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2019-2020年高考英语四月完形填空、阅读理解课外练习(8)阅读理解(xx山东实验中学一模)Global Positioning Systems (全球定位系统) are now a part of everyday driving in many countries.These satellitebased systems provide turnbyturn directions to help people get to where they want to go.However,they can also cause a lot of problems,send you to the wrong place or leave you pletely lost.Many times,the driver is to blame.Sometimes a GPS error is responsible.Most often,says Barry Brown,it is a bination of the two.Barry Brown is with the Mobile Life Centre in Stockholm,Sweden.He told us about an incident involving a friend who had flown to an airport in the eastern United States.There he borrowed a GPSequipped car to use during his stay.Mr Brown says,“They just plugged in an address and then set off to their destination.And,then it wasnt until they were driving for thirty minutes that they realized they actually put in a destination back on the West Coast where they lived.They actually put their home address in.So again,the GPS is kind of garbage in garbage out”Mr Brown says this is a mon human error,but what makes the problem worse has to do with some of the shortings,or failures,of GPS equipment.He says,“One problem with a lot of the GPS units is they have a very small screen and they just tell you the next turn.Because they just give you the next turn,sometimes that means that it is not really giving you the overview that you would need to know that its going to the wrong place.”Mr Brown says,“One of the things that struck us,perhaps the most important thing was that you have to know what youre doing when you use a GPS.There are these new skills that people have developed.There are these new petencies (资格) that you need to have to be able to use a GPS because they sometimes go wrong.This goes against a mon belief that GPS systems are for passive drivers who lack navigational skills.”Barry Brown says to make GPS systems better we need a better understanding of how drivers,passengers and GPS systems work together.1According to Barry Brow,in most cases,_are blame for the problems.Ahuman errorsBGPS errorsCerrors caused by both drivers and GPSDerrors caused by putting in a wrong address2The example of Barry Browns friend is used to show that_.AGPS is nothing but garbageBGPS is still not accurate enoughCit is difficult for drivers to use GPS equipmentDsometimes drivers are responsible for the problem3It can be inferred from the second paragraph that_.Aits impossible to drive from the east to the west in the USBBarry Browns friend went to Stockholm,Sweden by planeCgiven wrong instructions,the GPS will produce wrong resultsDGPS systems are for passive drivers who lack navigational skills4Which of the followings is one of the shortings of GPS equipment?AIt just tells the driver to turn once at a time.BIt gives the driver the overview.CIts screen is too small to be seen clearly.DIt is only suitable for passive drivers.5Whats the main idea of the text?AGPS systems are helpful for drivers.BDriving with GPS can be difficult to navigate (导航)CDrivers should understand how GPS systems work.DDrivers should learn to use GPS systems correctly.语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。文章主要介绍了开车用GPS导航系统也很难导航。1解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句“Most often,says Barry Brown,it is a bination of the two.”可知,答案C符合文意。答案:C2解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段倒数第二句“They actually put their home address in.”可知,这次走错方向是由于人的疏忽导致的,不是GPS系统的原因,故答案D正确。答案:D3解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后两句“They actually puy their home address in. So again,the GPS is kind of garbage in garbage out”和对全段的整体理解可知,答案C“给错误的指令,导航系统就会产生错误的结果”符合文意。答案:C4解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句“He says,One problem with a lot of the GPS units is they have a very small screen and they just tell you the next turn.”可知,答案A符合文意。答案:A5解析:主旨大意题。根据文章第一段第三句“However,they can also cause a lot of problems,send you to the wrong place or leave you pletely lost.”的开篇点题和对全文的整体理解可推知,答案B“开车用GPS导航系统有时候也很难导航”最能概括文章大意。答案:B。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AMy newly-rented small apartment was far away from the centre of London and it was being essential for me to find a job, so finally I spent a whole morning getting to town and putting my name down to be considered by London Transport for a job on the underground. They were looking for guards, not drivers. This suited me. I couldnt drive a car but thought that I could probably guard a train, and perhaps continue to write my poems between stations. The writers Keats and Chekhov had been doctors. T.S. Eliot had worked in a bank and Wallace Stevens for an insurance pany. Id be a subway guard. I could see myself being cheerful, useful, a good man in a crisis(艰难危险时期). Obviously Id be overqualified but I was willing to forget about that in return for a steady ine and travel privileges those being particularly wele to someone living a long way from the city centre.The next day I sat down, with almost a hundred other candidates, for the intelligence test. I must have done all right because after about half an hours wait I was sent into another room for a psychological test. This time there were only about fifty candidates. The interviewer sat at a desk. Candidates were signaled forward to occupy the seat opposite him when the previous occupant had been dismissed, after a greater or shorter time. Obviously the long interviews were the more successful ones. Some of the interviews were as short as five minutes. Mine was the only one that lasted a minute and a half.I can remember the questions now: “Why did you leave your last job?” “Why did you leave your job before that?” “And the one before that?” I cant recall my answers, except that they were short at first and grew progressively shorter. His closing statement, I thought, revealed a lack of sensitivity which helped to explain why as a psychologist, he had risen no higher than the underground railway. “Youve failed the psychological test and we are unable to offer you a position.”Failing to get that job was my low point. Or so I thought, believing that the work was easy. Actually, such jobs being a postman is another one I still desire demand exactly the sort of elementary yet responsible awareness that the habitual dreamer is least qualified to give. But I was still far short of full self-understanding. I was also short of cash.1The writer applied for the job chiefly because _.Ahe wanted to work in the centre of London Bhe could no longer afford to live without oneChe was not interested in any other available job Dhe had received some suitable training2The writer thought he was overqualified for the job because _.Ahe often traveled undergroundBhe had written many poemsChe could deal with difficult situations Dhe had worked in a pany3The length of his interview meant that _.Ahe was not going to be offered the job Bhe had not done well in the intelligence testChe did not like the interviewer at all Dhe had little work experience to talk about4What does the writer realize now that he did not realize then?AHow unpleasant ordinary jobs can be. BHow difficult it is to be a poet.CHow unsuitable he was for the job.DHow badly he did in the interview.5Whats the writers opinion of the psychologist?A. He was very aggressive(有进取心的). B. He was unhappy with his job.C. He was quite inefficient. D. He was rather unsympathetic.【参考答案】15、BCACD 【由xx界广东省惠州4月模拟改编】 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从ll5各题所給的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,It happened to a very young pastor (牧师).His church was very old and whats worse, a storm knocked a hole in the wall of the church.One day the pastor1_ an auction(拍卖)and bid a beautiful tablecloth for six dollars. Hecarried the cloth back to the church and put it up on the wall. It pletely hid the 2_!Just before noon of Christmas Eve, the pastor noticed a woman standing in the cold at the bus stop. “The 3 _wont be here for 40 minutes!” he called, and he invited her into the church to get 4_ .She told him that she had e from the city to be interviewed for a job as governess to the children of one wealthy family in town but she had been turned down.The woman saw the tablecloth and rose suddenly. The pastor smiled and started to tell her about the storm 5_, but she didnt seem to 6_ “It is mine!” she said. “My husband had the cloth made 7_ for me !She explained that she and her husband decided to go separately in the War II. They planned that he would 8_ her. But she never saw him again. Later she heard that he had died. The pastor tried to 9_ her, advising her to take the cloth with her. She 10_ . Then she went away.On Christmas Eve, after the service in church, one middle-aged manthe local clock-and-watch repairmanlooked rather 11_ .It is strange,”he said in his soft accent.“ Many years ago, my wife and I owned such a cloth.The pastor suddenly became very 12_ . He told him about the woman who had been in church 13_ in the day .Together the two got in touch with the 14_ who had interviewed her. And this man and his wife -who had been separated through so many saddened 15_were reunited.1.AhadBattendedCheldDtook2.AwallBchurchCholeDtable3.AbossBpanyCtrainDbus4.AwarmBreadyCcoolDcalm5.AdamageBstoryCfactDtruth6.AworkBbelieveClistenDunderstand7.AcarefullyBattentivelyCfinallyDespecially8.AjoinBwriteCbringDleave9.AamuseBfortCpleaseDhelp10.AcriedBacceptedCrefusedDcontinued11.ApuzzledBdelightedCdeterminedDdisappionted12.AsadBshockedChopefulDexcited13.AlaterBearlierCwarmerDcolder14.AwomanBmanagerChusbandDfamily15.AweeksBcountriesCChristmasesDcenturies文章大意:这是一个真实的圣诞节故事,风暴把教堂的墙上弄了一个洞,牧师拍得一块桌布,挡住那个洞。让那个在寒风中领漂泊的妇女进入教堂,最终一对因为战争而分离走散多年的夫妻团聚了。1. 【答案】B【解析】考查动词及上下文的呼应。A.had有;B.attended参加;C.held举行D. took带。有一天牧师参加一个拍卖会。参加拍卖会应该用attend,故选B。2. 【答案】C【解析】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A.wall墙;B. church教堂;C.hole洞;D. table课桌。从前面的句子:a storm knocked a hole in the wall of the church.用那块布挡住了洞,可知选C。3. 【答案】D【解析】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A.boss老板;Bpany公司;C.train火车;D.bus公共汽车。从前面的句子the pastor noticed a woman standing in the cold at the bus stop. 可知是公共汽车。车到站还有40分钟,故选D。4. 【答案】A【解析】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。A.warm温暖;B. ready准备好了;C.cool冷却;D. calm冷静。他邀请她进入教堂取暖,故选A。5. 【答案】A【解析】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A.damage破坏;B. story故事;C.fact事实;D. truth真理。牧师微笑着,告诉她关于风暴的破坏。故选A。6. 【答案】C【解析】考查动词及上下文的呼应。A.work工作;B.believe相信;C. listen听;D. understand理解。但是妇女好像没听,故选C。7. 【答案】D【解析】考查副词及上下文的呼应。A.carefully仔细的;B. attentively专心地;C.finally最终地;D. especially尤其地。根据“It is mine!这是丈夫特别为我做的桌布。故选D。8. 【答案】A【解析】考查动词及上下文的呼应。A.join参加;B.write写;C.bring带来;D. leave离开。join sb和某人一起。他计划和她汇合。故选A。9. 【答案】B【解析】考查动词及上下文的呼应。A.amuse使高兴;Bfort安慰;C. please使高兴;D. help帮助。牧师安慰她,建议她把桌布带着。故选B。10. 【答案】C【解析】考查动词及上下文的呼应。A.cried哭;B.accepted接受;C. refused拒绝;D. continued继续。她拒绝了,就走了。选C。11. 【答案】A【解析】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. puzz led困惑的;B.delighted高兴的;C.determined有决心的;D. disappionted失望的。从后面的句子:It is strange,可知很困惑。故选A。12. 【答案】D【解析】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。A.sad难过的;B.shocked震惊的;C. hopeful有希望的;D. excited兴奋的。指人高兴用excited;牧师很兴奋。故选D。13. 【答案】B【解析】考查副词及上下文的呼应。A.later后来;B. earlier早些时候;C. warmer更暖和;D. colder更冷。告诉他早些时候在教堂的妇女。故选B。14. 【答案】D【解析】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A.woman妇女;B. manager经理;C. husband丈夫;D. family家庭。从前面的句子:She told him that she had e from the city to be interviewed for a job as governess to the children of one wealthy family in town but she had been turned down.可知答案是D。15. 【答案】C【解析】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A.weeks星期;B. countries国家;C.Christmases圣诞;D. centuries世纪。经历这么对悲伤的夫妇最终团聚了。故选C。【参考答案】完形填空:15 BCDAA 610 CDABC 1115 ADBDC


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