2019年高中英语 Unit 2 Olympic Games Part Ⅰ双基限时练 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 2 Olympic Games Part 双基限时练 新人教版必修2.单词拼写1. A gold m_ was awarded to the winner.答案medal2. The Olympics were not the only games in an _(古代的) world.答案ancient3. The national s_ is designed as a bird nest.答案stadium4. The servants are treated like s_.答案slaves5. Over 1,000 a _ from 15 countries attended the sports meeting.答案athletes.用适当的介词或副词填空1He stood with his back _ the bookshelves.答案to2Only one hundred girls are admitted _ the school every year.答案to3The young golfer often petes _ famous players, but so far has always been beaten.答案against4My father is away _ a journey.答案on5Please find _ when the train starts.答案out.完成句子1Several panies are _ (竞争) each other for the contract. (pete)答案peting with/against2He _ (赢得三枚金牌) in the Olympic Games. (win)答案won three gold medals3The reporter _ (采访) with the president yesterday. (have)答案had an interview4Several staff members _ (自愿) early retirement. (volunteer)答案volunteered for5She feels a strong _ (责任感) towards her students. (sense)答案sense of responsibility6Even the parents no longer live together, they each continue to _ (对负责) their children. (responsible)答案be responsible for7Americans eat _ (两倍) vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. (twice)答案twice as many8I want to _ (尽可能多地挣钱) I can to go abroad. (make)答案make as much money as.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1Little Tom admitted _ (cheat) in the examination, _ (promise) that he wouldnt do that in future.答案与解析having cheated; promisingadmit作“承认”讲,常用于admit (to) sth./(to) doing sth.结构;由句子结构可知,现在分词promising在此作伴随状语。2 I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. Is that _ you had a few days off?答案与解析why答句句意:那就是你休几天假的原因吗?3 A good film is on in the cinema; what about going there? If you dont go there, _ will I.答案nor/neither4Not only _ he make a promise, but he also kept it.答案与解析didnot only置于句首时,谓语倒装。助动词did放在主语he之前。5 Li Ping told me that he overslept this morning. Oh, he rarely used to oversleep, _ he?答案与解析did/used由于答句中used to前使用了否定副词rarely,说明该句陈述部分为否定形式,后面反意疑问部分要用肯定形式,应选用did或used来构成反意疑问句。6Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having one examination after another.答案与解析arenot only . but also .连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和与其最近的主语保持人称和数的一致。7There is something wrong with the old tyre, so he replaced it _ a new one.答案与解析with考查replace后接介词的用法。表示“用代替”时,replace后要加介词with。8 Are you ing to my birthday party? Sorry, I _ (go) to the lecture(演讲) instead.答案must go9All these countries pete _ each other _ the trade.答案与解析with; in句意:所有这些国家在贸易上互相展开竞争。pete with sb. in sth.“与某人在某方面竞争”。10In a room above the store, where a party _ (hold), some workers are busily setting the table.答案与解析will be held句意:在商店上方的一房间里,将要举行聚会,一些工人在忙着摆桌子。因为聚会即将举行,故需用表示将来时的谓语动词形式,用“willbe过去分词”形式。.词语知识1 What does WTO mean? The letters WTO _ the Organization of World Trade.A. stand for B. stands forC. stand out D. stand by答案与解析A该句的主语是The letters,故谓语用复数。若主语是WTO时,要看作一个整体,谓语用单数。2Rio will be the _ city of the 31st Olympic Games.A. hosting B. hostC. hostess D. hosted答案与解析B句意:里约热内卢将会举办第31届奥运会。the host city“主办城市”。3Nothing can _ mothers love and care in the world.A. remove B. replaceC. recreate D. recycle答案与解析Bremove“除掉;移走”;recreate“再创造”;recycle“再循环;回收利用”。只有replace“取代”符合句意。4It was a great _ for me to have been given so important a chance to go abroad.A. event B. honourC. pity D. happiness答案与解析B句意:对我来说能得到一次出国的机会是件感到荣幸的事。honour此处意为“幸事”。5As we all know, _ medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possible.A. normal B. monC. general D. regular答案与解析D句意:众所周知,定期体检有助于尽早发现健康问题。regular“规律的”;normal“正常水平的”;general“笼统的”;mon“普遍的”。6It is your _ to check that all doors and windows are locked.A. weight B. pressureC. responsibility D. load答案与解析C句意:查看所有的门窗是否锁好是你的职责。responsibility“责任”,符合句意。weight“重量”;pressure“压力”;load“负担”。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。This is a virtual reality interview, Li Yan, a volunteer for the xx Olympic Games, is being interviewed by Pausanias, a Greek writer, _1_ lived about 2,000 years ago and was on _2_ magical journey to find out about the modern Olympics. Pausanias talks about the ancient Olympic Games, which _3_(hold) at the same place every four years. In ancient Olympic Games only free citizens from Greece could participate in _4_. Slaves and women were not allowed to do _5_. In the games there were limited number of events which remained the same.Li Yan introduces the modern Olympics to Pausanias. There are two sets of Games Summer and Winter Games, which are hosted by different countries _6_(regular). petitors, who reached the required standard for their events, e from many countries, _7_ whom it is a great responsibility and great honour to be chosen to host the Games. In order to hold the Games, the host _8_(build) a special village and several stadiums for petitions and gymnasium as well. She also tells Pausanias the xx Olympics will be held in London and new medals will be designed _9_(replace) the ones of the xx Olympics. Pausanias also learns _10_ the motto of the OlympicsSwifter, Higher and Stronger.答案1.who2.a3.were held4.it5.so6.regularly7for8.will build9.to replace10.that.完形填空Right in the middle of Japan, high in the mountain, an old man lived in his little house. He found in one corner of the room an old iron _1_. He decided to use it to _2_ water. To his surprise, the kettle became a strange _3_ when it was on the fire. And then it _4_ back into a kettle again. The old man decided to _5_ it. So a merchant came and _6_ with the kettle.At night, the merchant was _7_ by a big noise. The kettle became a strange creature again and was running _8_ in his room. But early next morning he found the kettle still _9_ lying in the corner. One of his neighbours, after hearing what he had seen in the night, _10_ him to travel in the country to _11_ it.Now the kettle could be asked to change and _12_ by the merchant. The performances drew big audiences, and the merchant _13_ a lot of money. But he was a(n) _14_ man. Though he was rich now, he thought that he _15_ some of his wealth to the man _16_ whom he had bought the kettle.One morning, he put a hundred gold pieces into the kettle and, hanging it on his arm, he _17_ to the old man who had sold it to him. The old man _18_ the merchant, saying that few people would have been _19_ honest.The kettle brought them both _20_. Everything went well with them till they died.1A. stick B. gun C. kettle D. cooker2A. contain B. boil C. bum D. carry3A. creature B. steam C. shape D. figure4A. recovered B. changed C. came D. sent5A. throw B. abandon C. sell D. own6A. went away B. ran away C. gave away D. threw away7A. woke B. impressed C. attracted D. awakened8A. away B. about C. along D. out9A. quietly B. coldly C. fortably D. normally10A. suggested B. advised C. forced D. let11A. play B. exchange C. display D. share12A. fill B. perform C. cover D. lay13A. earned B. lost C. stole D. robbed14A. honest B. generous C. selfish D. brave15A. awarded B. left C. owed D. divided16A. from B. to C. for D. with17A. contributed B. returned C. turned D. objected18A. drove B. ignored C. thanked D. astonished19A. quite B. too C. so D. very20A. money B. luck C. confidence D. strength答案与解析1C根据下文the kettle became a strange .可知,这位老人得到一把有魔法的水壶。2B根据下文when it was on the fire可知,老人用水壶来烧水。3A根据第二段第二句The kettle became a strange creature again可知,水壶突然变成了一个怪物。4B这里指水壶变成怪物后,接着又重新变成了水壶。5C根据下文内容可知,老人把水壶卖给了一位商人。6A商人买了水壶后就带着它离开了。go away“离开”; run away“逃跑”; give away“泄露”; throw away“扔掉”。7D到了晚上,商人被一阵巨大的响声所惊醒。8B水壶又变成了怪物,在房间里跑来跑去。run about“四处跑动”。9A根据上文的but可知,此处是转折关系。第二天早晨他发现这把水壶又跟以前一样静静地躺在屋子的角落。10B商人的一个邻居建议他带着这把水壶周游整个国家。advise sb to dd sth.“建议某人做某事”。suggest 和let后面不能接动词不定式做宾补; force意思不符。11C根据下文商人带着水壶进行环游全国表演可知,他的邻居建议他去展示这把神奇的水壶。12B根据下文The performances drew big audiences可知,水壶按照商人的要求进行变化和表演。13A根据下文的he was rich和his wealth可知,用水壶表演商人挣了不少钱。14A根据下文内容可知,商人很诚实。15C商人把自己的财富归功于那位卖给他水壶的老人。owe sth. to sb.“把某事(物)归功于某人”。16Afrom whom在此处引导定语从句,修饰the man。 buy sth. from sb.“从某人手里买到某物”。17B根据下文可知,商人拿着水壶又回到了老人那里。18C对于商人的慷慨大方老人自然应该表示感谢。19C几乎没有人会像这位商人那样诚实。so“那么;如此”。20B根据下文Everything went well with them.和整个故事内容可知,这把水壶给他们两人都带来了好运。

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