2019-2020年七年级英语Module1 Unit1教案 外研社.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语Module1 Unit1教案 外研社FunctionGiving personal informationStructurePresent simple beListening/SpeakingMeeting new peopleIntroducing yourselfReading/WritingFinding specific information about peopleGiving personal information; using conjunction: andCultureFamily name, given nameTaskIntroducing yourself to your new friendsUnit 1 The first English lessonWarming up Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. This is the first English lesson, Unit 1.I am your teacher of English. My name is Li Lanfang. You are my student. He is my student. She is my student. It is my English book. We are friends now. You are my friends. They are my friends.Im a Chinese and my father is a Chinese. But my mother is American. So Chinese and English are my languages. My English is good. Your English is good, too. My lessons are interesting. You will be fond of my lessons. Now boys and girls, turn to page 2. We shall have fun learning our English. Listening and vocabulary1 Listen and check()how many people speak.First, I am going to play a tape for you. Some people are speaking to each other. They are talking about something. Now listen and decide how many people are speaking. One, two, or three? 2 Look at the picture. Which words can you use to describe it?Now turn to page 2. On this page there is a picture. Whatdo you see in the picture? Yes, we see Miss Li, the Englishteacher, and the students. They are having an Englishclass. On the right side of this page there is a box. In the boxthere are eight words. Now read after me the eight words.Good. Chinese class father friend mother school student teacherTell me what words we can use to describe the picture.Wang Sheng, have a try? You say you can use all of theeight words? All right we shall try to make sentences usingall of the eight words.This is a picture. The teacher is Miss Li. She is not a Chinese teacher. She is an English teacher. They are having an English class. Miss Lis father is a Chinese. Her mother is an American. So she speaks both Chinese and English. Miss Li has no boy friend yet. But all her students at this school are her friends.3 Listen and readNow we are going to listen and read. Miss Li is having her first English class. She tells the class about herself. Lingling, Daming and Wang Hui, also tell the class about themselves. Listen carefully.Now lets go on to read the conversation. While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑)the predicates, shade(加影)the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions. Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book. My /His /Hernames,be from, years old, Whats ones name? Where are/ is from? be in Class One, Nice to meet you Now we are going to make a similar conversation. Talk as they do. (仿说)Mr Zhao: Hello. My names Mr Zhao. Im a teacher/ and Im American. Im from New York. Whats your name?Where are you from?Mingming: My names Mingming. Im from Shanghai. Im eleven years old/ and Im Chinese. This is Xiao Hong. Shes my friend. Were students.Xiao Hong: HelloMy names Xiao Hong. Im a student /and Im twelve years old. Im from Xian. Mingming is my friend. Whats your name?Xu Fang: My names Xu Fang. Im thirteen years old. Im from Tianjin /and Im a student. Im Chinese. Im in Class Two.Mr Zhao: Nice to meet you, Xu Fang.Xu Fang: Nice to meet you, too.4 Listen and check()the true sentences.There are five sentences on page 2. We are to listen and check the true sentences. Miss Li is a teacher. ()Lingling is from Beijing. ()Daming and Lingling are friends. ()Daming and Lingling are English. ()Wang Hui is twelve years old. ()You have done a good job. From the conversation we know that Daming and Lingling arent English. Theyre Chinese. Theyre from Beijing. Wang Hui isnt twelve years old. Shes thirteen years old.Speaking 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer.Now you will fall into pairs. Ask and answer the questions on page 3. A: Whats your name? B: My names Liu Ying.A: Where are you from? B: Im from Shanghai.A: Nice to meet you, Liu Ying. B: Nice to meet you, too.A: Whats your name? B: My names Ju Haixia. A: Where are you from? B: Im from Taiyuan.A: Nice to meet you, Ju Haixia. B: Nice to meet you, too.A: Whats your name? B: My names Mary. A: Where are you from? B: Im from Britain.A: Nice to meet you, Mary. B: Nice to meet you, too.A: Whats your name? B: My names Tom. A: Where are you from? B: Im from the States.A: Nice to meet you, Tom. B: Nice to meet you, too.Vocabulary and pronunciation6 Listen and repeat. On page 3 there are four sounds and fours lines of words. You are going to listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sound on the left and blackened part in each of the word. / read teacher Chinese meet/ sit miss listen/ desk twelve friend/ bag stand matchWhen you Introduce yourself,You can say:My name is Zhao Yanfei. Im a Chinese. Im thirteen years old.Im from Taiyuan.7 Listen and repeat. Can you see these in your classroom?students teachers bags books chairs desksWe can see twenty students in our classroom. We can see two teachers now in classroom. One is Miss Li, the English teacher. The other is Mr. Zhao, the Chinese teacher. We can see twenty bags in the classroom. They are schoolbags. We can see forty books in the classroom. They are English and Chinese textbooks. We can see twenty one chairs. They are for both the students and the teacher. We can also see twenty one desks. They are also for the students and the teacher.8 Match the words with the pictures.On page 3 there are nine pictures and nine words. Look at the pictures and words. Match all of them and make sentences. read picture 2 close picture 1 open picture 4 stand up picture 6 sit down picture 8 match picture 3 write picture 9 practise picture 5 listen picture 7In picture 2 is a boy. He reads. In picture 1 is a book. It is close. In picture 4 is a book. It is open.In picture 6 is a girl. She stands.In picture 8 is a boy. He sits down.In picture 3 are a two and a 2. Two and 2 are a match.In picture 9 is a boy. He writes. In picture 5 are a boy and a girl. They practise English speaking. In picture 7 is a boy. He is listens. Now listen and do. To end this Unit 1 we are going to listen and do. Now lets begin.Stand up. Sit down. Read the conversation. Open your book. Close your book. Practise speaking English. Match the word and the picture. Write on the blackboard.


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