2019-2020年高中英语 unit1 section2《Learning about Language》练习 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 unit1 section2Learning about Language练习 新人教版选修8单词拼写 1As soon as Id got through_(海关)I felt at home2Her parents are both_(社会主义者)3He reported on the whole event to the_(副的)primer4Go straight ahead and turn left at the second_(十字路口)5The possibility that she might be wrong never even o_to her6There were over 500_(申请人)for the job7My little_(侄子)is very naughty8It was a_that he knew nothing about the plan答案:1customs2socialists3vice4crossing5occurred6applicants7nephew8apparent用合适的引导词填空1Actually,girls can be_they want to be just like boys,whether it is a pilot,a nurse,or a general manager2_is clear is that some voluntary code of practice among scientists has to be agreed3_fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect4Tom seems not to have grasped_the teacher meant,_greatly upsets his teacher5_the students suggested was_they be given more free time to arrange their studies6The reason that he gave for his ing late is_his car broke down halfway7No one is sure_global warming can be solved in one hundred years8The factory is built in_was once a wasteland in the suburbs ten years ago9_satisfied us most was_he had said and done to poor village children10What some teenagers dont realize is_difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs答案:1whatever2What3That4what; which5What;that6that7whether8what9What;what10how完形填空I used to believe in the American Dream,which meant a job,a mortgage (按揭),credit cards,successI wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else,all of us _1_ chasing the same thingOne year,through a series of unhappy events,it all fell _2_I found myself homeless and aloneI had my truck and $56I _3_ the countryside for some place I could rent for the _4_ possible amountI came upon a shabby house four miles up a winding mountain road _5_ the Potomac River in West VirginiaIt was _6_,full of broken glass and rubbishI found the owner,rented it,and _7_ a corner to camp inThe locals knew nothing about me,_8_ slowly,they started teaching me the _9_ of being a neighborThey dropped off blankets,candles,and tools,and began _10_ around to chatThey started to teach me a belief in a _11_ American Dreamnot the one of individual achievement but of _12_What I had believed in,all those things I thought were _13_ for a civilized life,were nonexistent in this place_14_ on the mountain,my most valuable possessions were my _15_ with my neighborsFour years later,I moved back into _16_I saw many people were having a really hard time,_17_their jobs and homesI managed to rent a big enough house to _18_ a handful of peopleThere are four of us now in the house,but over time Ive had nine people e in and move on to other placesWed all be in _19_ if we hadnt banded togetherThe American Dream I believe in now is a shared oneIts not so much about what I can get for myself; its about _20_ we can all get by together文章大意:本文为记叙文。作者原本信仰所谓的美国梦,他和其他人一样都追求个人的成就。然而,有一年作者遭遇打击,变得无家可归、一无所有,这时他在乡下找到一个破旧的小屋住下,在那里他感受到邻居们给予他的关怀。从此之后,他对美国梦有了新认识,美国梦不是追求个人的成就,而是追求群体的成功。后来,作者重返城里帮助其他人。1AseparatelyBequallyCviolently Dnaturally答案:A逻辑推理题。根据下文可知,作者改变了原来认为美国梦就是追求个人的成就的想法,此处句意为:我们所有人都分别追求同样的事情。A项“独立地,分别地”;B项“平等地,同样地”;C项“暴力地”;D项“自然地”。2AoffBapartCoverDout答案:B词语辨析题。A项fall off“数量减少,质量下降”;B项fall apart “破碎,破裂”; C项fall over“被绊倒”; D项fall out“掉落,脱落”。从下文可知,作者的美国梦经过一连串不幸的事情后破灭了。3Acrossed BleftCtoured Dsearched答案:D词语搭配题。固定短语searchfor,意思为“在范围内搜查寻找”。4Afullest Blargest Cfairest Dcheapest答案:D逻辑推理题。根据上下文可知,作者已经无家可归、身无分文,只能寻找最便宜的住处,因此选择D项,cheapest意为“最便宜的”。5Aat Bthrough Cover Dround答案:C词语辨析题。A项at表示“在(小的地点)”;B项through表示“经过,穿过”; C项over表示“在上方“;D项round表示“在周围”。本句中房子一定在河流的上方,因此答案为C。6Aoccupied Babandoned Cemptied Drobbed答案:B逻辑推理题。A项“占据,占领”;B项“放弃,遗弃”;C项“清空”;D项“抢劫”。从下文的“full of broken glass and rubbish”可知,作者找到了一个被人遗弃的房子。7Aturned BapproachedCcleared Dcut答案:C逻辑推理题。根据上文“full of broken glass and rubbish”可知,作者需要清理房子,clear可以作动词“清理”,因此答案为C项。8Abut Balthough Cotherwise Dfor答案:A句式结构题。两句之间为转折关系,他们对我一无所知,但慢慢地,他们开始教我。9Abenefit Blesson Cnature Dart答案:D逻辑推理题。从下文的邻居的做法可知本句句意为:慢慢地他们开始教我做邻居的艺术。10Asticking Blooking Cswinging Dturning答案:A词语搭配题。句意:他们开始过来聊天。stick around(在某处)逗留,呆在附近,固定短语。11Awild Breal Cdifferent Dremote答案:C逻辑推理题。根据上下文可知,作者对于美国梦的态度发生了变化,因此选择C项different,意为“不同的”。12Aneighborliness Bhappiness Cfriendliness Dkindness答案:A词汇复现题。文中多次出现neighbors。13Aunique BexpensiveCrare Dnecessary答案:D词语辨析题。A项“独特的”;B项“昂贵的”;C项“稀少的,罕见的”;D项“必须的”。句意:我原本认为的文明生活所需的东西在这个地方并不存在。14AUp BDown CDeep DAlong答案:A词汇复现题。第二段中有“up a winding mountain road”。15Acooperation Brelationships Csatisfaction Dappointments答案:B背景常识题。句意:我和邻居之间的关系是我最为宝贵的财富。relationship意为“关系”。A项“ 合作”; C项“满意”;D项“约定”。16Areality Bsociety Ctown Dlife答案:C逻辑推理题。从上下文可知,作者先是在穷困潦倒时搬到乡下,此处搬回到城里,因此答案为town。back是个重要提示。17Acreating Blosing Cquitting Doffering答案:B逻辑推理题。从文中可知作者现在开始回馈社会,帮助那些失去工作和家庭的人们。18Aput in Bturn in Ctake in Dget in答案:C词语辨析题。A项“放进,提交,正式提出”;B项“上交”;C项“吸收,领进,理解,欺骗”;D项“进入,收获”。句意:我租了一个足够大的房子以收容一些人。19Ayards Bshelters Ccamps Dcottages答案:B背景常识题。B项shelter意为“收容所”,根据常识可知,无家可归的人一般都会被政府安置到收容所里。A项“院子”;C项“营地”;D项“农舍”。20Awhen BwhatCwhether Dhow答案:D逻辑推理题。句意:这不是关于我自己能够得到什么的问题,而是怎样才能使我们所有的人一起生活的问题。从句缺少状语,可排除B、C,结合上下文和句意可知D为最佳选项。阅读理解AToday,several of the worlds nearly 7,000 languages face a serious risk of extinction “For example,Ainu,a language in Japan,is now seriously threatened,with only 10 native speakers left,” said lead study author Tatsuya Amano at the University of Cambridge in EnglandThe scientists found that 25 percent of the worlds languages are threatened After identifying where the endangered languages were,they looked for any environmental,social or economic factors those languages might have in mon,such as rugged terrain or rapid population growth “We found that on a global scale,language speaker declines are strongly linked to economic growththat is,declines are particularly occurring in economically developed regions,” Amano said“One important implication of this new study is that languages in the tropics and the Himalayan region are likely to be increasingly threatened in the near future,because these regions still have many local indigenous(土生土长的) languages with a small number of speakers,and at the same time are experiencing rapid economic growth,” Amano saidEconomic growth may endanger languages for a variety of reasonsFor instance,speakers of endangered languages may view another more dominant language as offering economic opportunities,and thus give up their own languagesThere are other important factors that might endanger languages,the researchers saidFor instance,policies regarding how languages are used and taught in schools can be very different among countries and even within each country,and these factors may explain more detailed patterns in language endangermentAmano suggested it could be possible to forecast future threats to linguistic diversity “There exists detailed information about projected future changes in the environment,economies and climates,”Amano said “Using such information,together with the findings of this study and further analysis,we would like to understand what will happen to the worlds languages,where it will happen and which languages will be threatened in particular”文章大意:文章介绍了世界上许多语言面临灭绝的危险。作者举例说明了造成这种情况的几种因素。1Ainu is mentioned in Paragraph 1 in order to tell us that_AJapanese is now seriously threatenedBfew people speak Japanese in the worldCJapanese is made up of many languagesDit is most likely to disappear in the future答案:D推理判断题。文章第一段首句提到世界上许多语言面临着灭绝的危险,接着以日本的阿伊努语为例,这说明该语言在未来有可能消失。2What may endanger the languages most according to Amano?AThe diversity of societyBThe development of economyCThe decline of the populationDThe improvement of the environment答案:B细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句中的language speaker declines are strongly linked to economic growth可知,Amano认为经济的发展有可能引起某种语言的使用人数减少,使得这种语言濒临灭绝。3The writer shows us the reasons why languages are endangered by_Aoffering some examplesBperforming some experimentsCtelling some interesting storiesDmaking a list of important facts答案:A细节理解题。作者在第四段举出事例分析语言会濒临灭绝的原因,故A项为正确答案。4We can learn from the last paragraph that_Aworlds languages are developing rapidlyBthe study is very important to languagesCfuture threats to languages can be predictedDit is rather hard for us to protect languages答案:C细节理解题。根据最后一段首句可知,语言受到威胁的情况是可以预见的。BIf you are planning to study in the United States,you need to consider several factorsFirst,everyone has different opinions about where is the best place to live Also,the best places to live are not always home to the best schools Finally,many schools specialize in different areas of study The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (麻省理工学院),for example,is a great school for puter science and technologyrelated fields of study However,if you want to study oceanography(海洋学),your interests may be better served by attending a school that is on a coastline or near the oceanNow I am sure that you have known which schools are considered the best in the country So I will tell you about which states I believe are the best to live inCalifornia is a nice state Northern California specifically has very good weather Los Angeles in Southern California is another story though Life in Los Angeles is fast,full of excitement and sometimes dangerous As for me,I enjoy the time I spent in Massachusetts,Virginia and Maryland,because these states have a lot of history and culture The weather is not as perfect as Northern California,but it is still quite nice My favorite area of America is the Midwest Middle America,I think,is home to the true American sense of values In addition,there are many good universitiesAlso,you need to think about your likes and dislikes and then research the various states You like sunshine and hate snow? Then you probably wont like the Midwest or even the Northeast Open space,nature,peace and quiet? Then you probably should stay away from Americas large citiesAre you interested in government? Then WashingtonDCis the only place for you Whatever you decide,put some thought into it The place you live in could be the difference between a great studyabroad experience and a state of great suffering on earth文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了美国适宜学习和居住的州的情况。5From the first paragraph we can conclude that in the USA_Aall colleges and universities lie in big citiesBall colleges and universities lie in beautiful placesCfamous colleges and universities lie in nice placesDfamous colleges and universities may not lie in nice places答案:D推理判断题。由第一段中的“the best places to live are not always home to the best schools”可知,有好大学的地方不一定最适合居住。故选D。6What,according to the writer,should be considered first if you want to study in the USA?AThe climateBThe sceneryCThe study conditionDThe living condition答案:C细节理解题。由第一段内容可知,作者认为想去美国学习首先应考虑学习条件。7From the third paragraph we can find that_ACalifornia is the best place to live inBCalifornia is the worst place to live inCCalifornia is a state with different climatesDCalifornia is a small state in the USA答案:C细节理解题。由第三段中的“Northern California specifically has very good weather”和“The weather is not as perfect as Northern California,but it is still quite nice”可知,加利福尼亚州有不同的气候。故选C。8If you study in Middle America,you can probably_Afind the best universitiesBfeel the real character of the nationCmeet the most famous professors thereDface more difficulties答案:B细节理解题。由第三段中的“Middle America,I think,is home to the true American sense of value”可知选B。

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