2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 A land of diversity练习 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 A land of diversity练习 新人教版选修8(时间:90分钟满分:110分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节;满分30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ACalifornias plex and dynamic transportation system is in part both the cause and the result of the restless mobility of Californians, who tend to move and travel frequently. There is one of the greatest concentrations of motor vehicles in the world and the most extensive system of multilane freeways in California. However, freeway construction has declined since the 1970s because of public opposition.Light rail transit systems were largely discontinued in California cities after World War . However, because of increasing traffic congestion (拥塞), many have been reintroduced or newly constructed. The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system in and around San Francisco was constructed in the early 1970s and expanded in the following decades in response to growth in remote areas. A San Diego trolley (无轨电车) system, first built in the late 1970s as a link to the Mexican border, was extended in the late 1980s. Work on a subway system in Los Angeles began in the early 1980s. By 2003 a network of light rail lines ran through the city. Now there are rail links between downtown Los Angeles and many remote areas, including major tourist sites, airports and beaches. With an evergrowing population, more attention was paid to the development of mass transit systems, such as the light rail and the subway, in California in the early 21st century.The transport of goods in California is carried out mainly by trucks, but the canals and waterways are also used to transport goods. Shipping across the Pacific basin is centered at the Long Beach, Los Angeles ports, whose cargo (货运量) is several times greater than that handled by the Oakland, San Francisco, and Richmond ports in northern California. Long Beach is one of the worlds most important cargo ports.Air transport in California has increased greatly. The air lines connecting San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego create greater traffic than those linking Washington, DC., New York City, and Boston on the East Coast. Air traffic congestion has bee critical, but not so serious as that of the ground traffic near major California airports.语篇解读加利福尼亚州拥有繁忙的交通运输网路,它的公路交通、轻轨、地铁及空中交通都非常发达。1Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A. The History of Californias Transport SystemB. An Introduction to Californias Transport SystemC. Why Californians Tend to Move and Travel Frequently?D. How Californias Transport Develops So Quickly?答案与解析B主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了加利福尼亚州的交通运输系统,包括地面交通、水上交通、空中交通等。故选B项。2Why has the freeway construction in California slowed since the 1970s?A. Because the public are against the construction.B. Because the government cant collect enough money.C. Because the public believe light rail transit systems are better.D. Because there are increasing traffic jams on freeways.答案与解析A细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“However, freeway construction has declined since the 1970s because of public opposition.”可知,自20世纪70年代以来高速公路的发展慢了下来的原因是公众的反对。3From the passage, we can know that Californias light rail transit systems _.A. were greatly developed after World War B. were mainly used to link downtown and remote areasC. began to be reintroduced in the late 1980sD. won more attention in the early 21st century答案与解析D细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“With an evergrowing population, more attention was paid to the development of mass transit systems, such as the light rail and the subway, in California in the early 21st century.”可知,21世纪初期轻轨获得了较多的关注。4Which of the following events took place in the 1980s?a. A network of light rail lines ran through the city.b. A San Diego trolley system was first built.c. A San Diego trolley was extended.d. A subway system in Los Angeles began to be built.A. ab B. acC. cd D. bd答案与解析C细节理解题。根据第二段第四、五句“A San Diego trolley system . was extended in the late 1980s. Work on a subway system in Los Angeles began in the early 1980s.”可知,c、d两项都发生在20世纪80年代。BVisiting the Statue of Liberty National Monument (纪念馆) and Ellis Island can be a rich and worthwhile experience for anyone interested in US history in general.General FactsOpened on January 1, 1892, Ellis Island became the nations most important federal immigration station, and was in operation until 1954. 12 million immigrants, travelling by steamship, came to the station to enter the United States. The main building was rebuilt after 30 years of being no longer used, and opened as a museum on September 10, 1990.For TeachersMany school groups are weled to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island every day. In order to preserve and protect the site and guarantee visitor safety, we ask that the following rules and regulations be obeyed during your visit. There must be one teacher or adult to acpany for every ten students. Food and drink may not be consumed anywhere within the statue and only in chosen areas in the Ellis Island Immigration Museum.For KidsThis selfguided program gives children the opportunity to learn about Ellis Island and the nations heritage (遗产) and bee Junior Park Rangers (管理员). The activity booklet (小册子) will take children through the historic immigration station, where they learn the importance of protecting and preserving this national monument. The booklet takes about one hour to plete and is available free at the Information Desk. Then the new Junior Park Rangers can ask Park Rangers how they can help preserve Americas heritage.Getting ThereTo get to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, you can take a ferry from Battery Park in Lower Manhattan. Purchase roundtrip ferry tickets at Castle Clinton National Monument in Battery Park.Operating Hours and SeasonsCurrent Hours: 9:30 am. to 5:15 pm. Hours are adjusted seasonally. The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island are open daily except December 25.FeesEntrance Fees: noneThe Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Ferry Fees$4.50 children 412$11.5 ages 13$9.50 seniors 62 and over语篇解读本文是应用文。文章是一则旅游指南。5What can we learn about the Ellis Island Immigration Museum?A. It is open all year round.B. It allows students to enter alone.C. It has been used as a museum since 1954.D. It provides chosen areas for visitors to eat.答案与解析D细节理解题。根据For Teachers部分的“Food and drink may not be consumed . only in chosen areas in the Ellis Island Immigration Museum”可知。6If Mrs. White (35) takes two children under 12 to visit Ellis Island, how much will their roundtrip ferry tickets cost?A. $13.50. B. $20.50.C. $32.50. D. $41.00.答案与解析D细节理解题。根据Fees部分的内容可知,4至12岁儿童渡船费是每人4.5美元,13岁至61岁的渡船费是每人11.5美元,62岁以上的老人是每人9.5美元。故可知怀特太太带两个12岁以下的孩子去参观,一趟渡船费用为20.5美元,往返渡船费用为41美元。7This text probably es from _.A. a news report B. a travel guideC. a history paper D. a geography textbook答案与解析B文章出处题。根据文章首段的“Visiting the Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island .”以及“Getting There, Operating Hours and Seasons, Fees”等部分的信息可知,本文可能选自旅游指南。CI remember a day when I was a little kid. I was making a sandwich in the kitchen when I noticed the date on one of the wine bottles.“Dad, dad!” I cried. “This wine is too old to drink.”“Son, hold on,” he said.“No, you cant drink this tonight! This bottle of wine was made 10 years ago.”“Wait, let me tell you .”“Would you like me to throw it away for you?” I asked.“Son, wait a second,” he said. “Son, some wines get better over time. The longer you wait to drink it, the better it will be. Although this may seem strange, it is true.”When I was young, I didnt have any understanding of what this meant, but now, this would have been very helpful to remember as I went through my teenage years.In our society, we forget this simple rule: The longer you want for certain things, the better they will be. But we want the best job as quickly as possible; we want to graduate from college in as few years as possible; we even speed through our homework just to chat with friends. When we do this, we lose something of great importance.We all want to get to the next step so quickly that perhaps we dont get ready enough to get there. This has a negative effect on our society. When trying to go to the right college, we will do anything to get in and when we rush through our classwork, we may not study enough for the test, and end up failing. We need to be ready for whatever es, ready for the unexpected. Wine gets better over time, so do the things in our paths of life.语篇解读本文是夹叙夹议文。一瓶好酒需要多年的窖藏,作者在多年后终于明白了其中蕴含的哲理。人生也是一样,过于急功近利往往达不到所要的结果,有所准备并经过慢慢积淀后成功往往会不期而至。8Why did the author tell his father not to drink the bottle of wine?A. Because it smelt terrible.B. Because it was mixed with something else.C. Because his father drank too much that night.D. Because it had been kept for years.答案与解析D细节理解题。由文中“我”和父亲的对话可知这瓶酒已酿造十年,酒是陈的香,故本题选D项。9What the authors father said _.A. made the author puzzled when he was a little childB. was too simple a rule to be meaningful to the authorC. threw the author into deep thought thenD. was an excuse to drink the wine答案与解析A细节理解题。由“我”与父亲的对话及倒数第三段可知,小时候的“我”并不理解父亲所说的话。10In the authors opinion, if we do things too quickly, we will _.A. do it betterB. save much timeC. graduate from college more quicklyD. miss something useful to us in life答案与解析D细节理解题。由倒数第二段最后一句可知,如果我们做事太急于求成,我们会错过人生中一些重要的东西。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Tips for Healthy TripsTaking a few health precautions (预防措施) when travelling could keep you from taking an unwanted trip to the doctor. Thats the advice from experts who say travelers can be at particular risk for a number of health problems. Try these tips:Plan to stay healthyIf you will be travelling outside your country, talk with a travel medicine specialist before hitting the road. _11_ Ask about health conditions and disease outbreaks in the country you plan to visit and find out if any vaccinations are required before you travel._12_Time spent on a plane or in the car can cause your eyes to feel unfortable, as can travelling between climates. Symptoms such as burning eyes due to dry eye are not only unfortable, they can also affect sight and damage eye tissue if left untreated. _13_Pack your pillsIf you are taking some medicine, be sure to take enough with you to cover a long trip. _14_ If you are driving or flying, be sure to keep the medicine in a place that gives you easy access.Drink upTravelers often bee dehydrated (脱水的) because they simply forget to drink water. _15_ If you are travelling with your family, be sure kids drink enough water as well. Early warning signs of dehydration include headache, sickness and tiredness. Remember, it may seem impossible but you can be dehydrated and not feel thirsty.So, its important to consider your health needs before travelling.A. Watch your eyesB. Wash hands oftenC. Get plenty of rest and take some time to relax.D. So its better to pack eye drops when you travel.E. Doctors generally remend bringing an extra weeks worth.F. Pack a few extra bottles in your bag and drink every half hour or so.G. Some governments also provide health information for people travelling abroad.答案11.G12.A13.D14.E15.F第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Beth was sitting in an airport hall, waiting to board a plane. As she waited, she pulled out a magazine and started _16_. Suddenly she saw a stewardess _17_ a wheelchair, with an ugly old man sitting in it. He had long white hair that was such a _18_. His face was really, really wrinkled, and he didnt look friendly _19_. At that moment, Beth didnt know why, _20_ she felt drawn to the man. For no _21_ she wanted to brush this old mans hair.She went to the old man, and said, “Sir, may I have the _22_ of brushing your hair for you?”He said, “What?”She thought, “Maybe he has difficulty in _23_.” Again, a little louder, she _24_ the question.The old man just looked at her _25_, and said, “Well, I guess if you really want to.”Beth got a brush and started brushing his hair. She _26_ for a long time. Just as she was _27_, she heard the old man crying. She looked directly into his eyes, _28_, and asked, “Sir, whats the matter?”He answered, “I have been in the hospital far from my home for almost two months to have a special _29_. My wife couldnt e because she is so weak herself.”He _30_, “I was so worried about how terrible my hair looked, and I didnt want her to see me _31_ like that, but I couldnt brush my hair, all by myself.”As he _32_ Beth for brushing his hair, tears were flowing down his face.Beth was so moved that she _33_. As they were all boarding the plane, the stewardess, who was _34_ crying, stopped her, and asked, “_35_ did you do that?”“Because love brings me inner contentment,” answered Beth.16A. resting B. writingC. reading D. sleeping17A. pushing B. bringingC. showing D. catching18A. fashion B. shameC. gift D. mess19A. as least B. as usualC. at all D. at once20A. but B. soC. or D. until21A. excuse B. reasonC. time D. consideration22A. right B. dutyC. courage D. honor23A. seeing B. hearingC. thinking D. speaking24A. analyzed B. discussedC. answered D. repeated25A. excited B. satisfiedC. confused D. frightened26A. worked B. conductedC. wiped D. plained27A. speeding up B. finishing upC. cheering up D. turning up28A. happily B. fortablyC. deliberately D. softly29A. flight B. taskC. operation D. interview30A. added B. askedC. replied D. shouted31A. behaving B. sittingC. talking D. looking32A. praised B. thankedC. awarded D. acpanied33A. left B. stoppedC. cried D. followed34A. also B. stillC. just D. seldom35A. Why B. WhereC. How D. When答案与解析语篇解读Beth在机场候机时,看到一位老先生头发凌乱,神情沮丧,她走到老先生面前为他梳理头发。这一举动深深地感动了老先生。同时,老先生与妻子的故事也同样感动了Beth。爱,会让一个人的内心获得满足和幸福。16C由上文可知,Beth在机场候机,所以这里应该是指她拿出杂志读(reading)来打发时间。17A由全文语境可知,这位老先生刚出院,身体虚弱,所以他坐着轮椅,由一名空姐推着(pushing)。18D由下文Beth为这位老先生梳头,及倒数第四段how terrible my hair looked可知,这位老先生头发很乱(mess)。19C由上文Beth对这位老先生的第一印象ugly及本句中的wrinkled可推测,Beth觉得老先生看起来一点也不(not . at all)友善。20A“Beth被老先生吸引了”与之前老先生给她的印象构成转折关系,故选but。21B根据上文Beth didnt know why可知,毫无缘由地(For no reason),她想给老先生梳头。22DBeth主动走上前要帮助老先生梳头,故May I have the honor of doing .(我能有幸)结构符合此处语境。23B从下文Beth更大声地问同一个问题可以推知,Beth以为老先生听力(hearing)有问题。24D根据Again可以推知,Beth重复了(repeated)前面的问题。25C突然有人主动提出要为自己梳头,老先生自然很困惑(confused)。26ABeth为老先生梳头梳了很长时间,此处用worked表示梳头这一“工作”。27B由上文for a long time可推测,Beth已经为老先生梳头梳了很长时间,所以这里指就在她要梳完的时候,老先生哭了起来。故finish up(结束;完成)符合语境。28D由全文不难得知,Beth对这位老先生很好,故此处温柔地(softly)看着老先生的眼睛,符合全文语境。29C由老先生坐着轮椅,且在医院里待了将近两个月的事实可推测,他做了一个特殊的手术(operation)。30A本空后引号里的内容是老先生接着上文所说的话,故added(继续说)符合语境。31D由上半句老先生说自己担心头发看起来很糟糕可知,他不想让妻子看到自己看起来(looking)头发乱糟糟的。32B当老先生谢谢(thanked) Beth为他梳头时,他泪流满面。33C见下一题解析。34A听完老先生的话,Beth感动得哭了(cried),那位空姐也(also)哭了起来。35A根据下文Beth的回答可知,空姐问Beth她为什么(Why)那么做。第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Jenny: Your country, America, is such a large country. Im sure it has a wide _36_(diverse) of landscape and climate, just like my country of China.Frank: Thats true. There are a great _37_ wideopen prairies, tall mountains, warm beaches, ice and snow, desert landscapes, and swamps.Jenny: So the people _38_(live) in different areas have quite different landscapes.Frank: Yes, and the climate varies greatly, too. The climate in northern Alaska is very different pared to _39_ in Florida, Texas, New York, California, or Hawaii.Jenny: So anyone traveling to America should first check _40_ areas they will visit _41_ they decide what clothes to bring.Frank: _42_(exact) right.Jenny: Does the average yearly rainfall of different states vary, too?Frank: Yes, the average yearly rainfall, days of sunshine, temperature and other statistics all vary widely, depending on the area of the country.Jenny: _43_(apparent), its not easy for people from the south or west in America to get used _44_ the climate if they move to the north or east.Frank: Yes, it takes time for them to make _45_ life in a new place of different climate.答案与解析36diversity根据“a wide _”结构,可知空格处应填名词diversity“多样化”。37many根据固定短语a great many“许多”及空格后的可数名词复数可知该空填many。38living所给词在句中为非谓语动词作定语,且live与其逻辑主语people为主动关系,故用其现在分词形式作后置定语。39that根据句意“北阿拉斯加的气候与佛罗里达的气候相比截然不同”,可知该空应填that,指代名词the climate。40whatwhat引导宾语从句且在从句作定语修饰climate areas。41beforebefore“在之前”,引导时间状语从句。42Exactly所给词在句中作状语修饰形容词right,应用副词形式Exactly“的确”。43Apparently所给词在句中作状语,修饰全句,应用apparent的副词形式,故填Apparently“显而易见地”。44to根据固定短语get used to“习惯于”可知该空填介词 to。45a根据固定短语make a life“习惯于新的生活方式”可知该空填冠词a。第三部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(每小题1分,满分10分)英语课上,老师要求同桌同学相互修改作文。假设以下短文为你同桌所写,请你对其进行修改。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。3必须按答题要求做题,否则不给分。Yesterday I read an article about a eating petition to be holding next month. Id like to have a try. Im always hungry, and Im a bigger eater. Sometimes I eat more than I want to, just to amaze my friends. Last week, I tell my friend Jeff I was so hungry that I could eat a whole large pizzas. Jeff said that was possible. I said, “If you buy it, Ill eat it.” And I did! However, the harmful effects of overeating make I a little bit nervous. I never know what overeating can cause holes in ones stomach. So petitive eating might be my sport, and I think Ill check with my doctor before I sign up pete.Yesterday I read an article about eating petition to be next month. Id like to have a try. Im always hungry, and Im a eater. Sometimes I eat more than I want to, just to amaze my friends. Last week, I my friend Jeff I was so hungry that I could eat a whole large . Jeff said that was I said, “If you buy it, Ill eat it.” And I did! However, the harmful effects of overeating make a little bit nervous. I never know overeating can cause holes in ones stomach. So petitive eating might be my sport, I think Ill check with my doctor before I sign up pete.第二节书面表达(满分25分)近年微博(microblog)在中国越来越流行。假设你是校报记者,请根据下列提示为校报写一篇介绍微博的英语短文,词数120左右。内容要点如下: 1. 方便交流,分享心情,释放压力; 2. 泄漏隐私,浪费时间; 3. 个人观点或建议。范文Microblog has bee more and more popular in China and part of our life. It is very convenient for people to express their feeling instantly at any time. Besides, it provides a chance for people to release their inner stress. By showing their heartfelt emotions on the microblog, their friends may also know about their condition and can offer timely response. However, microblog can also be potentially dangerous as it may give away peoples privacy and other significant information. And sometimes it is a total waste of time. In my opinion, microblog provides us with some concerns as well as emotional fort and large quantities of information, so we should be careful while using it.

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