2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 Cloning综合检测(含答案分析)新人教教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2Cloning综合检测(含答案,分析)新人教教版选修81(xx抚顺高二检测)I _suggested you should do it again.Theres no need to get annoyed.AmerelyBmostlyCrarely Dnearly2When he heard the news that he developed cancer,he _.Acast down Bwas cast downCcast out Dwas cast out3He was admitted into Beijing University.His efforts_.Apaid for Bpaid outCpaid off Dpaid back4(xx湖北高考)People plain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often_rather than based on fixed criteria.Aappropriate BconsciousCarbitrary Dcontroversial5The local government should_the responsibility to provide those poor children with equal opportunities to receive education.Agive BofferCdraw Dundertake6(xx铜鼓高二检测)She always differs_me_how to spend the vacation.Aon;with Bwith;onCat;with Dfrom;in7The project was predicated on the_that the economy was expanding.Aproduce BassumptionCfate Dthink8However,as the evidence began to_,experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate.Aaccumulate BobjectCrestore Dbother9He was in poor health,so the doctor_him to drink wine.Ahoped BdemandedCforbade Dprevented10The facts had been_from thousands of students in their first year of university study by asking such questions as these.Aundertaken BmadeCdiffered Dobtained11Why do you look disappointed?My family object to _ the Internet even for useful information.AI use Bme being usedCmy using Dme to use12. AIDS is a deadly disease,because once a person gets it,he or she will lose the power to _ any other disease.Astruggle BfightCresist Drecover13Scientists made a great _ in the treatment of cancer,stirring the hope of the patients.Abreakthrough BprogressCpromotion Dsuccess14(xx山东高考)Be _ you cant expect me to finish all this work in so little time.Areasonable BconfidentCcreative Dgrateful15(xx浙江高考) I made a promise to myself _ this year,my first year in high school,would be different.Awhether BwhatCthat Dhow.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)In the past,scientists have produced exact genetic copies of sheep and a few other animals.They_16_these clones from a single cell of an adult animal.Recently,a private group of scientists has announced_17_to make an exact copy of a human being.Doctor Zavos,an American member of the team,says he and the others will soon begin to_18_humans and they hope to produce the worlds first cloned_19_within the next two years.Doctor Zavos says the new international group_20_to offer human cloning to women_21_to bee pregnant and produce children.The_22_would be similar to that used to clone animals.It would_23_clearing genetic material from a womans egg.Doctors then would_24_ genetic material from the womans husband into the egg_25_putting it in the womens uterus(子宫)Doctor Zavos says his_26_plans to do its work in a country near the Mediterranean Sea,but he did not_27_the country.He says an Italian reproductive expert,Severino Antinori,is_28_the team.Doctor Antinori has made great efforts to help many_29_women bee pregnant.He is known for_30_pregnancies in women as old as sixty.Many medical experts and other groups_31_the idea of cloning humans.Several doctors criticized the _32_by Doctor Zavos.They say doctors do not know if cloning humans is_33_or safe.They say it would be irresponsible to_34_to clone a human being.That is because the chances of_35_are too small and the risks are too great.16A.boughtBcreatedCdiscovered Dfound17A.plans BresultsCsuccesses Dagreements18A.create BresistCpersuade Dclone19A.plant BanimalCbird Dbaby20A.plans BbeginsCrefuses Dhappens21A.bound BunwillingCunable Dsure22A.imagination BtechnologyCstory Dsymbol23A.involve BstartCmake Dborrow24A.translate BplaceCtake Dmake25A.after BwhileCbefore Das26A.country BgroupCuniversity Dpany27A.call BfindCname Dconsider28A.managing BkeepingChaving Dusing29A.great BbeautifulColder Dfamous30A.successful BpitifulCthankful Dregretful31A.take up Bobject toCput up Dbring down32A.idea BprogramCsubject Dannouncement33A.careful BinterestingCunable Dpossible34A.manage BrefuseCattempt Dhope35A.fortune BreputationCfailure Dsuccess.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AUp to now,some scientists have suggested that cloning existing people might be ethically(伦理地) acceptable in some cases.One possibility is generating replacement for a dying relative.All such possibilities,however,raise the concern that the clone would be treated as less than a plete individual,because he or she would likely suffer from limitations and expectations based on the familys knowledge of the genetic“twin”Those expectations might be false,because human personality is only partly determined by genes.The clone of an extrovert(性格外向的人) could have a quite different way of behavior.Clones of athletes,movie stars,or scientists might well choose different careers because of chance events in early life.Some people have also pointed out that couples in which one member is infertile (不生育) might choose to make a copy of one or the other partner.But society ought to be concerned that a couple might not treat naturally a child who is a copy of just one of them.Because other methods are available for the treatment of all known types of infertility,the traditional choice seems more appropriate.None of the suggested uses of cloning for making copies of existing people is ethically acceptable to my way of thinking,because they are not in the interests of the resulting child.It should go without saying that I am strongly opposed to allowing cloned human embryos to develop so that they can be tissue donors.In spite of this,it seems clear that cloning from cultured (人工培育的) cells will offer important medical opportunities.Predictions about new technologies are often wrong;societal attitudes change;unexpected developments occur.Time will tell.But biomedical researchers looking into the potential of cloning now have plenty to do.36Towards cloning an existing person,what concern does the author show?AThe clone created is unlikely to fulfill your expectations.BThe clone created is ethically unacceptable.CThe clone created will be mistreated.DThe clone created will have one defect or another.37From the text we know that a clone will_.Abe partly similar in personality to the person it is created fromBshare the same characteristics with the person it is created fromCchoose the same career as the person it is created fromDbehave in the same way as the person it is created from38In the authors view,which of the following uses of cloning is reasonable?ATo help childless couples to have a baby.BTo culture cells for medical purpose.CTo develop tissue donors.DTo replace a lost relative.39What is the authors attitude towards cloning technology?AIt should wait till peoples views change.BIt should be condemned.CIt was unethical from the very beginning.DIt has medical potential for scientists to explore.BMy moms entire life changed in the matter of a few seconds.While driving home late one night,my parents SUV was hit from behind by a drunk driver traveling 70 miles per hour.Dad was killed instantly.Mom was thrown from the SUV and people found her on the side of the road.Once I saw my mom in the hospital,I knew she had a long road ahead of her.She had crushing injuries to her arm and shoulder,and her elbow was dislocated in three places,leaving it permanently bent.Although it took my mom a long time to physically recover from the accident,it was only a short time before my moms positive spirit returned.Throughout her journey of recovery,my mother rarely plained.I could see the pain in her eyes during physical therapy,but never heard her question why this had happened to her.In fact,I remember one “role reversal” where we both just had to laugh.Mother had lost a lot of weight during her hospital stay,so I bought her some new clothes.I had to dress her at first,but she challenged herself every day.Finally,when she was able to get dressed on her own,she looked at me in the mirror and started laughing.While she appreciated the clothes I had bought,she really hated the styles I had chosen for her and couldnt wait to go shopping on her own.I started laughing too;she had struggled for months to put on these clothes that she didnt even like!It reminded me of when I was in kindergarten and my mother made me wear dresses when I just wanted to wear pants.It was a funny role reversal for both of us and I understood how she felt.It took my mom two long years to gain back her strength and limited flexibility.Those few years were a traumatic time for our entire family.Mom had to overe many challenges.But she found that strength of will and a sense of humor can get you through the toughest times,even when you dont think you have anything to smile about.40The author presented the story by _.Aasking drivers to pay attention while drivingBreminding readers not to drive too fastCexplaining the result of driving after drinkingDdescribing the scene of the accident41By saying “a long road ahead of her”,the author meant _.Ait would take her mother a long time to recoverBher mother could continue to live for a long timeCher mother needed to walk every day to get betterDher mother would pay a lot for the treatment42The example of “role reversal” is used to prove _.Aher mother was particular about dressingBher mother behaved like a girl in the kindergartenCher mother could keep a positive attitudeDher mother had an eye for beautiful clothes43The best title for the passage may be_.ARemain Clam When Death Drawing NearBKeep Your Head Up in Case of TroubleCShow Real Courage in Front of DangerDPersist No Matter What Your Troubles AreCColorado farmer Chris Jessen and his wife Pam became the newest owners of a “panda cow” when it was born on their farm on New Years Eve.The calf(小牛),named Ben,was created through genetic engineering.Ben was the second panda cow born on Jessens farm,but was a surprise,Jessen said that he was expecting a black calf.This rare breed of panda cow gets its nickname from its similarity to a panda bear.Its white face and black fur around its eyes are extremely pandalike.There is a white belt circle around the middle part of its black body.Baby Ben has a black mark on its forehead.Its thick newborn coat also increases the similarity to a panda.Ben is expected to grow four feet tall and weigh close to 1,000 pounds,like its father.The breed is not only extremely rare,but is also only ten years old.The first mini panda cow,Precious,was born on April 27,xx,on the Happy Mountain Miniature Cattle Farm,in Covington,Washington.It took 44 years of genetic engineering by Richard Gradwohl,although the farmer claims the new cow was actually an accident.Preciouss father was an American Beltie bull,named Rebel.The mother was a small Happy Mountain cow,named Sarah.Gradwohl is the author of The Beginners Guide to Owning Your Own Miniature Cattle Business guidebook,a 24part article series.These miniatures are actually kept to be pets.Jessen plans to sell Ben after training.Cows are social animals that respond well to humans and some will e when their names are called.Panda cows can be petted and are popular with many people.A close relationship can be formed with them,like other more traditional pets.44Why was Ben a surprise to Chris Jessen?ABecause Ben looked different from what he had expected.BBecause Ben was born on New Years Eve.CBecause Ben was created through genetic engineering.DBecause Ben was the second panda cow born on his farm.45What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?ACows cannot understand humans instructions very well.BBen will be kept as a pet by Jessen.CPanda cows are too big to be petted.DGradwohl knows how to manage miniature cattle business well.46Which of the following is a similarity between Precious and Ben?AThey were both created through genetic engineering.BThey are both four feet tall.CThey belong to the same owner.DThey were born in the same state of the USA.47What is the main purpose of this passage?ATo introduce a new technology to us.BTo show us how the panda cow is made.CTo introduce a genetic engineering invention:the panda cow.DTo introduce the Happy Mountain Miniature Cattle Farm to us.D(xx浙江高考改编)The baby monkey is much more developed at birth than the human baby.Almost from the moment it is born,the baby monkey can move around and hold tightly to its mother.During the first few days of its life the baby will approach and hold onto almost any large,warm,and soft object in its environment,particularly if that object also gives it milk.After a week or so,however,the baby monkey begins to avoid newers and focuses its attentions on “mother”the real mother or the mothersubstitute(母亲替代物)During the first two weeks of its life warmth is perhaps the most important psychological(心理的) thing that a monkey mother has to give to its baby.The Harlows,a couple who are both psychologists,discovered this fact by offering baby monkeys a choice of two types of mothersubstitutesone covered with cloth and one made of bare wire.If the two artificial mothers were both the same temperature,the little monkeys always preferred the cloth mother.However,if the wire model was heated,while the cloth model was cool,for the first two weeks after birth the baby monkeys picked the warm wire mothersubstitutes as their favorites.Thereafter they switched and spent most of their time on the more fortable cloth mother.Why is cloth preferable to bare wire? Something that the Harlows called contact(接触) fort seems to be the answer,and a most powerful influence it is.Baby monkeys spend much of their time rubbing against their mothers skins,putting themselves in as close contact with the parent as they can.Whenever the young animal is frightened,disturbed,or annoyed,it typically rushes to its mother and rubs itself against her body.Wire doesnt “rub” as well as does soft cloth.Prolonged (长时间的)“contact fort”with a cloth mother appears to give the babies confidence and is much more rewarding to them than is either warmth or milk.According to the Harlows,the basic quality of a babys love for its mother is trust.If the baby is put into an unfamiliar playroom without its mother,the baby ignores the toys no matter how interesting they might be.It screams in terror and curls up into a furry little ball.If its cloth mother is now introduced into the playroom,the baby rushes to it and holds onto it for dear life.After a few minutes of contact fort,it obviously begins to feel more secure.It then climbs down from the mothersubstitute and begins to explore the toys,but often rushes back for a deep embrace(拥抱) as if to make sure that its mother is still there and that all is well.Bit by bit its fears of the new environment are gone and it spends more and more time playing with the toys and less and less time holding onto its “mother”48Psychologically,what does the baby monkey desire most during the first two weeks of its life?AWarmth. BMilk.CContact. DTrust.49What does the baby monkey probably gain from prolonged “contact fort”?AAttention. BSoftness.CConfidence. DInterest.50It can be inferred that when the baby monkey feels secure,_.Ait frequently rushes back for a deep embrace when exploring the toysBit spends more time screaming to get rewardsCit is less attracted to the toys though they are interestingDit cares less about whether its mother is still around51The main purpose of the passage is to _.Agive the reasons for the experimentBpresent the findings of the experimentCintroduce the method of the experimentDdescribe the process of the experimentE(xx重庆高考)Almost every machine with moving parts has wheels, yet no one knows exactly when the first wheel was invented or what it was used for. We do know, however, that they existed over 5,500 years ago in ancient Asia.The oldest known transport wheel was discovered in 2002 in Slovenia. It is over 5,100 years old. Evidence suggests that wheels for transport didnt bee popular for a while, though. This could be because animals did a perfectly good job of carrying farming tools and humans around.But it could also be because of a difficult situation. While wheels need to roll on smooth surfaces,roads with smooth surfaces werent going to be constructed until there was plenty of demand for them.Eventually, road surfaces did bee smoother, but this difficult situation appeared again a few centuries later.There had been no important changes in wheel and vehicle design before the arrival of modern road design.In the mid1700s,a Frenchman came up with a new design of roada base layer(层) of large stones covered with a thin layer of smaller stones.A Scotsman improved on this design in the 1820s and a strong,lasting road surface became a reality.At around the same time,metal hubs (the central part of a wheel) came into being,followed by the pneumatic tyre(充气轮胎) in 1846.Alloy wheels were invented in 1967,sixty years after the appearance of tarmacked roads(柏油路)As wheel design took off,vehicles got faster and faster.52What might explain why transport wheels didnt bee popular for some time?AFew knew how to use transport wheels.BHumans carried farming tools just as well.CAnimals were a good means of transport.DThe existence of transport wheels was not known.53What do we know about road design from the passage?AIt was easier than wheel design.BIt improved after big changes in vehicle design.CIt was promoted by fastmoving vehicles.DIt provided conditions for wheel design to develop.54How is the last paragraph mainly developed?ABy giving examples.BBy making parisons.CBy following time order.DBy making classifications.55What is the passage mainly about?AThe beginning of road design.BThe development of transport wheels.CThe history of public transport.DThe invention of fastmoving vehicles.任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)You have probably heard it before,most likely from your English teacher.If you want to bee a good writer,read good writing.Unfortunately,you may not have understood what did good to you and even what you were supposed to get from that experience.As you start reading a book,poem,or a story,do so with no thought at all and the experience will improve your writing.Just read for pleasure to begin with,or to learn.As you progress through the work,think about whether or not it is “easy” reading.Do you bee so interested in the subject and flow of the writing that you pletely forget the person who wrote it,or does the position sometimes call too much attention to itself through words and phrases that seem out of place or unexpected?These latter situations are a chance to learn from the writers mistakes.In fact,the reader should not have to worry about how an author does “his thing” . he should be able to just enjoy and learn.Every time a word strikes you as poorly chosen,stop to consider why it has this effect.Also,do not spend a lot of time analyzing(分析) the passage but put more efforts in enjoying it from the whole. Another thing I do,particularly with nonfiction(非小说)books,is to select a part to read as if it is a pletely separate work.Once again,read as a mon consumer ra

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