2019年高中英语 模块质量测评二 外研版必修3 .doc

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2019年高中英语 模块质量测评二 外研版必修3第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AMany visitors to the United States find that the fast pace at which people move is very troubling. Ones first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush. City people always seem to be hurrying to get where they are going. And they are very impatient if they are delayed even for a brief moment.At first this may seem unfriendly to you: people will push past you as they walk along the street. You will miss smiles and brief conversations with people when you shop or dine in a restaurant. Do not think it is because Americans are in such a hurry that they are unfriendly. Life is often much slower outside the big cities, which is true in other countries as well.Americans who live in cities such as New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, often think that everyone is equally in a hurry to get things done. But when they discover that you are a stranger, most Americans bee quite kind and will take great care to help you.1In American big cities, people rarely_.Asmile to each otherBmove at a fast paceCchat with each other in a shopDdine away from home2Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?ALife pace is different inside and outside big cities.BLife pace is quite slow in other parts of the world.CLife pace is the same in different parts of the world.DLife pace is similar in American cities, big or small.3It seems that Americans are cold to you because they think_.Ayou are a foreignerByou know their way of lifeCyou are as busy as they areDyou are a stranger there答案与解析:1解析:细节理解题。题干中的rarely意为“很少,难得”,同时根据文中第二段第二句“You will miss smiles and brief conversations with people when you shop or dine in a restaurant.”可知C项正确。答案:C2解析:推理判断题。因为文章第二段最后一句话做了美国大城市内外生活节奏的对比,从句中可以看出A项正确。答案:A3解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Americans who live in cities such as New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, often think that everyone is equally in a hurry to get things done.”可知答案为C。答案:CBEvery day, in all kinds of weather, thousands of men and women jog. Why has jogging running slowly for long distances bee so popular? Most joggers begin because they hear it is a very good exercise. Jogging makes the heart stronger and helps people lose weight. It can also help them feel better about themselves.Donald Robbins, who is fortytwo years old and works in an office, began jogging a few years ago because he felt he was too fat. At first he could only run about 100 yards. It took him three months to be able to run a mile. But two years later, he ran in a marathon over twentysix miles. Many joggers, like Donald Robbins, feel that if they can succeed in jogging, they can succeed in other things, and quite often this feeling helps them in their jobs.Should you jog too? If you do, be sure to ask your doctor for advice. Jogging may be too much exercise for you.Does jogging cost much? No, it costs almost nothing. But it is very important to have a good pair of shoes that are made especially for jogging. They protect your feet and legs from the shock of running on the hard surface.How fast should you go? Jog with a friend and talk to each other as you run. If you have difficulty in talking, youre going too fast.How far should you jog? Remember not to go too far too soon. In fact, you should walk, not run, the first few times. Then do some short jogs, but no more than what you can do fortably. After that, increase your distance a quarter or half a mile every two weeks or so. Maybe in a few years, you can run in a marathon too.4The article is mainly about_.Ajogging as a sportBjogging as an exerciseCjogging in a safe wayDjogging as a way to the marathon5Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?AJogging should be done in the early morning.BMany people think that jogging needs ones will power.CJogging is timeconsuming.DYou should not talk while jogging.6Which piece of advice is NOT mentioned in the article?AHave a good pair of shoes.BHave a sports suit.CRemember not to go too far too soon at the beginning.DAsk your doctor for advice.7Why is jogging so popular according to the passage?AIt doesnt cost much.BOne can start jogging at any time and in any place.CIt is a very good exercise.DOne can talk with ones friend while jogging.答案与解析:本文介绍了慢跑对人的身体的好处,以及慢跑时需要注意的一些问题。4解析:主旨大意题。exercise意为“运动、锻炼”,如散步、跑步、划船等,主要是为了锻炼身体,不以竞技为目的,所以排除A项。只有B项符合文意。答案:B5解析:细节理解题。根据第二段人们慢跑的成功经验可知,慢跑需要恒心、毅力。B符合文意。答案:B6解析:细节理解题。第四段提到A项,最后一段提到C项,第三段提到D项。B项在文中没有被提到,故选B项。答案:B7解析:细节理解题。由第一段第三句可知选C。答案:CCOnce there was a king in England.His officials were always saying that he was the greatest man in the world.“Youre the greatest man that ever lived,” one would say.Then another would say,“Great king,theres nothing you cant do.”And another would say,“Oh, king!Everything will obey your orders.”The king was very clever. He grew tired of hearing such foolish words.One day he was sitting in a chair by the sea, and his officials were with him.They were searching for good words to tell the king, as they usually did. He thought that now he would teach them a lesson, and so he asked them,“Am I the greatest man in the world?”“Oh, king!”they cried,“there is no one so great as you.”“Do all things obey me?”he asked.“Oh, certainly, certainly, my king,” they said.“Will the sea obey me?”he asked, and he looked down at the water.The foolish officials were afraid to say “No.”“Tell it what to do, oh, king!And it will obey,” said one.“Sea,” cried the king, “Stop moving!”But the sea went on ing and going. Then the king turned to his officials.“You see, the sea doesnt obey my orders. You foolish men! Dont tell me such things again, or Ill drive all of you into the sea! ”8The officials said_would obey the kings orders.Anothing Ball thingsCmost things Dsomething9The king_.Abelieved them Bwas very happyCdidnt believe them Dwasnt happy10The king ordered the sea to_.Ae and go Bmake a noiseCbe quiet D.listen to the officials11From this story we know that even a great man_.Acant do everythingBcan do everythingCcan be foolishDis glad to have foolish officials答案与解析:8解析:文中提到的“everything ”即“all things ”,可知B为正确答案。答案:B9解析:推理判断题,由文中国王很聪明,他厌恶了听这些愚蠢的话,可推知国王并不相信他们的话。故选C。答案:C10解析:词义猜词题,“be quiet”和“stop moving”同义,表示保持平静。C符合文意。答案:C11解析:主旨大意题,本文讲明即使是国王也不可能让一切都遵从他的命令,从而告知我们再伟大的人也不能做一切事情。A符合文意。答案:ADIn the United States in recent years, camping has bee very popular. Every summer, thousands of families leave the city behind to spend weekends and vacations outdoors. Some families take along trailers(拖车). Others load their cars with tents, small stoves, and airfilled sleeping mattresses(床垫). Then they head for one of the countrys many campgrounds.Some campgrounds offer campers little more than clean water and places to pitch their tents or park their trailers. People who go to these places like to “rough it.” Other campgrounds offer campers such forts as electricity, outdoor fireplaces, and even showers.In the United States, most campgrounds are publicly owned. The national parks and many national monuments and national forests have land set aside for campers. State governments also run campgrounds in stateowned parks and forests. Even countries and cities may have their own campgrounds. A few years ago, campers could always find room to camp in a public campground. But today, governmentowned campgrounds are often overcrowded. To meet the needs of the evergrowing number of campers, some businessmen are opening privately owned land to campers.More private campgrounds are opening across the country. The campers usually pay a higher fee than they pay at governmentowned grounds. But many private parks also offer more forts. And as public parks and forests bee greatly overcrowded, private campgrounds will give more people the chance to enjoy camping.12The story is mainly about _.Anew campgrounds that will give more people a chance to campBthe problems of running the national parks and national forestsChow countries and cities can have their own campgroundsDwhy camping has bee so popular in the USA13Most campgrounds are _.Anational monuments Bgoverned by citiesCprivately owned Dpublicly owned14The word in the last paragraph that means “payment or charge” is “_”Acampgrounds BfeeCforts Dcampers15Which statement does the story lead you to believe?AEach country and city will have to build its own campgrounds.BAll people who go camping like to “rough it”CMany people who go camping live in big cities.DFewer and fewer people like to camp in the country.答案与解析:12解析:主旨大意题。综合全文内容可知A符合文意。答案:A13解析:细节理解题。从第三段第一句可知D符合文意。答案:D14解析:词义理解题。payment or charge 指“费用”,故只有fee 才相当。答案:B15解析:推理判断题。用排除法并结合第一段第二句可知C符合文意。答案:C第二节:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Developing healthy eating habitsChildren develop a natural preference for the foods they enjoy the most, so the challenge is to make healthy choices attractive. Of course, its always going to be difficult to make your eightyearold believe that an apple is as sweet a treat as a cookie. However, you can make sure that your childrens diet is as nutritious(有营养的) and healthy as possible, even while allowing for some of their favorite treats.Children are good at imitating. _16_ Its no good asking your child to eat fruit and vegetables while you eat potato chips and drink soda.Top tips to form healthy childhood eating habits:_17_ Knowing dinner is served at about the same time every night and that the entire family will be sitting down together is forting and increases appetite(食欲). Breakfast is another great time for a family meal, especially since kids who eat breakfast tend to do better in school.Cook more meals at home. Eating home cooked meals is healthier. _18_ Save dining out for special occasions.Get kids involved. Children enjoy helping adults to shop for groceries and preparing dinner. _19_Make a variety of healthy snacks available instead of empty calorie snacks. _20_ Kids will bee used to reaching for healthy snacks instead of snacks like soda, chips, or cookies.AEat the new food yourself.BHave regular family meals.CServe new foods with favorite foods.DRestaurant meals tend to have more fat, sugar, and salt.ESo its important that you act as a role model for your kids.FIts also a chance for you to teach them about the nutritional values of different foods.GKeep plenty of fruits, vegetables and healthy drinks such as milk and pure fruit juice around.答案:1620EBDFG第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)In a small village, there lived a potter (陶工) who had a donkey. Every day his donkey would carry soil from the field to his house. _21_ the field was quite far off, the potter would _22_ under a tree midway, _23_ his donkey nearby.One day, the potter _24_ to take the rope with which he tied the donkey every day. When he reached the _25_, he thought, “How do I tie this donkey today? He might _26_ if I sleep.” The potter decided to lie down holding the donkeys _27_ while sleeping.But this way, neither the donkey nor the potter was able to take a rest. A saint (圣人), who _28_ to be passing by, saw the potter holding on to the donkeys ears. When the potter told the saint what the _29_ was, the saint said: “Take the donkey to the place where you tie him every day. _30_ to tie him using an imaginary rope. I _31_ you he wont run away.” The potter did what the saint had said.He left the donkey and went to take a nap. When he woke up, to his _32_ and relief, he found the donkey standing in the _33_ place.Soon the potter prepared to leave for _34_. But the donkey did not _35_. “What is wrong with this donkey?!” _36_ the potter in frustration(苦恼)_37_, the potter saw the wise saint again. He ran up to the saint and told him about the donkeys _38_ behavior. The saint said: “You tied up the donkey, but did you untie him? Go and pretend to untie the rope.” The potter _39_ the saints advice.Now the donkey was ready to leave for home. The potter understood that his donkey was a _40_ donkey. The potter thanked the wise saint and went home happily with his donkey.21A.Though BUnlessCSince DWhile22A.stand BrestCsing Ddance23A.training BwalkingCfeeding Dtying24A.forgot BdecidedCstopped Dagreed25A.stone BtreeCbridge Dhouse26A.walk around Blie downCrun away Dmake noises27A.ears BnoseClegs Dtail28A.failed BtriedChappened Dmanaged29A.animal BproblemCplace Dresult30A.Learn BConsiderCWish DPretend31A.promise BbelieveCwarn Dremind32A.anger BsurpriseCregret Ddisappointment33A.similar BspecialCsame Dwrong34A.home BfieldCfactory Dvillage35A.stand BmoveCrun Dunderstand36A.laughed BcheeredCreplied Dcried37A.Strangely BLuckilyCFinally DUnfortunately38A.funny BfoolishCmon Dstrange39A.offered BfollowedCrefused Drecognized40A.crazy BwiseChorrified (恐惧的) Dbonded (被束缚的)答案与解析:21解析:根据句意可知,因为田地比较远,所以陶工都会在半道上休息,所以这里要填表示因果关系的since。答案:C22解析:由下文“.He might _26_ if I sleep. The potter decided to lie down holding the donkeys _27_ while sleeping.”可知他是停下来休息,故选B。答案:B23解析:由下文的“with which he tied the donkey every day”可知这里表示把驴子拴在树上,故选tying。答案:D24解析:正是因为忘记带绳子了,才会有后面的没法安心休息的问题,故选A。答案:A25解析:这里对应上文的“the potter would _22_ under a tree midway”,故选B。答案:B26解析:根据常识,没有绳子拴着驴子,当然是担心驴子跑走了,故选C。答案:C27解析:这里对应下文的“A saint (圣人), who _28_ to be passing by, saw the potter holding on to the donkeys ears”。答案:A28解析:happen to do sth.表示“碰巧做某事”。其他选项都不符合语境。答案:C29解析:由上文可知故事里的陶工遇到了问题,所以他把自己的问题告诉这位圣人。答案:B30解析:由下文“You tied up the donkey, but did you untie him? Go and pretend to untie the rope.”可知这里圣人告诉陶工,让他假装用一个想象中的绳子去拴驴子,故选D。答案:D31解析:圣人向陶工承诺,驴子不会跑掉的,故选A。promise “许诺,承诺”;warn “警告”;remind “提醒”。答案:A32解析:没有拴绳子,可是他一觉醒来,驴子竟然没有跑掉,他感到既吃惊又很欣慰,故选B。答案:B33解析:根据语境可知,没有拴绳子的驴子没有跑走,还在原地,故选C。答案:C34解析:这里对应下文的“Now the donkey was ready to leave for home.”答案:A35解析:根据下文圣人让陶工给驴子假装解开绳子可知,没有解开之前驴子不肯走开,故选B。答案:B36解析:根据语境可知到回家的时候,驴子却不愿意走,陶工有点沮丧地叫道,选项中只有D符合语境。答案:D37解析:在陶工再次遇到问题的时候,幸运的是,他又看到了那位圣人,故选B。答案:B38解析:到回家的时候了,没有拴绳子的驴子却不愿意走,当然是奇怪的行为了,故选D。答案:D39解析:follow ones advice 表示“听从建议”。答案:B40解析:纵观全文,在没有绳子的情况下,用假想的绳子可以拴住驴子,如此之后还必须假装给它解开绳子才肯走开,所以可以推知这是一头被束缚的驴子,故选D。答案:D第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Jimmy is an automotive mechanic, but he lost his job a few months ago. he was kind but always feared applying for 41._ new job.One day, he gathered up all his strength and 42._(decide) to attend a job interview. It would be only an hour 43._ the interview started. While waiting for a bus to the interviewers office, he saw an elderly man 44._(wild) kicking the car. Jimmy immediately went up to lend him a hand. When Jimmy finished 45._(work) on the car, the man asked him how much he should pay for the service. Jimmy said he just helped someone 46._ need, and he had to rush for an interview. Then the man insisted on taking him to the office for his interview. Jimmy had to agree.Upon arrival, Jimmy found a long line of applicants waiting 47._(interview). One by one, they left the office with a 48._(disappoint) look on their faces. Finally his name was called. To his surprise, the interviewer was the old man he helped 49._(early) in the morning. “Sorry I had to keep you waiting, but I was pretty sure I made the right decision to have you as part of our workforce before you even stepped into the office. 50._(congratulate)!”答案与解析:41解析:该空填不定冠词a,表泛指。答案:a42解析:设空处所填词与本句中的gathered为并列谓语,故该空填decided。答案:decided43解析:句意:离面试开始只有一小时了。根据句意可知该空用before“在之前”。答案:before44解析:设空后是动词kicking,应用副词修饰,故该空填wild的副词形式wildly。答案:wildly45解析:根据finish后接动名词形式作宾语的用法可知该空填working。答案:working46解析:in need“急需帮助”,为固定的介词短语。答案:in47解析:根据wait to do sth.“等待做某事”的用法,可知该空填不定式;又interview与其逻辑主语Jimmy为被动关系,故填不定式的被动形式。答案:to be interviewed48解析:设空后的名词look指人的表情,应用以ed形式结尾的形容词disappointed“失望的”。答案:disappointed49解析:根据语境可知该空表“今早早些时候”,应用early的比较级earlier。答案:earlier50解析:congratulations“祝贺”。答案:Congratulations第三部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Editor, Im writing to tell you about how we students use puters in our daily lives. Some use them in a good way when some others dont. As far as I am concerned, more and more students now use puters help with their study. If we meet some difficulties when they are doing their homework, they always got help from the Internet. To spend their spare time, they look for more informations with the puters to have much more knowledge. At the same time, however, the great number of students are still so interested in PC games and chatted with others on the Internet that they can not return to their study. They are really in dangerous. puters can either do good and harm to us.Best wishes. Yours truly, Li Hua答案:Dear Editor, Im writing to tell you how we students use puters in our daily lives. Some use them in a good way some others dont. As far as I am concerned, more and more students now use puters help with their study. If meet some difficulties when they are doing their homework, they always help from the Internet. To spend their spare time, they look for more with the puters to have much more knowledge. At the same time, however, great number of students are still so interested in PC games and with others on the Internet that they can not return to their study. They are really in . puters can either do good harm to us.Best wishes.Yours truly, Li Hua第二节:书面表达(满分25分)请根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文,对比太原和深圳这两个城市,并向校英语报投稿。城市太原深圳地理位置中国北部,山西省中部中国南部沿海地区,广东省南部面积约7 000平方公里约2 000平方公里气候特征降雨量(rainfall)少,气候(climate)干燥降水丰富(abundant),气候宜人城市特色重要的物资集散(material collecting and distributing)中心;以煤炭、机械工业为主要产业中国的一个经济特区;以高科技(hightech)产业、金融服务业(financial services)、物流业(logistics)和文化产业为主发展前景良好注意:1.词数120左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_范文:Taiyuan, the capital city of Shanxi Province in North China, lies at the centre of the province. It covers an area of about 7,000 square kilometres. It has a dry climate with low rainfall. The city is known as a centre of material collecting and distributing. The coal and machinery industries play an important part in its development.Shenzhen, a city located in the southern coastal area of China, is in the south of Guangdong Province. It has an area of nearly 2,000 square kilometres and is one of Chinas special economic zones. Shenzhen enjoys a pleasant climate with abundant rainfall. Its main industries are the hightech, financial services, logistics and cultural industries.Both cities are developing at fast speed and will bee more powerful in the future.

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