readers and listeners,the quiet poetry of the words and the gentle pictures bine to make a perfect book for the end of the day.CThe Final Warning(Hardcover)by Patterson,James Price:$20.00A breathtaking new story from the astonishing imagination of James:A girl who can fly has to save herself from the scientists who want to control herand maybe save the world in the process.DDark Day in the Deep Sea (Hardcover) by OshornePrice:$11.99Jack and Annie look for the secrets of happinesssecrets they need if theyre going to save Merlin.But when the magic tree house leads them to a tiny deserted island in the ocean,they are rescued by a ship of explorers and scientists.But the crew isnt looking for the secrets of happiness but for a sea monster.ETwilight (Paperback) by Meyer_and_Stephenie Price:$10.99In the fantasy,Bella loves Edward,and he returns her love.But Edward must control himself because hes nan vampire.This romantic story describes the struggle between defying instincts and satisfying desires.FDiary of a Wimpy Kid (Hardcover) by Kinney,Jeff Price:$12.95Jeff recalls the growing pains of school life and introduces a new kind of hero of the challenges of being a kid.Since its launch in May xx on Funbrain,it has been viewed by 20 million online readers.This year,it is averaging 70,000 readers a day.请阅读以下几位同学欲购书籍的信息,然后为他们匹配合适的图书。46Harry is interested in childrens life and their problems,so he intends to buy a most popular book among kids or just read it on the net,for it is convenient for him. ()47Jacks parents are English teachers,and he likes reading fantastic stories since childhood.Now hell get a book with pictures,and advanced technology to share with his older generation. ()48Jesse has collected novels with hardcover since he was in middle school,so he will find a story with astonishing imagination and challenging adventures that happened on a deserted island. ()49Collins always feels delighted to be a hero and reads this kind of books,so he likes magic stories full of adventures and the hero should be brave and intelligent enough to survive. ()50Tony has read widely since he was in middle school;he enjoys fantastic stories with excellent language and pictures to refresh himself after a full days work,and it should be the cheapest. ()【参考答案】-46F47.A48.D49.C50.B

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