2019-2020年高考英语二轮专题复习精练 完型填空(1).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮专题复习精练 完型填空(1)xx辽宁省六校高三年级联合考试I had my first chocolate bar at five years old. Ill never forget the delicious taste. But the situation was anything but _1_. It was World War . Many people in our village fled in panic.Only _2_ were allowed to board the train. Just before departure, a woman traveling alone pulled me onto the train to get the _3_. The entire trip I cried for my mother.We arrived in Hamburg. Now that the woman had escaped, she had no more _4_ for me. I lived on the streets, surviving by _5_ food. Id slip into the mess hall, hide under a table and _6_ off with loaves of fresh bread.One afternoon as I _7_ near a tent in search of food, a huge hand lifted me up _8_ the collar. It was an American soldier. “Got you!” he shouted. I was _9_, and I could see it upset him. “Its _10_, kid,” he said. He reached into his jacket and handed me a _11_. I unwrapped it and took a bite. I thought Id gone to _12_.Four years later, I was taken by the soldier to an orphanage(孤儿院) in America. Soon after, a family who lived in Pennsylvania _13_ me. Later, I joined the army, and then attended _14_. Eventually I earned a masters degree in clinical social work. I want to _15_ back all the people who were so good to me, I prayed. So in 1983 I went to work as a clinical adviser, treating retired _16_ who suffer from postwar stress syndrome. The troubled soldiers wondered how I can possibly _17_ them or help ease their pain. That is _18_ I tell them my story, and about the soldier sent to save my life. I never did learn his name, but I remember his _19_. And then I opened a drawer in my desk that is always full and _20_ them some chocolate.1. A. bitterB. sweet C. strange D. familiar2. A. women B. children C. troops D. families3. A. chance B. money C. prize D. reward4. A. like B. room C. use D. time5. A. selling B. begging C. making D. stealing6. A. leave B. make C. take D. turn7. A. wandered B. slept C. hid D. played8. A. by B. on C. in D. through9. A. excited B. amused C. alarmed D. scared10. A. fine B. okay C. serious D. mon11. A. ice cream B. candy C. chocolate bar D. cookie12. A. heaven B. hell C. prison D. hospital13. A. adapted B. rejected C. employed D. adopted14. A. church B. college C. patients D. clubs15. A. take B. call C. pay D. bring16. A. teachers B. workers C. officials D. soldiers17. A. cure B. understand C. repay D. discover18. A. when B. where C. how D. what19. A. honesty B. courage C. kindness D. appearance20. A. sold B. showed C. cooked D. offered文章大意一个人的一生不会是一帆风顺的。不管你经历了惊涛骇浪,还是小小的考验,只要活下来就是幸运的,离幸福也只有一步之遥。带着一颗感恩的心,去生活、去与人交往,坚持自己心中的梦想与承诺,就定能为他人带去一点快乐、给自己的心灵一丝安慰。1. B。由下文“It was World War .”可知,巧克力味道是甜美的,但是形势却不乐观。2. D。由下文一位妇女为了上车把作者拉上可知,当时只有家庭才可以上火车。下文的“traveling alone”也是暗示。3. A。结合上下文,可知这位妇女拉上作者是为了获得坐上火车逃跑的机会。4. C。现在,那个女人已经逃离了,她就开始讨厌作者了。have no use for“讨厌”。5. D。由下文“Id slip into the mess hall, hide under a table and.”可知作者是靠偷食物谋生的。6. B。作者溜进脏乱的食堂,藏在一张桌子底下,然后带着长条面包离开。make off“逃离”;动词leave表示离开时,无需再用off了。7. C。结合上下文可知作者是靠偷食物谋生,因此他的动作应是“藏”在帐篷附近。8. A。表示揪某人衣领时,常用“动词某人by the collar”。这时有一只大手抓住作者的衣领把作者拎了起来。9. D。作者害怕极了。偷东西被抓心里肯定担心害怕(scared)。10. B。根据“He reached into his jacket.took a bite.”可知,这位士兵非常友好,不仅没有责怪作者,反而给他东西吃。因此此处用“okay”。11. C。结合全文尤其是第一段以及最后一段,可知这位士兵给作者吃的是一块巧克力。12. A。作者不仅没有受到惩罚,反而有东西吃,所以感觉非常好,就像进入了天堂。13. D。由语境可知,作者被送到孤儿院后,一个家庭收养了他。14. B。由下文“Eventually I earned a masters degree in clinical social work.”可知作者上了大学。15. C。我祈祷说,我要报答所有帮助过我的人。pay back“报答,回报”。16. D。由下文“The troubled soldiers wondered how.”可知,作者专门治疗那些退伍军人。17. B。患病的士兵们怀疑作者怎么会理解他们,怎么能帮助他们减轻痛苦。18. A。每当这个时候,作者都会告诉他们他的故事,讲述那位营救他的美国士兵。19. C。本篇讲述了美国士兵帮助作者的故事,他给作者东西吃,还把作者送到孤儿院,因此作者一直记得他的善良。20. D。然后,作者会打开办公桌上一个装满美味巧克力的抽屉,拿出巧克力来请他们品尝。offer sb.sth.“给某人提供某物”。Bxx甘肃省部分示范校高三年级调研考试Practice ForgivenessMy friend BJ Gallagher once worked as a training manager for a large newspaper, which was more than a hundred years old. The panys past_1_had blinded the authorities to the need for change, and they_2_ new ideas.As the years went by, BJ grew_3_ with their shortsightedness. Finally,she left the pany.But she found that she hadnt left her_4_behind when she resigned. She carried it with her,like“rocks in the stomach”“I finally decided to_5_about my experiences and my feelings.I_6_ it would be a good mental health exercise. I wanted to be rid of that pany and those people, once and for all._7_I wrote and wrote. It wasnt just a story that poured outit was a whole_8_! My resentment (怨恨)_9_ my writing. The whole world would know how_10_ they were!”“What_11_when the book came out?” I asked BJ.“Not much,” she replied, “The newspaper kept doing what it had_12_done. My feelings didnt_13_ them one bit, but it took me several more years to finally_14_my negative emotions. Finally, the time came when I decided to make amends (补偿) for the angry things I had said about the pany. I_15_my former boss to dinner and made my_16_. I told him I was sorry for being so resentful. It was a great healing process for me.”“What was the_17_oute?” I asked her.“Gratitude,” she replied, “Not only wasnt I resentful any more, but I was grateful to the pany. If I hadnt had those_18_experiences, I would never have written a book. And the book became_19_successfulnow in 21 languages. In short, my resentment gave way to gratitude.”She smiled,“I owe them a debt of thanks for giving me such a great tale to tell.”_20_resentments for gratitude isnt always easy. But its worth it.1A. skillB. managementC. success D. business2A. resisted B. gotC. broke D. shaped3A. moved B. frustratedC. excited D. surprised4A. sadness B. worryC. doubt D. anger5A. think B. careC. write D. talk6A. proved B. figuredC. concluded D. agreed7A. So B. ButC. Yet D. And8A. diary B. lessonC. accident D. book9A. prevented B. delayedC. fueled D. corrected10A. sensitive B. successfulC. greedy D. stupid11A. happened B. reportedC. received D. resulted12A. sometimes B. alwaysC. recently D. already13A. forgive B. rewardC. bother D. cheat14A. think of B. get overC. pass on D. look through 15A. invited B. calledC. persuaded D. followed16.A. promise B. apologyC. plan D. decision17A. latest B. naturalC. direct D. final18A. useful B. funnyC. painful D. shameful19A. fortunately B. hardlyC. slightly D. hugely20A. Trading B. TakingC. Choosing D. Realizing文章大意生活中我们经常会遇到一些让人烦心或恼怒的事情。如果能卸下这些心灵的重负,我们就能以感恩的心态去面对生活。1C。由上句中的“这家报业集团有100多年的历史”可知,恰恰是它曾经的辉煌阻碍了它现在的变革。2A。从本空前blinded可知,管理层不接受任何新思想。3B。管理层的目光短浅使她觉得很沮丧。 frustrated意为“沮丧的,懊恼的”。4D。由下文的resentment和angry可知,虽然她离职了,但是她却放不下心中的那份怨气。5C。由下文可知,最终,她决心把她的经历和在报社工作时的感受写出来。6B。由空后内容可知,这里指她原本认为这会是一项健康的脑力活动。figure意为“想,认为”。7A。她想永远摆脱那个公司和那些人,所以她不停地写啊写。8D。下文提到了the book,是暗示,故选D。9C。从上文事实可知,显然内心的怨气促使她越写越多。 fuel原意为“供给燃料”,此处用其比喻义。10D。上文提到他们很守旧、管理僵化。在她看来,这都是极其愚蠢的。11A。那么这本书写好之后又有什么变化呢?其他三项与语境不符。12B。由本空前的not much可知,报社没什么变化,还是老样子。13C。从上文可知,她书中所写的感受对他们没有造成任何困扰。14B。根据本空后的negative emotions和下文的描述可以推断,好几年后,她内心的怨气才最终消除。 get over“从中恢复,克服”。15A。从本空后一句可知,她邀请原来的老板吃饭,并且向他道歉。16B。参见上题解析。17D。现在已经过去了好几年,所以我问她最终的(final)结果。18C。根据上文的angry可知,如果没有那段痛苦的经历,她就不会写出这本书。19D。由空后内容“这本书被译为21种语言”可知,这本书获得了巨大的成功。20A。从上文可知,经过几年之后,她最终把怨气转化为对过去那段经历的感激。 trade.for.“用一物交换另一物”。Cxx信息预测卷My fatherinlaw, Mr. Lucky, was thankful for the simple things in life. His wife, Flora, allowed him to_1_one scratchoff ticket per week. Somehow, that ticket always_2_being the winning one.“Send some of that magic dust our way, Lucky,” his coworkers laughed as they carried off their_3_tickets.“Were all lucky to be living,” hed reply.As Mr. Lucky grew older, he_4_from hearing loss. It would have been a great problem to others. Not Mr.Lucky, however.He was seated in the break room one afternoon when a weather announcement came.“A tornado(龙卷风) warning has been issued for the area.Please be _5_of the conditions!”Dad looked up. “A tomato warning! Whats wrong with the tomatoes?” he shouted in_6_.His coworkers simply _7_their heads. “You really need to see about some hearing aids, Lucky! Get yourself to a doctor!”That afternoon as Dad drove home through the_8_, he found it impossible to see. A mile up the road, he_9_into the back of a physicians car.With his license revoked(吊销), there was no_10_but to move our parents to Virginia where we could drive them around town.I found Dad a parttime job at a mall within walking distance. Before the mall opened each day, Dad would_11_Dillards department store. There, hed clean the floors and_12_all the trash cans.“Im the _13_man on the Earth,” hed ment on the rainy or cold days. “I have a wonderful wife, two terrific sons and their families, a job that I love, and a little spare_14_in my pocket. It doesnt get any_15_than that!”I often wondered why the manager at Dillards_16_to keep Dad on. His eyesight was so bad that he couldnt possibly see well enough to clean_17_.One morning, I looked through the perfume counter_18_for Dad to get off work. I could hear him singing in the distance as he_19_. Suddenly, one of the sales clerks chuckled(轻声地笑)“e on, Mr. Lucky, tell me another joke to brighten my morning.” I spotted the manager of the store quietly chuckling nearby.Suddenly, I_20_. Mr. Lucky spread magic dust all over Dillards department store.1. A. sell B. purchaseC. order D. make2A. ended up B. began withC. took up D. turned up3A. valuable B. expensiveC. worthy D. worthless4A. learned B. sufferedC. fell D. retired5A. tired B. afraidC. aware D. fond6A. delight B. hurryC. general D. surprise7A. shook B. noddedC. turned D. raised8A. crowd B. stormC. street D. cloud9A. drove B. wentC. crashed D. got10A. alternative B. needC. possibility D. use11A. drive to B. head forC. break into D. call up12A. fill B. buyC. empty D. bring13A. oldest B. luckiestC. poorest D. richest14A. change B. ticketC. book D. house15A. worse B. betterC. longer D. colder16A. stopped B. askedC. continued D. regretted17A. carefully B. properlyC. quickly D. slowly18A. waiting B. watchingC. caring D. intending19. A. walked B. shoppedC. danced D. worked20A. laughed B. understoodC. remembered D. recovered文章大意一位老人,听力下降,视力也出现了问题,但他一直对生活充满希望,从不抱怨,十分满足,正是这种乐观向上的生活态度,使得他成为了一个真正幸运的人,也感染了周围的人。1B。根据下文可知,是“买”一种“刮刮乐”彩票。2A。Mr.Lucky似乎比其他人更幸运,因为他的彩票往往最终获奖。end up“最终成为”符合语境。3D。其他人买的彩票没有中奖,因此这些刮开的、没有中奖的彩票就“一文不值”了。4B。下文的事例表明,Mr.Lucky听力下降,听不清了,所以这里应该用suffer表示“遭受”。5C。这里是天气预报,提醒人们“注意天气情况”,用be aware of。6D。Mr.Lucky由于听力不好,把tornado warning(龙卷风警报)听成了tomato warning(西红柿警报),因此他自己也感到“奇怪”。7A。他的同事们拿他的听力没有办法,只能无奈地“摇摇头”。8B。由前文提到的龙卷风警报可知,Mr. Lucky在回家途中应该是遇到了“风暴”,故用storm。9C。因为风暴,所以视线不好,结果“撞在”一位医生的汽车上。crash into“碰撞,撞击”。10A。Mr. Lucky驾照被吊销,无法开车,因此作者没有“选择”,只能将父母接到Virginia,由作者夫妇开车接送。11B。Mr. Lucky在一个购物中心做兼职,每天购物中心开门前,他就往那儿赶,故此处应用head for“前往到去”。12C。与上文打扫地板相对应,这里应为“倒空”垃圾桶。13B。根据Mr. Lucky下文的话可知,他对自己的生活非常满足,认为自己是“最幸运的”人。14A。自己拥有那么多:妻子、儿子一家人、工作,还有一点儿“闲钱”,与下文pocket相对应。15B。这个情况已经是最好,不可能“更好”了,说明Mr. Lucky非常满足。“否定词比较级”相当于最高级,故选B。16C。作者纳闷儿,Mr. Lucky视力不好,打扫卫生的工作“质量”可能会受到影响,那家店的经理为什么还要“继续”让他留任呢?17B。参见上题解析。properly“适当地”符合语境。carefully指态度方面;quickly,slowly指速度方面。18A。由后面的“get off work”可知,这里指作者在等待Mr. Lucky下班。19D。作者在等Mr. Lucky下班,故此处是在描写Mr. Lucky工作时的情形,故选worked。20B。作者终于明白了,是Mr. Lucky乐观的精神感染了这个店铺,大家都离不开他。

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