2019-2020年高中英语 Unit13 Lessons3-4 Sentence Explanation练习 北师版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit13 Lessons3-4 Sentence Explanation练习 北师版必修51. They may have been separated from the other students and couldnt hear anyone when the thunder started, or they might have fallen behind and taken the wrong path. (P12)【分析】本句是一个由or连接的并列复合句。or前的分句是一个主从复合句,when the thunder started是时间状语从句。or后的分句是一个简单句。may have been separated和might have fallen behind是“情态动词+ have +过去分词”结构,表示对_情况的推测。【句意】他们可能与别的学生走散了,由于雷声而听不到其他人的声音;或者可能落在了后面,走错了路。【仿写】她可能由于天开始下雨而改变了主意并决定不来了;或者可能没赶上火车便回家去了。_2. It was only when I got home two hours later that I realised Id forgotten it and there was nothing I could do as the library was closed. (P14)【分析】本句是一个由and连接的并列复合句。and前的分句的主干结构是It was . that .强调句型,强调only when I got home two hours later;Id forgotten it是realised的宾语。and后的分句中,I could do是定语从句,修饰_;as the library was closed是_状语从句。【句意】直到两个小时后我回到家时,才发现落下了它(我的书),可是已经无济于事了,因为图书馆已经关门了。【仿写】直到两天后玛丽听到这个消息时,才发现她被杰克骗了,可是已经无济于事了,因为他已经离开了这个国家。_3. I felt so guilty, but Jenny just laughed and told me she was glad to see that Id also left my glare in the library! (P14)【分析】本句是一个由but连接的并列复合句。在but后的分句中,laughed和told是并列谓语;she was glad to see . library作_的宾语;that Id also left my glare in the library作_的宾语。【句意】我感到很内疚。但詹妮却笑了,并告诉我她很高兴看到我把自己愤怒的目光也留在了图书馆!【仿写】我们邀请了安,但是她却拒绝了,并告诉我们她对于在单子上也看到了比尔的名字很失望。_4. I was getting more and more annoyed and of course, the more upset I got, the less I was able to concentrate. (P14)【分析】本句是一个由and连接的并列复合句。and前是一个主系表结构的简单句,其中_是个固定短语,意为“越来越”多用于形容词或副词前,表示程度的不断加深。and后的分句用了“the +比较级, the +比较级”的句式结构,表示两个过程按比例同时递增。【句意】我越来越烦躁。当然了,越烦就越难集中注意力。【仿写】约翰的法语说得越来越流利。_你越和他争论,他就越不理会你说的话。 _5. After confirming that I was, Jenny said that she had noticed Id left my book in the library and as my name was in it, shed asked a librarian to get my phone number from their files. (P14)【分析】本句是一个主从复合句。句子的主干为Jenny said that .,that引导宾语从句,而这个宾语从句又是由and连接的并列复合句。After confirming that I was是“介词+动词-ing形式短语”作时间状语,其中that I was是confirming的宾语,was后省略了表语Jane;Id left my book in the library作_的宾语;as my name was in it是原因状语从句。【句意】在确定我是简后,詹妮说她发现我把书落在了图书馆。因为书上有我的名字,她让图书管理员从档案中找到了我的电话号码。【仿写】到了车站以后,我们获悉火车已经开走了。_ _ _ the station, we learned that the train had already gone.6. If Jenny hadnt been a kind person who was willing to forgive my shortings, I would never have experienced such true friendship. (P14)【分析】本句是一个虚拟条件句。对过去已经发生的事情进行相反的假设时,if从句的谓语动词用_式,主句的谓语动词用would (not) + have done形式。【句意】如果珍妮不是这么善良,愿意宽容我的缺点的话,我就永远不会经历这段真正的友谊。【仿写】如果你更努力点的话,你就已经通过考试了。 _参考答案1.【分析】过去【仿写】She may have changed her mind and decided not to e when it started to rain, or she might have missed her train and gone back home. 2.【分析】nothing;原因【仿写】It was when Mary heard the news two days later that she realised shed been cheated by Jack and there was nothing she could do as he had left the country. 3.【分析】told; see【仿写】We invited Ann, but she refused and told us she was very disappointed to see Bills name was also on the list. 4.【分析】more and more【仿写】John speaks French more and more fluently.The more you argue with him, the less notice he takes of what you say.5.【分析】noticed【仿写】After arriving at6.【分析】过去完成【仿写】If you had worked harder, you would have passed your exams.

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