2019年高考英语总复习 Unit 4 Making the news课时作业 新人教版必修5.doc

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2019年高考英语总复习 Unit 4 Making the news课时作业 新人教版必修5.单词拼写1To my_(高兴),my brother has succeeded in passing the driving test.答案delight2You should_(集中)on what you are doing now.答案concentrate3He can be_(依赖)on to finish the task.答案depended4You should keep yourself_(告知)of what your son is doing.答案informed5The boy is_(指责)of being late for work.答案accused.用括号内单词的适当形式填空1Last week I wrote a letter to the chief _(edit)of China Daily.答案editor2Having failed many times,the man was _(eagerly)for success.答案eager3He feels quite _(guilt)about being unable to take care of his sick father.答案guilty4Langlang is considered to be a _(gift) pianist.答案gifted5The woman was _(delight)at the discovery of her stolen jewels.答案delighted.用适当的介、副词填空1No need _ a camera.Youll have a professional photographer _ you to take photographs.答案for;with2We say a good journalist must have a good “nose” _ a story. 答案for3They must use research to inform themselves _ the missing parts _ the story.答案of;of4Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending _ what the person says.答案on5Im looking forward _ my first assignment now.答案to6He told me he could solve the problem_his own.答案on7All our officers are trained to defend themselves_knife attacks.答案against8They are eager_you to attend the meeting which is_great value.答案for;of9Whether we will go camping tomorrow depends_the weather.答案on10If you want to be a good journalist,you must have a good nose_a story.答案for.完成句子(用倒装句)1_ _he gone out_a guest came to visit him.他刚一出去,就来了一位客人。答案Hardly had;when2_,I would not acceptthe invitation.如果我是你,我不会接受这份邀请。答案Were I you3_ _the soldiers.士兵们冲了出去。答案Out rushed 4_ a girl.在那棵大树底下站着一个女孩。答案Under the big tree stood5Only when he reached the school _ that he had left his textbook at home.直到他到了学校时,才发现把课本落在家了。答案did he find out.短文语法填空W: Could you bring this note to Miss Li for me today?M: Sure, no problem. Asking for leave again? You have been absent from class five times this semester.W: I know. But _1_ (attend) Miss Lis class is just a waste of _2_. No more than one third of _3_ students will go to her class.M: I agree _4_ Miss Li doesnt teach very well. Most students either sleep _5_ do other things in her class.W: Yeah,my boyfriend plays video games every time in class with me,or I chat with my friends through text messages.M: _6_ (fortunate) her class is just an optional course,not as important as pulsory courses.W: Right,but we _7_ spare some time to attend optional courses.M: But isnt it too impolite to be absent?W: What can I do? I have things to do in the students union.M: Oh,I thought you just gave _8_ excuse on this note.W: Sometimes I will try various excuses. But this is my last time asking for leave,or I will have a bad record.M: Yeah, _9_,your credit will be deducted. That is kind of serious.W: I _10_ (absent) myself from many classes this semester just because of my work in the students union.M: You cant write with one hand and draw with the other.W: I am thinking about quitting my job in the students union. But before that,I must do my job. Bye. Dont forget about that note. M: You can count on me.1_2._3._4_5._6._7_8._9._10_1解析考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空格处在句子中作主语,故用动名词形式。答案attending2解析考查名词。结合语境可知,此处表示浪费时间,故用time。a waste of time“浪费时间”。答案time3解析考查代词。结合语境可知,此处指的是“Miss Li”的学生,故用her。答案her4解析考查连词。分析句子结构可知,空格处是宾语从句的引导词,从句中不缺少成分,故用that。答案that5解析考查连词。分析句子结构可知,此处考查的是either.or.结构。答案or6解析考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,此处应用副词修饰整个句子。答案Fortunately7解析考查情态动词。结合语境可知,此处表示“不得不”,故用have to。答案have to8解析考查冠词。此处excuse是可数名词,表示泛指,且excuse的发音是以元音音素开头的,故用不定冠词an。答案an9解析考查副词。结合语境并分析句子结构可知,此处表示“此外”,故用besides/whats more/in addition/moreover。答案besides/whats more/in addition/moreover10解析考查动词的时态。结合语境可知,此处应用现在完成时。答案have absented.阅读理解(xx四川卷)Home to me means a sense of familiarity and nostalgia(怀旧). Its fun to e home. It looks the same. It smells the same. Youll realize whats changed is you. Home is where we can remember pain,love,and some other experiences: We parted here;My parents met here;I won three championships here.If I close my eyes,I can still have a clear picture in mind of my first home. I walk in the door and see a brown sofa surrounding a low glasstop wooden table. To the right of the living room is my first bedroom. Its empty,but its where my earliest memories are.There is the dining room table where I celebrated birthdays,and where I cried on Halloweenwhen I didnt want to wear the skirt my mother made for me. I always liked standing on that table because it made me feel tall and strong. If I sit at this table,I can see my favorite room in the house,my parents room. It is simple: a brown wooden dresser lines the right side of the wall next to a television and a couple of photos of my grandparents on each side. Their bed is my safe zone. I can jump on it anytimewaking up my parents if I am scared or if I have an important announcement that cannot wait until the morning.Im lucky because I know my first home still exists. It exists in my mind and heart,on a physical property(住宅) on West 64th street on the western edge of Los Angeles. It is proof I lived,I grew,and I learned.Sometimes when I feel lost,I lie down and shut my eyes,and I go home. I know its where Ill find my family,my dogs,and my belongings. I purposely leave the window open at night because I know Ill be blamed by Mom. But I dont mind,because I want to hear her say my name,which reminds me Im home.1. Why does the author call her parents bed her “safe zone” (Paragraph 3)?AIt is her favorite place to play.BHer needs can be satisfied there.CHer grandparents photos are lined on each side.DHer parents always play together with her there.解析细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句“I can jump on it anytimewaking up my parents if I am scared or if I have an important announcement that cannot wait until the morning.”可知B项正确。答案B2. What can be learned from the passage?AThe old furniture is still in the authors first bedroom.BThe author can still visit her first physical home in Los Angeles.CThe authors favorite room in her first home is the dining room.DMany people of the authors age can still find their first physical homes.解析推理判断题。根据第四段的第一、二句“Im lucky because I know my first home still exists. It exists in my mind and heart,on a physical property(住宅)on West 64th street on the western edge of Los Angeles.”可知B项正确。答案B3Sometimes when she feels lost,the author will_.Aopen the window at nightBlie down in bed to have a dreamCtry to bring back a sense of homeDgo to Los Angeles to visit her mom解析根据最后一段的内容可知作者在迷茫时经常会设法找回家的感觉。答案C4. What is the authors purpose of writing this passage?ATo express how much she is attached to her home.BTo declare how much she loves her first house.CTo describe the state of her family.DTo look back on her childhood.解析写作意图题。根据第一段的第一句“Home to me means a sense of familiarity and nostalgia(怀旧)”可知作者写本文的目的是表达她对家的怀念、依恋之情,下文都围绕第一句展开,它是文章的主旨句。答案A.(七选五)阅读填空(xx河南郑州高中第一次质量预测)1_Safety in the highway is not totally out of our hands.Here are four ways we can protect ourselves when we travel.2_People in small cars are injured more often and more severely than people traveling in large cars.Factories of small cars are strengthening their products safety,which helps.But the mix of large cars and small cars on the road is the main reason of the problem.Being thrown into glass and metal car parts,or being thrown from the car can really hurt or even kill you._3_The safety belts main purpose is to pull you back if your car has a sudden crash with another vehicle or object,or if it rolls over.A belt can reduce the chance of deadly injury by 45% and the chance of serious injury by 50%.Airbags are important.More than half of all new cars sold have airbags.Airbags provide protection in frontal crashesthe type of crash that kills the most driverswhen they are also wearing safety belts.Most people are demanding airbags in the cars they buy._4_Effective as they are,they cant take the place of safety belts.Drunk driving crashes are less likely to happen if you dont drink._5_Many people have realized that drunk driving can lead to injury,death,being put in prison or other results.There are movements to strengthen penalties(处罚)for drunk driving.AHow to drive safely?BYou are safer in a large car.CHow to protect ourselves in the highway?DAirbags are not installed in all cars.EThats why safety belts should be worn.FDrunk driving is the most serious problem.GBut the protection provided by airbags is limited in side or rear crashes.答案15CBEGF.短文改错(xx河北质量检测)What Does a Credit Card Bring Us is written by Eillton Henley.Its a brief or excellent article about credit cards.The author explains what credit cards work.And he also points out the positive and negative aspect for having it.American consumers are mostly likely to use credit cards.However,the use of credit cards are expanding into almost every country in world.The key point making by the author is that users should pay for the amount in full when a bill is sent from the credit card pany.This protected all the advantages and avoids all the disadvantages of using credit cards.答案What Does a Credit Card Bring Us is written by Eillton Henley.Its a brief excellent article about credit cards.The author explains credit cards work.And he also points out the positive and negative for having .American consumers are likely to use credit cards.However,the use of credit cards expanding into almost every country in world.The key point by the author is that users should pay for the amount in full when a bill is sent from the credit card pany.This all the advantages and avoids all the disadvantages of using credit cards.


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