2019-2020年高考安徽英语一轮复习 课时作业28.doc

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2019-2020年高考安徽英语一轮复习 课时作业28.单项填空1(xx陕西重点中学高三联考)Be quick,please.I have to be there by 900._,Lily.But Ill try my best.AThats all rightBNo problemCI cant promiseD Its impossible2(xx潍坊五校联考)The young couple had meant to travel abroad,but they cancelled the trip due to the_budget.AtightBsplendidCreliableDannual3(xx江西临川一中考试)However_important school life may be,_great influence of parents cant be ignored or discounted by the teacher.Aan;aBthe;theCan;/D/;the4(xx江西红色六校第二次联考)Our teams success was_the efforts of Mr Mark,who is_arrive here in five minutes.Abecause;due toBdue to;about toCdue to;due toDas a consequence;going to5(xx济南4月巩固性训练)It makes good sense to buy a large packet because_will work out cheaper in the end.Ait Bthis Cone Dthey6(xx四川省攀枝花市高考模拟)How did you find your Christmas holiday?_the bad weather,I had fun meeting friends and relatives.ABut forBAs toCIn spite ofDRegardless of7(xx合肥第二次质量检测)No matter how late she es home,she makes_a routine to walk her dog for about an hour.AitBthisCthatDher8(xx江西上饶市一模)Good morning,Susan.Whats wrong?I was riding my bike this morning_I hurt my arm.AwhileBwhenCthoughDas9(xx安徽芜湖市模拟)The car crashed into a big tree and was badly damaged.I suppose the driver_at a very high speed.AdroveBhad drivenChas drivenDwas driving10(xx江苏三校4月阶段性考试)Mrs Smith was fired by her boss,which I think_something to do with her carelessness in her job.Amay have hadBcouldnt have hadCshould have hadDneednt have had11I seldom agree with my managers words.In order to succeed here,you should overe your_against your manager.ApreferenceBprehensionCappealDprejudice12(xx河北五校联盟调研)_at failing in the math exam,John wouldnt like to talk about it to his parents.ADisappointedBTo be disappointedCDisappointingDHaving disappointed13(xx宝鸡高三质检)A great many teenagers became_playing puter games,wasting their precious time.Aaccustomed toBaddicted toCused toDdue to14(xx海南省琼海中学模拟)Anny was banned_driving for two years because of a serious accident caused by drinking and driving.AagainstBfromCinDto15(xx南宁高三质检)Playing on the puter too long has a bad_on your health,so you should have a break now and then.AeffortBaccountCpositionDeffect.完形填空建议用时15(xx江西省高中毕业班新课程教学质量检测卷)Maurice,who lives in a country in Africa,is only 13,but since he lost his parents to AIDS he has had to look after his 9yearold brother and 8yearold sister.“ The_1_problem we have without our parents is_2_food,” he says.Without parents or guardians,Maurice had to drop out of school to earn a_3_,carrying food for merchants so he and his brother and sister could have_4_to eat.You do not have to be an orphan (孤儿) to_5_many of the problems orphans have.But orphaned_6_may be particularly vulnerable (易受伤害的) because they_7_have no one to look after them.For example,children whose parents have died of AIDS,_8_or not they are themselves infected with HIV,may be shunned (避开)_9_badly treated because of fear of HIV and AIDS and ignorance (无知)about how HIV is_10_. Many orphans have to drop out of school _11_they can earn money to_12_and look after younger brothers and sisters.And many orphans may have_13_to live and so may be_14_to live on the streets.Children living on the streets are also more at risk of being_15_with drugs and crime.Orphans who do have_16_to look after them may still be vulnerable.They may be treated badly by the_17_who are supposed to be caring for them or by others who take advantage of the _18_that they do not have their own parents to protect them.And orphans are not the only children who are_19_as a result of the HIV and AIDS epidemic.Almost three million children,not all of whom are orphans,are themselves living with HIV.Millions more have to _20_sick parents as well as their younger brothers and sisters,or have lost loved ones and teachers.1.A.strangeBinspiringCcurious Dmain2A.makingBproducing Cdoing Dfinding3A.living Bhouse CdecisionDfortune4A.few BlittleCenough Dnothing5A.experience BexperimentCfeel Dtest6A.lifeBchildren Cmen Dwomen7A.seldomBoften Crather Drarely8A.what Bwho Cwhich Dwhether9A.and Bbut Cor Dneither10A.gotBgiven Cspread Dmade11A.in case Beven if Cso that Das though12A.workBkeep Cinsist Dsurvive13A.nowhere BeverywhereCanywhere Dsomewhere14A.appointed BappearedCthrown Dforced15A.determined BinvolvedCoccupied Dfed up16A.anyoneBsomeone Cnone Deveryone17A.adults BofficialsCofficers Dpolicemen18A.thingBsituation Cfact Dtool19A.sufferingBdoing Clearning Dknowing20A.concern about Btake care ofCbreak away from Dget rid of.阅读理解Smoking is the worst thing you can do for your health.Fortunately,its never too late to get the benefits of quitting.If youve tried to quit before and failed,its time to make up your mind and try again.Smoking is responsible for one of every five deaths.That includes 29% of all cancer deaths,87% of all lung cancer deaths,and nearly 20% of all deaths are from cardiovascular disease.But long before smoking kills you,it ages you.You can see that smoking accelerates the drying and wrinkling of the skin.But there are fewer obvious effects as well.Indeed,smoking takes years away from your life.Nearly half of all chronic smokers die an average of 20 to 25 years before their time.Besides an early death from cancer or heart disease,smoking can cause lung disorders.People who smoke over a pack a day have almost three times the risk of contracting pneumonia (肺炎) than that of nonsmokers.By lowering levels of estrogen (雌性激素) in men and women,smoking speeds bone less.If a woman smokes a pack of cigarettes every day,she will enter menopause (更年期) with 5% to 10% less bone mass than a nonsmoker.The good news is that no matter what your age is or how long youve smoked,youll live longer if you quit today.The Coronary Artery Surgery Study examined nearly 2,000 longterm smokers over the age of 54.Those who quit had significantly lower death rates six years later than those who didnt.Even the oldest exsmokers had a higher survival rate.Not only will you live longer if you quit,but youll feel better,breathe easier,and find that you have more energy.Youll have fewer respiratory infections,headaches,and stomachaches.Whats more,youll save money.Your clothes and breath wont smell unpleasant any longer.And your habit wont annoy,or threaten the health of the people who live and work with you.1What is the passage mainly about?AThe ways of quitting smoking.BThe harm of smoking to people.CThe benefits of quitting smoking.DThe relationships between smoking and diseases.2According to the passage,the percentage of deaths due to smoking is_.A20% B25% C29% D87%3All of the following methods are used in the passage EXCEPT_.Agiving examples Bmentioning famous sayingsCparing Dlisting numbers4What do we know from the Coronary Artery Surgery Study?AIt examined about 2,000 smokers who all quit smoking finally.BQuitting smoking is easier said than done.CLongterm smokers who quit smoking can live longer.DQuitting smoking has a bad effect on peoples health.课时作业(二十八).单项填空1解析:考查交际用语。根据答语中的“But Ill try my best.”可知,答话人不能肯定是否会按时到达,因此选择C。I cant promise我不能保证。答案:C2解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:这对年轻夫妇原打算出国旅行,但是由于预算紧张,他们取消了这次旅行。tight紧的,不宽裕的。tight budget预算紧张,符合句意,故选A。答案:A3解析:考查冠词用法。however意为“不管怎样,无论如何”,用来修饰形容词或副词,其结构为:however形容词/副词主语谓语,引导让步状语从句,故第一空不用冠词;第二空特指“父母对孩子的深远影响”,故用定冠词the。答案:D4解析:考查介词短语。句意为:我们队的成功应归功于马克先生的努力,预计他五分钟后会来。第一空中due to意为“因为”,第二空中due to意为“预期”。答案:C5解析:考查代词。句意为:买大盒的是很明智的做法,因为大盒的最终算下来更便宜。此处代词指代前面提到的a large packet,属同一事物,故选it。答案:A6解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意为:你的圣诞假期过得怎么样?尽管天气不好,但见到亲戚和朋友很愉快。but for若非;as to关于,至于;in spite of尽管;regardless of不管,不顾,不理会。根据语境可知,应选C。答案:C7解析:考查代词。句意为:不管她回家多晚,出去遛狗一个小时已经成为了一个习惯。it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的“to walk her dog for about an hour”。 答案:A8解析:考查状语从句。句意为:早上好,Susan。你怎么了?今天早晨我骑自行车时,(意外)伤着了胳膊。be doing sth.when从句,意为“正在做某事时,意外出现了某种情况”。答案:B9解析:考查动词时态。句意为:那辆小汽车撞到了大树上,损伤很严重。我想司机当时开得速度很快。根据语境可知,此处指在小汽车撞到大树时,司机开车的速度很快,故应用过去进行时。答案:D10解析:考查情态动词。句意为:Smith夫人被老板解雇了,我觉得这可能与她工作中的不认真有关。本题中I think为插入语。may have done表示对过去已经发生的事情的猜测,符合句意。couldnt have done表示“不可能做某事”;should have done表示“本应该做某事却没有做”;neednt have done表示“本来不必做某事”。答案:A11解析:答句意为:你需要消除对经理的偏见,才能在这里获得成功。prejudice偏见,符合句意。preference喜爱,偏爱;prehension理解;appeal呼吁,恳求。答案:D12解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为:约翰对他在数学考试上失败感到很失望,他不想和他的父母谈论此事。be disappointed at sth.意为“对感到失望”,本句补充完整为(John was) disappointed at failing in the math exam.故选A。答案:A13解析:考查短语意义。句意为:许多青少年沉溺于玩电脑游戏,浪费了他们宝贵的时间。bee addicted to.沉溺于做,与句意相符。bee accustomed to.习惯于;bee used to.习惯于;due to由于。答案:B14解析:ban sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事。句意为:因为一次由醉酒驾驶所造成的严重事故,Anny被禁止开车两年。答案:B15解析:have an effect on意为“对产生影响”,符合题意。effort努力;account账户,描述,叙述,解释,说明;position位置,地位。答案:D.完形填空语篇解读本文通过Maurice的生活境况引出了孤儿尤其是患艾滋病的孤儿的悲惨生活。1解析:从后面的“without our parents”可知,此处指失去了父母的Maurice所面临的主要问题。main“主要的”符合语境。答案:D2解析:没有父母无依无靠,找食物成了主要的问题。find找到,符合语境。答案:D3解析:Maurice不得不辍学,开始谋生。earn a living谋生。答案:A4解析:Maurice靠给商人送饭使他和弟弟妹妹们能够填饱肚子。enough“足够”符合语境。答案:C5解析:你不必成为孤儿去经历孤儿所面临的许多问题。experience经历,体验,符合语境。答案:A6解析: 由下文的“no one to look after them”可知,这里指的是成为孤儿的孩子们,故选B。答案:B7解析:由上文的“很容易受到伤害”可推出他们经常没有人照顾,再结合句中的否定词no one可知,应该选often。答案:B8解析:那些父母死于艾滋病的孩子,不管他们是否感染上艾滋病病毒,人们可能会躲避或者粗暴对待他们。whether or not“不论,是否”符合语境。答案:D9解析: 句意见上题解析。or“或者”符合语境。答案:C10解析:因为他们不知道艾滋病病毒是怎样传播的。spread“传播”符合语境。 答案:C11解析:许多的孤儿不得不辍学以便能去挣钱活下来并照顾弟弟妹妹,故so that“(表示目的)为了,以便”符合语境。答案:C12解析:他们是通过挣钱活下来的。survive“生存”符合语境。答案:D13解析:从下文的“他们住在街上”可知“他们没有地方住”。nowhere“无处”符合语境。答案:A14解析:因为没有地方住,他们被迫住在街上。force“迫使”符合语境。appoint任命;appear出现,是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态;throw扔,抛。答案:D15解析:在街上住的孩子更容易染上毒品和犯罪。involved“参与,与有关联”符合语境。答案:B16解析:有人照顾的孤儿可能仍然易受伤害。由本段内容可知,此处是指有人照顾的孤儿,故选B。答案:B17解析:他们有可能受到本应该关心他们的成年人的虐待。adults“成年人”符合语境。答案:A18解析:或者是受到其他人的虐待,这些人利用了孤儿没有父母保护这一事实。故用fact。答案:C19解析:因染上艾滋病病毒和艾滋病而饱受折磨的孩子不只有孤儿。suffering“受折磨”符合语境。答案:A20解析:还有更多的孩子不得不照顾生病的父母和弟弟妹妹。take care of“照顾”符合语境。答案:B.阅读理解语篇解读这是一篇说明文。吸烟有害健康,而戒烟会使身体更健康,精力更充沛,进而使你长寿。1解析:主旨大意题。第一段的第二句“Fortunately,its never too late to get the benefits of quitting.”点明了文章的主旨,即戒烟给人们带来的益处。答案:C2解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句“Smoking is responsible for one of every five deaths.”可知,答案为A。答案:A3解析:推理判断题。本文是一篇说明文,作者采用了列举数据、举例说明和比较的写作方法,但没有引用名言。答案:B4解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第一句中的“no matter what your age is or how long youve smoked,youll live longer if you quit today”以及后面对the Coronary Artery Surgery Study的介绍可知,答案为C。答案:C


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