2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Period2 Reading Comprehension课堂达标训练(含解析)北师大版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Period2 Reading prehension课堂达标训练(含解析)北师大版必修2.用适当的介词填空1_ the last ten years,I have never heard from my brother Tom.2Dont lose hope.Be optimistic _ the future.3_ the future, humans may build houses and live on another planet.4HK is connected _ Beijing by the long railway.5With the help of puters and the Internet, we can get all sorts _ information we need.6Do you have any problem _ your pronunciation?7The present mail service may disappear _ the increasing use of email.8The meeting was held _ secret.9Please keep me informed _ any change in the situation.10I found out the holiday offers _ the Internet.选词填空 1I believe some day my dream will _.2_,students can probably study at home.3Have you _ who offered help to you?4Nowadays, people can find _ goods in big department stores.5She talked to me _ she had known me for a long time.6We dont _ people _ smoke in the meeting room.7He buried the gold _.8I _ the result of the exam because I did very badly.9Tom didnt say anything about our plan._ he didnt agree with us.10If you dont study hard, youll _ your study. .单项填空1American Indians_about five percent of the US.population.Afill up Bbring upCmake up Dset up2While the telephone was ringing,she went on watching TV _ nothing had happened.Aeven if Bas ifCso that Deven though3Who can tell what is _ to happen in the future?Alikely BsureCable Dpossible4China,the worlds most population nation,_the WTO on November 10,xx,_China a new place at the table of nations.Aattended;given Bjoined;offeringCjoined;offered Dtook part in;given5If we do not take necessary_to control such a bad phenomenon,our pany will have no future.Astep BmeasureCaction Dact6Janus asked me to take my problem to the person_can help me.Awhom I think BI think whoCwho I think Dwhoever I think7Ive always_ ing to China,and now my dream has_.Adreamt of;e trueBdreamt about;realizedCdreamt about;been e trueDdreamt of;carried out8They do no_ to anyone and it is wrong to_ them.Ahurt;harm Bwound;hurtCharm;hurt Dharm;wound9To learn English well,we should find opportunities to hear English_ as much as we can.Aspeak BspeakingCspoken Dto speak10_ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.AThis BThatCWhat DIt.阅读理解When I was at school,our teacher often said,“You are what you eat.” She wanted us to eat the right food to be healthy.Japanese people are said to be the healthiest in the world. They eat rice and fish and vegetables every day. They drink green tea or water when theyre thirsty, and snack on dried fish, fruit or nuts. So we can believe that you bee what you eat. When you know the advantages of different kinds of food, you can use your knowledge well and eat what you want to bee.Have you ever heard any of the following advice?Lettuce or milk can make you sleepy while peanuts or dried fish will stop that feeling.To keep your teeth clean, you should eat apples often.Garlic (大蒜) helps to prevent colds.Future restaurants might be named after what they hope to create (创造). Lets take the restaurant “Winners” as an example. Its menu would list dishes specifically designed to help you win sports games. There would be rich tomato sauce (调味汁) full of vitamin C and soft vegetables. All this would have a little fresh cheese on the topjust enough to help you get a good nights sleep.What will happen to junk food in the future? If ice cream is not good for children, cant we give them fatfree, sugarfree tofu ice cream? We are told dried fruit is a healthier snack than biscuits, so some biscuit panies are making biscuits with more vitamins. So in the future, you might be able to eat your way to health!1Whats the best title for this passage?AFood in the FutureBYou Are What You EatCHow to Keep HealthyDFood in Japan2The Japanese are very healthy mainly because _.Athey eat many vegetablesBthey have a healthy dietCthey know much about foodDthey know how to cook nice food3According to the passage, which of the following kinds of food may make you sleepy?AMilk and cheese.BPeanuts and cheese.CDried fish and milk.DGarlic and peanuts.4We learn from the passage that _.A“Winners” only provides vegetable dishesBeating apples is good for our teethCthere will be no ice cream in the futureDpeople prefer biscuits to dried fruit.短文改错假定在英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I was born in a farmer family in Suizhong county, Liaoning Province in June, in 1965. When I was a child, I dreamed of flying in the sky. I joined the army in June, 1983. In 1992, I was sent to the air force base. In August, 1996,I was one of the first 14 members from 1,500 pilots through the physical examination. I worked hardly, because I was among the first astronauts of our country in xx.I was chosen one of the first man space aircraft astronauts later.On Oct.15, xx, I successfully fly to space, circled around the earth about 14 circle and then returned. I was honored to have given the chance to be the first Chinese to travel in space.Period 2Reading prehension.1.In2.about3.In4.to5.of6.with7.with8.in 9.of10.on/from.1e true2.In the future3.found out4.all sorts of5.as if6.allow;to7.in secret8.am pessimistic about9.It was clear that10.have problems with .1.C句意为:美洲印第安人占美国人口的5%。fill up填充;bring up培养,抚养;make up占据;set up建立。由句意可知选C项。2B句意为:尽管电话铃响了,但她还在继续看电视,好像没有事情发生一样。even if相当于even though,意为“即使”;as if仿佛,好像;so that以便,以至于。由句意可知选B项。 3A句意为:谁能知道将来可能会发生什么?likely有可能的;sure确信的;able有能力的;possible可能的,常用于It is possible to do sth.或It is possible that.句型中。由句意可知选A项。4B“加入一个组织”用join,符合“加入世界贸易组织”的语境。后一空表示加入该组织“给中国提供了一个新的舞台”,前一句与offer构成主谓关系,因此第二空用主动形式的v.ing形式(作状语)。5C句意为:如果我们不采取必要的措施去控制这一现象,我们的公司就不会有未来。在表示“采取行动”的词组中,只有action为不可数名词,前面不加冠词,也无复数形式。6CI think应看作插入语,不对句子结构及肯定句中的语序产生影响,故B项错误;A项中whom不可作can help的主语,故A项错误;whoever不引导定语从句,故D项错误。7Adream of/about doing sth.梦想做某事。e true为不及物动词短语,没有被动形式。realize为及物动词,应用被动语态。carry out执行,落实,为及物动词短语。8Cdo harm to sb.为固定搭配,意为“伤害某人”,排除A、B两项;hurt可指对心灵或肉体的“伤害”;wound强调战斗中的“伤害”,故第二空用hurt。9C句意为:为了把英语学好,我们应当尽可能抓住一切机会去听别人讲英语。本题的关键是意识到English与speak之间为被动关系,spoken作宾语补足语,故选C项。10D句意为:他总是改变主意,这一做法令我担忧。句中it作形式主语,真正的主语是the way,其后又跟定语从句he keeps changing his mind修饰。.1.B标题归纳题。文章是围绕作者以前的一个老师的一句话“You are what you eat”展开的,故B项作文章的标题最合适。2B细节推断题。根据第二段的“They eat rice and fish and vegetables every day.So we can believe that you bee what you eat.”可推断日本人之所以那么健康,与他们良好的饮食习惯有着非常大的关系。3A细节理解题。根据第四段“Lettuce or milk can make you sleepy.”以及倒数第二段最后一句“All this would have a little fresh cheese on the topjust enough to help you get a good nights sleep.”可知应选A项。4B推理判断题。根据第五段“To keep your teeth clean, you should eat apples often.”可知经常吃苹果可以保持牙齿干净,故可推断吃苹果对我们的牙齿有益处。.I was born in a family in Suizhong county, Liaoning Province in June, in 1965. When I was a child, I dreamed of flying in the sky. I joined the army in June, 1983. In 1992, I was sent to air force base. In August, 1996,I was one of the first 14 members from 1,500 pilots through the physical examination. I worked , I was among the first astronauts of our country in xx.I was chosen one of the first space aircraft astronauts later.On Oct.15, xx, I successfully to space,circled around the earth about 14 and then returned. I was honored to have given the chance to be the first Chinese to travel in space.

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