2019-2020年高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业26 Art 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业26 Art 新人教版.阅读理解It all started on a Friday morning at the office. Our pany was under pressure dealing with unexpected changes in our new business plan. So to regain some clear thoughts, I decided to spend my lunch hour at gym. Luckily, during the workout, my mind did quiet down as I just allowed myself to focus on my exercise, and so on, gained some peace.Soon afterwards though, the reality of our challenging working world returned to my awareness. My earlier anxietyfilled thoughts returned and again my mind was flooded with all new challenges! Seeking some additional fort before heading back to the office, I said a silent prayer while seated on the locker room bench. Soon I felt refreshed.Then as I rose to leave, I heard a low voice calling out “Help me.help me.”At first, I saw no one. But then, I noticed, at one corner of the room, a man had collapsed behind a bench. I quickly went over to him to offer assistance. Upon arrival, I took hold of his hand and brought him back up, and along with the help of another gym member, we righted his bench and sat him down on it. He thanked us both a lot.Later that afternoon, as my mind began to further clear, a buried vision was brought sharply back into focus! That man I had called out earlier! Once the fog had lifted on that veiled memory I could now recall: When I first entered the locker room there had had been his voice calling out. But I did not “see him” as I was too caught up in my own personal affair. I was not until I had cleared my mind and returned to the present moment that I finally heard his cry for help!1The author went to the gym mainly to _.Ahelp someone in needBpray for his panyCget himself refreshed Dstrengthen his body2The moment the author heard a low voice calling for help, he _.Astood up immediatelyBwent to the corner quicklyCasked a gym member to helpDlooked about the room at first3What does the underlined word “collapsed” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?AFolded. BBent.CFallen. DHidden.4Thoughts focused on our own concerns can _.Amake ourselves refreshed soonBhelp those who help themselvesChelp us gain some inner peaceDsometimes blind us to others needs答案与解析1C细节理解题。从第一段第三句 So to regain some clear thoughts, I decided to spend my lunch hour at gym. 可知C项正确。2D细节理解题。从第四段第一句 At first, I saw no one. 可知D项正确。3C词义猜测题。从画线后的 Upon arrival, I took hold of his hand and brought him back up.可知C项正确。4D推理判断题。从最后一段内容可知D项正确。.完形填空One day I was shopping in a small town in southern California. It was my _1_ to be approached by a clerk whose personality clashed (冲突) with mine. He seemed most _2_ and not at all concerned about my intended purchase. I bought _3_, and marched angrily out of the store. My _4_ toward that clerk and the entire establishment increased with each step.On the outside, standing by the parking lot, was a darkskinned young man in his early twenties. His _5_ brown eyes met and held mine, and in the next instant a beautiful, broad smile _6_ his face. My attention was immediately arrested. The _7_ power of that smile removed all _8_ within me, and I found the muscles in my own face _9_ responding. “Beautiful day, isnt it?” I remarked when passing. Then, obeying an impulse (冲动), I _10_. “I really owe you a debt of gratitude,” I said softly.His smile deepened, _11_ he made no attempt to answer. A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby. The woman _12_ and eyed me inquiringly. “Carlo, he cant speak English,” she _13_. “Do you want me to tell him something?”At that moment I felt _14_. Carlos smile had made a big person of me. My friendliness and good _15_ toward all mankind stood ten feet tall. “Yes,” my reply was enthusiastic and sincere, “Tell him what I said, Thank you!” “Thank you?” the woman seemed slightly _16_.I gave her arm a friendly pat _17_ I turned to leave. “Just tell him that,” I insisted. “Hell understand. I am sure!”Oh, what a smile can _18_! Although I have never seen that young man again, I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning. _19_, I smile consciously, and I practice the _20_ diligently, anywhere and everywhere, with everybody.1A.misfortune Bluck Copportunity Dburden2A.helpful Bhardworking Cuncertain Dunfriendly3A.something Bnothing Ceverything Danything4A.attitude Bwalk Capproach Danger5A.blank Bpainful Cexpressive Dcritical6A.covered Btwisted Cspread Dwiped7A.magic Bshocking Cevil Ddragging8A.happiness Bexcitement Cbitterness Dsorrow9A.unwillingly Bhappily Cmerely Dslightly10A.turned back Blooked ahead Ccut in Dwent away11A.and Bfor Cbut Dso12A.showed off Bstepped forward Cmarched on Dpassed by13A.hesitated Bvolunteered Cresponded Dbegged14A.ignored Binvolved Ctransformed Dahsorbed15A.power Bmind Cfortune Dwill16A.frightened Bfrustrated Cdiscouraged Dconfused17A.while Bas Csince Dafter18A.operate Brun Cdo Dattract19A.From that day on BAfter a while CEvery now and then DFor a moment20A.kindness Bart Cwork Dstress答案与解析微笑的力量是神奇的。作者心中积聚的愤怒、痛苦竟被一个陌生人的微笑瞬间化解了。1A根据下文的“whose personality clashed(冲突)with mine”可知,此处表示与这样一个店员接触是“我”的不幸(misfortune)。burden “负担”。2D根据后面的“and not at all concerned about my intended purchase”可知,该店员不友好(unfriendly)。3B结合下文作者生气地走出商店可知,作者什么也没买,因此选B项。4D根据3空后面的 angrily 可知,此处应用 anger。5C根据下文这个年轻人对作者微笑,并引起了作者的注意可知,他的眼睛是富有表情的(expressive)。6A此处表示年轻人满脸笑容,所以用 covered。cover “覆盖”; twist “扭曲”; spread “散布”; wipe “擦,拭”。7A因为年轻人的微笑完全消除了作者的痛苦,所以此处应表示“微笑的神奇(magic)力量”。8C参见上题解析。bitterness “痛苦”。注意:sorrow 表示“悲伤,悲痛”。9B作者的情绪发生变化之后,脸上的肌肉应是作出高兴的反应。happily “高兴地”,符合语境。10A作者在经过年轻人时说了句“天气不错,不是吗?”,接着又折回来对年轻人说了表示感激的话,所以选A项。turn back “掉转头,折回”,符合语境。11C分析前后两个分句可知,此处构成转折关系,所以选C项。12B根据下文该女子想帮忙,问作者是不是需要她做翻译可知,此处应表示她走向前(stepped forward)。13B该女子自愿为作者做翻译,所以选B项。14C根据下文的“Carlos smile had made a big person of me”可知,作者感觉被改变(transformed)了。15D根据“friendliness and good”可知,此处应指好的意愿(will)。16D根据前面的“Thank you?”可知,该女子有点儿困惑(confused)。frustrated “挫败的”。17B当“我”转身要离开的时候,“我”友好地拍了一下她的手臂。as 在此处表示“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句。注意:while 引导时间状语从句时,从句谓语动词必须是延续性动词。18C此处为一个微笑能做到的事情感到惊叹,所以用 do。19A从那天起(from that day on),作者也有意识地微笑。20B微笑应是一门艺术,因此选B项。.语法填空Alan:Hello! How are you today?Carol:Hi. I am_1_ (feel) very nervous. I just had _2_ test and Im not sure how well I did.Alan:Its no use _3_(worry) about it now. Youve done the test _4_ you cant change any of your answers.Carol:Thats true. I really should go home and prepare _5_ the next test, but Im feeling tired.Alan:Lets _6_ (go) for some coffee together. That will help you to wake up again!Carol:OK. I feel like sitting down and having a chat. _7_ have you been recently?Alan:Oh, you know me. Im always happy! If I think Im getting into a bad mood, I will call some friends and have a chat.Carol:Thats a good idea. I usually just sit at home _8_ and get increasingly moody(郁郁寡欢的)Alan:I hate spending too much time at home. I get _9_ (bore) of it really quickly. Im always excited about going out to parties or other social events and meeting people.Carol:Perhaps Im being too shy. I should go out more too and not spend time _10_ (worry) about tests!答案与解析Carol 感觉在考试前非常紧张,认为自己很可能考不理想。于是Alan 给了他一些建议,让他去一起喝咖啡放松放松心情,找朋友聊天缓解自己的紧张情绪。1feeling从语境可以判断说话人是说当时的心情,用现在进行时,填feeling。2atest 是可数名词,此处指一次考试,所以在test 前加a。3worrying固定句型:It is no use doing sth. “做某事没用”,填worrying。4and从前后两句话的内容可知此处是表示顺承关系,填连词and。5for固定短语:prepare for “为做准备”,填for。6goLets后跟动词原形。7How根据答语中Im always happy! 可以判断说话人问对方的心情怎样,填How。8alone从语境可知对方建议他邀请朋友一起聊天,所以此处他是说自己一个人的时候会感到郁郁寡欢,填alone。9bored固定短语:get bored of “对感到厌倦”,填bored。10worryingspend time doing sth.花时间做某事。.短文改错One cold evening during the holiday season, a little boy about six or seven was standing out in the front of a store window. The little child has no shoes and his clothes were just rags. A young woman passes by saw the little boy and could read the desire in his pale blue eyes. She took the child by the hand and led him into the store. There she bought her some new shoes and a plete suit of warmly clothing. They came back outside into the street, so the woman told the child to e home and have a happy holiday. The little boy looked her and asked how she was God. She smiled and replied that she was just one of his child.答案


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