2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 语法精讲系列 讲座一 构词法对点训练.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 语法精讲系列 讲座一 构词法对点训练一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1(xx安徽卷)Why not buy a secondhand car first if you dont have enough money for a new one?Thats a good_(suggest)2(xx浙江卷)The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others_(blind)3(xx湖北卷)What was so _ (impress) about Jasmine Westlands victory was that she came first in the marathon barefooted.4(xx湖北卷)Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said _(sharp),“Dont be so mean,” pointing a finger of warning at her.5(xx福建卷)With online shopping increasingly popular,the Internet is seen as a(n)_(efficiency)way of reaching target customers.6“That would be a very_(reason)thing to do in a big city,but it could destroy a small village like ours,”Nick said.7But such a small thing couldnt_(possible) destroy a village.8Anyone,whether he is an official or a bus driver,should be_(equal)respected.9My first_(impress)of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.10Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future_(refer)11(xx浙江名校联盟第一次联考)I cant tell you how much the precious painting is worth,but it is_(rough)assessed at $ 100 million.12(xx武汉武昌调研)Although she brushed the old pot_(thorough),she could not make it pletely clean,which made her very upset.13(xx杭州高考科目教学质检)The naughty boy entered the classroom_(caution),fearing that his teacher would blame him.14(xx浙江金丽衢十二校第二次联考)Basketball coaches waste no time in searching for_(promise) young players of great potential for better performances in the ing season.15(xx武汉高中毕业生调研)When she was in elementary school,Diana was_(enthusiasm) about being a police officer,but quit the ambition after learning that she wont be able to dye her hair or wear her favorite necklace and rings.16(xx湖北黄冈质检)Life is stressful,and plaining may be considered by many as an extension of being_(absolute) normal.17(xx浙江金丽衢十二校第二次联考)His confidence built up_(gradual)as he gained more and more experience in teaching.18The boy felt_(fort)with his new classmates so he seldom spoke.19I have no time to talk about such an_(important) matter.Its a waste of time.20The film which is on at the cinema this week is Fight for_(free)答案:1.suggestion解析:句意:如果你没有足够的钱买一辆新车,为什么不先买一辆二手车呢?这是一个很好的建议。故填suggestion。2blindly解析:句意:教育的目的就是教会年轻人独立思考,不盲从别人。blindly“盲目地”,修饰动词follow.3impressive解析:句意:关于贾斯敏韦斯特兰的胜利,令人印象深刻的是她在马拉松比赛中赤脚跑了第一名。所填词在句中做表语,故应填形容词形式;impressive“令人印象深刻的”。4sharply解析:句意:萨布里娜刚说完话,阿尔伯特就用手指指着她厉声说道:“不要太刻薄了。”空格处所填词修饰said,做状语,故填副词形式,sharply“严厉地,尖刻地”。5efficient解析:句意:随着网上购物越来越流行,因特网被认为是一种联系目标顾客的有效方式。所填词做定语修饰way,应用形容词,efficiency的形容词是efficient“有效的”。6reasonable解析:thing为名词,故用形容词修饰,且根据句意“那是一件非常合理的事情”只能用reasonable“合理的”,符合语境。7possibly解析:此处要用副词修饰后面的动词destroy,故用possibly表示“可能地”。8equally解析:此处用equally“平等地”来表示an official与a bus driver应该受到同等的尊敬,修饰动词respect。9impression解析:句意:他给我的第一印象是,他是一个善良、体贴的年轻人。“一个善良、体贴的年轻人”是留给别人的印象,因此填impression。10reference解析:记下电话号码是以备日后参考,for future reference是字典中的典型表达。11roughly 解析:句意:我没法告诉你这幅珍贵的画值多少钱,但是它大致可估价1亿美元。roughly“粗略地”。12thoroughly解析:句意:尽管她把这个旧罐子彻底清洗了,但还是没有把它完全洗干净,这让她很心烦。根据句意可知应用thoroughly,表示“彻底地”,修饰动词brush。13cautiously解析:句意:这个顽皮的男孩害怕老师会责备他,小心冀翼地走进了教室。cautiously“小心翼翼地”,符合句意。14promising解析:句意:为了下个赛季有更好的表现,篮球教练员们抓紧时间去寻找有巨大潜力的年轻球员。promising“有前途的,有希望的”。15enthusiastic解析:句意:戴安娜读小学的时候特别想当警官,但是当她知道当了警官后就不能染发,不能戴自己最喜爱的项链和戒指的时候她就放弃了这个梦想。后面说“quit the ambition”,因此这里表示当初她对此很热衷,用enthusiastic表示“热心的,极感兴趣的”。16absolutely 解析:句意:生活是有压力的,因此埋怨被很多人看作是一种情理之中的发泄。absolutely表示“绝对地,完全地”,是副词,修饰形容词normal。17gradually解析:句意:随着教学经验的不断增加,他的信心逐渐增强。gradually“逐渐地,渐渐地”,符合句意。18unfortable解析:从he seldom spoke可以看出,这个男孩感到不自在。19unimportant解析:从a waste of time可以看出,这是不重要的事情。20Freedom 解析:Fight for Freedom为自由而战。电影名称,所以大写。二、语篇填空(用所给单词的适当形式完成下列短文)A group of robbers dug their way into the basement of a bank in Paris and emptied almost 200 private 1._(safety)They entered the Credit Lyonnais branch using building 2._(equip) to dig holes and destroy walls on Saturday night.They tied up a 3._(secure) guard and spent the next nine hours robbing the bank.One 4._(investigate) described the 5._(rob) as a “6._(profession) job”. The robbers came in at about 22:00 on Saturday and left at 7:00 on Sunday.They entered through the basements of the 7._(neighbour) building, digging through a series of tunnels and making a hole into a wall of 80cm thick to get into the bank,which was having building works at the time.When they left,the robbers set the place on fire to 8._(move) any trace of evidence,switching on the antifire system and flooding the building.9._(fortune),the guard escaped 10._(harm)It is difficult to estimate the total value of what was stolen as only the banks clients (储户) know the content of their private safes.答案:1.safes2.equipment3.security4.investigator5robbery 6.professional7.neighbouring 8.remove9Fortunately10.unharmed


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