2019-2020年高考英语总复习 题组层级快练(二十二)外研版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语总复习 题组层级快练(二十二)外研版必修4.完形填空Many years ago, when I was in high school and working on a weekend to pay for the schooling, I lost my wallet. Because my old car _1_ refuelling, I paid the gas bill and then put my wallet on the bumper(保险杠), and _2_. I didnt realize it _3_ my phone rang and a man asked me if I had lost my wallet. I _4_ and found it was lost. He asked me to tell him how many _5_ were in it, and I told him. He then told me where to _6_ my wallet.As I pulled in to his _7_, I noticed his handicapped vehicle and the ramp (坡道) going up _8_ the house. I was thinking that this man couldnt easily get out of his _9_ and pick up my wallet. He had to pull over, get in his _10_, and then pick it up. I was just _11_.I knocked on the door and was allowed in. I thanked him sincerely for finding my wallet. While I didnt want to insult him by _12_ money, I really felt like giving something. So I asked him if there was anything I could do to repay his _13_, and he said, “Just pass it on.” I was raised to be honest _14_ so I wholeheartedly promised I would.Well, one cannot find many wallets and about 10 years later I found _15_. It took me several days to _16_ the young man to whom the wallet _17_. He lived in another state, about 60 miles away, from _18_ I found the lost wallet. I _19_ to go through his wallet, but I finally _20_ him through a stub (票根) in it. When he called me back, we agreed to meet, so I could return his wallet.1. A. required B. finishedC. missed D. escaped2. A. set out B. drove offC. pulled in D. pulled over3. A. when B. unlessC. until D. after4. A. came B. checkedC. wished D. decided5. A. papers B. dollarsC. orders D. books6. A. pick up B. put upC. send up D. stand up7. A. home B. drivewayC. sight D. direction8. A. down B. toC. over D. off9. A. house B. seatC. vehicle D. way10. A. wheelchair B. positionC. condition D. convenience11. A. astonished B. confusedC. annoyed D. concerned12. A. asking B. searchingC. offering D. examining13. A. kindness B. generosityC. courage D. politeness14. A. anyway B. somewhatC. however D. instead15. A. it B. thatC. one D. another16. A. track down B. pass downC. bring down D. get down17. A. belonged B. cameC. referred D. went18. A. which B. whereC. what D. when19. A. forgot B. admittedC. avoided D. hated20. A. saw B. followedC. located D. thought答案与解析【文章大意】 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了爱的传递,文中的残疾人不求回报,而是让爱心传递下去的故事令人感动。1. 答案 A解析 考查动词。下文的I paid the gas bill说明作者的汽车需要加油。故选A项。require相当于need或want,其后可以跟动名词,相当于require to be done“需要被做”。2. 答案 B解析 考查动词短语。下文提到作者接到电话,有人问作者他的钱包是否丢了,这说明作者加完油就驱车离开了加油站。drive off“驱车离去”。3. 答案 C解析 考查固定句式。此处是not . until句式。此处表示直到作者的电话响了,有人问作者,作者才意识到他丢了钱包。4. 答案 B解析 考查动词。结合语境和常识可知,有人问作者是否丢了钱包,作者自然应该是去查看自己的钱包是否丢了。check“核实;查看”。5. 答案 B解析 考查名词。钱包里最有可能装的是钱,故选B项。6. 答案 A解析 考查动词短语。下文表明作者去取回自己的钱包,故选A项。pick up在本句中表示“取回”。7. 答案 B解析 考查名词。由下文的I noticed his handicapped vehicle并结合选项可知,作者应该是停在了这位好心人的私家车道(driveway)上。8. 答案 B解析 考查介词。由语境可知这条坡道应该是直通这位好心人的住房。9. 答案 C解析 考查名词。由上文中的his handicapped vehicle可知此处选C项。此处表示从车中下来。10. 答案 A解析 考查名词。上文的his handicapped vehicle暗示着好心人要停下车,坐上轮椅,再去捡钱包。11. 答案 A解析 考查形容词。联系上下文可知,看到这种状况,作者应该是感到很吃惊。12. 答案 C解析 考查动词。此处表示作者不想通过给钱的方式侮辱捡到钱包的好心人,offer表示“主动提出;自愿给予”。13. 答案 A解析 考查名词。这位残疾人把钱包归还给作者,作者想回报他的善意。14. 答案 A解析 考查副词。无论如何,作者从小受的教育就是诚实做人,所以作者由衷地承诺他会做到。anyway意为“无论如何”。15. 答案 C解析 考查代词。联系上文的one cannot find many wallets和下文作者归还钱包可知,作者在大约10年后捡到一个钱包。16. 答案 A解析 考查动词短语。作者花费几天的时间才找到钱包的主人,track down意为“追查到;搜寻到”。17. 答案 A解析 考查动词。钱包属于一位年轻的男士。belong to意为“属于”。18. 答案 B解析 考查连词。该句中的from where引导定语从句,先行词是上文中的another state,此处表示在离那个州大约60英里的地方我发现了这个丢失的钱包。19. 答案 D解析 考查动词。依据句中but后的内容可知,作者不愿意翻动他的钱包。hate“不愿;不想”,符合题意。20. 答案 C解析 考查动词。作者终于找到了钱包的主人,说明他根据票根锁定了这个钱包的主人。locate表示“确定的准确地点”。.阅读理解A formerly homeless Utah man has used his insight to create and build “survival pods”, or mini-shelters, to be offered to people who currently have nowhere to live. “I believe a person needs the dignity of something they can call their own, even if its only this,” Gary Pickering, a retired auto body shop owner in Pleasant Grove, told TV news station KSL.Pickering, 73, was technically homeless for three years following a divorce in the late 1980s, when he lived in his shop. “I lost my home after I signed everything over to my wife and seven children,” he said. “But I had a roof over my head.” Because his shop was in an industrial area, he got to know many of the homeless men who lived in broken-down cars. He met a homeless man, who explained that homeless men didnt go to shelters because of reasons ranging from “They steal my shoes” to “They wont let me bring my dog”.Pickering, in xx, long after hed gotten back on his feet, saw a homeless man while driving through the nearby town of Provo. He went home and constructed a 2-foot-wide, 6-foot-long “cocoon”, mainly out of plywood. “But when I went to look for the man to give it to him, I couldnt find him,” he recalled. Piekering became crazy about ing up with the perfect temporary shelter. And after years of trial and error, he believes hes finally perfected the “survival pod”.Pickering has constructed five pods, personally funding them at the cost of about $500 a piece. “I didnt do this as a business, and I dont want a business. I want to inspire other people,” Picketing told KSL, explaining that hes created how-to DVDs and photos to show folks with the money and the desire to build the structures for people who need them.1. We can learn from the first paragraph that Pickering _.A. isnt confident in himself at allB. has no house of his own to live inC. used to be a homeless personD. is good at designing new buildings2. What happened to Pickering in the late 1980s?A. He started his business successfully.B. He was left alone by his wife and children.C. He happened to know a lot of close friends.D. He bought a new house with all his money.3. Homeless men didnt live in the shelter probably because _.A. they thought there was a lot of trouble in the shelterB. they didnt like raising the dog at allC. they would like to live in a better houseD. they couldnt afford to buy a house4. According to the underlined phrase “trial and error” (in Paragraph 3), the writer means Pickering _.A. is an active person in societyB. has made a lot of mistakesC. has constructed several podsD. has tried to perfect the temporary shelter5. Whats Piekerings purpose of building “survival pods”?A. To help all the homeless people.B. To inspire other people to offer help.C. To make as much money as he can.D. To create modern how-to DVDs and photos.答案与解析【文章大意】 本文是记叙文。主人公Pickering曾经是无家可归的人,所以他能体会这种人的感受。当他有能力帮助那些无家可归的人的时候,他就为他们建造了一种被称作survival pods的房子。1. 答案 C解析 细节理解题。根据第一段开头的A formerly homeless Utah man可知,他过去是一个无家可归的人。故选C项。2. 答案 B解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的Pickering, 73, was technically homeless for three years following a divorce和I lost my home after I signed everything over to my wife and seven children可知,他离婚了,妻子和孩子离开了他。故选B项。3. 答案 A解析 推理判断题。根据第二段中的homeless men didnt go to shelters because of reasons ranging from “They steal my shoes” to “They wont let me bring my dog”可推知,他们认为那个地方存在太多的麻烦。故选A项。4. 答案 D解析 推理判断题。根据该短语后面的he believes hes finally perfected the “survival pod”可以推知,他尽力完善暂时的住处。故选D项。5. 答案 B解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的I didnt do this as a business, and I dont want a business. I want to inspire other people可以推知,他的目的是激发其他人去帮助那些无家可归的人。.七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。M: Hello, Li Hua. _1_W: Oh, Jack! I went to study in England after graduation. During this year, I also spared some time to travel to France and Ireland.M: _2_ What do you think of these countries?W: _3_ They are all very beautiful. And the people are very nice. But although I have stayed in England for a year, I dont like the food there.M: _4_W: Usually, they have fried eggs, bread, coffee and fruit for breakfast. But they often eat a quick lunch of only sandwiches and coffee and have their dinner of beef or fish with vegetables.M: _5_W: Yes. But I bet you will love French food, just like I do. You have no idea how delicious the chocolate and ice cream are.M: Really? But Im not into sweet food.A. I have to say I love them all.B. Which country would you like to go to?C. Where have you been this year?D. Do you love French food?E. That must be a wonderful experience.F. What do British people often eat?G. Sounds not as attractive as Chinese food.答案 1-5 CEAFG.语法填空High School Attached to Beijing Normal UniversityFounded in 1901, High School Attached to Beijing Normal University is one of the oldest public secondary schools in China. This school has _1_(advance)ideas of education. Besides, this school has _2_(possess) modern facilities and excellent learning environment. I believe you do like her whenever you e here. Students will receive the best _3_(educate)here, and build a solid foundation for future development and for _4_ admitted to the ideal university as well.Even during the early days of the school, it was _5_(close)related to educational development in China. Since the foundation of the school 100 years ago, it has cultivated a large number of excellent _6_(graduate).The former leaders and staff of our school, both of home and abroad, have made unique _7_(contribute) to every success achieved by the school. In continuing this tradition, all the present teaching staff, _8_ the leadership of the principal, is working diligently and _9_(creat) for a better future. _10_a result of the great efforts they have made, the school is sure to contribute more to the basic educational undertakings.答案与解析【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要向我们介绍了北京师范大学附属中学的一些情况,如建校时间,学校的教学理念以及现代化的教学设施等内容。1. advanced 考查形容词。根据空格后面的语境ideas可以得知,此处需要用形容词形式advanced作定语表示“高级的;先进的”之意。2. possessed 考查动词。根据空格前面语境has可以得知,此处需要用过去分词形式possessed与has构成现在完成时。3. education 考查名词。根据空格前面的语境the best可以得知,此处需要用educate的名词形式education表示“教育”,即“学生们在这里将会得到最好的教育”。4. being 考查动词。根据空格后面语境admitted to .以及空格前面的语境for可以得知,此处答案为being, being admitted to .作介词for的宾语。5. closely 考查副词。根据空格后面语境related to .可以得知,此处表示“紧密联系”,故用close的副词closely表示“紧密地”。6. graduates 考查词性转换。根据空格前面语境excellent可以得知,此处需要用名词形式, graduate用作动词时表示“毕业”,转换为名词时表示“毕业生”。7. contributions 考查名词。根据空格前面的made unique可以得知,此处需要用contribute的名词形式contributions作made的宾语表示“做出独特的贡献”。8. under 考查介词。根据空格后面语境the leadership .可以得知,此处考查under the leadership of .的固定搭配,表示“在的领导下”之意。9. creatively 考查副词。根据空格前面语境中的副词diligently“勤奋地”可以推知,此处答案为create的副词形式creatively表示“创造性地;有创造力地”,修饰动词is working。10. as 考查介词。根据空格后面语境a result of .可以得知,此处考查as a result of .表示“因为”之意的用法。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处;每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。It is well known that good habits do us good in our life. Entered high school, I took delight in having fast food and often eat too much. In the end, I was so serious overweight that I suffered a lot from my awkward appearance. It made matters worse was the fact that my classmates made a fun of me at times. From now on, I made up my mind to avoiding snacks. In the meanwhile, I took off jogging to lose weight. To my surprise, it was not long until I did succeed in creating my new appearance. Only then I start to appreciate the importance of developing a good habit.答案与解析It is well known that good habits do us good in our life. Entered high school, I Enteringtook delight in having fast food and often eat too much. In the end, I was so serious ate seriouslyoverweight that I suffered a lot from my awkward appearance. It made matters worse Whatwas the fact that my classmates made a fun of me at times. From now on, I made up thenmy mind to avoiding snacks. In the meanwhile, I took off jogging to lose weight. To avoid upmy surprise, it was not long until I did succeed in creating my new appearance. Only beforethen I start to appreciate the importance of developing a good habit.did第1处:Entered改为Entering。句首用现在分词作时间状语,相当于When I entered high school。第2处:eat改为ate。根据句意该句用一般过去时。第3处:serious改为seriously。overweight在句中作形容词,意为“超重的“,其前用副词修饰。第4处:It改为What。what引导主语从句,在从句中作主语。第5处:去掉fun前的a。fun为不可数名词,其前不用冠词a。第6处:now改为then。from then on表示“从那时起”。第7处:avoiding改为avoid。make up ones mind to do sth.表示“下定决心做某事”。第8处:off改为up。take up“开始做;从事”,而take off则意为“脱掉,(飞机)起飞”。第9处:until改为before。It was not long before .为一固定句型,“没过多久就”。第10处:在I前加did。“only+副词、介词短语、状语从句”位于句首时,句子用倒装结构。

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