2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Cheap and Fun!Lesson 3教案 教科版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Cheap and Fun!Lesson 3教案 教科版课 题Unit 5 Cheap and Fun! Lesson 3授课类型Structure能力方法目标The ability of finding the knowledge according to the mainly sentences on page 37.知识技能目标Use correctly the sentence pattern: It + be + adj. + to do sth.情感态度价值目标To give the students more chance to explain the grammar.教学重点Hide; travel; through; to do sth教学难点The grammar in this sentence: Its faster to take a bus than to walk.教学方法learning by doing 在做中学媒体使用Tape, puter教 学 流 程 设 计教学活动设计设计意图RevisionGo over what we learnt in Lesson 2.-How do you prefer to travel?-How do you travel that way? Why?StructureExplain the pattern It + be + adj. + infinitive to the students. Use the sentences in the box.Pattern in UseAn infinitive or an infinitive phrase can serve as the subject of a sentence. The infinitive can be placed first:To take a plane is expensive.To travel by train is cheaper than traveling by plane.To play in the park is fun.But it is more usual to place it first and move the infinitive or infinitive phrase to the end of sentence:It is expensive to take a plane.It is cheaper to travel by train than travel by plane.Its fun to play at the park.It here has no meaning in the sentence. It is merely a placeholder or artificial subject. Aside from the verb to be, other verbs including appear and seem can be also used:It seems impossible to walk to the city.It appears advisable to promise.Activity AStudents should fill in the blanks, using the given words in the box. Make sure the students know the vocabulary first.Answers: 1. faster 2. to take 3. expensive 4. to walk 5. to watch 6. to travelActivity BHave the students write their own answers using infinitive phrases.Activity C Ask the students to share what they wrote in C with their partner. Encourage the students to make a dialogue with their partners and practice it.Words and phrasesActivity AHave the students find the odd word in the word group.T: Lets find the odd word in each line. What is the odd word in the first row?S: wheel.T: Right. Train, plane, and bicycle are forms of transportation. But wheel does not fit this category.Answers: 1. wheel 2. crowded 3. ChinaActivity BLet the students write their own ideas.T: Look at No. 1. Think about the things that have wheels. What things have wheels?S1: Bicycles have wheels.S2: Buses have wheels.S3: Trucks have wheels.T: Right. What about Number 2? What is sometimes crowded?S4: Restaurants are sometimes crowded.S5: Bus stops / Subway stations.T: What is the fastest way to travel?S6: The airplane is the fastest way to travel.S7: A car is sometimes the fastest way to travel in the city.S8: The train can be the fastest way to get somewhere if there isnt an airport nearby.PronunciationActivity AHave the students listen to the recording and write the sound symbols for the underlined letters.T: As a rule, -ng makes a sound of the second sound. Lets think of words that have this sound.S1: sing / wing /Activity BLet the students circle the words with any of three sounds mentioned in A. After this, students should try to read the sentences with their partner.Activity C While the Ss read the nursery rhyme, the teacher can clap his or her hands or tap the desk rhythmically. Ask the Ss to say the rhyme with their books closed. While doing this exercise, the Ss should keep in mind the sounds they have learnt in A.Revise the knowledge in Lesson Two.Practice using the sentence pattern: It + be + adj. + to do sth.Practice spelling the words.Practice the ability of speaking the sounds correctly.问题预测应对措施本单元句型的总结与应用有些难。注意讲解时让学生观察与总结:it 可以做形式主语,to do动词不定式也可作主语。如:It is expensive to take a plane. = To take a plane is expensive. ( = Taking a plane is expensive. )作 业Finish off the exercise on page 37.板书设计Lesson 3 It + be + adj. + to do sth. Some examples hill home interesting walking week window教学反思

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