2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习 单元知识汇总 Book 6 Unit 17 Laughter 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习 单元知识汇总 Book 6 Unit 17 Laughter 北师大版重点识记词汇1.burst out laughing突然笑起来2.response n.回答3.cash a cheque兑现支票 4.withdraw vt.提取;撤退5.clarify vt.澄清,讲清楚 6.delay n.延误,延期;v.延误7.wait in line排队 8.get rid of处理掉,摆脱9.fool around胡闹,瞎弄 10.from time to time不时地11.result in导致,造成 12.acknowledge vt.认可,承认13.figure n.人物;v.出现;考虑 14.resist vt.抵抗,抵制15.scold vt.骂,责骂 16.forbid vt.禁止,不准17.run into撞上 18.put on假装;穿上(衣服);上演;放上19.turn sb.off令人讨厌 20.regardless of不管,不顾21.scared adj.惊恐的,担惊受怕的scare vt.使恐惧 22.desperate adj.不顾一切的23.amuse vt.逗乐,使(某人)笑amusement n.愉快 24.partly adv.部分地25.politician n.政治家politics n.政治political adj.政治的 26.convince vt.使相信27.agency n.代理处,经销处agent n.代理人,经销商 28.play around四处游戏29.harmony n.协调,和谐harmonious adj.协调的,和谐的 30.pull faces做鬼脸31.astonish vt.使惊讶,使惊骇astonishment n.惊讶 32.thanks to多亏;由于33.profession n.职业,专业professional adj.职业的34.messy adj.凌乱的,肮脏的mess n.凌乱35.universal adj.通用的,普遍的;全世界的universe n.宇宙36.starve vi.饿死,挨饿starvation n.饥饿37.forgetful adj.健忘的forget v.忘记forgettable adj.易忘的38.acplish vt.取得(成功),完成(任务)acplished adj.完成的;熟练的;有才艺的acplishment n.完成;成绩必背经典句式1.The first time you listen,try to get the general idea and circle possible options.你第一次听的时候,尽量掌握大意并把可能的选项圈出来。2.While still at primary school,Rowan had already shown admirable acting talent.还在上小学时,罗恩就已经表现出令人赞叹的表演天分。3.Have you ever had trouble trying to spell a word? 你有没有拼不出单词的时候?必背经典句式4.Having scared the little beings,I began struggling to get loose and managed to break the strings that tied my left arm and slightly moved the strings that tied down my hair.吓唬了那些小人后,我开始挣扎松开并设法摆脱了绑在左胳膊上的绳子并顺利地脱离了绑在头发上的绳子。5.And it was no wonder,for their doctors,by the Emperors order,had put a sleeping drug in with the wine.这就不足为奇了,因为他们的医生按照皇帝的旨意在酒里放了安眠药。构词记忆acquaintance /kweIntns/n.1.C&U熟悉;熟知2.C相识的人;熟人allowance /lans/n.C津贴;补贴;零用钱appearance /pIrns/n.1.多作不可数名词出现2.C&U外观;外貌assistance /sIstns/n.U帮助;协助;援助.词汇与派生A语境填词1The school principal forbids(禁止) the use of lipstick on campus.2He was unable to resist(抵抗) the temptation of taking the wallet.3The employer often scolded(责骂) his men on the slightest pretence.4The conditions are pretty desperate(绝望的) for people,particularly in these early stages.5I am happy to clarify(弄清) any points that are still unclear.6I did not acknowledge(承认) that he had done anything wrong.7Mary agreed,but she did not sound very convinced(令人信服的)8We apologize for the delay(延迟) in answering your letter.9Although he has died,Mandela is still regarded as one of the most inspiring figures(人物) in the world.10He let out a long sigh,mainly of relief,partly(部分) of sadness.B用所给词的适当形式填空11The harmony (harmonious) of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture.12Some of them make no bones about their political (politician) views.13He stopped and watched with amusement (amuse) to see the child so absorbed.14I tell them to make it as clear as they can,but after that,everything gets messy (mess)15Dont you realize what a scare (scared) youve given us all?.短语运用A用方框内所给动词短语的适当形式填空result in,run into,burst out laughing,get rid of,turn.off,face up to,give away,make fun of,fool around, put on16.Everyone in the room burst out laughing when they saw his funny actions.17You should get rid of all the old furniture in the room.18The bus went out of control and ran into a line of people.19What you say will turn others off,if your mouth is full of food.20Happily,her hard work resulted in her future success.21The pany put on a play about the homeless. 22If you go to college,you must work hard,not fool around.23They made fun of Jim because of his strange hairstyle.24You have to face up to your responsibilities now that you have grown up.25Dont giveaway to the public when we will start.B用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空regardless of,thanks to,from time to time26.Thanksto your help,we succeeded in solving the problem.27Regard less of the bad weather,he went on working in the field.28From time to time she would stand suddenly from her chair,her eyes wide.经典句式29The first time I saw her,I felt her beauty was beyond description.当我第一次见到她时,我感到她的美无法用语言来描述。30If(I am)given another chance,I will do it much better.如果再给我一次机会,我会把它做得更好。31The young mother had trouble (in)taking care of her baby.这位年轻的母亲在照看婴儿方面有困难。32Having done that,I feel fortable saying that people rely on tools too much. 在这样做之后,我可以心安理得的说人们太依赖于工具了。33It is no wonder that people have strong opinions about how to eat. 难怪人们对于怎么吃有着无数有力精辟的见识。1应试指导作为高级词汇替换replygive/make a quick response to对做出很快的反应in response to对做出反应in response作为回答,作为回应respond vi.回答;回应;做出反应respond to响应;回答The product was developed in response to customer demand.这种产品是为了满足顾客的需要而开发的。夯实基础她有没有回复你的信?(翻译句子)Has she responded to your letter?2应试指导后跟非谓语形式的考查多词一义delay,put off,postponedelay doing sth.延迟做某事without delay立即;毫不耽搁Dont delay claiming or you may lose benefit.索赔从速,逾期利益可能受损。Report it to the police without delay.赶快将此事报告警方。夯实基础同义句改写He delayed telling her the news,waiting for the right moment.He put off telling her the news,waiting for the right moment.(用同义短语替换delay)3be scared of害怕(be) scared to death吓死了,吓得要死be scared to do.不敢做scare vt.惊吓,使恐慌;n.惊恐,惊吓scare sb.into/out of doing.恐吓某人做/不做scare.away/off把吓跑What makes me scared most is that Im going to end up not being married.最让我担心的是我会一辈子嫁不出去。We got a bit of scare.我们受了点惊吓。夯实基础语法填空(1)Some parents try to scare their children into behaving well.(2)We lit fires to scare away/off the wolves.(3)Im certainly not scared of him.4应试指导(1)后跟非谓语动词的用法(2)写作高分句式:It is acknowledged that.(sb./sth.be acknowledged不定式)acknowledge sb./sth.to be/as.认为某人/物是;承认某人/物是acknowledge doing sth.承认做某事It is universally acknowledged that.是大家公认的in acknowledgement of对表示感谢Naylor acknowledged,in a letter to the judge,that he was a drug addict.内勒在给法官的信中承认自己吸毒。There is an acknowledged risk of lung cancer from radon.氡被认为有诱发肺癌的危险。夯实基础(1)Its universally acknowledged that he is the best player in the world.He is universally acknowledged to be the best player in the world.(改为简单句)(2)It is a truth which is universally acknowledged(公认的) that wealth doesnt necessarily mean happiness.5应试指导后跟非谓语动词的考查resist doing抵制做resist the temptation抵制诱惑cant resist doing.忍不住做be resistant to耐的;对有抵抗力的She cannot resist giving him advice.她忍不住给他提建议。夯实基础语法填空(1)I couldnt resist telling (tell) him the secret.(2)He was unable to resist the temptation (tempt) of taking the wallet.6应试指导后跟非谓语形式的考查forbid doing sth.禁止做某事forbid sb.from doing.禁止某人做forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事Its forbidden to do sth.做某事是禁止的。Theyll forbid you to marry.他们不会准许你结婚。She was shut away and forbidden to read.她被关了起来,并且不允许看书。夯实基础(1)语法填空Its forbidden to marry(marry) someone who is not a member of the same faith.The new law forbids smoking(smoke) in offices.He was forbidden to smoke(smoke) here.(2)We are forbidden to play on the pasture belonging to him.Its forbidden for us to play on the pasture belonging to him. (用It作主语改写句子)7It astonishes sb.that.使某人吃惊的是be astonished at/by.被惊吓;对惊讶be astonished to do.做某事感到惊讶in/with astonishment惊异地;吃惊地to ones astonishment令人吃惊的是It astonished me that she had changed so little.她几乎没怎么改变,这让我很惊讶。I was astonished to see him here.在这儿见到他,我很惊讶。夯实基础(1)It astonished us that he actually arrived punctually.What astonished us was that he actually arrived punctually.(用what引导主语从句改写句子)To our astonishment,he actually arrived punctually.(用to ones astonishment改写句子)(2)He was so astonished at the result that he couldnt say a word.Astonished at the result,he couldnt say a word.(用过去分词短语作状语改写句子)8be desperate for非常需要;渴望得到be desperate to do sth.渴望做某事Desperate with anxiety,Bob and Hans searched the whole house.焦急万分的鲍勃和汉斯把整座房子找了个遍。He made a desperate attempt to attack a plane.他铤而走险,企图袭击一架飞机。夯实基础(1)Judging from what he said and did,we can conclude that he is desperate for(渴望得到) fame.(2)After ten years of hard study,he is desperate to pass(渴望通过) the college entrance examination.9应试指导“动词sb.of”类语境词义辨析的考查convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事convince sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事be convinced of/that.相信convincing adj.令人信服的I soon convinced him of my innocence.很快便让他相信我是清白的。He sounded very convincing.他的话听起来很有说服力。夯实基础用convince的适当形式填空(1)I am convinced of his guilt.(2)This last argument is the most convincing to me.(3)Convinced of its truth,he felt pleased.(4)Convincing others of something is really a challenging task.1rid.of使摆脱或除去be rid of去掉;除去rid oneself of除去The proposals are an attempt to rid the country of political corruption.这些提议试图使这个国家摆脱政治腐败。夯实基础同义句改写Why couldnt he rid himself of those thoughts and worries?Why couldnt he get rid of those thoughts and worries?2result from由引起as a result结果(as a consequence)as a result of由于;作为的结果without result毫无结果地As a result,I have made steady progress in my studies.结果我在学习上稳步上升。(安徽书面表达)The typhoon has resulted in thousands of deaths.台风已经造成数千人死亡。图解助记夯实基础His carelessness resulted in his death.(1)His death resulted from his carelessness.(用his death作主语改写句子)(2)He died as a result of his carelessness.(用result作名词改写句子)3 run into撞上(crash into);遭遇(experience);偶然遇见(e across);达到(某种数量或水平)(reach)run across不期而遇,偶然发现run after追求run away逃走;携带逃走run at袭击;冲向run down耗尽能量;撞倒run over撞倒并碾轧run through迅速传遍;快速阅读I ran across an old friend in the street.我在街上和一位老朋友不期而遇。Mary likes to run after every new fashion.玛丽喜欢赶时髦。夯实基础写出下列句子中run into的汉语意思(1)All the rainwater on the roof runs into the pipe.(液体)流入(2)He has run the car into the garage door again.使撞在上(3)He ran a nail into the wall to hang his painting.把打入(4)I was about to leave when I ran into Mr.White.偶然遇见(5)They have run into trouble while designing the new machine.遭遇,陷入(6)These two rivers run into each other.混入,与合流4多词一义regardless of,despite,in spite ofas regards关于;至于with/in regard to关于 regard.as.把当作regarding prep.关于Regardless of what happens my claim is safe and secure.不管会发生什么,我的主张都是安全的、保险的。夯实基础用regard的适当形式填空(1)Davis had very little to say regarding the accident.(2)As regards economic issues,he agreed with our views.(3)Our club is open to everyone regardless of age,sex or educational background.1 Have you ever had trouble trying to spell a word?你有没有拼不出单词的时候?have difficulty/trouble (in) doing.做有困难(麻烦)have difficulty/trouble with sth.有困难(麻烦)There is some/no difficulty/trouble (in) doing.做时有一些/没有困难(麻烦)do sth.with/without difficulty/trouble做有/没有困难(麻烦)take trouble to do.费力做take the trouble to do sth.不怕费事/不辞辛劳地做某事I have some trouble with the work.我做这项工作有些困难。夯实基础(1)语法填空Sorry Im so late,but you cannot imagine what great trouble I took to e here.(2)I had no trouble finding your home.I found your home without trouble/difficulty.(用without短语改写句子)There was no trouble/difficulty (in) finding your home.(用there be句型改写句子)2 He makes an attempt to eat it,but it is clear from the look on his face that he finds the taste truly disgusting.他试图吃它,但从他脸上的表情可以清楚地看出这顿饭的口味真的很令人讨厌。find后常跟复合结构,即find宾语宾语补足语。宾语补足语可以由形容词、副词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词等充当;也可以形成find it形容词to do,其中it为形式宾语,to do为真正的宾语,形容词作宾语补足语。Peter,who was usually shy,found himself talking to the girls.彼得通常很害羞,却发现自己不知不觉中已在跟女孩子们说话。He hurried there,but found them all out.他匆忙赶到那里,却发现他们都出去了。夯实基础语法填空(1)He found it difficult to work (work) out the problem.(2)He found his book lying (lie) open on the desk.(3)He opened the office and found much of his work finished (finish).(4)Did you find life hard (hardly) in the country?3 单元语法按照要求完成下列各题.语法填空(1)At last the bus came.I had been waiting(wait) for half an hour.(2)He gave up smoking last year.He had been smoking(smoke) for twenty years.(3)When I first met her,she had been working(work) in the pany for ten years.(4)Jane was annoyed.Peter had been phoning(phone) her every night.(5)That was just the letter I had been expecting(expect).写出第二句话,使它和前一句有相似的意义。括号内的动词用一般现在时或现在进行时。(1)The car is our neighbors.(belong)The car belongs to our neighbor.(2)Gemma is at the puter now.(use)Gemma is using the puter.(3)My journey to work is usually by train.(go)I usually go to work by train.(4)I can hear the telephone.(ring)The telephone is ringing.(5)There are nuts in this cake.(contain)This cake contains nuts.高考题组.短文改错(xx浙江)Dear Diary,Here I am in the middle of a city,350 miles far away from our farmhouse.Do you want to know why we move last week?Dad lost his job,and as Mom explained,“He was lucky to find other one.” His new job meant I had to say goodbye to my classmate,my school or just everything else I love in the world.To make matters bad,now I have to share a room with my younger sister,Maggie.Tomorrow is first day of school.I am awfully tiring,but I know Ill never fall sleep.Good night and remember,you,dear diary,is my only souvenir from my past life and my only friend.Yours,Rosemary答案Dear Diary,Here I am in the middle of a city,350 miles far away from our farmhouse.Do you want to know why we last week?Dad lost his job,and as Mom explained,“He was lucky to find one.” His new job meant I had to say goodbye to my ,my school just everything else I love in the world.To make matters ,now I have to share a room with my younger sister,Maggie.Tomorrow is first day of school.I am awfully ,but I know Ill never fall .Good night and remember,you,dear diary, my only souvenir from my past life and my only friend.Yours,Rosemary.写作常用句翻译1.这幅图画使我相信做一个好女儿比做一个“好”学生重要得多。(convince)(2011江苏书面表达)The picture convinces me it is even more important to be a good daughter than a “good” student.2.作为回应,母亲蹲下表示她的幸福和感激。(response)(2011江苏书面表达)In response,the mom kneels down to show how happy and thankful she feels.3.结果我又累又沮丧。(as a result)(2011湖北短文写作)As a result,I was tired out and depressed.模拟题组.语法填空1.We were astonished to find (find) the temple still in its original condition.2.Every few years,the coal workers have their lungs Xrayed to ensure (ensure) their health.3.Have you finished reading Jane Eyre?No,I was doing (do) my homework all day yesterday.4.He was in poor health,so the doctor forbade him to drink (drink) wine.5.She was on a diet,but she couldnt resist eating (eat) sweet food.Consequently,her weight was gained again.6.Seeing the scaring flood,the woman doctor was scared to take (take) the small boat.7.The number of miners killed (kill) in the accident runs (run) into dozens.8.Thank you for all the trouble youve taken to help (help) my daughter.9.They were forbidden to enter (enter) the lab.10.A cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoking (smoke) in the kitchen.单句改错1.I was feeling very well; not too proud, I hope, but in harmony to the time and place.towith2.You should not delay see the doctor today.seeseeing3.Terrorism is so scared that many tourists refuse to go there for sightseeing.scaredscaring4.The teacher has cautioned him not being late for several times so far.notagainst5.In public places,smoking has forbidden.hasis6.He has been convinced the fact that this one is far from being true.convinced后加上of7.It is a thrilled and unforgettable experience.thrilledthrilling8.Were moving,so we have to get rid a lot of our furniture.rid后加上of9.We will continue the race,regardless the weather.regardless后加上of10.I felt something alive being moving on my left leg.去掉being.写作句式升级训练The best gift should be the one to which you devote the time and energy.(素材来源于xx重庆写作二)The best gift should be whatever you devote the time and energy to.(用whatever引导的表语从句改写句子).阅读理解Soutine was born in Belarus (then part of the Russian Empire) in 1893.He was the tenth of eleven children.From 1910 to 1913 he studied in Vilnius at the Vilna Academy of Fine Arts.In 1913,he emigrated to Paris,where he studied at the cole des BeauxArts under Fernand Cormon.He soon developed a highly personal vision and painting technique.For a time,he and his friends lived at La Ruche,a residence for struggling artists in Montparnasse where he became friends with Amedeo Modigliani.Modigliani painted Soutines portrait several times,most famously in 1917,on a door of an apartment belonging to Lopold Zborowski,who was their art dealer.Zborowski supported Soutine through World War ,taking the struggling artist with him to Nice to escape the German bombing of Paris.After the war,Paul Guillaume,a highly influential art dealer,began to champion Soutines work.In 1923,in a showing arranged by Guillaume,the prominent American collector Albert CBarnes bought 60 of Soutines paintings on the spot.Soutine,who had been virtually penniless in his years in Paris,immediately took the money,ran into the street,hailed a Paris taxi,and ordered the driver to take him to Nice,on the French Riviera,more than 400 miles away.Soutine once horrified his neighbors by keeping an animal carcass in his studio so that he could paint it (Carcass of Beef)The smelly smell drove them to send for the police,whom Soutine promptly lectured on the relative importance of art over hygiene.Theres a story that Marc Chagall saw the blood from the carcass leak out onto the corridor outside Soutines room,and rushed out screaming,“Someone has killed Soutine.”Soutine painted 10 works in this series,which have since bee his most wellknown works.His carcass paintings were inspired by Rembrandts still life of the same subject,which he discovered while studying the Old Masters in the Louvre.Soutine produced the majority of his works from 1920 to 1929.1It can be learned from the text that Soutine .Awas the last but one child in his familyBmoved to Paris at the age of 18Cpainted portraits several times for ModiglianiDwas a great German painter答案A解析细节理解题。由第一段中的“He was the tenth of eleven children.”可知,他排行第十,即十一个孩子中的倒数第二个。2Which of the following can be described as Soutines painting instructor?AZborowski. BPaul Guillaume.CFernand Cormon. DMarc Chagall.答案C解析细节理解题。由第一段中的“where he studied at the cole des BeauxArts under Fernand Cormon”可知答案应为C。Zborowski和Paul Guillaume是艺术品商人;D的身份在文中并没有提及。3What does the underlined word “champion” in the passage mean?AHold first place in. BProtect.CFall in love with. DGuide.答案B解析词义猜测题。由第三段前两句可知,Guillaume是个艺术品商人,还为苏丁安排画展,可以推知,他应是捍卫或保护苏丁的画,故选B。4What are the last two paragraphs mainly about?ASoutines painting style.BSoutines personal life.CSoutines strange behavior.DSoutines masterpiece.答案A解析段落大意题。综合文章最后两段内容可知,这两段主要是说苏丁的绘画风格。.完形填空I was on a walk with a friend yesterday when I found an iPhone 5s in a pile of snow.I picked it up and it still 5 !I started looking through the name list and calling numbers to see 6 I could figure out whose phone it was. 7 ,only one person answered and she didnt 8 the number that I was calling from.She gave a(n) 9 of “It is just so nice that you are trying to find out whose phone it is.”Since that lady didnt know whose phone it was,my friend 10 that we go back to the street and the 11 that we found the iPhone 5s in front of.I knocked on the door and two collegeage people 12 .They hadnt lost their phones,but as I told them the 13 and mentioned some names on the name 14 ,the young man said that he also 15 those names and it must be the phone of one of their friends. 16 ,both of the young men politely mentioned how

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