2019-2020年高考英语 语法知识汇总 第10章 非谓语动词二.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 语法知识汇总 第10章 非谓语动词二1.以不定式作宾语的词:(初中)三个希望两答应(hope,wish,want,agree,promise) 一个要求莫拒绝(demand,refuse) 设法学会做决定(manage,learn,decide) 不要假装在选择(pretend ,choose)想要干want, wish, hope, expect, seek, attempt, aim, claim, threaten,would like / love, desire, swear long, demand seem intend prefer promise早打算plan, prepare, mean, arrange manage同意否agree, undertake, offer, choose, refuse, afford 问问看ask, beg,(ask to do 要求做)learn 决定了decide, determine / be determined, make up ones mind dare,尽力干try, struggle, strive help happen chance 别装蒜Pretend wait fail hesitate2.巧记疑问词接to do 作宾语的常见动词:学会忘记是有难处,(learn,forget)想知道就别来劝告。(wonder,know,advise)展示讨论教人对付(show,discuss,teach)弄清楚才决定告诉。(find out,decide,tell)3.巧记即可跟动名词又可跟不定式的动词:一旦开始莫后悔,(begin,star,regret)爱憎分明莫忘记。(like,love,hate,forget,remember)继续努力有打算,(continue,try,mean)三个需要更情愿。(need,want,require,prefer)4巧记后接省略to的不定式的动词:一感(feel),二听(listen to,hear)三让(let, make,have),四看(look at,see,watch,notice5.以动名词作宾语的动词:考虑建议庆原谅,(consider,suggest,celebrate,forgive,excuse)承认介意包括想。(admit,mind,include,imagine,fancy)避免错过继续练,(avoid,miss,continue,practice)否定完成欣赏爱。(deny,finish,appreciate,love,enjoy)禁止说服遭冒险,(forbid,prohibit,persuade,suffer,endure,stand,risk)抵制推迟忆逃亡。(resist,postpone,delay,recall,escape)Object to ,pay attention to,look forward to,get down to 6. 以不定式做宾语补足语的动词:advise,allow,ask,beg,encourage,get,force,invite,expect,order,permit,persuade,require,want,war,teach,wish7. 以动名词作宾补的感官和使役动词:see,watch,hear,observe,feel,find,have,keep,make.8. 有些词即可以以动名词作宾语又可以以不定式作宾语,并且区别不大 。I had seriously considered telling the story. Surely nobody would suggest turning him out of the house. 当然不会有人建议把他从房子里赶出去。 She celebrate her passing the exam.You could forgive my insulting you. 你原谅我对你的侮辱。第一节分词作定语:用现在分词或过去分词修饰名词或代词。1. Who is the man standing there.2.this is the book written by LuXun.3.look the broken window.4.That is a sleeping boy.句子1,现在分词短语 standing there做man的后置定语;句子2,过去分词短语written by LuXun 做book的后置定语;句子3,过去分词broken 做window 的前置定语;句子4.现在分词sleeping做名词boy的前置定语。规律一:分词做定语的位置 分词短语-后置定语;分词-前置定语 分词的作用:相当于定语从句1. Who is the man that is standing there.2.this is the book which was written by LuXun.3.look at the window which is broken . 4.That is the boy who is sleeping. 主动与被动的关系:主动:分词与被修饰的名词是主谓关系被动:分词与被修饰的名词是动宾关系2、 分词做定语的时间Doing (表示任一时间或同时),表示主动,表示进行。如:The man giving us a talk yesterday.Who is the man standing there.The room facing south.Done (忽略时间或在谓语动词动作之前)表示已经完成,表示被动。I go to see the man operated on yesterday.(非谓语动词的动作发生在谓语动词see之前I go to see the man being operated on now.(非谓语动词的动作发生在谓语动词see同时I go to see the man to be operated on tomorrow.(非谓语动词的动作发生在谓语动词see之后分词做定语总结:主动:doing (任意时间) 分 词 做 定 语done 谓语动词之前被动Being done 谓语动词同时分词的完成式不作定语To be done谓语动词之后第2节 分词作状语 同时 doing (任意时间)现在分词一般式 主动: 方式原因条件伴随等Having done 谓语动词之前 分 词 做 状 语done 方式原因条件伴随等 被动Being done 谓语动词同时(正在被)Having been done谓语动词之前(已经被)例句:Singing and dancing,he came in.Having finished his homework,he went to bed.Being built ,the school is in a mass.Having been told the news.,he went to the hospital.1. Followed by 6 students ,he came in. ( )2. Being followed by 6 students ,he came in. ( )3. Having been followed by 6 students ,he came in. ( )Followed表示方式,没有强调时间的先后,不用说“正在被跟随”还是“已经被跟随”; done表示方式,原因,条件,伴随等等,不强调先后顺序,而Being done 和having done 在作定语时只表示谓语动词与非谓语动词的时间先后。

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