2019-2020年高中英语 Module 8 unit3 错题集练习.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 8 unit3 错题集练习一单项选择1. The ministry had no choice _ our rates. A) except raising B) but raise C) but to raise D) without raising2. _ to finish quickly. A) No every student wants B) No every student wantC) Not every student wants D) Not every student want3. The students are _ with these two famous scientists in the lab. A) too pleased to work B) too pleased that they cannot work C) only too pleased to work D) so pleased that they cannot work4. The book is _ me, but Ill never give up studying. A)beyond B) over C) under D) below5. I know nothing about his journey _ he is to be away for a month. A) besides B) except C) except for D) except that6. His mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching TV, but . A) a little did he hear B) little did he hear C) little heard he D) a little heard he 7.Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,_ I will always treasure.A.that B.one C.it D.what8.I often think of my childhood,during_I lived on my uncles farm.A.which B.when C.where D.who9.His health failing,_ in xx.A. so John was forced to leave the army B. army gave John leave C. John was forced to leave the army D. when the army gave John leave10._ that he could not speak for a long time.A. So frightened was he B. So frightened he was C. Was he so frightened D. Frightened was he11.I say it is your turn to be on duty today. _?A.Mine B.I C.Myself D.Me12.I usually go there by train. Why not _by boat for a change?A.to try going B.try to go C.to try and go D.try going13.All the girl want _do is_stay at home and study hard.A./;to B.to;to C.to;/ D.either B or C14.I prefer the climate of Kunming to_of Wuhan.A.it B.one C.this D.that15.Mr.Black has just arrived. Really? _.He didnt accept our invitation.A.I cant imagine it B.1 dont think so C.I hope so D.I dont believe him16.They live on a busy main road._ must be very noisy.A.There B.It C.That D.They17.We dont go to the cinema as much as _.A.we used to go B.we used to do C.used to D.we used to18.Do you follow me? Yes,_.A.it is good B.I will C.perfectly D.very good19.Is the stamp very unusual? _.A.Yes,very much B.Yes,it is so C.Yes,very D.Yes,not very20.Shall I wake you up tomorrow morning?Yes,_.A.please do B.you shall C.you will D.you may21.Alice,why didnt you do it the day before?I _,but I had an unexpected visitor.A.had B.would C.was going to D.does22.Im going to dig it up. What _?A.with B.by C.at D.from23.Frightened by the noise in the night,the girl did not dare _in her room.A.sleeping B.to sleeping C.sleep D.slept24.They have done a good job. _.Lets go to congratulate them.A.So they have done B.So they have C.So have they D.So is it25.-You should have given them some advice. - _.But who care what I offered ?A.So it wasB.So I shouldC.So I didD.So should you26.I would never e to this restaurant again. The food here is terrible! - _.A.Nor am IB.Neither would IC.Same with meD.So do I27. John plays football _,if not better than, David.A.as wellB.as well asC.so wellD.so well as28.-Everyone says you are a good employee.Y ou never make a mistake, do you ? -_ .A.Yes, never B.Yes, sometimes C.No, sometimes D.Oh, really29.I _and will never ask such a silly question.A.have neverB.neverC.have asked D.have never asked30._it snow tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge.A.WereB .ShouldC.WouldD.Will31.You know who came yesterday? Yao Ming? We had a basketball match._He came and watched the game. A. You guessed it! B. How did you know that C. Well done! D. That was good news!32.It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _ in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown. A. wouldnt have fallenB. had not fallen C. should fallD. were to fall33. There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man. My goodness! I cant imagine _ that old. (xx江苏 ) A. to be B. to have been C. being D. having been34. I wonder how he _ to his father like that.A. dared speak B. dare speaking C. dared to speaking D. dare to speak 35.On AIDS Day, the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems _ paid special attention to.A. refer to be B. referred to be C. referring to be D. referred to 36.William has been living here for 30 years and he is used to the _ change in the weather.A. civil B. shabby C. abrupt D. rigid37._going to the key university, his son has been working hard at his lessons. A. He is bent on B. Being bent on C. To be bent on D. Bent on38.She was walking along the street _ a familiar voice came to her ears.A. when B. why C. where D. while39. Experts have been warning _ of the health risks caused by passive smoking.A. at a time B. at one time C. for some time D. for the time40.There was an accident that happened on his way home last night, and Is rather_ the party. A. he not attend B him not attend C. he didnt attend D. he hadnt attended41.-What do you think of the performance today? -Great! _ but a musical genius could perform so successfully. A. All B. None C. Anybody D Everybody42. I want some string but there was _ in the house. A. none B. nothing C. some D.any43. -Didnt you see the film After Shock yesterday? - _. I would like to have seen it.A. Yes, I did B. No, I didnt C. Yes, I didnt D. No, I did.44. -I dont think you should use your dictionary all the time while reading. -_, but I cant do without it.A. No, I should. B. Yes, I shouldnt C. No, I shouldnt D. Yes, I should.45.Any application from _ properly will not be accepted by the pany.A. not to be filled B. not filled C. not being filled D. not having been filled46. -I would never trust him again. He let me down. - _. A. Nor was I B. So did I C. Neither would I . D. So would I 47.He hoped the film would _ him to the Pairs branch. A. transfer B. transmit C. transform D. transport 48. Max is late again. It is _ him to keep other waiting. A. normal for B. ordinary of C. mon for D. typical of 49.The monument _ is for the earthquake victims and the construction work will be pleted soonA. built B. to be built C. to built D.being built.50.The performance of the host, _ to please the audience and draw their attention, was greeted with a cold silence, however.A. had intended B. intended C. intending D. to intend二、句型转换1. -Ill e to see your performance at 9:00 tomorrow evening.- Im sorry. by then my performance _(end) and I will be meeting reporters in the meeting room.2 .It is said that he has stayed in Australia for 7 years._ in Australia for 7 years.3. The newest model is so simple that even a child can use it.(改为倒装句)_ _ _ the newest model _ even a child can use it.三、根据句意填空1. They accused him of having p_ against his women employee.2. The old man insisted that I _(take) his wallet and that I _ (go) with him to the police station.3._(他刚进办公室)when the telephone rang.四、词组翻译1.一大笔钱 2. 深受欢迎:3.好奇感 4.名声好:5.律师 6.有如此多棘手问题要解决:with_7.对有偏见 8.某人的纪念碑:Keys1-20:CCCAD BBAAA ADDDA BDCCA21-50 CACBC BCBBB ABCAB CDACD BABCB CADDB:1.will have ended 2.He is said to have stayed 3. so simple is that1. prejudice 2. had taken should go 3. hardly had he entered the office1. a large sum of money 2. be well received 3. a sense of curiosity 4. have a good reputation 5. lawyer 6. with so many tough problems to settle 7. be prejudiced against 8. the monument to sb


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