2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Music(一)课后练习 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Music(一)课后练习 新人教版必修2题一:Roll the meat _ ball shape. A. over B. up C. into D. out题二:Can you roll _ your sleeve for me to have a look? A. up B. over C. into D. out题三:完成句子。1. 我近来一直在避开家人。Ive been avoiding _ lately. 2. 这些成年人开始对这位眼神明亮的女郎感兴趣。_ began to be interested in the bright-eyed girl. 题四:完成句子。1. 我的家人要为我办一个小小的毕业派对。_ are giving me a little graduation party. 2. 青少年们都爱听革命故事。_ love to listen to revolutionary stories. 题五:1. He pretended _(跌倒). 2. They pretended _(是旅行者). 3. He politely pretended _(没有听到这句话). 4. He pretended _ when I came in(正在学习). 5. He pretended _(病了). 题六:1. She pretended _(没看见). 2. I pretended _(一切都正常). 3. He pretended _(正在写) a one-act play, which he hoped to produce. 4. She pretended _(学过了) on the text, but she had not. 5. She pretended _(有兴趣) when they brought up the subject. 题七:One should _ oneself to the changed conditions. A. adaptB. appeal C. attach D. apply题八:There is a middle school that _ the institute. A. attaching B. attaching toC. is attached to D. attached to题九:填空题。1. 他的脑海里有了一个念头。He _ _ _ in his mind. 2. 我的花园是方形的。 My garden is _ _ _ _ a square. 3. 恒星正在该暗星云中形成。Stars _ _ within the dark cloud.题十:填空题。1. 他们围成一个圆圈,唱了一首流行歌曲。They _ _ _ and sang a popular song. 2. 他们获得了减税优惠。 They received a benefit _ _ _ _ a tax reduction. 3. 农场主结成联盟,以便用合理的价格销售货物。The farmers are _ _ _ to market their goods at fair prices. 题十一:Players should be allowed to _ money from advertising. A. win B. earn C. take D. gain题十二:In New China, women _ their own ine through work. A. earn B. win C. take D. gain题十三:给我一整打,我将付现金。Give me a round dozen and Ill pay _. 题十四:你最好用信用卡支付。Youd better _. 题十五:1. 你应该把你的观点建立在事实之上。You should _ your opinion _ facts.2. 去年的这项研究基于从2,100名女性那里收集来的资料。The study of last year _ data from 2,100 women. 题十六:1. 你没有将你的结论建立在事实的基础之上。You did not _ your conclusion _ facts. 2. 许多画都是基于简单的几何图案。Many pictures have _ simple geometric designs. 题十七:break up/into/out/down1. We had to _ the house as we had lost the key. 2. _ the chocolate and melt it. 3. A huge forest fire _ after the lightning struck. 4. Talks with business leaders _ last night. 题十八:break up/into/out/down1. The workers will _ the old cars for their parts. 2. Which flat did they _? 3. The fighting _ about two hours after sundown. 4. Their car _ on the half way. Unit5 Music(一)课后练习参考答案题一: C解析:本句意为:将肉搓成球状。此处roll into是“滚进;卷成”的意思。题二: A解析:本句意为:你能把袖子卷起来让我看看吗?roll up是“卷起”的意思。题三: 1. my folks 2. The grown-up folks解析:1. my folks是我的家人的意思。2. grown-up folks是成年人的意思。题四: 1. My folks 2. Young folks解析:1. my folks是我的家人的意思。2. young folks是青年人的意思。题五: 1. to fall over 2. that they were tourists 3. not to have heard this remark 4. to be learning 5. illness解析:1. pretend后面可以直接跟不定式。2. pretend后面可以直接跟从句。3. pretend后面可以直接跟不定式的完成形式,表示假装做了。4. pretend后面可以直接跟不定式的进行式,表示假装正在做某事。5. pretend后面可以直接跟名词。题六: 1. not to notice 2. that everything was normal 3. to be writing 4. to have studied 5. interest解析:1. pretend后面可以直接跟不定式,否定式直接在不定式前面加not。2. pretend后面可以直接跟从句。3. pretend后面可以直接跟不定式的进行式,表示假装正在做某事。4. pretend后面可以直接跟不定式的完成形式,表示假装做了。5. pretend后面可以直接跟名词。题七: A解析:本句意为:一个人应该适应变化了的情况。adapt oneself to是“适应”的意思。题八: C解析:本句意为:有一所附属于这个学院的中学。be attached to意思是“附属于;对某事物有感情;喜爱;爱慕”,此处横线的地方是定语从句中的谓语动词,所以要用is attached to。题九: 1. formed an idea 2. in the form of 3. are forming解析:1. form此处做动词,形成的意思。2. in the form of是“以的形式”的意思。3. 根据正在可知要用现在进行时,所以要用are forming。题十: 1. formed a circle 2. in the form of 3. forming a bination解析:1. form此处做动词,形成的意思。2. in the form of是“以的形式”的意思。3. form a bination意思是结成联盟,在are的后面要用动词的-ing形式构成现在进行时。题十一: B解析:本句意为:应该允许运动员拍广告挣钱。earn money是赚钱的意思。题十二: A解析:本句意为:在新中国,妇女通过劳动有了独立的经济收入。earn是“赚得;赢得”的意思。题十三: in cash解析:in cash意思是“用现金”。题十四: pay by credit card 解析:pay by credit card意思是“刷信用卡付款”。had better后面要用动词原形。题十五: 1. base;on 2. was based on解析:1. base A on B(主动含义):把A建立在B的基础上。2. A is based on B(被动含义):A是以B为基础的。此处指的是过去,所以要用was。题十六: 1. base;on 2. been based on解析:1. base A on B(主动含义):把A建立在B的基础上。2. A is based on B(被动含义):A是以B为基础的。此处句中的时态是现在完成时,所以在have的后面要用been based on。题十七: 1. break into 2. Break up 3. broke out 4. broke down解析:1. 本句意为:因为我们弄丢了钥匙,所以不得不破门而入。break into闯入;破门而入。2. 本句意为:把巧克力弄碎,使其熔化。break up结束;(使)破碎;放假;(使)散开。3. 本句意为:闪电打下来之后,突然引起一场森林大火。broke out(战争等)突发,爆发。4. 本句意为:昨晚与商界领导人的谈判破裂了。broke down(机器)抛锚、发生故障。题十八: 1. break up 2. break into 3. broke out 4. broke down 解析:1. 本句意为:工人们要把那些旧车拆掉取零件。break up结束;(使)破碎;放假;(使)散开。2. 本句意为:他们闯进哪个套间了?break into闯入;破门而入。3. 本句意为:日落后大约两小时战斗打响了。broke out(战争等)突发,爆发。4. 本句意为:他们的车子半路上出故障了。broke down(机器)抛锚、发生故障。


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