2019年高考英语一轮复习 夯实基础 Unit 1 A land of diversity 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮复习 夯实基础 Unit 1 A land of diversity 新人教版选修8.词汇知识1(xx山东模拟卷三)The possibility never _ to me that I would unexpectedly enter such a big bank under the bad economic situation.A. struck B. hitC. occurred D. defeated答案与解析C句意:我从没想到过在经济形势不景气的情况下我能进入一家如此大的银行(工作)。occur to sb.“被想到;出现在脑海中”。strike/hit也可译为“想到”,后面无介词to,直接跟sb.; defeat“打败;战胜”。本题C项正确。2(xx合肥模拟)Less than twenty percent of the employees in their pany are women. That is to say, men are in the _.A. majority B. activityC. possibility D. minority答案与解析A由句意可知,不到20%为女性,也就是说大部分为男性。in the majority“占多数;过半数”,与句意相符。3(xx江西九校联考)_ the courses (跑道) for the sports meeting gave us much pleasure as well as knowledge.A. Looking out B. Marking outC. Taking out D. Breaking out答案与解析B句意:为运动会划比赛跑道给了我们快乐的同时也让我们学到了很多知识。mark out“划线;标出的界限”,符合句意。look out“注意”; take out“拿出来”; break out“爆发”。4A recent survey _ that the majority of people are worried about the present high price of apartments in cities.A. indicates B. includesC. imagines D. improves答案与解析A句意:根据最近的一项调查表明,大部分人对目前城市的房价过高感到忧虑。indicate“指出;表明;显示”,符合句意。include“包含;包括”; imagine“想象”; improve“提高”,均不符合句意。5Remember to _ a good state of mind even if you should fail plenty of times.A. take up B. brush upC. get up D. keep up答案与解析D句意:即使你可能会失败许多次,但也要记住保持良好的心态。keep up“(使)继续下去;保持;使居高不下”; take up“开始从事;继续下去;占去”; brush up“快速提高;重温(生疏了的技术等)”; get up“起立;起床”。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。_6_ the worlds attention is on Sochi, Russia for the ongoing xx Winter Olympic Games, China is peting against other countries _7_ the honour to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.Bejing _8_ (start) a joint (联合的) bid (申办) with Zhangjiakou in Hebei on Nov 3, xx. Beijing hopes to stage the ice events, while Zhangjiakou, _9_ ski resort about 200km northwest of Beijing, hopes to host snow sports, according to China Daily.Zhangjiakous Chongli County has _10_ least four months of snowfall, _11_ (normal) starting in late October. The area would provide enough snow for the _12_ (pete). In addition, the average winter temperature is around 12 , _13_ is preferable to extremely low temperatures, said China Daily._14_ (win) the bid, Beijing and Zhangjiakou have to beat out Norways Oslo, Ukraines Lviv, Kazakhstans Almaty and Polands Krakow. The host city _15_ (announce) on July 31, xx.答案与解析6While/When分析句子结构可知空格处应填连词连接两个分句,且根据句意“当全世界都在关注俄国正在举行的xx年冬奥会时,中国仍在和其他国家竞争2022年冬奥会的举办权。”可知空格处应填连词while或when。7forpete against . for . “与竞争”。8started根据句中时间状语on Nov 3, xx可知谓语应用一般过去时。9a该处填不定冠词a泛指一个滑雪胜地。10atat least“至少”。11normally该空所填词应修饰非谓语动词starting故用副词形式,填normally。12petitions分析句子成分可知空处作介词for的宾语应填名词,且应用复数形式表多场比赛,故填petitions。13whichwhich引导非限制性定语从句指代前面整句话的内容。14To win不定式作目的状语。15will be announced根据句中时间状语on July 31, xx可知空处表将来的动作且announce与其逻辑主语The host city为被动关系,故应填一般将来时的被动语态。

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