2019-2020年高二上学期周练(9.17)英语试题 Word版含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高二上学期周练(9.17)英语试题 Word版含答案一、单选题:(2/15=30)1. Readers can _ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word. A. get over B. get in C. get along D. get through2. The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun3. _ danger, the man rushed into the burning house to save the old man trapped there. A. Thanks to B. But for C. Instead of D. Regardless of4. -The light in the office is still on. -Oh, I forget _. A. turning it off B. to turn it off C. turning off it D. to turn off it5. _ this possible effect may put us in a dilemma(窘境). A. Having overlooked B. Overlooking C. To overlook D. Overlooked6. -My brother is not good at speaking English. -I suggest _ English for two hours every day. A. he practice speaking B. him to speak C. he speaking D. his practicing to speak7. If you dont go to the party, _ I. A. so do B. so will C. nor do D. neither shall8. The injured were lying in hospital _ the shock from the traffic accident.A. to suffer B. suffered C. suffered from D. suffering from9. There was nothing they could do_. A. but wait B. except waiting C. only to wait D. unless they waited10. The poster was revised _the suggestions of other group members.A. based on B. to base on C. basing on D. which based on11. There is no doubt _ Mo Yan, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature the other day, has been _to writing for decades. A. that, absorbed B. whether ,mitted C. what, absorbed D. that, mitted12. -What do you suppose made her so unhappy?- _ her wallet.A. lose B. Lost C. Losing D. To lose13. He felt guilty about losing ,and bad about_ football as you are.A. being as gifted at B. being so gifted forC. not being as gifted at D. not being so gifted for14. He failed in the driving test again. He_.A. must have disappointed B. must have been disappointedC. might be disappointed D. couldnt be disappointed15. -Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?- _. I love getting close to nature. A. I couldnt agree more B.I afraid not. C. I believe not D. I dont think so.二、完形填空:(2/20=40) Its 5-year-old Karmens dream to be a ballerina(芭蕾舞女演员). But Karmen, living in Denver, was born with the AIDS virus and has spent much of her short life going in and out of the hospital. Karmen 16 better than anyone dared to hope. Doctors thought she would never walk or talk, but she 17 with a walker and speaks fairly 18 . Karmens hopes, dreams, and 19 are being documented with the help of a Denver organization called the Childrens Legacy. 20 by the photographer Katy Tartakoff, the charity helps seriously sick children and their families write their own 21 by providing books that guide _22_ along - My Stupid Illness, for 23 children, and Let Me Show You My World, for their siblings(兄弟姊妹) and parents. The books contain suggestions of 24 to draw or things to write. Tartakoff helps illustrate the books by taking black-and-white photographs of the children. For those children who _25_, the books help their families cope. For those _26_ survive, the books help them heal 27_. Karmen may not grow up to be a ballerina, _28 , despite her difficulty walking, she was 29_ when she put on a tutu (芭蕾舞的短裙) her mother had bought her. She really took 30 the persona of a ballerina, says Ms. Tartakoff. This picture of Karmen is one of a collection of Ms. Tartakoffs 31 that the charity has published in a book called An Alphabet About Families Living With HIV-AIDS, _32_ poetry. According to the book, Sometimes Karmen 33 her head on her folded hands because she is 34 , and sometimes she needs to talk with God. One of her prayers: Dear God, Please make my_35 and body strong. Please let me grow up. 16. A. has gone B. has fared C. has spent D. has experienced17. A. stands around B. gets up C. walks away D. gets around 18. A. well B. good C. nice D. right19. A. smiles B. illnesses C. struggles D. sadnesses20. A. Found B. Founded C. Built D. Created21. A. stories B. novels C. problems D. sicknesses 22. A. him B. us C. them D. her23. A. healthy B. sick C. normal D. ill24. A. charts B. pictures C. photos D. designs25. A. live B. fear C. die D. suffer26. A. that B. which C. / D. who27. A. emotionally B. happily C. carefully D. quietly28. A. however B. and C. but D. though29 A. changed B. turned C. shaped D. transformed30. A. after B. in C. on D. to31. A. collections B. photographs C. books D. copies32. A. holding B. containing C. writing D. including33. A. lays B. lies C. sets D. puts34. A. ill B. dead C. tired D. bored35. A. legs B. arms C. hands D. feet 三、阅读理解:(2/5=10)A university graduate described as a “respectable and intelligent” woman is seeking professional help after being convicted of (证明有罪)shoplifting for the second time in six months.Ana Luz, recently studying for her PhD, has been told she could end up behind bars unless she can control the desire to steal from shops.Luz, who lives with her partner in Fitzwilliam Road,Cambridge, admitted stealing clothes worth 9.95 from John Lewis in Oxford Street ,London, on March 9.Phillip Lemoyne, prosecuting(起诉), said Luz selected some clothes from a display and took them to the ladies toilet in the store. When she came out again she was wearing one of the skirts she had selected, having taken off the anti-theft security alarms(防盗警报装置).She was stopped and caught after leaving the store without paying, Mr. Lemoyne said.He added that she was upset on her arrest and apologized for her actions.Luz, 28, was said to have been convicted of shoplifting by Cambridge judges last October, but Morag Duff, defending, said she had never been in trouble with the police before that.“She is ashamed and embarrassed but doesnt really have any explanation why she did this,” Miss Duff said. “She didnt intend to steal when she went into the store .She is at a loss to explain it. She is otherwise a very respectable and intelligent young lady .She went to her doctor and asked for advice because she wants to know if there is anything in particular that caused her to do this.”Judge David Azan fined Luz 50, and warned:“Youve got a criminal record. If you carry on like this, you will end up in prison, which will ruin your bright future you may have.”Luz achieved a degree in design at university in her native Spain, went on to a famous university in Berlin, Germany for her masters degree and is now studying for a PhD at Cambridge University, UK.36What is Ana Luzs nationality?A. American.B. British.C. Spanish.D. German.37What does the underlined sentence “She is at a loss to explain it” mean?A. In her opinion it was a loss to the clothes shops where she stole things .B. She doesnt have any idea why she has the desire to steal from shops .C. She thinks it is a loss for her to explain why she stole things from shops.D. Personally she feels ashamed and embarrassed for her shoplifting actions.38Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word “shoplifting” used in the passage?A. Carrying goods in a lift for a shop.B. Taking goods to the ladies toilet.C. Selecting some goods from a display.D. Taking goods from a shop without paying.39From the passage we can learn that .A. Ana Luz is already got her PhD at Cambridge University, UKB. Ana Luz is ashamed and embarrassed and knows why she often did so C. the university graduate will be put in prison if she steals in shops once more D. Phillip Lemoyne is the “respectable and intelligent” womans defense lawyer40What would be the best title for the passage?A. Shoplifting Shame of a PhD Student B. Apologizing for the Actions in ShopsC. Seeking Professional Help from Experts D. Controlling the Desire to Steal from Shops4、 任务型阅读:(2/10=20)How do you enter a room full of strangers? Do you walk right in full of confidence? Or do you try to slip in without being noticed? The way you go into new situations shows your level of self-confidence. In life, we admire those who do their tasks confidently. We prefer people who appear to know what theyre doing. But where does that confidence begin? Developing self-confidence starts very early. Its parents role to get kids on the right track (轨道) toward being confident people. To help that process, parents should always offer more praise than criticism (批评). That can be done by focusing on the childs strengths. Parents should encourage theirchildren to try new things and take risks. When children make mistakes, their parents should still let them know that they are loved. Children whose parents do these things will likely develop into confident adults. But self-confidence still doesnt e easily. So whats the solution (解决办法)? With most things in life, practice makes perfect, and that is true of confidence skills. The more youpractice them, the easier they will bee. Always hold your head high and look people in the eye. Answer questions clearly and confidently.The way you walk shows others how confident you are. Focus on the things that you do well, and look for opportunities to use those abilities. Keep an item in clear view that reminds you of a recent success. It could be a good test score or a prize from a contest. Remind yourself that one success often leads to the next. Prepare thoroughly for every project. Youll approach the task more confidently knowing that youreready. All humans fail at times, and you will too. But dont allow mistakes to trouble you. Learning frommistakes helps you face the same situation later without fear. Even with practice, you will never be perfect. But you can learn to love and accept yourself and liveyour life with confidence. Title:41._Self-confidenceTheparentsrole 472. _ more than blame them. Encourage them to try new things and take risks. 43. _ their mistakes.Adviceonbeingconfident Practice as much as 44. _. Use body 45. _ to show your confidence. Focus on your strengths and talents and put those abilities to 46._. Remind you of a recent 47. _ thing. Make thorough 48._. 49._ from your own mistakes.50._Keeping on practicing and loving and respecting yourself will make you more confident.41 _ 42 _ 43 _ 44 _ 45 _46 _ 47 _ 48 _ 49 _ 50 _高二周练答案一、CDDBB ADDAA ACCBA二、BDACB ACBBC DACDC BDACA16. B 这里fare意为“过活;生活;进展”,与 get on 含义相近 。 C和D 及物动词,后应接名词;A 不符题义。17. D get around 与文中walker(助行架,学步车)连用,含义为“借助助行架四动”。walk away 是“脱身,走开,一走了之”之意,不符上下文意思。A、B 更不符题义。18. A speak(说话)后接副词,B 、C 不符。与(fairly)well连用,表示“话流畅”。 right 虽可作副词,但一方面含义不符,另一方面搭配欠妥,通常有talk right (谈吐得体);guess right (猜对了)remember right(没记错)。 19.C Karmen 是个艾滋病毒携带儿童,生命时刻受到威胁,但她怀希望,有梦想,她得不断与病魔抗争才有希望实现梦想。因此,希望,梦想和抗争成了她生活的主旋律,也正因为如此才引起了有关部门的关注,要将其拍成记录片。 20. B 创办组织或机构用found,此处是过去分词短语作状语。21.A story指真实情况的叙述;事情的经过或来龙去脉。根据上下文此处不要他们写小说,也不是要他们单纯写生病期间出现的问题或疾病,故B、C、D不符。22. C 上文helps seriously sick children and their families write their确定此处为第三人称代词复数的宾格。23. B 文中的My Stupid Illness 一书应是提供给生病的小孩的,所以A、C 符。ill用作前置定语时意为“有害的,不良的,不吉利的”,因此B为最佳答案。24. B 据下文的things to write,确定此处应是pictures to draw。chart一般指图表或海图,design是指设计图,两者均不符合题义。photo应与take连用。25.C 此小节前后两句是相对应的。后一句表达的是“对于存活下来孩子”前一句应是针 对夭折的小孩而言。所以C 为最佳选项。26.D 先行词是those指人时,关系代词用who。27.A heal是“愈合;恢复健康”之意,书本只能作精神或情感治疗,不可能正治愈疾病,所以选A。28.C 此题应用并立连词but。第一分句may not grow up to be意思似还没完全结束,but连接结构紧凑,此其一;其二,but后虽有逗号,但是为插入 despite her difficulty walking之需所用。29.D transform(使改变外观)有change the appearance of sth. so that it is better之意,其它三个选项均无此意。30.C persona(表面形象)只有与take on(呈现)连用才符合上下文意思。take after:指外貌或行为像(父或母)。take in: 吸入;注意到;看到。take to:开始喜欢;开始沉湎于。 31.B Karmen的这张照片是Ms. Tartakoff收集的一批照片里的一张。(这批照片已随慈善机构出版的一本书出版发行了)。32.D 出版的书中含有诗歌, 故用including。including有having sb/sth as part of a group or set 之意。 33.A lay是及物动词,指小心安放,搁置即put sb./sth. in a particular position gently or carefully。B是不及物动词,因此不对。set和put 都无gently or carefully的内涵,根据情境lay最佳。34.C 很显然Karmen生来就带有AIDS病毒,就是一个sick child,不是某一时生病的,当然还活着,所以A、B选项不当。虽然她是个sick child但对活充满了hopes, dreams(第二节第一句话),而且还与上帝交谈,所以推断她把头安放在她folded hands上,不是因为厌倦烦闷而是因为累了。故选C。35. A Karmen一直梦想着成为一名芭蕾舞演员,健壮的双腿是芭蕾舞演员必具的条件,而她现在还需借助助行架行走,所以她祈求上帝能使她的双腿身体强壮有力。三、CBDCA 四、1. Building/Developing/Build/Develop 2. Praise 3. Forgive 4. possible 5. language 6. use 7 . successful 8. preparations 9. Learn 10. Conclusion


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