2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形专练之记叙文(2).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形专练之记叙文(2)完形 1Lightning flashed through the darkness over Sibsons bedroom skylight(天窗).Sibson was shaken by a clap of thunder _21_ he knew what was happening. The storm had moved directly _22_ his two-story wooden house. Then he heard the smoke alarm beeping. Sibson rushed down the stairs barefoot to 23 ; he opened the door to the basement(地下室), and flames 24 out. Sibson ran back upstairs to call 911 from his bedroom. “I felt 25 because the room had a separate outdoor stairway,” he explains. But the phone didnt work, and when he tried to go down the outdoor stairway, he was 26 by a wall of flames. Sibson realized he was trapped(困住). Sibsons house was three kilometers 27 the main road and was so well hidden by trees that he knew calling for help would be 28 . Up a hill nearby lived Sibsons neighbor, Huggons. He was lying in bed when something like a smoke alarm 29 his ears. He jumped out of bed, took his 30 and flashlight, and headed down the hillside toward the 31 . That was when he saw the rolling heavy smoke. Huggons dialed 911, and the operator warned him not to 32 the house. But Huggons said, “There is no way I am going to listen to Sibson 33 and die in that fire.” “Anyone there?” Huggons called out. Then he heard “Help! Im trapped!” ing from the second floor balcony(阳台). He entered the house, but soon had to run back to catch his 34 . After one more 35 inside the house, Huggons gave up and 36 around back. The wind parted the smoke just 37 for him to catch sight of Sibson. But there was no way to get to him. He 38 the flashlight into the woods and noticed a ladder. He took it over to the balcony and 39 Sibson down just as the second floor of the house fell off. Sibson is still 40 when he tells the story. “ I was alone that night,” he says. “Then I heard the most beautiful sound in my life. It was Huggons.”21. A. before B. while C. since D. until22. A. on B. in C. through D. over23. A. hide B. wait C. check D. escape24. A. moved B. gave C. went D. exploded25. A. safe B. worried C. glad D. tired26. A. burned B. stopped C. shocked D. covered27. A. beside B. off C. across D. along28. A. limited B. false C. fruitless D. regretful29. A. struck B. missed C. touched D. passed30. A. coat B. key C. basin D. phone31. A. noise B. road C. smoke D. danger32. A. search B. enter C. leave D. damage33. A. call B. roll C. scream D. sigh34. A. breath B. attention C. ladder D. flashlight35. A. stay B. chance C. thought D. attempt36. A. climbed B. circled C. looked D. jumped37. A. clear B. open C. enough D. fit38. A. led B. put C. drove D. shone39. A. persuaded B. kicked C. pulled D. forced40. A. nervous B. surprised C. proud D. thankful完形 2 When Glen Kruger picked a small cat from an animal shelter, he did not expect much. Yet right from the start, eight years ago, there was an unmon connection between him and the small black cat. He 36 her Inky. “I grew up on a hundred-acre farm and had only cats 37 playmates,” Kruger, the seventy-year-old man, says. “My hearing was damaged by the 38 of farm equipment, so I learned to connect with 39 . They react to what they see and what you do.” Inky was a gentle cat, 40 the house with five other cats. But on a January night in xx, Inky did 41 that would set her apart from 42 cats forever. Kruger had gone down to the basement to 43 the wood stove for the night. When he was finished, he 44 to the top of the stairs and reached to turn off the lights. In doing so, he slipped and 45 his back against an old shelf. The heavy shelf came crashing down and sent Kruger down the stairs. 46 in a pool of blood on the basement floor, Kruger felt 47 going into shock(休克). He shouted for help, 48 his wife, Brenda , was asleep in their bedroom at the opposite end of the house. 49 Kruger noticed Inky watching from the top of the stairs. “Go get Brenda, ” Kruger said to Inky. Inky 50 to the bedroom door and scratched 51 until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the 52 .Brenda found her husband 53 the stairs and called 911. Kruger was rushed to the hospital. “I spent six months 54 there,” says Kruger. “Although I became lame, I was blessed.” Since the accident, Inky has 55 left Krugers side. 36. A. gave B. chose C. named D. remembered37. A. like B. as C. except D. among38. A. sound B. alarm C. noise D. voice39. A. animals B. friends C. farmers D. neighbors40. A. sharing B. visiting C. dividing D. discovering41. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything42. A. familiar B. lovely C. ordinary D. outstanding43. A. shut out B. shut off C. shut down D. shut up44. A. marched B. flew C. struggled D. climbed45. A. bent B. hit C. shook D. pulled46. A. Falling B. Lying C. Appearing D. Thinking47. A. it B. itself C. him D. himself48. A. and B. but C. or D. so49. A. Thus B. Otherwise C. Then D. Rather50. A. walked B. ran C. returned D. withdrew51. A. rapidly B. suddenly C. madly D. urgently52. A. bedroom B. basement C yard D. house53. A. at the bottom of B. in the middle of C. at the top of D. in the front of54. A. regretting B. resting C. relaxing D. recovering55. A. never B. ever C. still D. already完形 3 I tend to accept any idea put forward by experts on TV. One day, a sociologist proposed that the 31 society has been consuming modern humans little by little. For fear that I would bee a victim of the consumer society, I 32 hurried to a bicycle shop in my neighborhood. 33 the shopkeeper Mr. Johnson was selling me the bicycle, he said, “This is the best thing you 34 have done. Life has bee hopelessly 35 . A bicycle is simple, and it brings to you 36 things: fresh air, sunshine and exercise.” I agreed. Happy as a child, I got on the bicycle and headed out onto the streets. After some time, I 37 at the other end of the town. I was 38 that this simple vehicle could let me 39 long distances in a fairly short time. But how 40 did I really go?Since I hated to be 41 , I went back to Mr. Johnson and asked him to 42 an odometer (里程表) on my bicycle. He agreed, but 43 , “An odometer without a speedometer (速度计) is like a 44 without a knife.” I admitted he was right and in a few minutes, the two devices (装置) were 45 to the handlebars of my bicycle. “What about a horn?” he then asked. “Look, this horn is no larger than a matchbox and has many 46 .” Attracted by these functions, I bought the horn.“You cant leave the back part 47 ,” noted Mr. Johnson. He fixed a metal box with buttons 48 the seat, and said, “Is there anything better than this oven when you feel 49 on your way? I can give you a special discount.” I was not strong enough to 50 the offer.“I congratulate you once more; this is the best thing you could have done,” said Mr. Johnson in the end.31.A. adultB. humanC. consumer D. bachelor 32.A. eventuallyB. immediatelyC. reluctantly D. gratefully33.A. AlthoughB. BecauseC. As D. Unless34.A. wouldB. shouldC. must D. could35.A. boringB. plicatedC. stressful D. tough36.A. naturalB. mysteriousC. plex D. unique 37.A. gave upB. broke downC. calmed down D. ended up38.A. amazedB. amusedC. confused D. concerned39.A. marchB. driveC. cover D. measure40.A. farB. longC. fast D. deep41.A. unreliableB. impracticalC. unprepared D. inaccurate42.A. fixB. checkC. repair D. lay43.A. sworeB. addedC. replied D. concluded44.A. pencilB. forkC. box D. cake45.A. distributedB. convertedC. applied D. attached46.A. shapesB. sizesC. functions D. models47.A. looseB. blankC. bare D. inplete48.A. besideB. beforeC. below D. behind49.A. sickB. hungryC. hot D. thirsty50.A. considerB. withdrawC. make D. resist第二节:(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Dear Tom,How time flies! You 61 (study) in Beijing for nearly a month, during which you must have achieved a lot. Well, hows everything going? It is reported that the weather there is very hot and dry these days, which is very different from 62 of your country. Have you adapted to it? In addition, you once plained that the food 63 (serve) there was not 64 your taste. I hope that should have been improved.I am glad to tell you that I will go to Beijing to take part in an English speech contest in July, 65 is not only an honor, but also a great opportunity for me to improve 66 . And now I try my best to make 67 (prepare) for it. 68 , I have some trouble in collecting the materials relevant and using the language. I will appreciate 69 if you give me a hand to solve the problems.After the contest, I am to drop 70 at your school to visit you. Please wait for my phone. Li Hua 61_ 62 _ 63_64_ 65_66_67_68_69_70_短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)The annual English Festival, which was lasted one week, has just ended. There were all kinds of colorful activities, included an English speech petition. Last Friday, we had an honor of inviting Professor Smith to deliver a lecture on English cultural background information, such as English idiom. He was very learned and humorous that he began his lecture with an amusing story to attract the attention of the audience and all of us was deeply impressed with his wisdom. We admired him and took notes carefully, for he made himself understood with speaking slowly and clearly enough for us to follow her. He gave us some practically ways to develop the sense of language and encouraged us to keep speaking English as much possible in our daily life.第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)【答案与解析】【本文要点】本文为记叙文,叙述了在一场雷雨引发房屋火灾之后,Sibson如何自救,以及他的邻居Huggons如何帮他脱离险境的惊心动魄的故事。21. A 此句句意为:在Sibson还不知道发生什么事情的时候,便被一声雷鸣震醒。此处before表示“还来不及就”。22. D “暴风雨直袭他的两层木屋”,暴风雨应该是从房屋上方袭来,故用over。23. C 根据后文“他打开通向地下室的门”可以判断Sibson冲下楼梯的目的是“查看一下”到底发生了什么事情。24. D 他打开地下室的门,火焰从里面喷发出来。此处explode out意为break out(突然爆发)。25. A 根据此句中“因为这个房间有一个通向屋外的独立的楼梯”,因此他当时感觉应该是“安全的”。26. B 当他正想通过那个楼梯出去的时候,却被一堵火墙给阻拦(stop),故用B。27. B 根据前面“three kilometres”及后文“so well hidden by trees”可知他的房子应该是离开主干道有3公里。故用介词off。28. C 由于离开主干道3公里且被树所遮蔽,因此呼救是没有结果的(fruitless),故选C。29. A 突然他听到了像烟雾警报器之类的声音。strike ones ears“传进某人的耳朵;突然听到”。30. D 根据后文Huggons拨打911可知,他是带上了他的电话。故选D。31. A Huggons应该是朝着他所听到的声音方向而去。故选A。32. B 警察应该是警告Huggons不要进入Sibson的房子。故选enter。33. C Huggons说他不能听到Sibson的拼命叫喊。应使用scream。34. A Huggons进入房子,但由于烟雾很大,他很快不得不跑回来“喘口气”。此处catch ones breath意为“喘口气”,故答案选A。35. D 在又一次打算进入房子的尝试之后,Huggons最后还是放弃了,绕着圈子回来了。此处应使用attempt(尝试)。36. B 由于烟雾很大,Huggons应该是摸索着绕着从房子里面出来的,故选B。37. C 当风将烟雾吹得足够的分散,以致他能够看到Sibson。此处part表示将分开,因此不能用open,因此答案选C。38. D 他用电筒往丛林中照。此处shine the flashlight为固定说法,意为“用电筒照”。故选D。39. C Huggons将梯子搭在房子上,将Sibson从二楼拽下来。此时二楼房子就要倒了,为了形容动作之快,故用pull。40. D 根据后文Sibson自己所说的话“我当天晚上是一个人。然后我听到了我生命中最美丽的声音,是Huggons。”可知,他对Huggons心存感激。故选D。完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)【考点】日常生活类记叙文【文章大意】本文叙述的是Glen Kruger听力受损之后,捡到了一只猫,他把它叫作Inky,在xx年的一个一月的晚上,Inky救了它的主人的生命的过程。36【答案】C【考点】动词词义辨析【试题解析】这儿是说Glen Kruger给他捡到的小猫起了个名字叫Inky,所以选C项。【难度】一般37【答案】B【考点】介词词义辨析【试题解析】Glen Kruger说他在一个一百英亩的农场上长大,只有猫作为他的玩伴,所以选B项。【难度】一般38【答案】C【考点】名词词义辨析【试题解析】Glen Kruger的听力只能是被机器的噪声损坏,其它三个选项都不会损坏人的听力,所以选C项。【难度】一般39【答案】A【考点】名词词义辨析【试题解析】根据第一段中的“There was an unmon connection between him and the small black cat.”和后面“They react to what they see and what you do.”可知,这儿的they是指动物。所以选A项。【难度】一般40【答案】A【考点】动词词义辨析【试题解析】根据“Inky was a gentle cat,”可知,Inky很温顺,所以它和其它五只猫共同住在一个屋里,所以选sharing.【难度】一般41【答案】C【考点】代词词义辨析【试题解析】根据后面讲的Inky救Glen Kruger命的过程,可知是它做了一件让它与其它普通的猫区别开的事。所以用something.【难度】一般42【答案】C【考点】形容词词义辨析【试题解析】与Inky救主人的命比起来,其它的猫相对就是普通的了,所以选C项。【难度】一般43【答案】B【考点】动词词组辨析【试题解析】A项意为:把关在外面;B项意为:关闭;C项意为:停工;D项意为:住嘴,囚禁。可以看出,四个选项中只有B项能与wood stove搭配,所以选B项。【难度】一般44【答案】D【考点】动词词义辨析【试题解析】当他结束后,爬到梯子顶上,去关灯。所以用climb.【难度】一般45【答案】B【考点】动词词义辨析【试题解析】根据后面沉重的架子倒在地上,并把Glen Kruger也带下了梯子,所以是他在做件事的过程中,他的背撞在一个旧架子上。所以选B项。【难度】一般46【答案】B【考点】动词词义辨析【试题解析】根据前面的Glen Kruger被架子带下了梯子,所以他应是躺在血泊里,所以用lying。【难度】一般47【答案】D【考点】代词词义辨析【试题解析】根据后面的going into shock可知,是Glen Kruger他快要休克了,所以选 himself.【难度】中等48【答案】B【考点】连词词义辨析【试题解析】根据 “He shouted for help,”和“his wife, Brenda, was asleep in their bedroom at the opposite of the house”可知,这两句话之间是转折关系,所以用but.【难度】一般49【答案】C【考点】连词词义辨析【试题解析】then在这儿意思是就在那个时候,可以体会到Glen Kruger向妻子求助没有得到回应要绝望时,突然看到了Inky那种喜悦的心情。【难度】中等50【答案】B【考点】动词词义辨析【试题解析】Glen Kruger看到了Inky,于是让它去叫他的妻子,Inky于是就跑到了卧室门口,所以用ran. 【难度】较难51【答案】C【考点】副词词义辨析【试题解析】Inky跑到卧室门口后就疯狂的抓门,直到Brenda打开门,A项意为:快速地;B项意为:突然;D项意为:急切地均不合题意。【难度】一般52【答案】B【考点】名词词义辨析【试题解析】Glen Kruger在地下室,Inky自然要把他妻子带到地下室。所以选B。【难度】一般53【答案】A【考点】介词短语辨析【试题解析】根据上文中架子倒地的时候把Glen Kruger带下了梯子,所以他现在应该在梯子下面,选A。【难度】一般54【答案】D【考点】动词词义辨析【试题解析】Glen Kruger被送进了医院,在医院里是花了六个月的时间恢复,所以用recovering.【难度】一般55【答案】A【考点】副词词义辨析【试题解析】因为Inky救了Glen Kruger一命,所以他要时刻把它带在身边。【难度】一般【难度】一般(此难度是针对整篇文章)【长难句解析】He shouted for help, but his wife, Brenda, was asleep in their bedroom at the opposite end of the house. 此句是由but 连接的并列句,意思是:他大声求救,但是他的妻子Brenda正在屋子的另一端睡觉。完形 3 1-5 CBCDB 6-10 ADACA 11-15 DABBD 16-20 CCDBD第二节:完形填空(每小题1分,满分20分)语法填空61have been studying62that63served64to65which66myself67preparations68However69it70in短文改错:1第一行:去掉was2第二行:included改为including3第三行:an改为the4第五行:very改为so5第五行:idiom改为idioms6第七行:was改为were7第八行:with改为by8第九行:her改为him9第九行:practically改为practical10第九行:much后加as

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