2019-2020年高考英语二轮专题复习 专题一 冠词和名词练习.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮专题复习 专题一 冠词和名词练习1(xx课标卷)India attained _ independence in 1947, after _ long struggle.A/; aBthe; aCan; / Dan; the解析:印度经过长期斗争后,在1947年获得了独立。本题考查冠词的基本用法。因为independence是抽象名词,在本句表泛指,故前面用零冠词;struggle为可数名词,在本句中表示泛指,故第二个空格为a。故答案为A项。答案:A2(xx重庆卷)The parents were shocked by _ news that their son needed _ operation on his knee.Aa; / Bthe; /Cthe; an Da; an解析:这对父母被他们的儿子需要做膝部手术的消息震惊了。本题考查冠词的基本用法。第一空处news后有同位语从句解释说明news的内容,表特指,故使用定冠词the;第二空处表示在膝部做的一个手术,表泛指,故用不定冠词an。答案:C3(xx山东卷)It was _ cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across _ night sky.A/; a Ba; theCthe; a Dthe; /解析:句意:那是一个寒冷冬天的夜晚,月亮在夜空闪耀着。本题考查冠词的基本用法。第一个空用不定冠词表示泛指;第二个空表示特指;the night sky夜空。答案:B4(xx陕西卷)Marco Polo is said to have sailed on _ Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in _ thirteenth century.Athe; a Ba; /C/; the Dthe; the解析:据说在十三世纪马可波罗去爪哇岛途中曾航行经过太平洋。在海洋、江河等专有名词前面要用定冠词the; thirteenth是序数词,前面也要用the,故选D项。答案:D5(xx福建卷)The “Chinese Dream” is _ dream to improve peoples wellbeing and _ dream of harmony, peace and development.Athe; a Ba; aCa; the Dthe; the解析:句意:“中国梦”是一个改善民生的梦,是一个和谐、和平和发展的梦。本题考查冠词的基本用法。dream是可数名词,此处用不定冠词a表示“一个”的意思,故答案为B项。答案:B6(xx天津卷)While she was in Paris, she developed a _ for fine art.Away BrelationCtaste Dhabit解析:句意:在巴黎期间,她培养了对美术的兴趣。本题考查名词辨析。A:方式,方法;B:关系;D:习惯。taste作名词时,意为“爱好,嗜好”。答案:C7(xx浙江卷)As the worlds population continues to grow, the _ of food bees more and more of a concern.Aworth BsupplyCpackage Dlist解析:句意:随着世界人口的持续增长,食物的供应越来越成为一个关注的焦点。本题考查名词词义辨析。A:价值;B:供应;C:包;D:清单。答案:B8(xx辽宁卷)The accident caused some _ to my car, but its nothing serious.Aharm BinjuryCruin Ddamage解析:句意:这场事故给我的车造成了一定的损坏,但问题不严重。考查名词。根据短语搭配cause some damage to.“对造成一定的损坏”,选D项。harm伤害,损害,常用于do harm to短语中;injury伤害,常用于对人身体的伤害;ruin毁灭,破产。答案:D9(xx江苏卷)With inspiration from other food cultures, American food culture can take a _ for the better.Ashare BchanceCturn Dlead解析:句意:在其他饮食文化的启发下,美国的饮食文化可能会向更好的方向转变。本题考查名词辨析。share份额,股份;chance机会,可能;turn变化,转变;lead榜样,领先。答案:C10(xx江西卷)Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with _.Acuriosity BsatisfactionCenvy Dpatience解析:每当我犯错时,老师都会耐心地把它们指出来。本题考查名词辨析。A:好奇,好奇心;B:满意,满足;C:嫉妒,羡慕;D:耐心,忍耐力。根据语境选D项。答案:D1(xx苏北一模)Mr. Joe, _ professor at the University of Fribourg, is famous for his academic achievements in _ World History.Athe; / Bthe; aCa; the Da; /解析:句意:乔先生,Fribourg大学的一个教授,因为他在世界史方面的学术成就而闻名。本题考查冠词的用法。根据句意,乔先生是这所大学的教授之一,为泛指;另外World History作为一门学科,不需要加冠词,故选D项。答案:D2(xx石家庄质检二)Liang Bo, the champion of the Voice of China, is a man of _ few words but has _ remarkable inner strength.A/; a Ba; aCthe; / D/; the解析:句意:梁博中国好声音冠军,是一个不善言谈却有非凡的内在力量的人。第一空考查a few与few的区别。few少,a few等于several(几个)。本句表示“说话很少”,故第一空用零冠词,排除B、C两项;strength在本句中表泛指,故答案为A项。答案:A3(xx安徽联考)As _ child, my father often spent all Sundays relaxing outdoors, even playing for hours at _ time.That is my fathers story, too.Aa; the B/; aCa; a D/; the解析:句意:我父亲小时候经常把所有的周日都花在户外放松上,甚至一次要玩上几个小时。那也是我父亲的经历。本题考查冠词。第一空后的child为单数名词,在本句中表示泛指,故用不定冠词。第二空考查冠词的习惯用法。at a time 为固定短语,意为“一次”。又如:Dont enter at once. One at a time. 不要同时全进来,一次进一个人。答案:C4(xx河北质检)_ Chinese government has decided to introduce more measures to improve the public transport systems in _ countrys crowded urban areas.AA; / BThe; /CThe; a DThe ;the解析:句意:中国政府已经决定采取更多的措施来改善该国拥挤城市的公共交通系统。两个空后的名词government和country在本句中均表特指,故用定冠词。答案:D5(xx南昌一模)As _ mountains surrounding our village are turning much greener, they have bee _ home to a large number of wild animals.Athe; / Bthe; aC/; a Dthe; the解析:句意:当我们村周围的群山变绿时,它们便成了很多野生动物的栖息地。根据句意可知,第一空的mountains在本句中表示特指,故用定冠词,排除C项;“be/bee home to.”为固定搭配,相当于be/bee the home of.,意为“的栖息地”。答案:A6(xx合肥三模)I found myself talking to _ Zhu Jun! Not _ Zhu Jun from CCTV, of course, but someone with the same name.A/; the Bthe; aCthe; / D/; a解析:句意:我发现我自己正在跟朱军讲话!当然不是中央电视台的那个朱军,而是一样名字的一个人。本题考查冠词的用法。第一个Zhu Jun为纯专有名词,不加冠词;第二个Zhu Jun是被普通化的专有名词,后有定语,因此为特指,故选A项。答案:A7(xx日照二模)The teacher praised me for _ progress Id made, which was _ great encouragement to me.Athe; / Bthe; aC/; a D/; /解析:句意:老师因为我取得的进步而表扬我,这对我是一个很大的鼓励。本题考查冠词的用法。progress后有定语从句修饰,意为“我取得的进步”,为特指;第二空a great encouragement意为“一件很鼓舞人的事情”,此处encouragement为可数名词,故选B项。答案:B8(xx安徽联考)We Chinese have a dream_ dream to turn a welloff life into _ reality by 2020.Aa; / Bthe; /Ca; a D/; /解析:句意:我们中国人有一个梦想,即到2020年实现小康生活。第一空及后面的dream与破折号前的a dream为同位关系,故第一空用不定冠词;第二空考查冠词的习惯用法。turn.into reality为固定结构。答案:A9(xx大连双基)Mo Yan, a most widelyread writer, takes a plete new _ to describing Chinas rural and folk culture.Away BapproachCpassage Dentry解析:句意:莫言的作品被广泛阅读,他采用了全新的方法来描述中国的乡村民俗文化。an approach to为固定搭配,相当于a way of,意为“的方法”;passage指人们行走的“通道,走廊”,不合本句要求;entry意为“进入,进入权,入口处”,不合本句要求。答案:B10(xx安徽质检)Finding information in todays world is easy. The _ is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.Aknowledge BabilityCpetition Dchallenge解析:句意:当今世界找信息很容易,但困难的事是你如何辨别你所获得的信息是否有用。A:知识;B:能力;C:竞赛。challenge:a new or difficult task挑战,艰巨任务。又如:She likes her job to be a challenge.她喜欢艰巨的工作。答案:D11(xx陕西二模)In his absence, I would like to thank all concerned on my brothers _.Abehalf BpartCbusiness Dinterest解析:句意:我弟弟没在场,我想代表他向所有相关的人员表示感谢。on sb.s behalf等于on behalf of sb.,为固定短语,意为“代表某人”。又如:On behalf of my colleagues and myself I thank you.我代表我的同事以及我自己向你表示谢意。for sb.s part就某人而言;on business因公;in sb.s interest为了某人的利益;但没有on sb.s part, on sb.s business, on sb.s interest结构。答案:A12(xx福建质检)What does PM2.5 mean?Its a professional _ indicating the condition of air pollution.Aterm BitemCnumber Dmark解析:句意:PM2.5是什么意思?它是一个表示空气污染状况的专业术语。A:术语;B:项目;C:数字;D:记号。答案:A13(xx东北一模)The police managed to gain _ through an upstairs window.Aapproach BwayCaccess Dpassage解析:句意:警方设法通过楼上的一扇窗户进入。approach, way, passage都有“道路,通道”的意思,且都为可数名词。access为不可数名词,意为“通道,入径”。设空处前没有冠词,四个选项中只有access为不可数名词,故答案为C项。答案:C14(xx江苏二模)Whenever you want a good meal, e to my restaurant and eat for free.Believe me, that is an _ I will not refuse.Aapproach BofferCidea Dinstruction解析:句意:无论你什么时候想吃顿美餐,你就来我的饭店免费用餐。放心吧。那种提议我是不会拒绝的。A:接近,方法,途径;C:想法,念头,主意;D:指导,说明。offer主动提议,建议。答案:B15(xx天津联考)If you want to study the nature of the universe, first of all, you must be clear about its _.Atraditions BconsequencesCsigns Dorigins解析:句意:如果你想研究宇宙的本质,首先你必须弄清它的起源。A:传统;B:结果;C:迹象;D:起源。答案:D1It was reported that _ silent movie “The Artist” became the biggest winner at _ 84th Academy Award.Athe; the Ba; /C/; the Dthe; /解析:考查冠词。第一空特指艺术家这部无声电影,应用the;第二空后面是序数词,也应用定冠词the。故选A。答案:A2Basketball star Jeremy Lin is _ good example to kids, who shows them how to make _ success in the world.Athe; the Ba; the C/; a Da; /解析:考查冠词。第一空填不定冠词a,表示泛指;success为不可数名词,第二空不填冠词。故选D。答案:D3According to the contract, if we cant meet the deadline we shall pay _ fine of 10,000 dollars as _ punishment.Aa; a Bthe; a Cthe; the D/; /解析:考查冠词。fine作“罚款”讲时为可数名词,a fine of.“多少金额的罚款”;as a punishment“作为一种惩罚”。故选A。答案:A4It is such _ honour to take part in _ celebration, so how could I make any mistakes?Aan;/ Bthe; the Can; the D/; the解析:考查冠词。语意:参加这个庆祝活动是多大的荣幸,我怎么能出任何差错呢?it is an honour to do sth.中honour的意思是“荣幸,光荣”,为可数名词,故用不定冠词;根据语意可知,此处celebration为特指,故选C项。答案:C5The boy didnt e to _ life and the method to start his breathing ended up as _ failure.A/; the Bthe; /Ca; a D/; a解析:考查冠词的用法。语意:男孩没能苏醒过来,让他恢复呼吸的方法以失败告终。e to life“开始动起来”,life前不用冠词;failure在这里是抽象名词具体化,表示“失败的人或事”,前面应用不定冠词。答案:D6On _ Monday morning in July, Mr. Anderson happened to find his missing father among the people at _ church. Aa; the Bthe; /Ca; / D/; a解析:考查冠词的用法。在七月的一个星期一早上,安德森先生碰巧在做礼拜的人中发现了他失踪的父亲。Monday前一般不用冠词,但表示“某个星期一”时用不定冠词;at church在教堂做礼拜。答案:C7Londons taxis are regarded as _ best in the world, and New Yorks yellow taxis came _ second, according to an annual taxi poll. Athe; the Bthe; a C/; the Dthe; /解析:考查冠词。第一空,形容词最高级前要使用定冠词;第二空,序数词second充当副词使用,前面不加冠词,e second“第二名”,也可看成固定用法。答案:D8With _ successful launching of Tiangong1, Chinas space dream has taken _ step closer to reality. Athe; a B/; a Ca; the Dthe; /解析:考查冠词。第一空特指“天宫一号”的成功发射,故用定冠词the;第二空则表示“朝迈进一步”,表示泛指,故用不定冠词。答案:A9_ accident in China last week killed 21 preschoolers and two adults, increasing _ urgency to draft new safety guidelines for school buses. AThe; a BAn; the CThe; an DAn; /解析:考查冠词。第一空表示泛指上周中国发生的“一个事故”或特指上周中国发生的“那场事故”都可以,故第一空an或the都可以。第二空表示特指为校车起草新的安全指导方案的“迫切(情况)”。综合四个选项,故选B。答案:B10To learn this course, students should have _ good mand of Chinese and English, as well as _ good knowledge of law.A/; the Ba; /Ca; a Dthe; the解析:考查冠词。语意:学习该课程,学生不仅应熟练掌握中英文,还应熟悉法律知识。不可数的抽象名词前用不定冠词,表示某种具体的情况或概念。答案:C11The State Oceanic Administration has asked ConocoPhillips China to make a thorough investigation of the _ of oil spills to prevent similar cases.Areason BaimCcause Dpurpose解析:句意:国家海洋局已经要求康菲石油中国有限公司对石油泄漏的原因做一个彻底的调查,以防止类似事件再发生。本题考查名词词义辨析。reason意为“原因,理由”,常与介词for搭配;aim目的;cause原因,起因;purpose目的。根据题意正确答案为C项。答案:C12I cant say which type of tea tastes better. Its just a(n) _ of personal preference.Aaffair BproblemCvariety Dmatter解析:句意:我不能说哪种类型的茶口味更好。这只是个人口味的问题。Its just a matter of.这只是的问题。如:Dealing with these problems is all a matter of experience.处理这些问题全凭经验。答案:D13Sometimes its a bit challenging to reach a _ between parents expectations and their kids desires.Amitment BprehensionCcooperation Dpromise解析:句意:有时在家长的期望和孩子的愿望之间达成妥协有点困难。A:承诺;B:理解(力);C:合作;D:妥协,折中。答案:D14He is a brilliant young footballer whose talent took him from _ to riches.Arags BfarmersCbags Dbeggars解析:句意:他是优秀的青年足球运动员,他的才能使他由穷变富。from rags to riches为固定词组,意为“从赤贫到巨富”,符合句意。答案:A15The pianist missed a _ when playing the piano on the stage in the Grand Theater last night.Aline BchanceCstep Dbeat解析:句意:昨晚这位钢琴家在大剧院的舞台上演奏钢琴时漏了一个节拍。beat在此处意为“节拍”。line线,台词;chance机会;step步骤。A、B、C三项均不符合句意。答案:D

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